Administrative Information
The papers of Robert Lansing, lawyer, counsel in international arbitration courts, secretary of state, and member of the American commission to negotiate peace at Paris in 1918, were given to the Library of Congress in three installments in 1929 by his wife, Eleanor Lansing. There were subsequent gifts in 1956 by Emma S. Lansing and John Foster Dulles and in 1980 from the Yale University Library.
A microfilm edition of part of these papers is available on three reels. Consult reference staff in the Manuscript Division concerning availability for purchase or interlibrary loan. To promote preservation of the originals, researchers are required to consult the microfilm edition as available.
Online Content
The Private Memoranda and the Desk Diaries and Notes series are available on the Library of Congress Web site at
Preferred Citation
Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: Container or reel number, Robert Lansing Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.