Administrative Information
Acquisition Information
The papers of Donald Rumsfeld, secretary of defense, United States representative from Illinois, White House official, ambassador, and business executive, were deposited in the Library of Congress by Rumsfeld between 1977 and 2010.
Processing History
Part I of the papers of Donald Rumsfeld was arranged and described in 2004 by Margaret McAleer, Michael Spangler, and Karen Linn Femia with the assistance of Sherralyn McCoy, Brian McGuire, Dan Oleksiw, Jewel Parker, Lena Wiley, and Chanté Wilson. The original folder headings and filing order were maintained in most cases, particularly in the White House, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and Department of Defense files. Other materials, especially congressional files, were reorganized to a greater degree to minimize inconsistencies in filing. Additional material received in 2007 and 2008 was processed as Part II in 2008 by Margaret McAleer and Karen Linn Femia with the assistance of Thomas Bigley, Maria Farmer, Sherralyn McCoy, Nicholas Newlin, Kimberly Owens, Carolyn Ray, Tammi Taylor, and Lena Wiley. Other material was added to Part II in 2010. The finding aid was revised in 2019 to reflect changes to the Oversize series.
Microfilm on thirty-five reels was received as part of the papers of Donald Rumsfeld and is listed and described in this finding aid. This microfilm is not available for interlibrary loan.
Preferred Citation
Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: Roman numeral designating the Part followed by a colon and container or reel number, Donald Rumsfeld Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.