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Maine Acadian cultural survey collection, 1991

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Series 3: Graphic materials (continued)
Black-and-white negatives (continued)
Rosier Sirois mobile sharpening service truck, Madawaska, Maine; Various scenes, Upper St. John River Valley area, Maine, June 28, 1991 (continued)
2-3, Truck belonging to Rosier Sirois from which he operates a mobile sharpening service; The following images document a farm on Beaulieu Rd. a short distance south of U.S. Highway 1, Madawaska, ME. The farm belongs to a Morin family, first name unknown; 4-10, Connected barns; this is the only such arrangement of barns, three in a line, which I saw in the study area; 11-12, View of the farm from the top of a hill southeast of Beaulieu Rd.; 13-14, Some of the buildings on the farm; on the left is a former house converted to storage, and on the right is an equipment shed; 15-19, House converted to storage; house is a type often seen in the study area, with a lateral addition using the same roofline as the original house; These images document a barn dance held in a newly constructed reproduction of a nineteenth century barn behind the Maison DaigleSt-John in Clair, New Brunswick; 20-21, Musical spoons belonging to Nicolo Gagne of Clair, New Brunswick; the wooden spoons were purchased by M. Gagne, and he made the wood and metal sets; 22-24, The band. Left to right: Nicolo Gagne, spoons; Pat Albert, fiddle and banjo; Roger St. Onge, accordion; Norman Oakes, electric guitar; Gerald LaVoie, acoustic/electric guitar; Monique Rossignol, guitar and vocals; 25-27, Monique Rossignol does a vocal number; 28-end, Various photographs of crowd and band; the woman in the hat and apron, #29, is a waitress.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-B019-61416 Talent show at the annual Acadian Festival, Madawaska, Maine; Various buildings and scenes, Upper St. John River Valley area, Maine, June 26, 1991 - June 27, 1991
Photographer: David A. Whitman
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_b019_61416
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document a talent show held as a part of the annual Acadian Festival in Madawaska, ME; 2-3, Opening ceremony, in which the crowd is led in the chant "Je suis fier d'etre Acadien" (I am proud to be Acadian). Note the large Acadian flag backdrop; 4-12, Annick Gagnon, a thirteen year old Canadian professional singer, was the featured performer. She also performed at the talent show in 1990; 13-15, Fieldworkers Ray Brassieur and Lisa Ornstein talk with the leader of the Keystone Kops, a local volunteer organization which assists with "security" at many local events; 16-19, After a costume change, Annick Gagnon continues her performance; 20-21, Rachel Walsh (left) and Cathie Corey, both of Madawaska; Ms. Walsh's costume is intended to replicate traditional Acadian garb. Ms. Corey is the Director of the Madawaska Chamber of Commerce; A collection of miscellaneous images; 22-23, Wagon of the Keystone Kops, a volunteer organization which participates in a variety of local events, parked in a driveway on State Highway 162, St. Agatha, ME; 24-29, Houses with broken rooflines and incised porches, Lavertu Settlement, ME; these features are often associated with French architecture in North America, but there are not many houses like this in the study. A particular concentration of them is in Lavertu Settlement; 30-35, Barn in Madawaska, ME; the gambrel roof is a common feature but the three-quarter wrap-around addition is not; 36-36a, Wooden potato barrels stacked outside a barn in New Canada, ME; such barrels were once used in the hand harvesting of potatoes, but mechanical harvesting has made them obsolete. They are used in smaller quantities for storage in many farms.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-B020-61414 Various scenes, New Canada, Maine; Acadian Festival Fiddlers' Jamboree, Madawaska, Maine, June 28, 1991
Photographer: David A. Whitman
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_b020_61414
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
