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1993 Neptune Plaza Concert Series collection, 1993

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AFC 1993/002:V1 Master Performers and Their Apprentices, 4- 15-93
D.C. Commission on the Arts (Master). One 1/2" VHS color (a copy of an original that is not in the collection). (Copy)
AFC 1993/002:V2 Traditional Irish Music and Dance--Tom and Maureen Doherty, 5-20-93. (Master plus 2 copies)
One 1/2" VHS color. Viewing copies are available in the Folklife Reading Room.
AFC 1993/002:V3 Northern Lights, 6-17-93.
One 1/2" VHS color. (Master)
AFC 1993/002:V4 Philadelphia Ambassadors Chorale and Ensemble, 7-15-93.
One 1/2" VHS color. (Master)
AFC 1993/002:V5 African-American Hand Dancing, 8-19-93.
One 1/2" VHS color. (Master)
AFC 1993/002:V6 Ollantay, 9-16-93.
One 1/2" VHS color. (Master)

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