Administrative Information
Acquisition Information
The collection was originally placed on deposit at the Library of Congress in 1993 by Bailey's husband Louie Bellson, whom she predeceased. Bellson remarried to Francine Wright Bellson, who currently manages both Louie's and Pearl Bailey's estates. Francine Bellson converted the collection to a gift in 2023.
No further accruals are expected.
Processing History
Anthony Edwards, Jada Twitty, and Anita M. Weber processed and created the finding aid for the Pearl Bailey Papers in 2023.
Some music in the collection contained mold that was remediated in 2023. Although materials afflicted with mold were thoroughly cleaned, many are still stained.
Sound and video recordings from the Pearl Bailey Papers were transferred to the Library of Congress National Audio-Visual Conservation Center in 2024, where they are identified as part of the Louis Bellson and Pearl Bailey Collection (MAVIS no. 9256). An inventory of this material is available in the Music Division's collection file.
Three books were transferred to the Library of Congress Rare Books and Special Collections Division. An inventory of this material is available in the Music Division's collection file in 2024.
One booklet was transferred to the Library of Congress African And Middle East Division Near East Section in 2024. An inventory of this material is available in the Music Division's collection file.
Other Repositories
The Pearl Bailey Papers are held at the African American Museum in Philadelphia.
Related Material
The Rouben Mamoulian Papers in the Manuscript Division contain correspondence with Bailey.
Preferred Citation
Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: [item, date, container number], Pearl Bailey Papers, Music Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.