A variety of scenes; 1, Sign on the door into a potato house on a farm in New Canada, ME, warning against contamination of seed potatoes; 2-4, Potato barrels, New Canada; see MAP-DW-B019; 5, Fields of grain (oats, I believe) on a farm in New Canada; although potatoes are the main crop, most farms in the area grow some grain as well; 6-7, A potato field in New Canada, planted about three weeks prior; the building is a potato house, typically built with earth contact providing insulation; 8-9, Adjacent fields of potatoes (left of hedgerow) and grain (right of hedgerow), New Canada; 10-11, Sign proclaiming Acadian Day at a gas station in Madawaska, ME; 12-13, Reverse side of sign in #10-11, announcing fiddlers' jamboree in Madawaska; These images document a fiddlers' jamboree held in Centennial Park in Madawaska, ME, as part of the annual Acadian Festival. The musicians played in a gazebo in the park; 14-15, Musicians (left to right): Robert Cormier guitar; Victor Albert, violin; Paul LeBlanc (behind Albert), mandolin; Leo LeBlanc, violin; Mr. Beaulieu (first name unknown) , violin. Cormier, Albert, and Leo Leblanc live in Massachusetts, although Albert and LeBlanc were born in New Brunswick. Paul LeBlanc is from Madawaska, and Mr. Beaulieu is Canadian (from Quebec I think); 16-28, Various combinations of the above-named musicians; tenor-banjoist Archie Rouleau (straw hat) is also seen in some of these photographs; 29-31, Leo LeBlanc takes over on rhythm guitar from Cormier, and Edmunston fiddler Paul-Emile Martin joins the group; Martin was the only local fiddler to attend the session; 32-34, The music was good, but only one couple was moved to dance; 35, Martin plays a tune; 36, Beaulieu, Martin, LeBlanc, Cormier.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-B021-61427 Les Violons d'Acadie, Madawaska, Maine, June 28, 1991
Photographer: David A. Whitman
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_b021_61427
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document Les Violons d'Acadie, a concert/dance held as part of the annual Acadian Festival in Madawaska, ME. The event was held in a large hall known as the Multi-purpose Building. A number of local musicians, as well as a group of Acadian musicians from New Brunswick who now live in Massachusetts, performed; 2-5, Fiddle and guitar music; musicians unknown; 6-8, People danced a variety of styles, mostly couples dances; there were a few line dances in the course of the evening; 9, Sign-up table for the Canard Race, a toy duck race that is also part of the Acadian Festival; 10-12, Field coordinator Ray Brassieur talks with Arcady Richard, a carpenter by trade who also performs traditional step-dance. Mr. Richard is a native of New Brunswick who now resides in Massachusetts; 13-17, ???????, a band which provided back-up for many of the fiddlers, and also performed some songs themselves; 18-24, Dancers; 25, Fieldworkers Howard Marshall and Lisa Ornstein at the table with recording gear; 26-29, Musicians jam in the lobby outside the main hall; 30-31, The event drew a good crowd32 Event organizer Paul LeBlanc has a word with the folks on stage; 33-34, Another fiddler; 35-36, Audience; note the members of the Keystone Kops, a local volunteer organization, in the center of the frame (dark uniforms and helmets); 36a, Selling souvenirs.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-B022-61425 Les Violons d'Acadie, Madawaska, Maine, June 28, 1991
Photographer: David A. Whitman
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_b022_61425
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document Les Violons d'Acadie, a concert/dance held as part of the annual Acadian Festival. See MAP—DW-B021 for more information; 2-5, A few the musicians who participated; 6, Dancing; the man in uniform is a member of the Keystone Kops; 7-19, Some step-dancers take the stage. #13-16, Arcady Richard joins the dancers. #17-19 features a costumed and choreographed mother/daughter team; 20-23, An accordion player, the only one of the evening; 24-33, Dancers; 34-end, Rachel Walsh of Madawaska prepares ploves. An Acadian buckwheat pancake.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-B023-61426 Les Violons d'Acadie, Madawaska, Maine, June 28, 1991
Photographer: David A. Whitman
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_b023_61426
35 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document Les Violons d'Acadie, a dance/concert held as part of the annual Acadian Festival. See MAP-DW-B021 for more information; 1-11, There was some type of dancing during nearly every song; 12, Musicians on stage; 13, Robert Cormier takes a solo on electric guitar; 14-18, The closest thing to step dancing seen on the dance floor; 19-25, Sam Oakes, a fiddler who resides in Fort Kent, ME; 26-32, Fieldworker, Director of the Acadian Archive, and fine fiddler Lisa Ornstein plays a couple of tunes; 33-36, A number of the musicians gathered on stage for the finale.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-B024-61409 Acadian Festival Parade, Madawaska, Maine, June 29, 1991
