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Inauguration 2009 Sermons and Orations Project collection, 2008-2009

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Submissions, 2008-2009 (continued)
Third Street Church of God (Washington, D.C.) (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 4/161 Program, 2009-01-18
BOX 8 Witnesses of History and Hope, 2009-01-18
1 video recording: digital file submitted on DVD
disc id: afc2009001_0190_mv01
Our Lady Star of the Sea (New Orleans, Louisiana) and St. James the Apostle Church (Las Vegas, Nevada)
BOX-FOLDER 4/162 The Election of President Barack, 2009-01-25
1 sermon
BOX 8 "The Election of President Barack," recorded at St. James the Apostle Church, 2009-01-25
1 video recording : digital file submitted on DVD
disc id: afc2009001_0191_mv01
Apostolic Faith Church of God of Washington, D.C. (Washington, D.C.)
BOX-FOLDER 4/163 Yes I Can! 2009-01-25
1 sermon
BOX-FOLDER 4/163 Program, 2009-01-25
BOX-FOLDER 4/163 Book flyer, 2009-01-25
BOX-FOLDER 4/163 Photographs of congregation, 2009-01-25
5 photographic prints: color, 4 x 6 in.
ID: afc2009001_0192_ph01-ph05
Emmanuel Church in the City of Boston (Boston, Massachusetts)
Reflections on the Inauguration of Barack Obama as President of the United States, 2009-01-18
1 sermon : digital doc file and printed copy
digital ID: afc2009001_0193_ms01.doc
BOX-FOLDER 4/164 Program, 2009-01-18
BOX 8 Reflections on the Inauguration of Barack Obama as President of the United States, 2009-01-18
1 video recording : digital file submitted on DVD
disc id: afc2009001_0193_mv01
Grace Cathedral (San Francisco, California)
BOX-FOLDER 4/165 Sermon, 2009-01-18
BOX-FOLDER 4/165 Program, 2009-01-18
BOX 12 Sermon, 2009-01-18
1 sound recording : digital wav file submitted on CD
disc id: afc2009001_0194_sr01
Boston Jewish Spirit (Boston, Massachusetts)
BOX 8 Sermon, 2009-01-16
1 video recording : digital file submitted on DVD
ID: afc2009001_0195_mv01
Vivekananda Vedanta Society of Chicago (Chicago, Illinois)
BOX 12 Message of Swami Vivekananda, 2009-01-22 and 2009-01-26
1 sound recording
disc id: afc2009001_0196_sr01
All Dulles Area Muslim Society (Sterling, Virginia)
BOX-FOLDER 4/166 The Promise of President Obama, 2009-01-23
1 sermon
BOX 12 The Promise of President Obama, 2009-01-23
1 sound recording : digital wav file submitted on CD
disc id: afc2009001_0197_sr01
Mount Zion United Methodist Church (Hamilton, Virginia)
Morning Services, 2009-01-18
1 sound recording : audio cassette tape
tape id: afc2009001_0198_sr01
Stored off-site
Morning Services, 2009-01-18
1 video recording : VHS
tape id: afc2009001_0198_mv01
Stored off-site
Bethlehem Baptist Church (Edgefield, South Carolina)
BOX-FOLDER 4/167 Letter, 2009-02-09
Temple Emanuel (Beverly Hills, California)
BOX-FOLDER 4/168 A Prayer for Our Country, 2009-01-23
1 sermon
St. James Christian Methodist Episcopal Church (Columbus, Georgia)
BOX-FOLDER 5/169 The Audacity to Dream, 2009-01-18
1 sermon
BOX 12 The Audacity to Dream, 2009-01-18
13 sound recordings : digital wav files submitted on CD
disc id: afc2009001_0201_sr01-sr13
University Christian Church (San Diego, California)
BOX-FOLDER 5/170 Celebrating Barack Obama...and Rick Warren, Too, 2009-01-18
1 sermon
BOX 8 Celebrating Barack Obama...and Rick Warren, Too, 2009-01-18
1 video recording : digital file submitted on DVD
disc id: afc2009001_0202_mv01
Celebrating Barack Obama...and Rick Warren, Too, 2009-01-18
1 sound recording : audio cassette tape
tape id: afc2009001_0202_sr01
Stored off-site
St. John Progressive Missionary Baptist Church (Tampa, Florida)
BOX-FOLDER 5/171 Program, 2009-01-25
BOX 12 Dare to Be a Dreamer, 2009-01-18
7 sound recordings : digital wav files submitted on CD
disc id: afc2009001_0203_sr01-sr07
BOX 12 There is Power in his Name, 2009-01-25
5 sound recordings : digital wav files submitted on CD
disc id: afc2009001_0203_sr08-sr12
BOX 8 There is Power in his Name, 2009-01-25
1 video recording : digital file submitted on DVD
disc id: afc2009001_0203_mv01
BOX 8 Dare to Be a Dreamer, 2009-01-18
1 video recording : digital file submitted on DVD
disc id: afc2009001_0203_mv02
Centenary United Methodist Church (Winston-Salem, North Carolina)
BOX-FOLDER 5/172 Lighten Our Darkness: The Call to Discipleship and the Audacity of Hope, 2009-01-18
1 sermon
BOX-FOLDER 5/172 Program, 2009-01-18
BOX-FOLDER 5/172 Biographical sketch of Dr. Peter Graves, 2009-02-20
BOX-FOLDER 5/172 Photograph of Dr. Peter Graves, 2009-01-18
1 photograph : color, digital image printout
ID: afc2009001_0204_ph01
BOX 12 Lighten Our Darkness: The Call to Discipleship and the Audacity of Hope, 2009-01-18
1 sound recording : digital wav file submitted on CD
disc id: afc2009001_0204_sr01
ORS Multimidia Interativa Ltda. (Salvador, Brazil)
BOX-FOLDER 7/256 Letter to U. S. Consulate General, 2009-07-08
BOX-FOLDER 7/256 We Are All Americans/ Somos Todos Brasileiros, 2009-01-20
Song lyrics
BOX 8 Obama Inauguration - Posse de Obama interviews and music performance, 2009-01-20
1 video recording : digital file submitted on DVD
disc id: afc2009001_0205_mv01
Lindsay Street Baptist Church (Atlanta, Georgia)
BOX-FOLDER 5/173 The Prisoner and the Politician
1 sermon : digital doc file and printed copy
Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto (Palo Alto, California)
BOX-FOLDER 5/174 Now Our Children Can Fly, 2009-01-11
1 sermon : digital doc file and printed copy
digital ID: afc2009001_0207_ms01.doc
Now Our Children Can Fly, 2009-01-11
1 sound recording : digital wav files submitted on CD
ID: afc2009001_0207_sr01-sr02
Oakhurst Presbyterian Church (Decatur, Georgia)
BOX-FOLDER 5/175 Program, 2009-01-18
BOX 12 The Content of Our Character, 2009-01-18
1 sound recording : digital mp3 file submitted on CD
disc id: afc2009001_0208_sr01
Lovely Valley Baptist Church (Wirtz, Virginia)
BOX-FOLDER 5/176 Program and sermon, "I Am Sending You", 2009-01-25
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