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Chicago Ethnic Arts Project collection, 1976-1981

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Series 6: Sound Recordings, 1977 (continued)
Subseries 4: Irish (continued)
Interview with Peggy Roche Boyle about Irish dance, Chicago, Illinois, part 1-2, May 07, 1977 (continued)
MBRS shelflist: RYA 0644
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20585a
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20585b
2 audiocassette, C-60
Part 1 of 2-part interview with Peggy Roche Boyle about Irish dance, including mention of her father Pat Roche who reprinted Francis O'Neill's book of Irish fiddle tunes in the 1930s, father's influence on his family, had the Harp and Shamrock Orchestra, about Peggy Roche Boyle's dancing and teaching, changes over time, methods, desire for a repertory theater; topic sequence includes her background, her family's Irish activities, about her father, Pat Roche, and his early involvement with dancing; about the World's Fair 1933, where Pat Roche helps organize the presentation of Irish culture; how Pat Roche kept the dancing alive, his involvement with the music scene and the reprinting of Francis O'Neill's collection of fiddle tunes in the 1930's; how Pat Roche transmitted his love of Ireland to his family, about other family members; about Pat Roche's Harp and Shamrock Orchestra, their recordings, his dances, other dancers who came to Chicago and from whom he learned; how Peggy Roche Boyle learned her first steps; about Pat Roche's school and his occupation; about Peggy Roche Boyle's participation in competitions, why she prefers teaching, when she started teaching, her negative attitudes toward competitions; about Peggy Roche Boyle's role in adult education in Irish dancing in St. Xavier's College; about the motivations of her students, where dancing is performed and why; about change over time in the nature of steps and techniques discussed, the reasons for change, teaching methods, steps not written down, labanotation problems, semi-formal method of transmission; about the role of Irish Dancing Teachers Commission; fieldworkers notes that at this point a child starts playing with the microphone around mother Peggy Roche Boyle's neck; about the standards and requirements of the Commission; problems with testing of teachers and teaching methods; about need for a Repertory Theatre for Irish dancing in Chicago.; about problems with dancers who never dance after they pass competition age, and the lack of suitable contexts; the number of people in Chicago learning Irish dancing; how a Repertory Theatre might be established, and potential problems, including personality problems, logistical problems, lack of finances; potential value of a study in Ireland with teachers and repertory theatres there; about the paucity of suitable rehearsal and performance contexts in Chicago. Part 2 of 2-part interview with with Peggy Roche Boyle about Irish dance, including Christmas dance exhibition, about dance style, girls attracted more than boys, some dissonance between musicians and dancers, influence of contests on style, conversation joined by husband Jimmy Boyle, about his repertory, influence of Clancy Brothers; topic sequence includes how Peggy Roche Boyle started her Christmas choreographed Irish dancing exhibition; about problems in researching authentic traditions, and the need for available folkloric source material; how she designed the show; why she only teaches certain material in her dancing classes; about Boyle's lack of knowledge of some of the old regional dances, there is a need for study in Ireland; about negative attitudes to set dances, resources may be available in Chicago, there are questions about the "right" and "wrong" ways to do things; how existing old style dancing resources in Chicago might be utilized; the need for finances seen as crucial in order to tap the talent out there, how informal dancing contexts might be stimulated; about Peggy Roche Boyle's dancing classes, 80 pupils, there is competition between dancing schools discussed; where pupils come from, what generation and gender; about the low number of males, the age at which pupils "drop off"; about the motivation of children and parents; how the school is publicized; about feelings on aspects of dancing style, the rift between musicians and dancers, a lack of mutual understanding has developed; about audience taste; Boyle has a negative response attitude to soft shoe dancing; why Irish American dancing standards are governed by attitudes among top dancers in Ireland; teachers are forced to enter their kids for competitions, they have "winning complexes"; the next segment is a conversation with Peggy Roche Boyle's husband, Jimmy Boyle, how he developed interest in his Irish background, how he started to dance, how he and Peggy met, his attitude to performing in pubs, when he learns, about his singing and his songs, where he gets them, the influence of the Clancy Brothers.
