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Maine Acadian cultural survey collection, 1991

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Series 3: Graphic materials (continued)
Black-and-white negatives (continued)
Maps and deeds at Registry of Deeds, Fort Kent, Maine; Musicians Paul-Emile Martin and Ida Roy performing, University of Maine-Fort Kent, Fort Kent, Maine, July 19, 1991 (continued)
38 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document a series of maps and deeds photographed at the Registry of Deeds in Fort Kent, ME. See MAP-DW-B051 for more information; 0-11, Different views of the map of Van Buren from the 1877 Roe and Colby atlas; see MAP-DW-B051, #37 for more information; 12-17, Madawaska, from Roe and Colby; 18-23, Deed between Luc Albert and his father, Anselme; pertains to original site of Fred Albert house; 24-29, Belonie Violette's deed on what is now the Val Violette house; These images document a dinner given for elderhostelrs at the University of Maine-Fort Kent; 30, University President Richard Dumont leaves the lectern after some welcoming remarks; 31-32, Musician Paul-Emile Martin sings, accompanying himself on guitar; 33-end, Singer Ida Roy does one of her traditional song.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-B053 Elderhosteler dinner, University of Maine-Fort Kent, Maine; Anita Albert, weaver, St-Jacques, New Brunswick, Canada; St. Luce Catholic Church, Frenchville, Maine, July 19, 1991 - July 20, 1991
Photographer: David A. Whitman
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_b053
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document a dinner held at the University of Maine-Fort Kent; 1-4, Fieldworker and Acadian Archive Director Lisa Ornstein leads a sing-along; 3-4, Don Cyr in his Acadian costume stands at the lectern; 5-6, Visitors from Ste-Ouenne, France, sing several songs, including one written especially for the occasion; The following images document a visit to the home of Anita Albert, a weaver who resides in St-Jacques, New Brunswick; 7-18, Mm. Albert demonstrates her technique to field coordinator Ray Brassieur; 19-22, Mm. Albert works out her patterns on these diagrams; 23-27, Mm. Albert at her loom; 28-29, Mm. Albert demonstrates a device made by her husband Gilbert; FUNCTION?????; A few images of St. Luce Catholic Church, Frenchville, ME; 30-31, This photograph was taken from the hill above St. Luce on Church Road in Frenchville; the hills in the distance are in New Brunswick; 32-end, St. Luce Catholic Church; low contrast conditions make the spire seem to disappear.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-B054 Buildings and scenes, Upper St. John River Valley area, Maine, July 21, 1991 - July 24, 1991
Photographer: David A. Whitman
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_b054
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document a variety of buildings and scenes; 2-3, Logging trucks in Frenchville, ME; trucking is an important economic activity in the study area; 4-5, Corriveau buckwheat mill, Frenchville. This mill no longer operates; in fact, there is no currently operating buckwheat mill in the study area; 6-9, Equipment no longer in use at Corriveau Mill; 10-14, Corriveau mill; 15-20, Loons on Eagle Lake, photographed from the deck of the camp occupied by fieldworkers Ray Brassieur and David Whitman; 21-24, Eagle Lake, from the deck of the camp; 25-26, A small herd of cattle on a farm on State Highway 11; 27-28, "Acadia Builders" sign, Fort Kent; the owner of this business is not Acadian, and has recently moved to the area from Massachusetts. He chose this name for his business for its identity value; 29-30, Temporary bridge over the St. John River in Allagash, ME; the former bridge was destroyed in the spring, 1990 flood; 31-32, Farmstead in St. Francis, ME; the barn is an interesting one, and the house has an unusual second-floor gallery; 33-34, Former schoolhouse converted to storage, St. Francis; there were apparently a number of schoolhouses of this style in the area at one time, but all except two have been torn down; 35-36, St. Charles Catholic Church, St. Francis; 36a, St. Paul Congregational Church, St. Francis; this is one of the oldest Protestant churches in the study area. A sign on the church proclaims "First gathered in 1886."
