Access and Use | Administrative Information | Additional Guides | Bibliography | Abbreviations Appendix
Abbreviations Appendix
Abbreviations are frequent throughout the collection as both a shorthand for organizations' names as well as for common words. Some abbreviations have multiple meanings dependent on the context. This table serves to help clarify some of the common abbreviations used by U.S. News & World Report staff.
Abbreviation | Means... |
& | and |
+ | and |
A.F. | Air Force |
ACCD | American Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities |
ACLU | American Civil Liberties Union |
ADC | Aid to Dependent Children |
Adm | Admiral |
Adm. | Admiral |
Adm. | Administration |
Admin. | Administration |
Admin. | Administrator |
Admins | Administrator |
Adv. | Advisors |
AEC | Atomic Energy Commission |
AF | Air Force |
AFB | Air Force Base |
Aff. | Affair |
AFL-CIO | American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations |
AFSCME | American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees |
Ag. Dept. | Agriculture Department |
Agr. | Agriculture |
Agric. | Agriculture |
Al. | Alabama |
ALA | Alaska |
Ala. | Alabama |
Alex. | Alexandria |
Alex. Va. | Alexandria, Virginia |
Am. | American |
AMA | American Medical Association |
Amb. | Ambassador |
Ambs. | Ambassadors |
Amer. | American |
amp | amplifier |
Ams. | Americans |
appt. | Appointment |
Appts. | Appointments |
appts. | appointments |
Apt. | Apartment |
Ariz | Arizona |
Ark | Arkansas |
Ark. | Arkansas |
Arl. | Arlington |
Armed Services Comm. | Armed Services Committee |
ASNE | American Society of Naval Engineers |
Ass | Association |
Assc. | Association |
assc. | association |
Assessement | Assessment |
Assist | assistant |
Assist. | Assistant |
Assn | Association |
Assn. | Association |
Asso. | Association |
Assoc. | Association |
assocs | association |
assos | association |
Assst. Attny | Assistant Attorney |
Asst | Assistant |
Ass't | assistant |
Asst Atty | Assistant Attorney |
Asst. | Assistant |
asst. | assistant |
Asst. Attn. Gen. | Assistant Attorney General |
Asst. Atty Gen. | Assistant Attorney General |
Asst. Sec. | Assistant Secretary |
Asst. Secty. | Assistant Secretary |
Att. | Attorney |
Attn | Attorney |
Attn. Gen. | Attorney General |
Attn-Gen | Attorney General |
Atty | Attorney |
Atty Gen | Attorney General |
Atty. | Attorney |
Atty. Gen. | Attorney General |
Aty. Gen. | Attorney General |
Aud. | Auditorium |
Auth. | Authority |
Azerbainan | Azerbaijan |
B.S. | Black Star photo agency |
Balto | Baltimore |
Balto. | Baltimore |
Bd | board |
Benj. | Benjamin |
Beth. | Bethesda |
Beth. Md. | Bethesda, Maryland |
BIA | Bureau of Indian Affairs |
Bio Pix | Biography Pictures |
Bkg | Background |
Bkgr | background |
Bldg | Building |
Bldg. | Building |
Bldgs. | Buildings |
bldgs. | buildings |
Blg | Building |
bros. | brothers |
Bros. | Brothers |
BS | Black Star photo agency |
Budget Comm. | Budget Committee |
bur. | Bureau |
BWI | Baltimore Washington International |
C & P | Chesapeake and Potomac |
C.O.P.E | Committee on Political Education |
CAL. | California |
Cal. | California |
Calif | California |
Cap. | Capitol |
Capt | Captain |
Capt. | Captain |
Cath | Cathedral |
Cath. | Cathedral |
CBS | Columbia Broadcasting System |
CEA | Council of Economic Affairs |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer |
CETA | Changing Education Through the Arts |
Char | Character |
Charl | Charlottesville |
Chas | Charles |
Chas. | Charles |
Chief Hsing | Chief of Housing |
chm | chairman |
Chm | Chairman |
Chm. | Chairman |
Chmn | chairman |
Chr | Chair |
Chr. | Chairman |
Chrm | Chairman |
Chrm. | Chairman |
Chrman | Chairman |
Chrmn. | Chairman |
CIA | Central Intelligence Agency |
Cmdr. | Commander |
Cmt | Committee |
cmte | committee |
Cmte | Committee |
Co | Company |
Co. | Company |
Col | Colonel |
Colo | Colorado |