Tape ID: AFC 1981/004: AFS 20586A Interview with Mike Flannery about Irish American culture, Chicago, Illinois, May 08, 1977
MBRS shelflist: RYA 0645
Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20586a
1 audiocassette, C-60
Interview with Mike Flannery about Irish American culture, recorded out of doors (sound adversely affected by wind on microphone and jacket flapping); about influence of father, frustration at lack of interest in culture on the part of some Irish Americans; about Gaelic language, Irish Musicians Association, about context for individual's cultural understanding, relationship to politics, and other topics; this recording was made at the same time as the Fleadh Cheoil held at Bogan High School (call numbers AFC 1981/004: AFS 20587, AFS 20588, AFS 20589, AFS 20590, AFS 20591, and AFS 20592).
Tape ID: AFC 1981/004: AFS 20587 - AFS 20592 Recording of Fleadh Cheoil, held at Bogan High School, Chicago, Illinois, part 1, singing and instrumental competition; part 2, men's singing competition and fiddle and flute session ; part 3, singing and instrumental competition; part 4, singing and instrumental competition; part 5, flute competition; part 6, flute competition and fiddle-accordion session, May 08, 1977
MBRS shelflist: RXA 1022 - RXA 1027
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20587
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20588
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20589
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20590
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20591
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20592
6 audiotape reel, 7 in.
Part 1 of a 6-part recording made at the Fleadh Cheoil (singing and instrumental competition) held at Bogan High School; some recordings document the contest itself while others were made to the side; see the fieldworker's logs for more detail; recorded in a large hall: Noel Rice, flute, hornpipe; slow air, An Drimin Donn Dilis; then in a classroom, singing contest (microphone at a distance): sean nos (old style) singer, The Shores of Lough Bran; Mary Conway, My Blue Eyed Mountain Queen; Mary Conway, The Banks of the Lee; next: 14-16 age group singing competition: Liza Flatley, My Snowy Breasted Pearl and The Last Rose of Summer; Adjudication; next: Men's Senior Singing Competion: John Brennan, Long a Growing and Skibereen; James Skehan, The Banks of the Lee. Part 2 of a 6-part recording made at the Fleadh Cheoil (singing and instrumental competition) held at Bogan High School; some recordings document the contest itself while others were made to the side; see the fieldworker's logs for more detail; this recording includes Men's Senior Singing Competition in English: Kevin Henry, The Emigrant's Return and The Green Fieids of Dromore; Adjudication; next, context shifts to tiny alcove for a fiddle and flute session, sounds of traffic in background: Armin Barnett, fiddle, David Molk, flute, various reels and jigs. Part 3 of a 6-part recording made at the Fleadh Cheoil (singing and instrumental competition) held at Bogan High School; some recordings document the contest itself while others were made to the side; see the fieldworker's logs for more detail. Part 4 of a 6-part recording made at the Fleadh Cheoil (singing and instrumental competition) held at Bogan High School; some recordings document the contest itself while others were made to the side; see the fieldworker's logs for more detail; this recording includes a session with Liz Carroll, fiddle, Dan Collins, fiddle, and David Molk, flute, various reels; next, the Tin Whistle Competition (recorded at about 30-40 feet distance in school gym with audience a considerable distance from the chair on which the players sat and played for the adjudicators), some humming, banging, and shuffling noises; next, Seamus Coole, hornpipe, reel, jig (a nearby cassette momentarily turned on towards the end of the reel); next, Tom Masterson, tin whistle, slow air, jig, reel, hornpipe; next, unidentified player, tin whistle, hornpipe, slow air, jig, reel; Adjudication. Part 5 of a 6-part recording made at the Fleadh Cheoil (singing and instrumental competition) held at Bogan High School; some recordings document the contest itself while others were made to the side; see the fieldworker's logs for more detail; this recording includes the flute competition: Seamus Cooley (wooden flute), slow air, jig, hornpipe; reel; Kevin Henry (wooden flute), hornpipe, jig, slow air plus reel; Michael Flatley (wooden flute), jig, slow air, hornpipe, reel; Noel Rice (silver flute), slow air, hornpipe, jig, reel; David Molk (wooden flute), jigs, slow air. Part 6 of a 6-part recording made at the Fleadh Cheoil (singing and instrumental competition) held at Bogan High School, some recordings document the contest itself while others were made to the side; see the fieldworker's logs for more detail; from the flute competition: Noel Rice, adjudication; session with Liz Carroll, fiddle, Tommy McGuire, button accordion, spoons player with Liz Carroll; Liz Carroll and Tommy McGuire.
