Title Page | Collection Summary | Biographical/Organizational Note | Scope and Content | Arrangement
Biographical Note
Date | Event |
1890, May 15 | Born Callie Russell Porter, Indian Creek, Tex. |
1906 | Married John Koontz (divorced 1915) |
1915 | Changed name to Katherine Anne Porter |
1915-1917 | Diagnosed with tuberculosis and spent two years in sanatoria during which she decided to become a writer |
1917 | Drama critic and gossip reporter, Fort Worth Critic |
1918 | Reporter, Rocky Mountain News |
1920-1930 | Traveled between New York City and Mexico, became involved in Mexican revolutionary politics, and began to publish short stories and essays |
1922 | Published first short story, "Maria Concepcion," Century Magazine |
1926 | Married Ernest Stock (divorced 1927) |
1930 | Published Flowering Judas. New York: Harcourt Brace and Co. Married Eugene Pressley (divorced 1938) |
1930s | Moved to Europe, settling in Paris, France, as a member of the American expatriate literary community |
1937 | Published Noon Wine. Detroit: Schuman's |
1938 | Married Albert Russell Erskine, Jr. (divorced 1942) |
1939 | Published Pale Horse, Pale Rider. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co. |
1944 | Published The Leaning Tower: and Other Stories. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co. Fellow of Regional American Literature in the Library of Congress |
1949-1959 | Writer-in-residence and guest lecturer on literature at various universities |
1962 | Published Ship of Fools. Boston: Little, Brown |
1965 | Published Collected Stories. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World |
1966 | Awarded the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award for fiction for Collected Stories |
1967 | Awarded the Gold Medal Award for fiction |
1980, Sept. 18 | Died, Silver Spring, Md. |