Photographer: David A. Whitman
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_b024_61409
35 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document a parade held as part of the annual Acadian Festival. The parade route followed Main St. through downtown, where these photographs were taken, and turned up a perpendicular street to finish at Madawaska High School; 2, Acadian Festival headquarters, where the parade judges were set up in the balcony; a local radio station broadcast a live account of the parade from the table in front of the building; 3-5, The crowd along Main St. waits for the parade; 6-10, The Marching Owls, Madawaska High School Band; 11-13, Baton twirlers of all ages took part in the parade; 14-18, Southern Victoria Pipe Band; 19-22, One of the younger parade watchers; These images document the closing ceremonies of the Acadian Festival, held in the Madawaska Multi-purpose Building immediately after the parade; 23, Members of the Sirois-Duplessis family, this year's reunion family at the Acadian Festival, talk with a nun at one of the tables in the Multi-purpose building; 24-25, The Southern Victoria Pipe Band marches in to perform; 26-27, Roger Thibodeau, one of the festival volunteers, announces some of the parade award winners, who will get one of the trophies on the table; 28-30, Southern Victoria Pipe Band; 31-32, Madawaska High School band, the Marching Owls, lines up prior to their performance; 33, Audience; 34-35, Southern Victoria Pipe Band; 36, Members of the Marching Owls line up waiting to perform.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-B025-61413 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church and presbytery, Lille, Maine, July 03, 1991
Photographer: David A. Whitman
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_b025_61413
35 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These image document a visit to Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church and presbytery, owned by Don Cyr, in Lille, ME; 2-3, Monstrances on a shelf in Cyr's kitchen; 4-5, Looking towards the altar in a small chapel, not the main sanctuary; 6, Drawers in a large ????? which is used to store various articles used in religious services; 7-8, Both sides of a silk banner hanging on a wall in the church; 9-12, Large cabinet called a vestiare. used to store items used in services; #9-10, field coordinator Ray Brassieur examines the chest; 13-16, Holy water dispenser; 17-18, Prayers written in Latin; 19, ??????; 20, Altar in chapel; 21, Statues of apostles in main sanctuary; 22, Marbleized columns, sanctuary; 23, Pews stained to achieve wood-grain effect; 24, Brassieur and Cyr in front of the altar; 25-26, View of the sanctuary from the rear; 27-28, Statues of saints in the sanctuary; 29-30, Kneeler; 31, Altar; 32, Wooden bench in the rear of the sanctuary; 33-34, Pews with divider between sections and marbleized columns; 35-36, Statues of saints in the sanctuary.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-B026-61415 Acadian Festival closing ceremonies, Madawaska, Maine; Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church, Lille, Maine, June 29, 1991 - July 03, 1991
Photographer: David A. Whitman
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_b026_61415
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document the closing ceremonies of the annual Acadian Festival, held in the Multi-purpose Building in Madawaska, ME; 2, Festival volunteer Roger Thibodeau announces some of the parade award winners; 3-11, Madawaska High School Band, the Marching Owls; 12-19, Parade award winners receive their trophies; These images document a visit to Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church and presbytery in Lille, ME; this property is owned by Don Cyr, who lives in the presbytery; 20-24, Don Cyr shows field coordinator Ray Brassieur a vestment from his collection of artifacts; 25-36, These statues of angels were originally part of the exterior of the church; 36a, Acadian furniture, including a chest of drawers and a chair, in the presbytery.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-B027-61423 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church, Lille, Maine; Maison Heritage, Lille, Maine, July 03, 1991
Photographer: David A. Whitman
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_b027_61423