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-B055 Various buildings and scenes and aerial photos, Upper St. John River Valley area, Maine, July 24, 1991 - July 26, 1991
Photographer: David A. Whitman
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_b055
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document a variety of buildings; 1-2, Former schoolhouse converted to a part-time residence, St. John, ME. See also MAP-DW-B054, #33-34; 3-4, St. John Catholic Church; there is no priest in residence here, but services are held weekly by a priest from another parish; 5, Presbytery for sale, St. John; 6-7, Former potato house, now home of Northern Maine Tree Farm, Fort Kent; 8-9, A fairly new Protestant church in western Fort Kent; there seems to have been an increase in the number of Protestant churches, especially fundamentalist churches; These images were photographed during an airplane flight over the study area. See ????? and subsequent logs for more information; 10-16, Farmland and forest in the St. John Valley; much of what is now forest was probably once agricultural land. The pattern of fields is suggestive of the original long lot land grants; 17-18, Blank frames; 19-20, Van Buren, ME; 21-22, Village Acadien, Van Buren; the buildings here are said to be arranged in the shape of the letter A; 23-24, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church and presbytery, Lille, ME; 25-26, Settlement along the St. John River in New Brunswick; 27-28, This photograph shows line settlement patterns on both the Maine (top) and New Brunswick sides of the river. 29-32 Acadian Cross Historic Shrine, St. David, ME A barn in Eagle Lake; 34-36, This barn is a typical partially buried potato house which, like many, is no longer in use. The sign in front of the barn proclaims "Welcome to Beautiful Eagle Lake."
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-B056 Home of Frances Gendreau, Madawaska, Maine, July 27, 1991
Photographer: David A. Whitman
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_b056
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document a visit to the home of Frances Gendreau in Madawaska, ME; 2-5, Raw croquiqnol dough on the kitchen counter; "croqs" are a traditional fried pastry; 6-7, Cooked croqs; 8-10, Field coordinator Ray Brassieur talks with Frances Gendreau, a schoolteacher and croq-maker extroidinaire; 11-12, Potato barrel canisters on Ms. Gendreau's refrigerator; 13-17, Julie Albert, Ms. Gendreau's mother and a writer on local history, talks about her work; 18-22, After a bit of instruction from Ms. Gendreau, Brassieur tries his hand at making croqs. He fails; 23-25, Ms. Gendreau shows one of her prize kitchen utensils, an old potato knife; 28-30, Stone tool, possibly very old, which Ms, Gendreau got from her Uncle Fred Albert. She believes he dug up a number of such artifacts while plowing his fields; 31-33, Silver snuff box from Fred Albert; 34-end, Small hand-carved wooden box.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-B057 Frances Gendreau, Madawaska, Maine; St. Agatha Catholic Church, Monfort, Maine; Adrien Morin, potato farmer, Saint David, Maine, July 27, 1991
Photographer: David A. Whitman
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_b057
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document a group of artifacts in the possession of Frances Gendreau of Madawaska; these objects were given to her by her uncle, Fred Albert; 2-3, Small hand-carved wooden box; 4-10, Clay pipe; Ms. Gendreau associates this pipe with a story her uncle told her about smoking it with an American Indian visitor; 11-26, Ms. Gendreau had two stone tools given to her by her uncle; she said that she thought he had unearthed a number of such artifacts while plowing his fields; Some miscellaneous images from St. Agatha, ME; 27-28, St. Agatha Catholic Church; 29-30, Monfort Heights, a former convent converted into a residence facility for senior citizens; 31-32, Plaque on St. Agatha Catholic Church; 33-35, Decorative stonework on St. Agatha Catholic Church; These images document a visit to potato grower and barrel maker Adrien Morin of St. David, ME; 36-end, Morin (front) shows field coordinator Ray Brassieur some of his barrel-making equipment.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-B058 Visit to home or Adrien Morin, potato grower and barrel maker, Saint David, Maine, July 27, 1991
Photographer: David A. Whitman
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_b058
