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National Visionary Leadership Project interviews and conference collection, 1997-2009

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Series III: Interviews (continued)
Quincy Jones oral history interview conducted by Camille O. Cosby, 2003-09-23 (continued)
Moving Images (continued)
AFC 2004/007: 062.MV.004
AFC 2004/007: 062.MV.005
AFC 2004/007: 062.MV.006
Leontine Kelly oral history interview conducted by Camille O. Cosby, 2003-04-16
AFC 2004/007: 063
Leontine Kelly was a teacher, Methodist minister and the first African American woman bishop.
The interview includes Leontine Kelly's memories of growing up in Cincinnati, Ohio, her family's involvement in the Methodist church, meeting her husband, and becoming a teacher in Richmond, Virginia. She recalls the integration of public schools, her husband's death and her decision to become a minister. She discusses her opinions on women in the ministry, her faith, and her election as the first African American woman bishop in the nation.
Catalog Record:
BOX-FOLDER 8/82 Manuscripts
1 transcript (84 pages)
BOX-FOLDER 28/383 Graphic Images
24 photographs : digital, jpeg files, color
Moving Images
6 videocassettes of 6 (Betacam SP) (180 min.) sound, color ; 1/2 in. camera master
AFC 2004/007: 063.MV.001
AFC 2004/007: 063.MV.002
AFC 2004/007: 063.MV.003
AFC 2004/007: 063.MV.004
AFC 2004/007: 063.MV.005
AFC 2004/007: 063.MV.006
B. B. King oral history interview conducted by Camille O. Cosby, 2005-11-16
AFC 2004/007: 064
B. B. King was a guitarist and blues singer.
The interview includes B. B. King's memories of growing up in Indianola, Mississippi, living on his own as a teenager and serving in the segregated army. He discusses discrimination in Mississippi, learning to play guitar and moving to Memphis, Tennessee. He discusses making his first record, playing concerts around the country and crossing over to a white audience.
Catalog Record:
BOX-FOLDER 8/83 Manuscripts
1 transcript (160 pages)
BOX-FOLDER 28/384 Graphic Images
4 photographs : digital, jpeg files, color
Moving Images
4 videocassettes of 4 (DVC) (256 min.) : sound, color ; 1/4 in. camera master
AFC 2004/007: 064.MV.001
AFC 2004/007: 064.MV.002
AFC 2004/007: 064.MV.003
AFC 2004/007: 064.MV.004
Coretta Scott King oral history interview conducted by Renee Poussaint, 2002-09-05
AFC 2004/007: 065
Coretta Scott King was a civil rights activist and the wife of Martin Luther King, Jr.
The interview includes Coretta Scott King's memories of growing up in Marion, Alabama, attending Antioch College and meeting Martin Luther King, Jr. while at the New England Conservatory of Music. She discusses their marriage, move to Montgomery, Alabama, and their involvement in the civil rights movement. She also discusses starting the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change and her involvement in peace and human rights organizations.
Catalog Record:
BOX-FOLDER 9/84-85 Manuscripts
1 transcript (47 pages)
1 bound transcript (73 pages) with CD insert
BOX-FOLDER 28/385 Graphic Images
21 photographs : color ; 4 x 6 in.
Moving Images
5 videocassettes of 5 (Betacam SP) (150 min.) sound, color ; 1/2 in. camera master
AFC 2004/007: 065.MV.001
AFC 2004/007: 065.MV.002
AFC 2004/007: 065.MV.003
AFC 2004/007: 065.MV.004
AFC 2004/007: 065.MV.005
Eartha Kitt oral history interview conducted by Renee Poussaint, 2006-06-07
AFC 2004/007: 066
Eartha Kitt was a singer, dancer and actress.
The interview includes Eartha Kitt's memories of growing up in South Carolina, surviving child abuse and rejection because of her light skin color, and moving to New York. She recalls joining the Katherine Dunham Dance School, performing in Paris and becoming a nightclub singer. She discusses her first album, protesting the Vietnam War at the White House and her role as Catwoman on the television show "Batman."
Catalog Record:
BOX-FOLDER 9/86 Manuscripts
1 transcript (47 pages)
BOX-FOLDER 28/386 Graphic Images
11 photographs : digital, jpeg files, color
Moving Images
3 videocassettes of 3 (DVCam) (192 min.) sound, color ; 1/4 in. camera master
AFC 2004/007: 066.MV.001
AFC 2004/007: 066.MV.002
AFC 2004/007: 066.MV.003
Billy Kyles oral history interview conducted by Renee Poussaint, 2005-04-05
AFC 2004/007: 067
Samuel "Billy" Kyles was a civil rights activist and the minister of the Monumental Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee.
