Biographical Note
Date | Event |
1880, Jan. 11 | Born, Bellevue, Ohio |
1898 | Served on the Chicago (protected cruiser), Cuban campaign, and the Montgomery (cruiser), Puerto Rican campaign, Spanish-American War |
1899 | Graduated United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. |
1899-1902 | Served in Philippines |
1903 | Married Marie Melanie Taylor (died 1936) |
1904-1906 | Instructor, electrical engineering, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. |
1909-1911 | Instructor, electrical engineering, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. |
1914 | Commanded Vulcan (collier) |
1915-1916 | Senior assistant to head, Department of Electrical Engineering, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. |
1917 | Head, Department of Ordinance and Gunnery, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. |
1918 | Commissioned captain; commanded Housatonic (minelayer), Northern Mine Barrage, North Sea |
1919 | Commanded Galveston (cruiser) |
1920-1923 | Inspector of ordinance, Naval Powder Factory and Proving Ground, Indian Head, Md. |
1923-1925 | Commanded Mine Squadron I, United States Fleet |
1926-1928 | Head, Operations Department, Naval War College, Newport, R.I. |
1928-1929 | Commanded Pennsylvania (battleship) |
1929-1930 | Chief of staff, battleship divisions, United States Fleet |
1932 | Commissioned rear admiral |
1932-1934 | Commanded Submarine Force, United States Fleet |
1937 | Married Mary Lee Gallagher (died 1943) |
1937-1938 | Commander, Battleship Division II, Battle Force, United States Fleet |
1938-1939 | Commander, Battleships, Battle Force, as vice admiral |
1940-1941 | Senior member, President's Board to Select Sites of Bases in British Possessions |
1941-1944 | Commandant, Twelfth Naval District with additional duty as Commandant, Pacific Southern Naval Coastal Frontier |
1944 | Transferred to retired list Coordinator, naval logistics, Pacific Coast Chair, joint boards for ship operations, building and repair, Pacific Coast Married Alma Rudd Gunther (died 1975) |
1945-1946 | Resources coordinator, Western Sea Frontier |
1946 | Released from all active duty |
1950, Jan. 6 | Died, Bellevue, Ohio |