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document a visit to Adrien Morin, a potato grower and barrel maker in St. David, ME. Wooden potato barrels were once commonly used in the study area when potatoes were harvested by hand, but the advent of mechanical harvesting has rendered them nearly obsolete. Some are still used on area farms for storage; 2-10, Morin shows field coordinator Ray Brassieur how staves are made; 11-12, Adrien's son Ray, who has worked in the barrel making operation, joins the conversation; 13-16, Stave-making equipment; 17-18, The Morins show Brassieur how hoops are made; 19, Material for making wooden hoops; 20-24, Demonstration of hoop-making; 25, Adrien Morin shows how he cuts the bottom of a barrel; 26, Barrel-making equipment; 27, Stacks of barrel bottoms; 29-30, Various parts for the barrel-making equipment; 31-32, One of the buildings which houses part of the barrelmaking operation; 34-36, Ray Morin demonstrates the final assembly process.; 37, Finished potato barrels.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: DW-B059 Various buildings and scenes, Upper St. John River Valley area, Maine; Eloi Daigle house, Fort Kent, Maine, July 28, 1991 - July 29, 1991
Photographer: David A. Whitman
Digital content available: afc1991029_dw_b059
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
These images document a variety of buildings and scenes; 1-6, Decorative facial boards on the eaves of houses in Wallagrass, ME; there are quite a variety of these throughout the study area, cut in a number of different shapes from triangular to compound-curved examples like these; 7-8, Members of a group calling themselves "Rainbows;" they were traveling from a national gathering of Rainbows in Vermont, and had stopped at this rest area along State Highway 11 in Wallagrass; 9-10, Pump connected to a well at the rest area; 11-12, House in Soldier Pond connected to a former storefront; 13-22, Exterior views of the Eloi Daigle house on U.S. Highway 1 in eastern Fort Kent; this is a typical mid-nineteenth century Acadian house which has been moved and enlarged since its construction. The unpainted sections represent much later additions; 23-30, Closet door in the Eloi Daigle house; an interesting and typically Acadian feature is the chamfered panels on the inside of the door; 31-32, Ship's knee in the Fred Albert house in St. David, ME; 33-36, Close-ups of ship's knee showing the heads of the iron fasteners called drift pins.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: HM-B001-61317 Various scenes, Madawaska, Maine; Fred Albert House, Madawaska, Maine, June 25, 1991
Photographer: Howard W. Marshall
Digital content available: afc1991029_hm_b001_61317
35 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
2, US 1 n. edge of Madawaska; 3-4, David Whitman at local grocery store; Catholic shrine statues (for private yards) for sale; 5-23, exterior views of Fred Albert House, a piece-sur-piece en colombacre Acadian cottage that has been moved to this site and made into a museum; building recorded; note the house form (Georgian-influenced symmetrical central hall, double-pile house); gable roof; gallery porch on front; story-and-one-half height; horizontal lapped weatherboarding; 24, framed French flag in hallway; 25, porch; 26-27, detail: panelled ceiling; 28-29, museum founder and expert local historian of Acadian ancestry Claude "Blackie" Cyr; 30-36, armoire (cupboard); details; important example of locally-made built-in cupboards found in Acadian houses.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: HM-B002-61327 Fred Albert House, Madawaska, Maine, June 25, 1991
Photographer: Howard W. Marshall
Digital content available: afc1991029_hm_b002_61327
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
1-7, interior details in rear rooms; note Acadian furniture; 8-11, locally-made armoire in kitchen; details; 12-15, views of original back door of Fred Albert House; 16-18, views of stairway to second floor off of hallway; this was the fancier stairs and used only by girls and women; 19, old photos; 20, worn pine flooring; 26, boxed stairway of the medieval European variety (and early American variety) in rear hallway of Albert house; provided access to sleeping area in second story used only by boys and men; 27-33, details of roof construction in sleeping loft; 34-36, ship's knees (braces) in sleeping loft.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: HM-B003-61316 Fred Albert House, Madawaska, Maine, June 25, 1991
Photographer: Howard W. Marshall
Digital content available: afc1991029_hm_b003_61316
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
1-2, more views of ship's knees in second story sleeping loft; 3-5, roofing details; #3 shows rafter footing joining the hewn log plate; #4 shows joining (half lap) of rafter collar and rafter; 6, view of second story / loft / attic; 7, detail of horizontal plate and its meeting with the vertical grooved column from below (the column / en coulisse that receives on both sides the hewn madriers or members that constitute the pieces in pjece-sur-piece en colombacre construction); 8, detail of cutout portion of girt in the gable, to provide for installation of window; 9, detail of horizontal hewn members / madriers bearing walls in rear corner of house; exposed to view; 10-14, details of vertical flush board walling in same room; #13-14 show the ceiling joist and flooring of loft; 15-16, interior of front north parlor, showing one of the vertical columns that is the principal feature of this kind of