Title Page | Collection Summary | Biographical/Organizational Note | Scope and Content | Arrangement
Scope and Content Note
The papers of Edwards Pierrepont (1817-1892) span the years 1847-1900 and consist primarily of legal printed matter. There are only a few pieces of correspondence, including five sent by Pierrepont, one received from Hamilton Fish (1808-1893) and seven from his son, Hamilton Fish (1849-1936).
Legal materials include a small number of handwritten documents and a larger group of printed items. All relate to various federal, New York state, and New York city cases. Other printed matter includes reports and handbooks accumulated by Pierrepont, along with a few of his articles and speeches. Cancelled checks of Pierrepont, his wife, M. O. Roberts, and Henry P. Tappan, plus a small file of clippings, complete the collection.