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document a visit to Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church and presbytery in Lille, ME; 2-5, Statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in the Sanctuary; 6-8, Decorative woodwork on the presbytery; 9, Foundation stone from an earlier church; These images document the Maison Heritage, a house listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The house has been disassembled, and is currently stacked under a tarp behind the presbytery at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church in Lille, ME; 10-15, Various pieces of the house; note the evidence of mortise-and-tenon joinery, the trunnel holes, and the ship's knees, all building techniques used by Acadian builders; 16-21, This protruding triangular piece of iron resembles a glazer's diamond; 22-23, Square cut nail. Back to Don Cyr and the presbytery; 24-26, Don Cyr demonstrates dance steps in his kitchen; 27-29, Corner cupboard; 30-31, Curved porch on house next door to Don Cyr; 32-33, House of Camille DeVost in Lille, just down the street from Don Cyr; 34-36, Rameau (blessed palm) in the garage/workshop of Camille DeVost.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-B028-61407 Home of Camille DeVost, woodworker, Lille, Maine, July 03, 1991
Photographer: David A. Whitman
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_b028_61407
35 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document a visit to the home of Camille DeVost in Lille, ME. Mr. DeVost is a neighbor of Don Cyr; he is a woodworker who uses a tool called a crooked knife, which is a small draw knife, to carve ax handles; 2-14, Mr. DeVost demonstrated the making of an ax handle to field coordinator Ray Brassieur. Initial cutting is done with an axe (#2-7) , and the handle is finished with a crooked knife (#8-14); 15-17, Mr. DeVost keeps his stock of finished handles hanging in his basement; 18-21, Don Cyr watches as DeVost shows how a handle is split to insert the head of the ax; 22-23, DeVost shows Brassieur some of his tools; 24, One of DeVost's crooked knives; 25-27, DeVost demonstrates the use of a crooked knife to Cyr and Brassieur; 28-30, Crooked knives and other tools at DeVost's basement workbench; 31, Ax handles hanging in the basement; 32-33, Brassieur and DeVost; 34-35, Handmade snowshoes hanging on the wall in DeVost's basement; snowshoe making was once an important craft in the area.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-B029-61419 Various scenes, Upper St. John River area, Maine, July 03, 1991 - July 05, 1991
Photographer: David A. Whitman
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_b029_61419
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document a variety of scenes; 2-13, Site of former twin barn in Hamlin, ME; the barn was destroyed in a fire just a few days before; 14-16, Main St., downtown Fort Kent, ME; the buildings in downtown Fort Kent sprouted flags for July 4th weekend; 17-19, Patriotic message on downtown gas station, Fort Kent; 21-24, Farmland and farmstead in eastern Fort Kent; 25-29, Abandoned farm equipment, Fort Kent; the number of people in the study area who earn their livelihood from agriculture has steadily declined over the past thirty years; 30-33, Lots of visitors from out-of-state, particularl Connecticut, came to the area on July 4 th weekend. Connecticut has seen a large influx of migrants from northern Maine, a process which began in the Depression of the 1930s. This photograph was taken at Rosette's, a restaurant in Frenchville, ME, where an informal count showed nearly half the cars to have out-of-state license plates; 34-36, Tractor in potato field, Frenchville; 36a, Cars parked in Lavertu Settlement for the Lavertu family reunion; again, lots of Connecticut plates in evidence.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-B030-61424 Lavertu family reunion, Lavertu Settlement, Maine, July 05, 1991
Photographer: David A. Whitman
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_b030_61424