construction; note the column has been left raw and the vertical flush board walling and the panelled ceiling has been painted; 17, view in same room, rearward; 18, detail cutaway view next to front door in hallway showing pencilled names; 19-20, Mr. Claude "Blackie" Cyr; 21, section of woven mat that was found in the house when it was moved; 22, Claude Cyr; 23, view in second story of plate receiving a vertical column from below; 24, Acadian festival mural in the attic; 25-27, fine Acadian chairs in the loft / attic; 28, Ray Brassieur and Dave Whitman (l.) look at their fieldnotes in the attic of the Fred Albert house; 29-30, potato basket in attic; 31-34, furniture in the house; #34 is an important peg leg bench used for working at the loom; 35-36, Ray Brassieur admires an old basket.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: HM-B004-61319 Fournier-Chasse House and Fred Albert House, and other vernacular buildings, near Madawaska, Maine; Log blockhouse, Fort Kent, Maine, June 25, 1991
Photographer: Howard W. Marshall
Digital content available: afc1991029_hm_b004_61319
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
1-2, views Fournier-Chasse House, a piece-surpiece Acadian house that has been considerably remodelled (adding brick veneer siding) and expanded by additions; St. David community (adjacent to Madawaska), US 1; 3-5, Ray Brassieur (l.) and Dave Whitman ponder their fieldnotes in front of the house; 6-14, views of the house and in #7 of the St. John River just below it; 15-17, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Chasse; 18-21, details inside the house; Mrs. Chasse in #21; 22-23, views of the house; 24, view of Fred Albert House, adjacent to Fournier-Chasse House; 25, vernacular houses across US 1 from FournierChasse House, St. David; 26-27, store at St. David, US 1; 28-31, vernacular houses and buildings along US 1 between Madawaska on Ft. Kent; 32-36, Fort Kent, 1839-1840 log blockhouse at confluence of St. John River and Fish River in Ft. Kent.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: HM-B005-61324 Maison Daigle St. Jean, a piece-sur-piece en colombage Acadian cottage reconstructed on a museum site in Clair, New Brunswick (across the Saint John River from Fort Kent, Maine), June 26, 1991
Photographer: Howard W. Marshall
Digital content available: afc1991029_hm_b005_61324
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
1-6, views of the Maison Daigle, a fine Acadian house; behind it the museum staff have recreated a traditional granae Acadien (Acadian barn) from scratch; this is a public museum where visitors pay small admission charge and get guided tours; important collection of artifacts of all kinds are here; 7-8, views of the new / recreated Acadian barn (a three-bay frame barn); 9-11, views of interior of the house; niche for holding religious statues in #9; 12, attic of the house; 13-15, ship's knees (braces) in the attic / loft; 16-17, the niche in the kitchen / dining area on the first floor; 18-20, views of the kitchen / dining area; note the cutout wall section to allow for circulation of heat from the cast iron stove; 21-23, views of the columns in the front parlor; corner columns are boxed grooved columns (that within the walling receive the horizontal madriers that constitute the bearing walls of piece-sur-oiece; 24-25, views of the rear of the house and the new barn 2 6 "Societe Historique" sign on old farm equipment in front of the house; 29-32, views of exterior of Maison Daigle; note very ornate front entry with painted symbols and sidelight windows; 33-36, field team members Lisa Ornstein (l.) Ray Brassieur (c.) Dave Whitman (r.) at the Maison Daigle; 34-35, views of the framing inside the replica / recreated Acadian barn.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: HM-B006-61312 Maison Daigle St. Jean, Clair, New Brunswick, Canada; Potato houses and Bangor and Aroostook Railroad, Fort Kent, Maine; Acadian house in Fort Kent, Maine, June 26, 1991
Photographer: Howard W. Marshall
Digital content available: afc1991029_hm_b006_61312
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
1, hallway of the recreated Acadian barn; 2, field researchers Ray Brassier (l.) and Lisa Ornstein (r.) at the barn; 5-8, views of St. River from the Maison Daigle, looking from south to north, including view of Ft. Kent, Maine; 9-10, views of the sign for the Maison Daigle museum from highway; 11, the Customs check point on the Clair, NB side of the bridge; 12-13, St. River and bridge from the international boundary point on the bridge between Clair and Ft. Kent; 14-27, potato houses and Bangor and Aroostook Railroad cars along Market Street in Ft. Kent; some photos show flat cars loaded with harvest logs to be shipped to mills; 15, Acadian cottage, in form much like the Maison Daigle (Clair, NB), next to railroad on Dube St. in Ft. Kent; 16-33, historic structures along the BAR rail: old caboose and restored station; 34, businesses on US 1 in Ft. Kent, near BAR; 35-36, Acadian house on Dube St. (see #15).
