Title Page | Collection Summary | Biographical/Organizational Note | Scope and Content | Arrangement
Biographical Note
Date | Event |
1930, Dec. 27 | Born Mary Ellen Greenfield, Seattle, Wash. |
1952 | B. A., Smith College, Northampton, Mass. |
1952-1953 | Fulbright scholar, Newnham College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England |
1956 | Director of research, New York state headquarters, Adlai E. Stevenson presidential campaign |
1957-1968 | Researcher (1957-1960), Washington correspondent (1961-1965), and Washington editor and bureau chief (1965-1968), Reporter magazine |
1968 | Employed briefly by Harper's Magazine |
1968-1999 | Editorial writer (1968-1970), deputy editor (1970-1979), and editor (1979-1999) of the editorial page, Washington Post |
1974-1999 | Columnist, Newsweek |
1978 | Awarded Pulitzer Prize for editorial writing |
1999, May 13 | Died, Washington, D.C. |
2001 | Posthumous publication of Washington. New York: Public Affairs |