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Inauguration 2009 Sermons and Orations Project collection, 2008-2009

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Submissions, 2008-2009 (continued)
Union Baptist Church (Easton, Maryland) (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 4/127 Almost, But Not Yet, 2009-01-18
1 sermon : digital doc file and printed copy
digital ID: afc2009001_0144_ms01.doc
BOX-FOLDER 4/127 Program, 2009-01-18
BOX-FOLDER 4/127 The Valley Calls, 2009-01-25
1 sermon : digital doc file and printed copy
digital ID: afc2009001_0144_ms03.doc
BOX-FOLDER 4/127 Program, 2009-01-25
Photographs of Reverend Fentress A. Hickman and church, 2009-01-25
3 photographs : digital doc files and printed copies
digital ID: afc2009001_0144_ph01-ph03.doc
Rock Springs United Methodist Church (Lawrenceville, Georgia)
BOX-FOLDER 4/128 The Surprising Grace of God, 2009-01-25
1 sermon
BOX-FOLDER 4/128 Program, 2009-01-25
College Street Congregational Church (Burlington, Vermont)
BOX-FOLDER 4/129 A Litany for Martin Luther, 2009-01-18
BOX-FOLDER 4/129 Program, 2009-01-18
BOX-FOLDER 4/129 Photographs of Reverend David Wright and congregation, 2009-01-18
5 photographs : color, digital jpg files and printed copies
digital ID: afc2009001_0146_ph01-ph05.jpg
BOX 11 Sermon, 2009-01-18
1 sound recording : digital wav file submitted on CD
disc id: afc2009001_0146_sr01
Progressive Baptist Church (New Orleans, Louisiana)
BOX 11 Don't Forget How You Got There, 2009-01-18
3 sound recordings : digital wav files submitted on CD
disc id: afc2009001_0147_sr01-sr03
The Parish Church of Christ the King (Portage, Michigan)
BOX 8 Sermon, 2009-01-18
1 video recording : digital file submitted on DVD
disc id: afc2009001_0148_mv01
Positive Living Center (Oakhurst, California)
BOX-FOLDER 4/130 Inauguration, 2009-01-25
1 poem
East Friendship Baptist Church (Washington, D.C.)
BOX 11 I Wish I Had Time, 2009-01-18
1 sound recording : digital wav and wma files submitted on CD
disc id: afc2009001_0150_sr01
La Canada Congregational Church (La Canada, California)
BOX-FOLDER 4/131 Say it Again, Sam! 2009-01-18
1 sermon
BOX 11 Say it Again, Sam! 2009-01-18
1 sound recording : CD [missing]
disc id: afc2009001_0151_sr01
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton (Boca Raton, Florida)
BOX-FOLDER 4/132 One by One: Justice, Equity and Compassion in Human Relations, 2009-01-18
1 sermon
BOX-FOLDER 4/132 Program, 2009-01-18
First Church Unitarian (Littleton, Massachusetts)
BOX-FOLDER 4/133 Now We Must, 2009-01-25
1 sermon
BOX-FOLDER 4/133 Program, 2009-01-25
BOX 8 Now We Must, 2009-01-25
1 video recording : digital file submitted on DVD
disc id: afc2009001_0153_mv01
Congregational Church of South Hempstead, United Church of Christ (South Hempstead, New York)
BOX-FOLDER 4/134 Program, 2009-01-25
BOX 11 Sermon, 2009-01-25
1 sound recording : digital wav file submitted on CD
disc id: afc2009001_0154_sr01
Christ Lutheran Church (Germantown, Maryland)
BOX-FOLDER 4/135 Lessons From a Busy Week, 2009-01-18
1 sermon
BOX-FOLDER 4/135 Program, 2009-01-18
BOX-FOLDER 4/135 The Kingdom of God is at Hand, 2009-01-25
1 sermon
BOX-FOLDER 4/135 Program, 2009-01-25
BOX 11 Sermons, 2009-01-18 and 2009-01-25
1 sound recording : digital wma file submitted on CD
disc id: afc2009001_0155_sr01
Harry S. Wright, Minister of Shiloh Baptist Church (Bennettsville, South Carolina)
BOX-FOLDER 4/136 "What inauguration of Barack Obama means," Marlboro Herald-Advocate
1 newspaper clipping
ID: afc2009001_0156_ms01
First Christian Church (Mount Vernon, Washington)
BOX-FOLDER 4/137 Whose Dream Is It? 2009-01-18
1 sermon
BOX-FOLDER 4/137 Program, 2009-01-18
BOX-FOLDER 4/137 Business card
Adath Israel Congregation (Lawrenceville, New Jersey)
BOX 12 Sermon, 2009-01-16
1 sound recording : digital mp3 and wav files submitted on CD
disc id: afc2009001_0158_sr01
Yale Avenue Christian Church (Tulsa, Oklahoma)
BOX-FOLDER 4/138 Dear Mr. President, 2009-01-18
1 sermon
BOX-FOLDER 4/138 Program, 2009-01-18
BOX 12 Sermon, 2009-01-18
1 sound recording : CD [missing]
disc id: afc2009001_0159_sr01
Alpharetta Presbyterian Church (Alpharetta, Georgia)
BOX-FOLDER 4/139 Inaugurating Disciples, 2009-01-18
1 sermon
BOX-FOLDER 4/139 Program, 2009-01-18
BOX-FOLDER 4/139 Business card
BOX 12 Sermon, 2009-01-18
1 sound recording : digital mp3 and wav files submitted on CD
disc id: afc2009001_0160_sr01
Antioch Baptist Church North (Atlanta, Georgia)
BOX-FOLDER 4/140 Three Miracles, 2009-01-18
1 sermon
BOX-FOLDER 4/140 Who He Is, 2009-01-18
1 sermon
BOX-FOLDER 4/140 Program, 2009-01-18
BOX 12 Three Miracles, 2009-01-18
1 sound recording : digital wav file submitted on CD
disc id: afc2009001_0161_sr01
BOX 12 Who He Is, 2009-01-18
1 sound recording : digital wav file submitted on CD
disc id: afc2009001_0161_sr02
BOX 8 Who He Is, 2009-01-18
1 video recording : digital file submitted on DVD
disc id: afc2009001_0161_mv01
BOX 8 Three Miracles, 2009-01-18
1 video recording : digital file submitted on DVD
disc id: afc2009001_0161_mv02
Wheat Street Baptist Church (Atlanta, Georgia)
BOX 8 The 'Yes-We-Can' Theology and Celebration Time, Pray On! 2009-01-18
1 video recording : digital file submitted on DVD
disc id: afc2009001_0162_mv01
United Centers for Spiritual Living (Golden, Colorado)
BOX-FOLDER 4/141 Business card
BOX 12 Celebrate Your Life, 2009-01-22
3 sound recordings : digital wav files submitted on CD
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