Call number: AFC 1991/029: HM-B007-61309 Acadian house in Fort Kent, Maine ; Frenchville historic site, Frenchville, Maine; Vernacular architecture on Route 1 between Fort Kent and Madawaska, Maine; Soldier Pond rest area and landscape on Maine 11, near Madawaska, Maine, June 26, 1991
Photographer: Howard W. Marshall
Digital content available: afc1991029_hm_b007_61309
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
1-2, Acadian house type on Dube St., Ft. Kent (continued); 3-4, Acadian house type on US 1 near Upper Frenchville; 5-11, views of historic BAR railroad water tower and vernacular houses in the community of Upper Frenchville on US 1; 12-16, views of Jesse Michaud store in Upper Frenchville; this is a rehabbed / enlarged and modified piece-sur-piece Acadian cottage house type; 17-19, Acadian cottage house type, Upper Frenchville of the bridge; 20, commercial building on US 1 (main street), Madawaska, "Acadian Festival Headquarters"; 21, [do], nice false-front building; 22-23, Acadian cottage, with enclosed front porch, Madawaska, US 1; 24-26, commercial building in Madawaska, US 1; 27, vernacular house with exceptionally developed pilasters, US 1 in Madawaska; 28-36, Soldier Pond rest area and landscape, Maine 11 south of Ft. Kent; historic markers overlooking the valley; site of original road into the area (Fish River Road); arpent land division system visible in these photos.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: HM-B008-61318 Acadian houses on Maine 11, Maine; St. Joseph Catholic Church and statuary, Wallagrass, Maine; Buildings in and around Eagle Lake, Maine; Val Violette House; Van Buren, Maine, June 26, 1991 - June 27, 1991
Photographer: Howard W. Marshall
Digital content available: afc1991029_hm_b008_61318
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
1-3, shingled, restored Acadian house type on Maine 11 (for sale); 4-10, St. Joseph Catholic church and statuary, Wallagrass community, Maine 11; 11-12, potato house (partly subterranean) on Maine 11 near Wallagrass / Plaisted communities; 15-16, Acadian house type with porch and larger attached room, Maine 11, Eagle Lake; 17, post office, Eagle Lake, Maine; 18, old folks home, Eagle Lake; 19—20, Victorian period New England temple-form house type, Maine 11, n. of Eagle Lake; 21-23, John Brown house, Maine 11, Eagle Lake; note clipped gables, color scheme (sang de bouef / oxblood plus grey); 24-36, Val Violette Acadian cottage house type, with Greek Revival exterior details, Van Buren on US 1; a National Register site; #34 shows old madriers (logs) cut out of rear wall during remodelling; #3 6, Ray Brassieur studies them; #35 shows the enclosed porch on the rear of the house.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: HM-B009-61313 Val Violette House, Van Buren, Maine; Acadian Village Museum,Van Buren, Maine, June 27, 1991
Photographer: Howard W. Marshall
Digital content available: afc1991029_hm_b009_61313
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
1-3, Ray Brassieur examines the remnants of madrier removed during remodelling of the Val Violette house; 4-5, views of the Val Violette house, rear; 6-13, views of architectural details, roof system, braces, etc. in attic of V. Violette house; 14-18, loom equipment / tools and historic loom in attic of V. Violette house; 19-23, Catholic nuns (and blood sisters) visiting in the Violette house while owners are away: Ludwina Deveau (rt.) and her sister, Sister Hermine Deveau (a Marist missionary) ; Brassieur talks with them in #21-23; 24-25, main building and gift shop at Acadian Village open-air museum, n. of Van Buren, US 1; 26-27, buildings there; 28-33, Parent-Roy log house of the earliest Acadian variety, much like houses of the British or Anglo-Americans except for the cornering details (#31) ; note the square-notching of the horizontal logs at the corners but with the vertical wooden pins to lock the corners in place (partially destroyed during museum relocation and reconstruction) ; note also that the logs are hewn with a broad axe square on all four sides and they fit flush horizontally (unlike Anglo-American log construction); note roof detail (eave treatment), a Quebec tradition; 34-36, interior.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: HM-B010-61323 Acadian Village Museum, Van Buren, Maine, June 27, 1991
Photographer: Howard W. Marshall
Digital content available: afc1991029_hm_b010_61323
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