The interview includes Samuel "Billy" Kyles' memories of growing up in Mississippi and Chicago, Illinois. He discusses moving to Memphis to become the minister of the Monumental Baptist Church and his involvement in the civil rights movement. He recalls the Memphis Sanitation Strike and witnessing Martin Luther King, Jr.'s assassination in 1968.
Catalog Record:
BOX-FOLDER 9/87 Manuscripts
1 transcript (46 pages)
BOX-FOLDER 28/387 Graphic Images
26 photographs : digital, jpeg files, color
Moving Images
1 videocassette (DVCAM) (184 min.) : sound, color ; 1/4 in. camera master
1 videocassette of 1 (VHS) (180 min.) : sound, color ; 1/2 in. camera master
AFC 2004/007: 067.MV.001
William Layton oral history interview conducted by Renee Poussaint, 2005-04-15
AFC 2004/007: 068
William Layton was a historian, social worker and employee of the Board of Governor of the Federal Reserve System.
The interview includes William Layton's memories of growing up in Virginia and attending Lincoln University and Fisk University. He recalls his careers as a social worker, director of the Urban League in Michigan, and at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve in Washington, D.C. He discusses his interest in genealogy and collecting historical artifacts on the civil war and slavery.
Catalog Record:
BOX-FOLDER 9/88 Manuscripts
1 transcript (38 pages)
BOX-FOLDER 28/388 Graphic Images
33 photographs : digital, jpeg files, color
Moving Images
1 videocassette of 1 (DVCam) (124 min.) sound, color ; 1/4 in. camera master
AFC 2004/007: 068.MV.001
LaSalle Leffall oral history interview conducted by Renee Poussaint, 2003-01-31
AFC 2004/007: 069
LaSalle Leffall was a surgeon and oncologist, specializing in cancer rates among African Americans.
The interview includes LaSalle Leffall's memories of growing up in Florida and attending Florida A & M College and Howard University Medical School. He recalls living in segregated Washington, D.C., meeting his wife, and the death of his mentor, Dr. Charles Drew. He discusses his decision to become a surgeon and his residency at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York. He also discusses his teaching career at Howard University, becoming the president of the American Cancer Society, and his work to bring attention to cancer rates among minorities.
Catalog Record:
BOX-FOLDER 9/89 Manuscripts
1 transcript (102 pages)
BOX-FOLDER 28/389 Graphic Images
19 photographs : digital, jpeg files, color
Moving Images
6 videocassettes of 6 (Betacam SP) (180 min.) : sound, color ; 1/2 in. camera master
AFC 2004/007: 069.MV.001
AFC 2004/007: 069.MV.002
AFC 2004/007: 069.MV.003
AFC 2004/007: 069.MV.004
AFC 2004/007: 069.MV.005
AFC 2004/007: 069.MV.006
Elma Lewis oral history interview conducted by Camille O. Cosby, 2002-12-17
AFC 2004/007: 070
Elma Lewis was a teacher, choreographer, and founder of the Elma Lewis School of Fine Arts.
The interview includes Elma Lewis' memories of growing up in Boston, Massachusetts, taking dance classes and attending Emerson College and Boston University. She recalls teaching dance, theater and visual arts, and founding the Elma Lewis School of Fine Arts and the National Center of Afro American Artists. She discusses community arts funding, programming for children and collaborations among Jews and African Americans.
Catalog Record:
BOX-FOLDER 9/90 Manuscripts
1 transcript (60 pages)
BOX-FOLDER 28/390 Graphic Images
32 photographs : digital, jpeg files, color
Moving Images
3 videocassettes of 3 (Betacam SP) (90 min.) : sound, color ; 1/2 in. camera master
AFC 2004/007: 070.MV.001
AFC 2004/007: 070.MV.002
AFC 2004/007: 070.MV.003
J. Bruce Llewellyn oral history interview conducted by Camille O. Cosby, 2003-07-09
AFC 2004/007: 071
J. Bruce Llewellyn was a lawyer, businessman, and owner of Fedco and the Philadelphia Coca-Cola Bottling Company.
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