Title Page | Collection Summary | Biographical/Organizational Note | Scope and Content | Arrangement
Biographical Note
Marcus Alonzo Hanna
Date | Event |
1837, Sept. 24 | Born, New Lisbon, Ohio |
1852 | Moved to Cleveland, Ohio |
1864 | Served in United States Army Married Charlotte Augusta Rhodes |
1896, 1900 | Chairman, Republican National Committee |
1897-1904 | Senator from Ohio |
1904, Feb. 15 | Died, Washington, D.C. |
Medill McCormick
Date | Event |
1877, May 16 | Born, Chicago, Ill. |
1900 | Graduated from Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Began career as newspaper editor and publisher with Chicago Daily Tribune |
1903 | Married Ruth Hanna |
1912-1914 | Vice chairman, National Campaign Committee of Progressive Party |
1913-1917 | Member of Illinois state legislature |
1916 | Chairman, Republican State Convention |
1917-1919 | Congressman at large from Illinois |
1919-1925 | Senator from Illinois |
1925, Feb. 25 | Died, Washington, D.C. |
Ruth Hanna McCormick Simms
Date | Event |
1880, Mar. 27 | Born, Cleveland, Ohio |
1903 | Married Medill McCormick |
1913-1920 | Active in woman's suffrage movement |
1919-1924 | Chair, Woman's Executive Committee of the Republican National Committee |
1924-1928 | Republican National Committeewoman from Illinois |
1929-1931 | Congresswoman at large from Illinois |
1930 | Ran unsuccessfully for the Senate |
1931 | Married Albert G. Simms and moved to Albuquerque, N.Mex. |
1940 | Worked for the Dewey for President campaign |
1944, Dec. 31 | Died, Chicago, Ill. |