Title Page | Collection Summary | Biographical/Organizational Note | Scope and Content | Arrangement
Biographical Note
Date | Event |
1941, Aug. 12 | Born, Chicago, Ill. |
1963 | B.S. in English literature and business administration, Regis University, Denver, Colo. |
1964 | M.B.A., Wharton School of Commerce and Finance, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. |
1964- | Co-founder and member, Philadelphia Society; president, 1982-1983, 2013-2014 |
1965 | Awarded Richard M. Weaver Fellowship by Intercollegiate Society of Individualists (later Intercollegiate Studies Institute) to attend the London School of Economics and Political Science, London, England |
1965-1968 | Pursued graduate studies in economics, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. |
1966 | Public Affairs Fellow, Center for Strategic Studies, Washington, D.C., researching and writing about trade policy with the Soviet Union; fellowship transferred to Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, 1967 |
1967-1968 | Public Affairs Fellow, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif., working on staff of United States Representative Melvin R. Laird, and further delegated to staff of Republican Task Force on East-West Trade |
1968 | Published with Samuel F. Clabaugh Trading with the Communists. Washington, D.C.: Center for Strategic Studies |
1968-1969 | Research analyst, House Republican Conference, headed by Melvin R. Laird |
1969 | Married Linda Claire Leventhal |
1969-1970 | Confidential assistant to the special assistant of Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird, Department of Defense |
1970-1974 | Staff member, United States Representative Philip M. Crane; chief of staff, 1970-1973; campaign manager, Crane for Congress, 1972; special assistant 1973-1974 |
1972- | Member, Mont Pelerin Society; treasurer, 1978-1996, 1999-?; president, 1996-1998; senior vice president, 1998-2000 |
1973- | Founder with Paul M. Weyrich, Heritage Foundation; founding trustee, 1973; member, Board of Trustees, 1974-1977, 2013- ; corporate secretary, 1975-1977; executive vice president, 1977; president, 1977-2013; interim president, 2017 |
1973-1974 | President and chief operating officer, Schuchman Foundation Center for the Public Interest |
1974-1976 | Member, United States delegation to the meetings of the International Monetary Fund/World Bank meetings |
1974-1977 | Executive director, Republican Study Committee, United States House of Representatives |
1976 | Published Congress and the New International Economic Order. Washington, D.C.: Heritage Foundation Editor China-The Turning Point. Washington, D.C.: Council on American Affairs |
1977-1986 | Incorporator with William Casey and Antony Fisher and vice chairman, International Center for Economic Policy Studies, New York, N.Y.; renamed Manhattan Institute of Policy Studies, 1981 |
1977-2001 | Publisher, Policy Review magazine, Heritage Foundation |
circa 1977-1996 | Chairman, Institute for European Defence & Strategic Studies, London, England |
1980-1981 | Member, Executive Committee of the Presidential Transition of president-elect Ronald Reagan Chairman, Presidential Transition Task Force on Foreign Economic Assistance of president-elect Ronald Reagan |
1980-? | Chairman, International Development Cooperation Agency/Overseas Private Investment Corporation Transition Team of president-elect Ronald Reagan |
1981 | Ph.D. in political science, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland Published Looking Back. Washington, D.C.: Heritage Foundation Editor with Hideaki Kase U.S.-Japan Mutual Security: The Next Twenty Years. Washington, D.C.: Heritage Foundation |
1981-1982 | Member, New Directions Advisory Committee, United States Information Agency |
1981-1983 | Member, President's Commission on White House Fellows |
1982 | Public member (ambassador), United States delegation to the United Nations Second Special Session on Disarmament, New York, N.Y. |
1982-1994 | Chairman, United States Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy |
circa 1982-1989 | Consultant to White House Counselor Edwin Meese Member, Secretary of State's UNESCO Observation Review Panel |
1983 | Published Conservatives Stalk the House: The Republican Study Committee. Ottawa, Ill.: Green Hill Member, Commission on Security and Economic Assistance (Carlucci Commission on Foreign Aid) |
1984 | Published U.S. Foreign Policy in Asia and the Pacific. Washington, D.C.: Heritage Foundation |
1985-1996 | Member, National Advisory Board, Center for Education and Research in Free Enterprise, Texas Agricultural and Mechanical University, College Station, Tex. |
1987-1988 | Domestic policy consultant to President Ronald Reagan |
1987-1999 | Director, Sequoia National Bank |
1988-? | Member, Sarah Scaife Foundation |
1989 | Awarded Presidential Citizens Medal by President Ronald Reagan Published A Foreign Policy in Service of Freedom. College Station, Tex.: Center for Education and Research in Free Enterprise, Texas Agricultural and Mechanical University |
1989-1993? | Member, United States Committee on Improving Effectiveness of the United Nations |
1993 | Published The Quiet Revolution. Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing |
1995-1996 | Vice chairman, National Commission on Economic Growth and Tax Reform (Kemp Commission) |
1996 | Staff director and counselor to Republican vice presidential candidate Jack Kemp |
1996-2004 | Member, Board of Visitors, George Mason University, Fairfax, Va. |
1997-2001 | Member, Congressional Policy Advisory Board |
1998 | Editor March of Freedom: Modern Classics in Conservative Thought. Dallas, Tex.: Spence Publishing Co. |
1999 | Published Intellectual Pilgrims: The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Mont Pelerin Society. Washington, D.C.: Heritage Foundation |
1999-2000 | Member, International Financial Institution Advisory Commission (Meltzer Commission) |
2000 | EditorLeadership for America: The Principles of Conservatism. Dallas, Tex.: Spence Publishing Co. |
2005 | Member, Gingrich-Mitchell Congressional United Nations Reform Task Force |
2006 | Published with Doug Wilson Getting America Right: The True Conservative Values Our Nation Needs Today. New York, N.Y.: Crown Forum |
2006- | Member, Honorary Board of Trustees, Fundación Burke, Madrid, Spain |
2009 | Recipient, Charles Heoflich Lifetime Achievement Award, Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Wilmington, Del. |
2012 | Recipient, Bradley Prize (Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation) for extraordinary talent and dedication at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, D.C. Published with Brian Tracy The American Spirit: Celebrating the Virtues and Values that Make Us Great. Nashville, Tenn.: Thomas Nelson |
2013 | Resigned presidency, Heritage Foundation Recipient, Ronald Reagan Lifetime Achievement Award |
2013- | Chairman of the Advisory Board and Chung Ju-yung Fellow, Asian Studies Center, Heritage Foundation |
2016-2017 | Member, transition team of president-elect Donald Trump |