Administrative Information
Acquisition Information
The papers of Eugene Isaac Meyer, investment banker, financier, public official, and newspaper publisher, were deposited in the Library of Congress by his family in 1974 and converted to a gift in 1976. Additional material was given by the family between 1976 and 2014.
Processing History
The papers of Eugene Meyer were processed as Parts I-III between 1974 and 1994 by C. L. Craig, Paul Ledvina, and David Mathisen with the assistance of Leonard Hawley and Susie Moody. The finding aid was revised in 2013 and again in 2014. Additions received between 1995 and 2014 were arranged and described in 2023 as Part IV by Elizabeth Livesey. At this time six containers of scrapbooks in Part III (boxes 262-267) were rehoused and stabilized. Box numbers were updated to account for the rehousing of material.
Items have been transferred from the Manuscript Division to other custodial divisions of the Library. Audio and video recordings have been transferred to the National Audio-Visual Conservation Center. Some photographs and negatives have been transferred to the Prints and Photographs Division. All transfers are identified in these divisions as part of the Eugene Meyer Papers. Patrons are encouraged to contact these divisions in advance of a research visit.
Related Material
Related collections in the Manuscript Division includes the papers of Meyer's wife, Agnes Elizabeth Ernst Meyer (see, Meyer's daughter, Katharine Graham (see, and the Washington Post Historical Collection (see
Microfilm on one reel was received as part of the papers of Eugene Meyer and is listed and described in this finding aid. This microfilm is not available for interlibrary loan.
Online Content
Part of the Eugene Meyer Papers are available on the Library of Congress website at A digital version of part of the papers of Eugene Meyer is available on FRASER, the digital library of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, at
Preferred Citation
Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: Container or reel number, Eugene Meyers Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.