Title Page | Collection Summary | Biographical/Organizational Note | Scope and Content | Arrangement
Biographical Note
Date | Event |
1885, Apr. 30 | Born, South Bethlehem, Pa. |
1909 | A.B., Williams College, Williamstown, Mass. |
1912 | LL.B., Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. |
1913 | Married Jessie Woodrow Wilson, daughter of President Woodrow Wilson |
1913 | Deputy Assistant District Attorney, New York County, N.Y. |
1914-1917 | Assistant to the president and instructor in government, Williams College, Williamstown, Mass. |
1918 | S.J.D., Harvard University, Cambridge Mass. |
1919-1924 | Assistant professor of law, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. |
1924 | Professor of law, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. |
1925 | Adviser on foreign affairs to Siamese government |
1925 | Envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary from Siam |
1929 | Director, Harvard Institute of Criminal Law, Cambridge, Mass. |
1933 | State commissioner of correction, Massachusetts |
1933-1939 | Assistant secretary of state |
1939-1942 | U. S. high commissioner to the Philippines |
1943 | Special assistant to the secretary of state |
1944-1947 | Diplomatic Adviser, United National Relief and Rehabilitation Administration |
1947-1952 | U. S. representative on Trusteeship Council of the United Nations |