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document a reunion of the Lavertu family held on Edgar Lavertu's farm in Lavertu Settlement, ME. The reunion drew family members from as far away as Florida, as well as many people from closer states like Massachusetts and Connecticut. A whole pig was barbecued for the reunion meal, and there were displays of memorabilia and souvenirs and a family history book compiled by Roger Lavertu offered for sale. A monument to the first Lavertu settlers of the area was unveiled and Roger Lavertu gave a brief oral family history; 1-11, Cars with a variety of out-of-state license plates; 12, Sign on one of Lavertu's barns; 13-21, More out-of-state cars; 22, Large quonset hut barn served as the location for the barbecue, souvenir and memorabilia displays, and entertainment; 23-24, One of the family members served as emcee (name unknown); 25-26, Wooden potato barrels in the barn; 27-28, Old family pictures; 29, Family members socialize in the doorway to the barn; 30, A couple of the youngsters provided some music on keyboard and drums; 31-33, Kids get a wagon ride; 34, Volleyball was a popular activity; 35-36, The crew in charge of the pig roast. The pig was purchased through Jess' Market in Frenchville; preparing pigs for roasts is one of Jess' specialties. Gerald Ouellette (white hat, mustache) of St. David, ME, was said to be the expert pig roaster.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-B031-61410 Lavertu family reunion, Lavertu Settlement, Maine, July 05, 1991
Photographer: David A. Whitman
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_b031_61410
37 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document the reunion of the Lavertu family. See MAPDW-B030 for more information; 1, Inadvertent photo; 2, Some of the older family members are taken by wagon to the site of the memorial for the unveiling ceremony; 3, Everyone heads for the memorial; 4-20, Memorial unveiling ceremony; Roger Lavertu presented a short oral family history just prior to the actual unveiling (#10) and some young family musicians played a trumpet duet version of "The Star Spangled Banner" (#14-15); 21, The memorial, with names of many early settlers of the area; 22-30, Some of the older family members pose for photos at the memorial; 31-end, The pig is roasted in a cooker made from a fuel tank.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-B032-61411 July 4th weekend celebration sponsored by Eagle Lake Parish, Eagle Lake, Maine; Meeting of American Folklife Center Maine Acadian Survey team, Lille, Eagle Lake, Maine, July 07, 1991 - July 08, 1991
Photographer: David A. Whitman
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_b032_61411
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document a two-day festival held in Eagle Lake, ME. The event was a benefit for the Eagle Lake Parish; 2-3, Large tents were set up to house food service, souvenir sales, and raffles; 4, Game tables; 5-6, Tents housing various festival activities; 7-8, Field coordinator Ray Brassieur buys some souvenirs; 10, Souvenir sales tent; 11-13, This family recipe cookbook was available for purchase; 14, Ticket sales for Sunday evening barbecue; 15, Brassieur's a sucker for memorabilia; 16-18, Raffle and souvenir sales tent; 19, Various home-made food was available; 21-23, Snack/sandwich tent; 24-25, Brassieur meets Beth Albert, who operated a small concession stand selling fried dough and chicken stew; 26, Looking over the selection of baked goods; 27-28, Beth Albert's concession stand; These images document an evening meeting at the Eagle Lake camp occupied by fieldworkers Ray Brassieur and David Whitman. The meeting was a planning and review session attended by fieldworkers Brassieur, Whitman, and Lisa Ornstein, and American Folklife Center staff members Alan Jabbour (Director), David Taylor (folklife specialist and Maine Acadian Project Supervisor), and Camilla Bryce-LaPorte (research specialist); 29, Left to right: Brassieur, Jabbour, Taylor, Ornstein; 30, left to right: Brassieur, Bryce-LaPorte, Taylor, Ornstein; 31, Bryce-LaPorte and Jabbour draw dishwashing detail; 32-end, Project team members discuss various aspects of the research and report.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-B033-4032 Various buildings and scenes, Upper St. John River Valley area, Maine, July 09, 1991
Photographer: David A. Whitman
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_b033_4032
