Administrative Information
Acquisition Information
The papers of Kirk Munroe, author and adventurer, were given to the Library of Congress by Eliot O’Hara in 1964.
Processing History
The papers of Kirk Munroe were arranged and described in 1964. The finding aid was revised in 2011 by Allen H. Kitchens. The finding aid was updated in 2023 by Maria Farmer as part of a division-wide remediation project by the Inclusive Description Working Group.
A daguerreotype and two tintypes have been transferred to the Library's Prints and Photographs Division where they are identified as part of these papers.
A microfilm edition of the 1915 Mary Barr Munroe diary in the Munroe Papers is available on one reel. Consult a reference librarian in the Manuscript Division concerning availability for purchase or interlibrary loan. To promote preservation of the originals, researchers are required to consult the microfilm edition as available
Preferred Citation
Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: Container number, Kirk Munroe Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.