The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Eloise Hubbard Linscott collection, circa 1815, 1929-2002
Some or all content stored offsite.
Series I: Manuscripts (continued)
Subseries C: Fieldnotes, lyrics, and music transcriptions (continued)
Transcribed lyrics, 1942 (continued)
Digital ID: afc1942002_ms069
BOX-FOLDER 10/99 Unbound notes from folder entitled “Transcribed Lyrics, 1942.”, undated
4 pages
Digital ID: afc1942002_ms096
BOX-FOLDER 10/100 Lyrics for songs collected during the field trip of November 4-17 and December 2-3, 1941, 1941
48 pages
Digital ID: afc1942002_ms072
BOX-FOLDER 10/101 Lyrics transcribed from recordings, undated
104 pages
Digital ID: afc1942002_ms070
BOX-FOLDER 10/102 Texts not included in records, undated
8 pages
Digital ID: afc1942002_ms098
BOX-FOLDER 10/103 Lyrics sent to Roderick W. Hine by Allen Bennett Lincoln, 1940
7 pages
Digital ID: afc1942002_ms077
BOX-FOLDER 10/104 Lyrics plus a note from “Kay," 1945-1952
4 pages
Includes “The False-Hearted Knight,” “The Devil and the Farmer’s Wife,” and “The Cuckoo.”
BOX-FOLDER 10/105 Miscellaneous lyrics, undated
4 pages
Includes “Old Dan Day,” “The Scolding Wife,” “Lumberman’s Lament,” and “The Four Cousins.”
BOX-FOLDER 10/106 Lyrics and notes, undated
2 pages
Items found in Monthly Budget of Music (see Folder 154).
BOX-FOLDER 11/107 Lyrics and music transcriptions, formerly housed with Linscott Collection sound recordings, undated
69 pages
Digital ID: afc1942002_ms076
Includes materials accompanying recordings with these ID numbers: SR063, SR137, SR170, SR232, SR235, SR237, SR242, SR244, SR246-SR250, SR267, SR295, SR297, and SR339.
BOX-FOLDER 11/108 Lyrics and music transcriptions, miscellaneous (Folder 1 of 2), undated
72 pages
Digital ID: afc1942002_ms074
BOX-FOLDER 11/109 Lyrics and music transcriptions, miscellaneous (Folder 2 of 2), undated
52 pages
Digital ID: afc1942002_ms075
BOX-FOLDER 11/110 Handwritten lyrics, book 1, undated
40 pages
Digital ID: afc1942002_ms105
BOX-FOLDER 11/111 Handwritten lyrics, book 2, undated
40 pages
Digital ID: afc1942002_ms106
BOX-FOLDER 11/112 Lyrics and fieldnotes: Mrs. Crosby, undated
2 pages
Digital ID: afc1942002_ms099
BOX-FOLDER 11/113 Lyrics and fieldnotes: Fred Pullen, Bert Hodgkins, undated
2 pages
Digital ID: afc1942002_ms100
Subseries D: Reference, research, and bibliographic materials
BOX-FOLDER 12/114 Guggenheim Fellowship application drafts, circa 1941
29 pages
Digital ID: afc1942002_ms101
BOX-FOLDER 12/115 Lectures, presentations, and interviews, circa 1940-1955
14 pages
Digital ID: afc1942002_ms102
Includes lecture notes, the draft of a program for an unidentified event, a program for a presentation at Dedham Country Day School, questions from Priscilla Fortescue and drafted answers from Linscott for a radio interview, and a draft of questions and answers for Clare Cassidy's interview with Linscott.
BOX-FOLDER 12/116 “Leland Powers School Presents 'The Boston Fancy,'” circa 1940s
11 pages
A proposal for a music education program
BOX-FOLDER 12/117 Presentations: notes on subject matter, performers, songs, etc., circa 1948-1956
62 pages
Digital ID: afc1942002_ms107
BOX-FOLDER 12/118 Miscellaneous notes, with recognizable dates and/or organization, circa 1930s-1945
75 pages
Subfolder U includes an item handwritten by William J. (Jack) Sherrard.