Com. | Committee |
Comdr. | Commander |
Comm | commissioner |
Comm | Committee |
Comm. | Commission |
Comm. | Committee |
comm. | committee |
Commndr. | Commander |
Compu-cal | Computer calculations |
COMSTAT | Communications Satellite Corporation |
comte. | committee |
Con | Conversation |
con. | Continued |
conf | conference |
Conf | Conference |
conf. | conference |
Conf. | Conference |
cong | congressman |
cong. | Congress |
Cong. | Congress |
Cong. | Congressman |
Cong. | Congresswoman |
Conn | Connecticut |
Conn. | Connecticut |
Const. | Construction |
Constr. | Construction |
Consult. | Consultant |
Contem. | Contemporary |
Conv. | Convention |
coop. | cooperation |
COPE | Committee on Political Education |
Corp | Corporation |
Corp. | Corporation |
Corres. | Correspondence |
Coun. | Council |
Ctr | Center |
Ctr. | Center |
Ctr. | Central? |
D. | Democrat |
D. of C. | District of Columbia |
D.C. | District of Columbia |
DAR | Daughters of the American Revolution |
DA's | District Attorney's |
DC | District of Columbia |
Def | Defense |
def. | defense |
Def. Sec. | Defense Secretary |
Del. | Delaware |
Dem | Democrat |
Dem. | Democrat |
Demo | Democratic |
Demo | democrats |
Demo | Demonstration |
Demo Hopeful | Democratic Hopeful |
Demo Rebuttal | Democratic Rebuttal |
Demo. Conv. | Democratic Convention |
Demo. National Comm. | Democratic National Committee |
Democ. Conv. | Democratic Convention |
demon | demonstration |
demons | demonstration |
dep | deputy |
Dep. Asst. Gen. | Deputy Assistant General |
Dept | Department |
Dept. | Department |
Dept. Asst. | Deputy Assistant |
Dev. | Development |
dev. | development |
diff. | difference |
Dir | Director |
Dir. | Director |
dir. | director |
Dire. | Director |
Dis. | Discussion |
Dist | District |
div. | division |
Div. | Division |
Divi. | Division |
DOD | Department of Defense |
DOE | Department of Energy |
DOT | Department of Transportation |
Ec. | Economic |
Eco. | Economic |
econ | economics |
Econ. | Economic |
econ. | economics |
Ed | Education |
Ed. | Education |
Ed. Secty. | Education Secretary |
Educ. | Education |
EEOC | Equal Employment Opportunity Commission |
elec. | electric |
Elec. | Electric |
Elem | Elementary |
Elem. | Elementary |
Emb. | Embassy |
Emer. | Emergency |
employ. | employment |
Emply. | Employee |
Entpr. | Enterprise |
EOB | End of Business |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
Equal Opport. Spec. | Equal Opportunity Specialist |
ERA | Equal Rights Amendment |
ERDA | Energy Research and Development Administration |
Ericaon | Ericson |
Euro. Comm. | European Committee |
Exc. | Exchange |
Exec | Executive |
Exec. | Executive |
Exec. Dir. | Executive Director |
execs | executives |
execs. | executives |
Execs. | Executives |
Expo | Exposition |
ext. | exterior |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration |
fac. | facility |
Fam. | Family |
FCC | Federal Communications Commission |
F.D.A. | Food and Drug Administration |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration |
F.D.I.C. | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
FDIC | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
Fed | Federal |
Fed. | Federal |
Fed. Elec. Com. | Federal Elections Commission |
Fed. Med. Coll. | Federal Medical College |
Fed. Of Labor | Federation of Labor |
Federal Energy Adm. | Federal Energy Administration |
FHA | Federal Housing Administration |
FLA | Florida |
Fla | Florida |
Fla. | Florida |
FLA. | Florida |
FNMA | Federal National Mortgage Association |
For. | Foreign |
For. Min. | Foreign Minister |
FRB | Federal Reserve Board |
FTC | Federal Trade Commission |
G. Mennen Williams | Gerhard Mennen Williams |
G. W. | George Washington |
G.E. | General Electric |
G.M. | General Motors |
G.U. | Georgetown University |
GA | Georgia |
Ga. | Georgia |
Gal. | Gallery |
garding | gardening |
GE | General Electric |
