Title Page | Collection Summary | Biographical/Organizational Note | Scope and Content | Arrangement
Biographical Note
Date | Event |
1914, July 14 | Born, Panama Canal Zone |
1919 | Moved to New York, N.Y., with mother and sister |
1931 | Naturalized United States citizen |
1935 | A.B., Howard University, Washington, D.C. |
1936 | M.S., psychology, Howard University, Washington, D.C. |
1938 | Married Mamie Katherine Phipps (died 1983) |
1940 | Ph.D., experimental psychology, Columbia University, New York, N.Y. |
1941-1942 | Assistant professor of psychology, Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va. Research psychologist, Office of War Information, Washington, D.C. |
1942-1975 | Professor of psychology, City College, City University of New York, New York, N.Y. |
1946 | Cofounder with Mamie Phipps Clark of Northside Center for Child Development, New York, N.Y. |
1950 | Member, fact finding staff, Mid-Century White House Conference on Children and Youth |
1951 | Social science consultant, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund |
1954 | Research on effects of racial segregation cited by Supreme Court in Brown v. Board of Education decision on school segregation |
1955 | Published Prejudice and Your Child (Boston: Beacon Press. 151 pp.) |
1961 | Awarded Spingarn Medal by the NAACP |
1961-1967 | Consultant, personnel division, State Department |
1962-1964 | Chairman, board of trustees, Harlem Youth Opportunities Unlimited, New York, N.Y. |
1964-1966 | Director, Social Dynamics Research Institute, City College, City University of New York, New York, N.Y. |
1965 | Published Dark Ghetto: Dilemmas of Social Power (New York: Harper and Row, Publishers. 251 pp.) |
1966-1986 | Member, board of regents, State Education Department, University of the State of New York |
1966-1975 | President, Metropolitan Applied Research Center, New York, N.Y. |
1968 | Published with Jeannette Hopkins A Relevant War Against Poverty: A Study of Community Action Programs and Observable Change (New York: Harper & Row, Publishers. 275 pp.) |
1968-1975 | Member, board of directors, New York State Urban Development Corp. |
1970-1971 | President, American Psychological Association |
1974 | Published The Pathos of Power (New York: Harper and Row, Publishers. 188 pp.) |
1976-1986 | President, Clark, Phipps, Clark & Harris, New York, N.Y. |
1986-1994 | President, Kenneth B. Clark & Associates, Hastings-On-Hudson, N.Y. |
1994 | APA Award for Outstanding Lifetime Contribution to Psychology |
2005, May 1 | Died, Hastings-On-Hudson, N.Y. |