Tape ID: AFC 1981/004: AFS 20593A - AFS 20593B Interview with Pat Roche about Irish dance in Chicago, Illinois, part 1-2, May 09, 1977
MBRS shelflist: RYA 0646
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20593a
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20593b
2 audiocassette, C-60
Part 1 of 2-part interview with Pat Roche about Irish dance in Chicago, Roche born in Ireland in 1905, came to America 1930, founded Harp and Shamrock Club; topic sequence includes where he was born, how he learned dancing at home, from whom he learned at home and in America; played football; when Roche came to Chicago (1930), he then joined a band and began teaching dancing, about some initial problems; about the system of teaching he developed; about his family back in Ireland, how many came to America, and why they emigrated; when he next went back to Ireland, when he was born (1905); about his involvement in organizing Irish American activities in Chicago over the years, music, dancing, boxing, Gaelic games, and his bands, including the Harp and Shamrock Club; about its activities; about dancing teachers in Chicago over the years, the benefits of Irish dancing to young people, it "develops their mind as well as their body"; about music and dance competitions over the years, initial problem in finding judges for competitions; about the Irish music that was played in public, e.g., in dance halls, and the types of instruments; story about how a young lad playing authentic Irish music fell under the influence of a wealthy patron and made good; about the Harp and Shamrock Orchestra, and its original (l933l members, by name, most are still alive, it is the only Ceili Band of that time; how the band made records, what company, what they were paid, how the band broke up, what happened to the members; Pat Roche incorporated the band and club name; about the World's Fair Irish Village; there has been no ceilidh bands since Harp and Shamrock until recently, convened for Feiseanna; how Pat Roche began his involvement with radio, which shows and stations over the years, he still has a show, he has been on radio steadily over the last 10 years, his show features culture, history, politics, and prominent Irish figures; how he recorded his dancing for commercial recordings. Part 2 of 2-part interview with Pat Roche about Irish dance in Chicago, Roche born in Ireland in 1905, came to America 1930, founded Harp and Shamrock Club, topics include development of Irish dancing style (tempo, steps, etc.) over the years; Pat Roche sees a constant progression; how he took his star pupils and taught them how to teach, "Most of the best teachers today are my pupils"; competitions are an important instrument for improvement in standards; why Pat Roche sees dancing as building character; discussion of his occupations since coming to America, in the Depression, he had his own business, peddled eggs, tea, coffee; then a fireman, then engineer, retired 1976; how Pat Roche found room for dancing, hard times, where he has lived in Chicago; how his children do and do not keep up Irish traditions; Pat Roche still dances, and thinks that the current state of dancing in Chicago is good, he sees dancing as keeping Irish Americans united; about step dancing and how Roche tried to get parents to learn set dancing, he feels Irish ceili dancing could be as popular in informal settings as square dancing; why dancing teachers don't teach the old sets, Pat Roche is dubious about the authenticity of the old country sets, adds comments on British exploitation of Ireland; more description of the Irish Village at the [1933 ?] World's Fair.
Subseries 5: Scandinavian
Tape ID: AFC 1981/004: AFS 20594A - AFS 20594B Interview with J. Harry and Josefa Andersøn regarding Norwegian American activities and customs, Chicago, Illinois, part 1-2, May 16, 1977
MBRS shelflist: RYA 0647
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20594a
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20594b
2 audiocassette, C-90
Part 1 of 2-part interview with Mr. and Mrs. Jan Harry and Josefa Andersen: 3416 N. Oak Park Ave., regarding immigration, Norwegian activities in Chicago, and survival of Norwegian customs; other topics include language, Christmas customs, Norwegian restaurant, "Den Norske Kafe," holidays including Sankthans or Midsommer; Syttenda Mai (Norwegian Independence Day), Fastelavn; Leif Ericsson Day and statue, seasonal food customs, "The Sunshine Singers," Norwegian language organizations, church in Chicago, Norwegians in trades and trade unions. Part 2; start of recording to 26 minutes elapsed time: part 2 of 2-part interview with Mr. and Mrs. Jan Harry and Josefa Andersen: 3416 N. Oak Park Ave., regarding Norwegian American customs, Wheaton College, religious organizations and the Salvation Army, veterans association, and immigrant songs.