Gen. | General |
Geo | George |
Geo. | George |
GM | General Motors |
GM Corp. | General Motors Corporation |
Gov | Governor |
Gov. | Governor |
govenors | governors |
Gov's | Governor's |
Govt | Government |
Govt. | Government |
govt. | government |
GPO | Government Publishing Office |
Grace Comm. Report | Grace Commission Report |
Grads | Graduates |
GSA | General Services Administration |
H.E.W. | Health, Education, and Welfare |
H.R. | House Representative |
H.S. | High School |
Harvard Grad. | Harvard Graduate |
Hdq. | Headquarters |
Hdqts | Headquarters |
Hdqts. | Headquarters |
Health Care Financial Adm. | Health Care Financial Administration |
hear. | hearing |
HEW | Health, Education, and Welfare |
HEW'S | Health, Education, and Welfare's |
HHH | Hubert Horatio Humphrey |
HHS | Health and Human Services |
Hist. & Tech. | History & Technology |
Hon. | Honorable |
Hosp. | Hospital |
hosp. | hospital |
Houee | House |
HQ | Headquarters |
HQS. | Headquarters |
HS | High School |
Hts | Heights |
HUD | Department of Housing and Urban Development |
Hwy. | Highway |
Hywy | Highway |
I.D. | identification |
I.M.R. | IMR Systems Corporation |
I.R.S. | Internal Revenue Service |
ICBM | Intercontinental Ballistic Missile |
ICC | International Chamber of Commerce |
ICC | Interstate Commerce Commission |
ID | identification |
ident. | identical |
IH | International Harvester |
IKE | Dwight D. Eisenhower |
ill | Illinois |
Ill | Illinois |
Ill. | Illinois |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
Immig. | Immigration |
Inau. | Inauguration |
Inaug. | Inaugural |
Inaug. | Inauguration |
Inc. | Including |
inc. | including |
incl | including |
Ind | Indiana |
Ind. | Indiana |
Ind. | Industry |
Indus | Industry |
Indus. | Industry |
Info. | Information |
Infor. | Information |
INS | Immigration and Naturalization Service |
Ins Ist. | Insurance Institute |
Ins. | Insurance |
Insp. Gen. | Inspector General |
Inst. | Institute |
Inst. | Institution |
insti. | Institution |
Int | Interview |
Int. | International |
Int. Dept. adv. Com. | International Department Advisory Committee |
Intell. Advis. Board | Intelligence Advisory Board |
Inter. American | Inter-American |
Interchg. | Interchange |
Intergration | Integration |
Int'l | International |
Intr | Introduction |
IRS | Internal Revenue Service |
Is. | Island |
IUE | International Union of Electrical Workers |
IVU | Interview |
JFK | John F. Kennedy |
Joint Economic Comm. | Joint Economic Committee |
Jos. | Joseph |
Jr. | Junior |
Jr. Comm. | Junior Commissioner |
Jt | joint |
Jt. | Joint |
Jud. | Judiciary |
Judicisary | Judiciary |
K | Killed (image not used in publication) |
Kan. | Kansas |
Kans. | Kansas |
KY | Kentucky |
Ky. | Kentucky |
L.A. | Latin America |
LA | Los Angeles |
la | Los Angeles |
LA | Louisiana |
La. | Louisiana |
Lab. | Laboratory |
LAOOC | Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee |
Latin Am. Crp. | Latin American Corporation |
Latin Am. Grp. | Latin American Group |
Latin Amer. | Latin America |
L.B. Johnson | Lyndon B. Johnson |
L.B.J. | Lyndon B. Johnson |
LBJ | Lyndon B. Johnson |
LBJohnson | Lyndon B. Johnson |
LC | Library of Congress |
LEAA | Law Enforcement Assistance Administration |
Leg. Asst. | Legislative Assistant |
Legl. | Legislative |
Lt. | Lieutenant |
Lt. Col | Lieutenant Colonel |
Lt. Gov. | Lieutenant Governor |
lv | leave? |
Maj | Major |
Maj. | Major |
Maj. | Majority |
Manc. | Manufacturers |
Market. | Marketing |
Mass | Massachusetts |
Mass. | Massachusetts |
MATS | Military Air Transport Service |
Md. | Maryland |
MD. | Maryland |
mech. | mechanic |
Med | Medical |
Med. | Medical |
Med. | Medicine |
Mgr. | Manager |
Mgt | management |
MIA | Missing In Action |
Mich. | Michigan |
Middle East Inst. | Middle East Institute |
Min. | Minister |
Minn | Minnesota |
Minn. | Minnesota |
Misc. | Miscellaneous |
