Title | Cuban Educational Association of the United States of America records, 1897-1954 |
Span Dates | 1897-1954 |
Bulk Dates | (bulk 1898-1901) |
ID No. | MSS17384 |
Creator | Cuban Educational Association of the United States of America |
Extent | 1,500 items |
Extent | 5 containers |
Extent | 2.0 linear feet |
Language |
Collection material in
English and
Location | Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. |
Finding Aid Permalink | Cite or bookmark this finding aid as: https://hdl.loc.gov/loc.mss/eadmss.ms010182 |
LCCN Permalink | LC Catalog record: https://lccn.loc.gov/mm78017384 |
Summary | Educational association founded in 1898 to assist Cuban and Puerto Rican students securing an education in the United States. Correspondence, application forms, rosters, scrapbooks, financial records, photographs of students, and other records concerning the activities of the association and, after its dissolution in 1903, the Cuban and Puerto Rican students it had aided. |