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Inauguration 2009 Sermons and Orations Project collection, 2008-2009

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Submissions, 2008-2009 (continued)
Unitarian Church of Barneveld (Barneveld, New York) (continued)
BOX 12 One More Step: Toward the Dream the Dreamers Dreamed, 2009-01-18
1 sound recording : digital wav file submitted on CD
disc id: afc2009001_0245_sr01
Ethical Culture Fieldston School (New York, New York)
BOX-FOLDER 6/206 Letter to Parents, 2009-01-20
BOX-FOLDER 6/206 Sophie Halper, 2009-01-20
1 speech
BOX-FOLDER 6/206 Roma Murphy, 2009-01-20
1 speech
BOX-FOLDER 6/206 Maxine Stern, 2009-01-20
1 speech
BOX-FOLDER 6/206 Lexa Harpel, 2009-01-20
1 speech
BOX-FOLDER 6/206 Ben Their, 2009-01-20
1 speech
BOX-FOLDER 6/206 Aurora Celestin, 2009-01-20
1 speech
BOX-FOLDER 6/206 Julie Cohen, 2009-01-20
1 speech
Photographs of event, 2009-01-20
4 photographs : digital, color, jpg files
digital id: afc2009001_0246_ph01-ph04.jpg
BOX 8 Inauguration speeches, 2009-01-20
1 video recording : digital file submitted on DVD
disc id: afc2009001_0246_mv01
New Jerusalem Church (Pretty Prairie, Kansas)
BOX-FOLDER 6/207 Inauguration Sermon, 2009-01-18
BOX-FOLDER 6/207 Program, 2009-01-18
BOX 12 Inauguration Sermon, 2009-01-18
3 sound recording : digital wav files submitted on CD
disc id: afc2009001_0247_sr01-sr03
Good Samaritan Center (Pinellas Park, Florida)
BOX-FOLDER 6/208 Inaugurating the Kin-Dom, 2009-01-18
1 sermon
BOX-FOLDER 6/208 Program, 2009-01-18
BOX 12 Inaugurating the Kin-Dom, 2009-01-18
1 sound recording : digital mp3 file submitted on CD
disc id: afc2009001_0248_sr01
Outreach for Jesus Church and Christian Education Center, Inc. (Hope Mills, North Carolina)
BOX-FOLDER 6/209 Program, 2009-01-23
BOX-FOLDER 6/209 Letters, 2009-01-23
6 letters
BOX 8 Sermon, 2009-01-23
1 video recording : digital file submitted on DVD
disc id: afc2009001_0249_mv01
Milton Seventh-Day Adventist Church (Milton-Freewater, Oregon)
BOX 12 Sermon, 2009-01-17
1 sound recording : digital wav file submitted on CD
disc id: afc2009001_0250_sr01
St. Stephen United Methodist Church (Arlington, Texas)
BOX-FOLDER 6/210 When God Calls You, 2009-01-18
1 sermon
BOX-FOLDER 6/210 Program, 2009-01-18
BOX 12 When God Calls You, 2009-01-18
1 sound recording : digital wav file submitted on CD
disc id: afc2009001_0251_sr01
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Door County (Sister Bay, Wisconsin)
BOX-FOLDER 6/211 Flyer and promotional items, 2009-01-18
BOX-FOLDER 6/211 Poems, creative writing, letters and speeches, 2009-01-17
8 interleaving files
BOX-FOLDER 6/211 Order of Service, 2009-01-17
BOX-FOLDER 6/211 Order of Service, 2009-01-18
BOX 12 Church service, 2009-01-17
4 sound recordings : digital wav files submitted on 4 CDs
discs: afc2009001_0252_sr01-sr04
BOX 8 Sermon, 2009-01-17
1 video recording : digital file submitted on DVD
disc id: afc2009001_0252_mv01
Vedanta Society of Kansas City (Kansas City, Missouri)
BOX-FOLDER 6/212 Letter, 2009-01-22
BOX-FOLDER 6/212 Program, 2009-01-18
1 digital pdf file and printed copy
digital ID: afc2009001_0253_ms02.pdf
BOX-FOLDER 6/212 Vivekananda: Prophet of Harmony, 2009-01-18
1 speech
BOX-FOLDER 6/212 Tracing the Heroes' Journey of Swami Vivekananda and Barack Obama, 2009-01-18
1 speech : digital pdf file and printed copy
digital ID: afc2009001_0253_ms04.pdf
BOX-FOLDER 6/212 Speech delivered by Arvind K. Khetia, 2009-01-18
1 speech
BOX 8 Symposium: Vivekananda Prophet of Harmony #3005, 2009-01-18
1 video recording : digital file submitted on DVD
disc id: afc2009001_0253_mv01
Fifteenth Street Presbyterian Church (Washington, D.C.)
BOX-FOLDER 6/213 Program, 2009-01-18
BOX 8 Sermon, 2009-01-18
1 video recording : digital file submitted on DVD
digital ID: afc2009001_0254_mv01
Mount Olive C.M.E Church (Fort Valley, Georgia)
BOX-FOLDER 6/214 Program, 2009-01-18
BOX-FOLDER 6/214 DVD cover, 2009-01-18
BOX 9 Sermon, 2009-01-18
1 video recording : digital file submitted on DVD
disc id: afc2009001_0255_mv01
Leftist Marching Band (Portsmouth, New Hampshire)
BOX-FOLDER 6/215 Opening Remarks, 2009-01-20
BOX-FOLDER 6/215 Program, 2009-01-18
BOX-FOLDER 6/215 "Error Bash" liner notes, 2009-01-18
BOX-FOLDER 6/215 Photographs of event, 2009-01-18
106 photographs : digital, color, jpg files and print copies
digital ID: afc2009001_0256_ph001-ph106.jpg
BOX 12 and 18 End of an Error, 2009-01-18
41 sound recordings : digital wav files submitted on 4 CDs
discs: afc2009001_0256_sr01-sr41
St. Andrews Episcopal Church (Fullerton, California)
BOX-FOLDER 6/216 A New President, An Old Destiny, 2009-01-18
1 sermon
BOX-FOLDER 6/216 Program, 2009-01-18
BOX 17 Sermon, 2009-01-18
1 video recording : DVD [faulty disc]
disc id: afc2009001_0257_mv01
Unitarian Universalist Church of Evansville (Evansville, Indiana)
BOX-FOLDER 6/217 We Are the Ones: Avoiding Fascism in a Turbulent World, 2009-01-18
1 sermon
BOX-FOLDER 6/217 Program, 2009-01-18
BOX 18 We Are the Ones: Avoiding Fascism in a Turbulent World, 2009-01-18
1 sound recording : digital wav file submitted on CD
disc id: afc2009001_0258_sr01
Rev. Jean Smith (Ft. Washington, Maryland)
BOX 17 Sermon
1 sound recording : CD [faulty disc]
disc id: afc2009001_0259_sr01
Memorial Baptist Church (Hartford, Connecticut)
BOX-FOLDER 6/218 A New Start, 2009-01-25
1 sermon
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