Title Page | Collection Summary | Biographical/Organizational Note | Scope and Content | Arrangement
Biographical Note
Date | Event |
1845, Feb. 15 | Born, Clinton, N.Y. |
1864 | A.B., Hamilton College, Hamilton, N.Y. |
1867 | LL.B., New York University, New York, N.Y. |
1867 | A.M., Hamilton College, Hamilton, N.Y. |
1867-1937 | Practiced law, New York, N.Y. |
1878 | Married Clara Wales |
1883-1885 | United States district attorney, Southern District of New York |
1886-1887 | Chairman, Republican County Committee, New York, N.Y. |
1894 | Delegate-at-large, New York Constitutional Convention (chairman, Judiciary Committee) |
1899-1904 | Secretary of war |
1903 | Member, Alaskan Boundary Commission |
1904 | Temporary chairman, Republican National Convention |
1905-1909 | Secretary of state |
1906-1937 | President, American Society of International Law |
1908-1922 | Chairman, New York Republican State Conventions |
1909-1915 | United States senator from New York |
1910 | Counsel for United States, North Atlantic Fisheries Arbitration, Hague, Netherlands |
1910 | Became member of Hague Permanent Court of Arbitration |
1910-1925 | President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace |
1912 | Awarded Nobel Peace Prize |
1912 | Temporary and permanent chairman, Republican National Convention |
1912-1937 | Chairman, Board of Trustees, Hamilton College, Hamilton, N.Y. |
1913 | President, Hague Tribunal of Arbitration between Great Britain, France, Spain, and Portugal concerning church property |
1913-1937 | Chairman, Board of Trustees, Carnegie Institute of Washington |
1915 | President, New York Constitutional Convention |
1915 | President, American Bar Association |
1917 | Ambassador extraordinary at head of a special diplomatic mission to Russia |
1921 | Member, Commission of International Jurists, which on invitation of the Council of the League of Nations reported a plan for new Permanent Court of International Justice |
1921 | Commissioner plenipotentiary for the United States, International Conference on Limitation of Armament and on Far Eastern and Pacific Questions, Washington, D.C. |
1925 | President, New York College of Presidential Electors |
1928-1929 | Member, League of Nations committee of experts to revise the World Court Statute |
1937, Feb. 7 | Died, New York, N.Y. |