Miss. | Mississippi |
MME | Madame |
Mo. | Missouri |
mo. | month |
Mont. | Montana |
Mont. Co. | Montgomery County |
Montg. | Montgomery |
Montgomery Co. | Montgomery County |
Morehouse Collage | Morehouse College |
Mrs | Mrs. |
MS | multiple sclerosis |
Ms. | Mississippi |
Mtg | Meeting |
mtg. | Meeting |
Museum of Hist. & Tech. | Museum of History & Technology |
Mx | Max |
MX | Mixed |
N. Philadelphia | North Philadelphia |
N.A.S.A. | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
N.E. | North East |
N.J. | New Jersey |
N.M. | New Mexico |
N.W. | Northwest |
N.Y. | New York |
N.Y.C. | New York City |
N.Y.S.E | New York Stock Exchange |
NARAL | National Abortion Rights Action League |
Nat | National |
Nat. | National |
Nat. Gov. Conf. | National Governor's Conference |
Nat. Inst. Of Envir. Helath Sci. | National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences |
Nat. Pres. | National Presbyterian |
Nat. Press Club | National Press Club |
Nat. Tele. Research Center | National Telephone Research Center |
Nati | National |
National Governors Ass. | National Governor's Association |
National Governors Assn. | National Governor's Association |
National Gov's ass. Exec. Comm. | National Governor's Association Executive Committee |
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adm. | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
Nat'l | National |
Natl. | National |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
NBC | National Broadcasting Company |
NCPAC | National Conservative Political Action Committee |
NEA | National Education Association |
neg | negative |
NFL | National Football League |
NFLPA | National Football League's Players Association |
NIA | National Institute on Aging |
NICB | National Insurance Crime Bureau |
NIH | National Institutes of Health |
NLRB | National Labor Relations Board |
nom. | Nomination |
Nomin. | Nomination |
NORML | National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws |
NPR | National Public Radio |
NSC | National Safety Council |
NW | North West |
NYC | New York City |
NYU | New York University |
O.P.M. | Office of Personnel Management |
OAS | Organization of American States |
Off. | Office |
off. | Officer |
Offc. | Office |
Okl. | Oklahoma |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget |
Ont. | Ontario |
Op. | Operations |
Oper | Operations |
Opp. | Opportunity |
Orch. | Orchestra |
Org. | Organization |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
P.O. | Post Office |
P.R. | Puerto Rico |
PA | Pennsylvania |
Pa. | Pennsylvania |
Pan Am. | Pan American |
PATCO | Professional Air Traffic Controllers Association |
PCA | Patient Controlled Analgesia |
PCB | Polychlorinated biphenyl |
Penn | Pennsylvania |
Penn. | Pennsylvania |
Photogs. | Photographs |
Phys. Therapist | Physical Therapist |
Pik | Payment in kind |
pix | pictures |
Pix | Pictures |
PK | Park |
Pk. | Park |
P. M. | Prime Minister |
P.M. | Prime Minister |
PM | Prime Minister |
Pol. Sciences | Political Sciences |
POW | Prisoner of War |
PR | Public Relations |
Pr. Minister | Prime Minister |
prep | preparation |
preps | preparations |
Pres | President |
Pres United Latin Amer | President of United Latin Americans |
Pres. | President |
Pres. | Press |
Pres. Candidacy | Presidential Candidacy |
Pres. Nat. Ed. | President of National Education |
Presb. | Presbyterian |
Press Sec. | Press Secretary |
Prim. Min. | Prime Minister |
Prime Min. | Prime Minister |
Prince William co. | Prince William County |
Proc. | Proclamation |
Prof. | Professor |
Prog. Reform Pty | Progressive Reform Party |
Psych. | Psychology |
Pub | Publisher's |
Pub. | Publisher's |
Publ. | Public |
Publ. | Publisher's |
Quebec legis. | Quebec legislature |
R. | Republican |
R. I. | Rhode Island |
R.R. | Railroad |
RCA | Radio Corporation of America |
Recep. | Reception |
Recept. | Reception |
Rel. | Relations |