Tape ID: AFC 1981/004: AFS 20594B - AFS 20595A Interview with Paul Sveinbjörn about Icelandic American activities and customs, Evanston, Illinois, part 1-2, May 16, 1977
MBRS shelflist: RYA 0647-0648
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20594b
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20595a
2 audiocassette, C-90
From 26 minutes elapsed time to end of recording: part 1 of a 2-part interview with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Svejnbjorn Johnson, 936 Sheridan Rd., Evanston, 60206, about Icelandic activities in Chicago, and survival of Icelandic customs. Svejnbjorn Johnson is the consul of Iceland and Mrs. Johnson is a cultural leader in the Icelandic American community. Topic include occupations of Icelanders in Chicago, language, food customs, National Day, Icelandic participation in Scandinavian churches , Leif Ericsson Day, Christmas customs, regular visits to Iceland, a traditional fish dish and "the Cod War." Part 2 of a 2-part interview with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Svejnbjorn Johnson, 936 Sheridan Rd., Evanston, 60206, about Icelandic activities in Chicago, and survival of Icelandic customs.
Tape ID: AFC 1981/004: AFS 20596A - AFS 20596B Interview with Olga Lejondahl and Ruth Peterson regarding Swedish painting in Chicago area, Evanston, Illinois, part 1-2, May 17, 1977
MBRS shelflist: RYA 0649
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20596a
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20596b
2 audiocassette, C-90
Part 1 of a 2-part interview with Mrs. Olga Lejondahl and Mrs. Ruth Peterson, Evergreen Park; topics include Swedish painting in Chicago area; Mrs. Lejondahl is a Dalarmalar (may be Dala paintings or kurbits paintings from Dalarna province), as well as a mural, portrait, and landscape painter; Mrs. Peterson is her landlady; discussion of Lejondahl's background, immigration, origin, beginning of painting, styles, brushes and paint, murals on order, about immigration to Chicago and early work there, visits to Sweden, family there and in U.S., other Swedish traditions, incl. food, Christmas, etc. Part 2 of a 2-part interview with Mrs. Olga Lejondahl and Mrs. Ruth Peterson, Evergreen Park; closing fragment of interview, duration 4 minutes.
Tape ID: AFC 1981/004: AFS 20597A - AFS 20597B Interview with Ray Nilsen regarding musical background and repertoire, also Norwegian musical and dance activities in Chicago, Illinois, part 1-2, May 17, 1977
MBRS shelflist: RYA 0650
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20597a
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20597b
2 audiocassette, C-90
Part 1 of a 2-part audiocassette recording of and interview with and performances by Ray Nilsen, 6059 N. Newburg, Chicago, IL. 60631; additional segments of this event were recorded on open-reel tapes at call numbers AFC 1981/004: AFS 20598 and AFS 20599; topics in this part include musical background and repertoire, also Norwegian musical and dance activities in Chicago; Mr. Nilsen is an accordionist, singer, and choir director; discussion of learning the music, playing in the old country, music lessons in Chicago, father's musical background, occupations in U.S. attitudes towards other Norwegian music, source of accordion repertoire, fiddling and dancing in Norway, differences in Chicago and Norway repertoire, revival of older music, Norwegian dance-groups in Chicago, "The Sunshine Singers," Salvation Army Scandinavian Night, Norwegian choirs and choral societies, church and dance music, Norwegian American holidays, Christmas parties for kids, Sjomannsvalsar (sailors waltzes), emigrants songs, Syttenda Mai (Norwegian Independence Day) and Norwegian patriotic songs; introduction to the musical portion of this recording and performances that include Se Nu Dansar Bestefar (Grandfather's Waltz), Kostarvalsen, Nidaran, Lejkaringen, Heimhugg' Schottische, Poul Sine Hans (with vocals), Springdans, Seksnummer Reel, Klapdans, Handfei ("Soldier's Joy" variant), Ekereel, Fussel, and En Sjomann Elskar Havets Brus. Part 2 of a 2-part audiocassette recording of and interview with and performances by Ray Nilsen, 6059 N. Newburg, Chicago, IL. 60631; additional segments of this event were recorded on open-reel tapes at call numbers AFC 1981/004: AFS 20598 and AFS 20599; performances in this part include Den Klare Aftanstjerne, Lapplander song (no title given), Piende Visa, Christmas song (title not given), Jeg ar sa Glad av Julan Kam, Dejlige ar Jordan; conversation about psalmodikon (or psalmodicon, musical instrument).