1-9, Parent-Roy log house, continued; note armoire in #2, built-in corner bed in #3 ; Brassieur and freestanding fireplace in #4; 10, exterior — note Quebec curve to the eave of the roof; 11-14, exterior of Maison Morneault historic house, Acadian Village museum; a piece-sur-piece Acadian cottage en colombage; c. 1857; post office addition to south gable end; ship's knees in sleeping loft (two pair); note detailing around front door of the house (classical revival; federal); note bird house attached to corner of the house (as with other Acadian houses); 15-33, interior of attic: note especially the ship's knees (braces) in #15 etc., birch bark wall and roof insulation in #17, mortise-and-tenon construction of framework; 34-36, interior downstairs; loom, armoire.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: HM-B011-61329 Acadian Village Museum, Van Buren, Maine, June 27, 1991
Photographer: Howard W. Marshall
Digital content available: afc1991029_hm_b011_61329
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
1-4, interior, Maison Ouellette, 1859 Acadian cottage; horizontal log construction (perhaps half-dovetailed); note cast iron cook stove in #1 and cutout area of wall behind to allow better heat circulation; sink in #3; 5-6, the builder, Regis Levasseur in old photo displayed in the parlor of the Maison Ouellette; 7-10, interior views of parlor and bedroom; note furnishings; 11-12, old lithograph of Millais's "The Gleaners" on wall; 13, kitchen, armoire; 14-18, attic details; note newspaper insulation; 19-20, information posted to the interior wall of the house; 21-22, exterior of Maison Ouellette; 23, view of Maison Morneault (note post office room added to gable); piece-sur-piece Acadian cottage, en colombacre; 24-27, Maison Ouellette exterior, continued; note swallow house on corner; Acadian barn is visible behind house in #26; 28-31, Acadian barn fun grange Acadien) brought to the museum and reconstructed; shingled, three-bay barn of the early kind; 32, museum director Mrs. Ann Roy; 33-35, potato knife Marshall bought at Jesse Michaud store, Upper Frenchville; 36, parade float at the museum.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: HM-B012-61314 New Sweden community log house, New Sweden, Maine; Notre Dame du Mont Carmel Catholic Church and surrounding area, Lille, Maine, June 28, 1991
Photographer: Howard W. Marshall
Digital content available: afc1991029_hm_b012_61314
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
1, highway signs, Frenchville; 2-3, Swedish style log house, New Sweden community, Aroostook County interior; 4-11, Notre Dame du Mont Carmel, idled Catholic church in Lille, on US 1, being restored by owner Don Cyr; a National Register site; 12-13, porch details of the rectory; note the niche in the wal1; 14, Don Cyr's truck with Acadian pride license plate; 15, vie of landscape behind the church; 16-22, views of the church and rectory, continued; 23-24, cemetery; 24, the church; 25-26, connected dwelling, barn, and commercial building on US 1 adjacent to the church, Lille; 28-33, church, continued; 34-35, the structures in 25-26, continued; 36, the church.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: HM-B013-61325 Notre Dame du Mont Carmel Catholic Church, Lille, Maine; Violette log house (dismantled/stored), Lille, Maine, June 28, 1991
Photographer: Howard W. Marshall
Digital content available: afc1991029_hm_b013_61325
36 35 mm black-and-white film negatives
1, connected, buildings, US 1 next to Lille church; 2-3, vernacular houses on US 1 in Lille, across from the church; 4-10, Notre Dame du Mont Carmel, the Catholic church in Lille, on US 1, being restored by owner Don Cyr; a National Register site; 11-15, interior of the church; 16-22, cast iron angels, gilt, to be replaced on top of the twin towers of the church by Don Cyr; 23, detail of one of the interior columns grained to imitate marble; 24-26, drift pins, 8" hand-forged iron, from ship's knees in the dismantled Violette piece-surpiece en colombaqe house owned by Don Cyr; 27-28, Acadian barn, remodelled, part of the church property; Don Cyr stores antiques and parts of old buildings here; 29, Ray Brassieur (l.) visits with Don Cyr about the old buildings Cyr plans to restore; 30-34, Violette log house (piece-sur-piece), dismantled and stored under tarps behind the church Don Cyr owns; a National Register site, ithis dismantled building; 35-36, cemetery behind the church.
Call number: AFC 1991/029: HM-B014-61315 Don Cyr and the Violette log house (dismantled), Lille, Maine; Various scenes and vernacular barns, St. Agatha, Maine, June 28, 1991
Photographer: Howard W. Marshall
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