Rep | Representative |
Rep. | Representative |
Rep. | Republican |
Repr. | Representative |
Rept | Representative |
Repub. | Republican |
Rev. | Reverend |
RFK | Robert F. Kennedy |
Rm | Room |
Rm. | Room |
rm. | Room |
RNC | Republican National Convention |
Rob't | Robert |
Robt. | Robert |
ROTC | Reserve Officer's Training Corps |
Rprt. | Report |
RR | railroad |
Rt. | Route |
S&L | Savings and Loan Association |
S. | South |
S. Judiciary | Senate Judiciary |
S. W. | south west |
S.E. | Southeast |
S.F. | San Francisco |
S.O.B. | Senate Office Building |
S.S. | Secretary of State |
SAC | Strategic Air Command |
Sal. Army | Salvation Army |
SBA | Small Business Administration |
Scey | Secretary |
sch. | school |
Sch. | School |
Sch. Dist. | School District |
Sdec. | Secretary of Defense |
Sec | Secretary |
SEC | Securities and Exchange Commission |
Sec of Ed | Secretary of Education |
sec. | Secretary |
Sec. | Secretary |
Sec. of Exch. Comm | Securities and Exchange Commission |
Sec. of State | Secretary of State |
Sec. of Treas. | Secretary of Treasury |
Sect | Secretary |
Sect. | Secretary |
Sec'ts | Secretaries |
Secty | Secretary |
Secty. | Secretary |
Sect'ys | Secretaries |
Secy | Secretary |
Secy. State | Secretary of State |
Sen | Senator |
Sen. | Senator |
Sen. Approps. | Senate Appropriations |
Sen. Armed Forces Comm. | Senate Armed Forces Committee |
Senate Intelligence Comm. | Senate Intelligence Committee |
Sens. | Senators |
Ser. | Services |
Serv. | Service |
SF | San Francisco |
Sgt. | Sergeant |
SHAPE | Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe |
situa. | situation |
small bus. Conf. | Small Businesses Conference |
Smithsonian Inst. | Smithsonian Institution |
So. | South |
SOB | Senate Office Building |
Soc. | Society |
Soc. Security | Social Security |
Social Security Adm. | Social Security Administration |
Spec. | Special |
Spec. asst. | Special assistant |
Sports Med | Sports Medicine |
Sq. | Square |
Sr. | Senior |
SS | Secret Security |
SST | Supersonic transport |
St. | State |
St. Superint. Pub. Inst. | State Superintendent of Public Instruction |
Sta | Station |
sta. | Station |
Subcmte. | Subcommittee |
subcomm. | subcommittee |
Subcomm. | Subcommittee |
supt. | superintendent |
SWAPO | South West African's People's Organization |
Telep. | Telephone |
Tenn. | Tennessee |
Ter. | Terminal |
Tex | Texas |
Tex. | Texas |
Theolog. Sem. | Theological Seminary |
Trans. | Transportation |
Transp. | Transportation |
Treas. | Treasury |
Trig | Trigonometry |
U.A.W. | United Auto Workers |
U.N. | United Nations |
U.S. | United States |
U.S.DA. | United States Department of Agriculture |
U.S.I.A. | United States Information Agency |
UAW | United Auto Workers |
UCLA | University of California - Los Angeles |
Umd | University of Maryland |
UMW | United Mine Workers |
UMWA | United Mine Workers of America |
Unamer. | Un-American |
Undersec. | Undersecretary |
Univ | University |
Univ. | University |
US | United States |
US Olympic Comm. | US Olympic Committee |
USAF | United States Air Force |
USC | University of Southern California |
USC&GSS | United States Coast and Geodetic Survey ship |
USIA | United States Information Agency |
USMC | United States Marine Corps |
USO | United Service Organizations |
V.P. | Vice President |
VA Hosp | Veteran Affairs Hospital |
Va. | Virginia |
Vet | Veteran |
Vice Pres. | Vice President |
VOA | Voices of America |
Vol. | Volunteer |
VP | Vice President |
VW | Volkswagen |
w. | with |
w/ | with |
Wartford Ins. Group | Wartford Insurance Group |
Wash | Washington |
Wash DC | Washington D.C. |
Wash. | Washington |
Wash. | Washington (state) |
Wash. D.C. | Washington D.C. |
Wash. Hosp. Cent. | Washington Hospital Center |
Welf. | Welfare |
WHCA | White House Communications Agency |
Wisc | Wisconsin |
Wisc. | Wisconsin |
Wm | William |
Wm. | William |
WWII | World War II |