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Eloise Hubbard Linscott collection, circa 1815, 1929-2002

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Series II: Sound Recordings (continued)
SR394, circa 1950s (continued)
Side A: (continued)
Digital ID: afc1942002_sr394a
Side B:
Digital ID: afc1942002_sr394b
SR395, April 7, 1952
1 10-inch disc
Pianist and vocalists are not identified.
Side A:
Digital ID: afc1942002_sr395a
Testing and Foolishness [sic]
Pennies from Heaven
Side B:
Digital ID: afc1942002_sr395b
Piano dribbling unaware [sic]
SR396, November 7, 1941
1 10-inch disc
Performed by Roger Robinson (fiddle), in Bowdoinham, Maine.
Side A: Music for the dance Boston Fancy
Digital ID: afc1942002_sr396a
Devil's Dream
Soldier's Joy
Lamplighter's Hornpipe
Shave and a Haircut
Side B: Music for the dance Haymakers Jig
Digital ID: afc1942002_sr396b
Garry Owen [Garryowen]
Swimming in the Gutter
Shave and a Haircut
SR397, May 14, 1949
1 10-inch disc
Performed by Bourne Male Quartet and Chorus; William J. (Jack) Sherrard, soloist.
Side A:
Digital ID: afc1942002_sr397a
The Dreadnaught
Side B:
Digital ID: afc1942002_sr397b
Rio Grande [Ryo Grande]
SR398, November 9, 1941
1 10-inch disc
Side A: Performed by Betty Gaye Farnham (vocals and guitar). "Reuben Haskins" includes yodeling. Side B: Performed by Betty Gaye Farnham (vocals) and Herbert R. (Bert) Farnham (piano), in Swanville, Maine. "High Diddle Daddle" composed by Bert Farnham. This disc is probably a copy; see AFS 06068.
Side A:
Digital ID: afc1942002_sr398a
Reuben Haskins
Side B:
Digital ID: afc1942002_sr398b
Old Man Worth
High Diddle Dandy [Hey Diddle Daddle]
SR399, April or August 1940
1 10-inch disc
Side A: Performed by Sam Young, Jr., in Laconia, New Hampshire. Includes guitar accompaniment by an unientified person. Side B. Performed by Everett Davey (vocals and guitar). Copied by Linscott, probably from SR31B (she notes "duplicate" on the disc sleeve).
Side A:
Digital ID: afc1942002_sr399a
Jack Haggerty
Side B:
Digital ID: afc1942002_sr399b
Barb'ry Ellen (fragment) [Barbara Allen]
Lass of Mohea (fragment) [Little Mohea]
SR400, November 4, 1944
1 10-inch disc
Side A: "Foggy Dew" performed by Lena Bourne Fish. "Pigtown Fling" performed by William (Bill) Spink (fiddle). Side B: performed by Lena Bourne Fish. Collector’s original ID: III.
Side A:
Digital ID: afc1942002_sr400a
Foggy Dew
Pigtown Fling [Pig Town Fling]
Side B:
Digital ID: afc1942002_sr400b
Pretty Sylvia
Drummer Boy [Drummer Boy of Oxford Town]
SR401, March 31, 1951 (Side A); circa 1950s
1 10-inch disc
Side A: An unidentified male voice can be heard in discussion with Linscott, as the music plays. Side B: recorded from a radio broadcast. "Count Every Star" was introduced by an identified disc jockey. While the disc documentation notes "testing" as the last track on Side B, "Count Every Star" is cut off and nothing follows it.
Side A:
Digital ID: afc1942002_sr401a
Lili Marlene
Side B:
Digital ID: afc1942002_sr401b
Disk Jockey
Count Every Star
SR402, April 1, 1951
1 10-inch disc
Performed by Mrs. Grace Williams, in Enfield, New Hampshire. Both sides include discussion between Williams and Linscott. Collector’s original ID: I.
Side A:
Digital ID: afc1942002_sr402a
Off She Goes
Side B:
Digital ID: afc1942002_sr402b
Kissing party game
Betsy Baker
SR403, February 1942
1 10-inch disc
Performed by David M. (Dave) Swett (fiddle), of Framingham, Massachusetts. Collector’s original ID: X.
Side A:
Digital ID: afc1942002_sr403a
Stack of Barley
Pop Goes the Weasel
Side B:
Digital ID: afc1942002_sr403b
Chicken Reel
Money Musk [Monymusk]
SR404, January 9, 1947
1 10-inch disc
Performed by William J. (Jack) Sherrard. Collector’s original ID: I. Speed change problems occur on Side B.
Side A:
Digital ID: afc1942002_sr404a
Paddy Get Back
Side B:
Digital ID: afc1942002_sr404b
Side A:, circa 1946
1 10-inch disc
Digital ID: afc1942002_sr405a
Side B does not have identifiable content. Side B is blank.
SR406, September 17, 1944
1 10-inch disc
Performed by Lena Bourne Fish, of East Jaffrey, New Hampshire. Collector’s original ID: II.
Side A:
Digital ID: afc1942002_sr406a
Blue Mountain Lake
Springfield Mountain
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