27 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document a variety of buildings and scenes; 1, Rectangular clothesline; this is a common type in the area; 2-3, House of decorative butterfly maker, State Highway 11, Wallagrass, ME. These decorative butterflies were displayed on the exterior of many houses in the study area; most appear to be made from scrap wood and handpainted a variety of colors; 4-5, Magic Shears Salon in Wallagrass; many residents have opened businesses in their houses, and beauty salons are one of the most often seen types; 6, Logging truck at a house in Wallagrass; independent trucking seems to be an important economic activity in the area; 7, Wooden "running potato" lawn decoration; potatoes are the primary crop in the study area, and these lawn decorations are fairly common; 8-9, Rectangular clothesline; 10-11, Forest and farmland, Wallagrass; a great deal of land in the area has gone out of agricultural production and is returning to forest; 13-15, Abandoned and decaying house in an area called the "back settlements." This house is of twentieth century construction judging by the materials, but it had birch bark insulation; 16-20, Wheeled dock called a quay on the western side of Eagle Lake. The wheels enable the dock to be removed from the water before the winter freeze, thus averting ice damage. Such docks are found on every lake in the study area; this one is longer than most, and has four wheels instead of the usual two. It seems to be in need of repair; 21-23, Another quay near Eagle Lake; the fenders are a most unusual feature; 24-25, Home and studio of Fort Kent sculptor and painter George Roy; the small statue of a logger near the door was made by Roy using a chainsaw; 26-27, The Forever Young Club, Madawaska, ME; a group of senior citizens holds a Saturday night dance here.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-B034-4045 Various scenes, Upper St. John River area, Maine, July 10, 1991
Photographer: David A. Whitman
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_b034_4045
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document a variety of scenes; 2, Set-back mailbox with reflector, strategies to mark the box's location when the deep winter snows pile up, and try to avoid snowplow damage; 3-4, Mobile home with added gambrel roof. This roof style is popular on a variety of buildings in the study area, sometimes for functional but often for purely decorative reasons; 5-7, Decorative eagles on a house in Fort Kent; these are found throughout the study area; 8-14, Wheeled dock, locally called a quay. on Eagle Lake, ME; the wheels enable the dock to be removed from the water before the winter freeze, thus averting ice damage. The small motor boat is a type of craft often used on area lakes; These images document a visit to the home of Jerry and Jean White in Frenchville, ME, to see a wooden strip canoe being built by Jerry and Mark Jalbert of St. Agatha, ME. Canoes are common in the study area, but most are mass-produced fiberglass or ABS types; 15-30, Various views of the canoe under construction; 31-end, Jalbert (cap) and White work on the canoe.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-B035-4030 Strip canoe. Frenchville, Maine; Various scenes, Frenchville, Maine, July 11, 1991
Photographer: David A. Whitman
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_b035_4030
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document the building of a strip canoe at the home of Jerry and Jean White in Frenchville, ME. See MAP-DW-B034 for more information; 2-6, Close-ups of canoe's construction; 7-10, Field coordinator Ray Brassieur talks with Mark Jalbert about the canoe; 11-14, Close-ups of the bow of the canoe; 15-18, The Whites' cat Amos does some field research in the trunk of Brassieur's car; 19-20, A neighbor of the Whites works his fields on a tractor; 21-22, These buildings were once large storage facilities called potato, houses; they are generally found by railroad tracks, as their function was to store the produce prior to shipping by rail. Most, although not all, of them are no longer used for their original purpose. Some stand empty; this one, on Market St. in Fort Kent, has been converted to commercial/retail space; 23-24, Monique's Hair Salon, Fort Kent; area residents often operate small business endeavors from their homes; salons are quite common in this arrangement; 25-27, Shrine in a yard in Fort Kent; such shrines are a common sight in the study area; 28-30, Eagles used as house decorations are seen throughout the area; 31-32, Mailboxes are often set back from the road to avoid being buried by snow or damaged by snowplows; 33-36, Rectangular clothesline, a common type in the area; 37, One of the more decorative approaches to mailbox support.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-B036-4047 Various buildings and scenes, Fort Kent, Maine, July 12, 1991
Photographer: David A. Whitman
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_b036_4047