BOX-FOLDER 12/119 Research notes, plus request slips from the Boston Public Library, circa 1925
21 pages
BOX-FOLDER 12/120 Research notes on the Brookfield murder (song and historical event), plus notes on dances, Prescott (Devil Song), etc., circa 1930s-1945
154 pages
Includes rough draft of letter from Linscott to Benjamin B. Lovett (1937); see Folder 34 (afc1942002_m025)
BOX-FOLDER 12/121 Research notes, bookkeeping accounts, performers, songs, and dates (notebook), circa 1937
86 pages
BOX-FOLDER 12/122 Research notes kept in binding of a calendar/day book, circa 1947
11 pages
The color artwork on paper, affixed to the front cover, is an addition (possibly drawn by Linscott).
BOX-FOLDER 12/123 Research notes and song lyrics (notebook), plus request slips from Harvard College Library, and other unbound notes, undated
98 pages
BOX-FOLDER 12/124 Research notes and transcribed music (notebook), undated
135 pages
BOX-FOLDER 12/125 Research notes on selected songs, undated
11 pages
BOX-FOLDER 12/126 Research notes found in Linscott’s copy of “Music and the Child," undated
5 pages
BOX-FOLDER 12/127 Notes written on pages from an engagement book, undated
10 pages
BOX-FOLDER 12/128 Diary, with birthdays, anniversaries, and notes (bound), circa 1941
60 pages
BOX-FOLDER 13/129 History of Choral Music: lecture notes, circa 1918-1920
210 pages (approximate)
BOX-FOLDER 13/130 Obituary for John Murdock (or Murdoch), plus image of an unidentified man, undated
2 items
BOX-FOLDER 13/131 Kiplinger Washington Letter, October 8, 1976
4 pages
Linscott used an ink pen to note changes to the copyright law (on page 4).
BOX-FOLDER 13/132 Bay State Historical League Bulletin, April 1954
6 pages
Linscott used a colored pencil to note some of the historical points.
BOX-FOLDER 13/133 Miscellaneous notes (originals), undated
43 pages
BOX-FOLDER 13/134 Miscellaneous notes (one-sided photocopies), circa 1930s-1960s
55 pages
BOX-FOLDER 13/135 Miscellaneous notes (two-sided photocopies), circa 1940s-1960s
68 pages
BOX-FOLDER 13/136 Inscriptions and notations in publications, A-G (photocopies), circa 1871-1946
31 pages
From publications (separated from the collection) that were autographed by authors or have notes made by Linscott. Arranged alphabetically by book or journal title.
BOX-FOLDER 13/137 Inscriptions and notations in publications, H-O (photocopies), circa 1939-1944
46 pages
See description for contents of Folder 136.
BOX-FOLDER 13/138 Inscriptions and notations in publications, P-V (photocopies), 1867-1950
27 pages
See description for contents of Folder 136.
BOX 13 Index cards
111 cards
These 3 x 5 index cards give performer names, song titles, locations, and a few notes. Housed in a small box inside Box 13.
Subseries E: Folk Songs of Old New England: Linscott's personal copy and separate notes
363 pages (approximate)
The association copy of Linscott’s book (with notes intended to revise text for a subsequent edition). It is the first edition, with the author’s handwritten annotations and photos laid in. The photos and other inclusions were digitized in the order in which they were found in the book. Afterwards, the photos and other materials were removed and rehoused. See Folder 234 for photographic prints removed from the book.
BOX-FOLDER 14/139 Folk Songs of Old New England: dust jacket and envelope
Digital ID: afc1942002_ms083
The book, plus the dust jacket a mailing envelope in which the dust jacket was mailed.
BOX 14 Folk Songs of Old New England: the book
Digital ID: afc1942002_ms084-091
BOX-FOLDER 14/140 Folk Songs of Old New England: manuscript materials found between pages.
Digital ID: afc1942002_ms085-088
Selected items were digitized.
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