Title Page | Collection Summary | Biographical/Organizational Note | Scope and Content | Arrangement
Arrangement of the Papers
This collection is arranged in fifteen series:
- Administrative File, 1981-2012
- Constituent File, 1967-2011
- Correspondence, 1987-2012
- Digital Files, 1989-2013
- Events and Scheduling, 1987-2010
- Leadership File, 1985-2009
- Legislative File, 1983-2011
- Personal File, 1930-2010
- Political File, 1980-2011
- Press and Communications, 1985-2011
- Restricted, 2007
- Closed, 1995-2009
- Classified, 1994-1997
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1995
- Oversize, 1930-2005