35 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document a variety of scenes in Fort Kent, ME; 2-3, Mailboxes are often set back from the road to help avoid snow and snowplow damage; 4-6, Potato grower Alberie Pelletier on his tractor, spraying one of his potato fields. Mr. Pelletier, like many growers, has several non-contiguous areas which he farms; 7-10, Farmland in eastern part of Fort Kent; 12, Sign on a telephone pole in Fort Kent; 13, Small herds of livestock are occasionally found on area farms; 14-17, More mailboxes; 18-21, Rectangular clothesline, a common type in the area; 22-25, Houses with lateral additions, State Highway 11, Fort Kent; this is one of the most common addition types in the study area. The broken rooflines and incised porches of these houses, while often associated with French architecture in North America, are not usually found on houses in this area; 26-31, Replica of Eiffel Tower in a yard in Fort Kent; 32-33, House with lateral addition; 34-35, Small shed with gambrel (colm-casse) roof; this roof style is found on a side variety of buildings throughout the study area; 36A, farmstead along Highway 11.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-B037-4027 Various buildings and scenes, Wallagrass, Maine, July 13, 1991
Photographer: David A. Whitman
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_b037_4027
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document a variety of buildings and scenes in Wallagrass, ME; 2-3, Magic Shears Beauty Salon; area residents often operate business out of their homes, and salons are perhaps the most frequently found type; 4-5, Wheeled dock, locally called a quay. near Eagle Lake. Such docks are found throughout the study area; the wheels enable them to be pulled from the water before the winter freeze, thus averting ice damage; 6-7, Another quay, in Eagle Lake; 8-9, Butterflies, most of which seem to be hand-made and painted, are a common decorative feature on houses; 10-11, I & R Garage, Inc., Wallagrass; another example of business/residence combination; 12, A birdhouse made in the shape of the Fort Kent Blockhouse; 13-14, House with lateral addition, a style frequently found in the study area; 15-16, Decorative eagles are found on houses throughout the area; 17-18, Abandoned barn with collapsing roof; as agriculture declines in importance, more farm buildings are being abandoned. Some simply stand and decay, but a great many are torn down; 19-22, More decorative butterflies; 23-24, Decorative eagle; 25-26, Saucier's Store, State Highway 11, Wallagrass; small convenience/grocery stores are a frequently seen residence/business combination; 27-28, Mailbox set back from the road; this helps avoid damage by snow and snowplow; 29-30, Rectangularly-shaped clotheslines are a common type; 31-36, Abandoned farm buildings, including an old windmill (#33- 34), Highway 11, Wallagrass.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-B038-4023 Various buildings and scenes, Fort Kent, Maine, July 10, 1991
Photographer: David A. Whitman
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_b038_4023
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document a variety of buildings and scenes in Fort Kent, ME; 2-3, Knights of Columbus hall; 4-7, Shed with gambrel roof, locally called colm-casse; this roof style is seen on a wide variety of buildings throughout the study area; 8-12, An assortment of gambrel-roofed buildings; 13-17, A house with decorative eagles; the wrought-iron eagle next to the top of the door is a type seen on a large number of houses and other buildings; the stenciled eagle on the door is an unusual style; 18, Semi-trailer with Ten Commandments painted on the side; 19-20, Another decorative wrought-iron eagle; 21-22, Mailbox set back from road to avoid damage from snow and snowplow; 23-25, Wrought iron eagle on a carport; 26-27, Hay fields in New Brunswick as seen from just south of U.S. Highway 1 in eastern Fort Kent; 28-29, House with a small section of gambrel roof; here, as in #8-10 above, the effect is decorative rather than functional; 30-33, A small structure of the type often located behind or next to houses and used for firewood storage; 34-35, Firewood storage structure; 36, Wildflowers along the road (wildflowers?? in black and white?? oops.); 37, Set back mailbox.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-B039-4043 Dance at Forever Young Club, Madawaska, Maine, July 13, 1991
Photographer: David A. Whitman
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_b039_4043
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