Access and Use | Administrative Information | Additional Guides | List of Officers | Constituent Societies | Acronymns
Appendix C: Acronymns
Acronymn | Name |
AAASS | American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies |
AAHE | American Association for Higher Education |
AAS | American Antiquarian Society |
AAUP | Association of American University Presses |
ACEP | American Council for Emigres in the Professions |
ACL | American Classical League |
AEGIS | Alliance for Education in Global and International Studies |
AHA | American Historical Association |
AIESEE | Association Internationale d’Etudes du Sud-Est Européen |
ALA | American Library Association |
APA | American Philological Association |
ARHC | American Research in Humanities in China |
ARL | Association of Research Libraries |
ASEEES | Association of Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies |
ASLH | American Society for Legal History |
AS-ROC | Academia Sinica, Taiwan (Republic of China) |
BBF | Biblioteca Benjamin Franklin |
BIRD | Bibliography, Information Retrieval, and Documentation |
CAFLIS | Calition for the Advancement of Foreign Languages and International Studies |
CAO | Conference of Administrative Officers |
CAORC | Council of American Overseas Research Centers |
CASC | Committee on Advanced Study in China |
CASS | Chinese Academy of Social Sciences |
CBARC | Conference Board of Associated Research Councils |
CCK | Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange |
CCRM | Center for Chinese Research Materials |
CEAA | Center for Editions of American Authors |
CEEB | College Entrance Examination Board |
CEES | Committees on East European Studies (formerly Joint Committee on Eastern Europe; Committee on East European Studies) |
CEEVN | Center for Educational Exchange with Vietnam |
CELJ | Conference of Editors of Learned Societies |
CIEP | Committee on International Exchange of Persons |
CIES | Council for International Exchange of Scholars |
CIPSH | Conseil International de la Philosophie et des Sciences Humaines |
CITAS | China in Time and Space |
CLEEC | Committee on Legal Education Exchange with China |
CLP | Committee on Language Programs |
CLR | Council on Library Resources |
COCOSEERS | Coordinating Committee for Slavic and Eastern European Library Resources |
CONPASS | Consortium of Professional Associations for the Study of Teacher Improvement Programs |
CONTU | National Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works |
COSSA | Consortium of Social Science Associations |
CPAO | Counselor for Public Affairs Office |
CRL | Center for Research Libraries |
CSCC | Committee on Studies of Chinese Civilization |
CSCC | Committee on Scholarly Communication with China (previously CSCPRC) |
CSCPRC | Committee on Scholarly Communication with the People’s Republic of China (later CSCC) |
CSE | Center for Scholarly Editions |
DAAD | German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Autausch Dienst) |
DAB | Dictionary of American Biography |
DAEH | Dictionary of American Economic History |
DAFP | Dictionary of American Foreign Policy |
DSB | Dictionary of Scientific Biography |
EAP | Employee Assistance Program |
EARRWG | East Asia Regional Research Working Group |
EEL | East European Language |
EEPS | East European Politics and Societies |
EESLI | East European Summer Language Institute |
ETS | Educational Testing Service |
EWA | Education and World Affairs |
FAFP | Foreign Area Fellowship Program |
FFP | Founding Father’s Papers |
IAUPE | International Association of University Professors of English |
IBM | International Business Machines |
ICA | International Communications Agency |
ICED | Internation Council for Educational Development |
IEAHC | Institute for Early American History and Culture |
IES | Institute of European Studies |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
IREX | International Research and Exchanges Board |
IUAES | International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences |
JACIP | Joint Advisory Committee on International Programs |
JCAS | Joint Committee on Asian Studies |
JCCC | Joint Committee on Contemporary China |
JCCS | Joint Committee on Chinese Studies |
JCEAS | Joint Committee on East Asian Studies |
JCEE | Joint Committee on Eastern Europe (later Committees on East European Studies) |
JCHIST | Joint Committee on Humanistic Implications of Science and Technology |
JCLAS | Joint Committee on Latin American Studies |
JCSEA | Joint Committee on Southeast Asia |
JCSEES | Joint Committee on Slavic and Eastern European Studies |
JCSS | Joint Committee on Slavic Studies |
JCSACHSS | Joint Committee on Sino-American Cooperation in the Humanities and Social Sciences |
JUSFC | Japan United States Friendship Commission |
LEQSF | Louisiana Education Quality Support Fund |
LIRN | Library and Information Resources for the Northwest |
LOC | Library of Congress |
LSA | Linguistic Society of America |
MLA | Modern Language Association |
NCCPH | National Coordinating Committee for the Promotion of History |
NCSEER | National Council for Society and East European Research |
NCSS | National Commission on Social Sciences |
NDEA | National Defense Education Act |
NEH | National Endowment for the Humanities |
NHA | National Humanities Alliance |
NHPC | National Historical Publications Commission |
OAH | Organization of American Historians |
OSC | Office of Scholarly Communication |
OSCAT | Office of Scholarly Communication and Technology |
PBTE | Performance Based Teacher’s Education |
PCCH | Pacific Coast Committee for the Humanities |
PECLA | Programa de Español y Cultura Latino Americana (Spanish and Latin American Culture Program) |
PRC | People’s Republic of China |
RLG | Research Library Group |
SECSES | Subcommittee on East Central and Southeastern European Studies |
SHC | Southern Humanities Council |
SMU | Southern Methodist University |
SSRC | Social Science Research Council |
TLG | Thesaurus Linguae Graecae |
UAI | Union Académique Internationale |
UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization |
USAFI | United States Armed Forces Institute |
USC | Universities Service Centre |
USIA | United States Information Agency |
WWS | Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University |