Title Page | Collection Summary | Biographical/Organizational Note | Scope and Content | Arrangement
Arrangement of the Papers
This collection is arranged in fifteen series:
- Whistler Correspondence
- Typescripts of Whistler Correspondence
- Whistler and His Circle
- Miscellaneous Whistler Manuscripts
- Anna Matilda Whistler Papers,1850-1876
- Whistler Printed Matter,1886-1937
- Pennell Correspondence
- Pennell Correspondence Relating to Whistler
- Joseph and Elizabeth Robins Pennell Correspondence,1883-1923
- Book, Article, and Lecture File
- Pennell Miscellany
- Charles Godfrey Leland Papers,1835-1902
- 1980 Addition, 1597-1936
- 2018 Addition, 1873-1937
- Oversize, 1597-1937