Tape ID: AFC 1981/004: AFS 20598 - AFS 20599 Performances by Ray Nilsen, accordion and vocals, part 1, with Leandra Nilsen, piano, Chicago, Illinois; and part 2, May 17, 1977
MBRS shelflist: RXA 1028 - 1029
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20598
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20599
2 audiotape reel, 7 in.
Part 1 of a 2-part open-reel tape recording of and interview with and performances by Ray Nilsen, accordion and vocals, and Leandra Nilsen, piano, 6059 N. Newburg, Chicago, IL. 60631; additional segments of this event were recorded on an audiocassette at call numbers AFC 1981/004: AFS 20597a and AFS 20597b; selections in this part include song; waltz; and the hymn "Beautiful Savior" sung in English and Norwegian, piano and vocals; duration of this recording 4:30 minutes. Part 2 of a 2-part open-reel tape recording of and interview with and performances by Ray Nilsen, accordion and vocals, and Leandra Nilsen, piano, 6059 N. Newburg, Chicago, IL. 60631; additional segments of this event were recorded on an audiocassette at call numbers AFC 1981/004: AFS 20597a and AFS 20597b; selections in this part include "Se Nu Danser Bestefar" (Grandfather's Waltz), followed by comments on instruments; "Kostervalsen"; "Nideron"; "Lejkaringen, Heimbugg" (schottische); "Poul Sine Hons" followed by comments; "Springdans"; "Seksnummer Reel" (polka); "Klapdans"; "Handfei" (variant of' Soldier's Joy); "Ekereel"; "Fussol" (dance for couples, variant of' Turkey in the Straw); "En Sjomann Elskar Havets Brus" [En sjöman älskar havets våg, ja vågornas brus] (waltz, sailor's farewell to his girl); waltz (sailor's song, with comments); "Den Klare Aftanstjerne" (waltz); Lapplander song; "Piende Visa" followed by story.
Tape ID: AFC 1981/004: AFS 20600A - AFS 20600B Interview with Kurt Mathiasson at the Swedish-American Museum about Swedish traditions and music in Chicago, Illinois, part 1-2, May 18, 1977
MBRS shelflist: RYA 0651
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20600a
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20600b
2 audiocassette, C-90
Part 1 of 2-part interview with and performances by Kurt Mathiasson (residence 4852 W. Ainslie, Chicago 60630), recorded at the Swedish-American Museum, 5248 N. Clark St., Chicago, 60640; topics include Swedish traditions and music in Chicago, and Mathiasson's own musical traditions and repertoire; Mathiasson plays accordion, guitar, and harmonium and sings; he is proprietor of the Svea Restaurant, 5236 N. Clark, in the Andersonville district, is chairman of the Andersonville Chamber of Commerce and director of the Swedish-American Museum; additional topic notes: Swedish-American church services, Swedish holidays in Chicago, singing societies, Leif Ericsson Day, Swedish bands, bakeries, restaurants, and bars; discussion of Mathiasson's background and immigration, occupations, musical background, repertoire; the performances are accompanied (alternatively) by harmonium and guitar, and include Har De som Dovan ja Vingar, Solskinnarbjarg, Tack for Alt, Nu Tanker Jag Pa Dej, Mellun Himmels Host ock Vie, Smalandsvisan, Soldatarvisan, Soldatans Kona, Varmlandsvisan, and Elvira Madigan (truncated by end of tape). Part 2 of 2-part interview with and performances by Kurt Mathiasson (residence 4852 W. Ainslie, Chicago 60630), recorded at the Swedish-American Museum, 5248 N. Clark St., Chicago; performances include Se Pepito Dansar Tamborito, I Corsica, Sjomannsvals (two sailor's waltzes, titles unknown), Kvasarvalsen, Amerikabrevet, Hilsa Dem Darhemma, and Flickarna i Smaland.
Tape ID: AFC 1981/004: AFS 20601A Interview with Jørgen Hyland regarding Hardanger fiddle music specifically and Norwegian fiddling in general, Evanston, Illinois, May 18, 1977
MBRS shelflist: RYA 0652
Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20601a
1 audiocassette, C-90
Interview with and performances by Jorgen Hyland, 244 Callan Ave., Evanston 60602, regarding Hardanger fiddle music specifically and Norwegian fiddling in general; topics include emigration, origin, occupation, early musical experiences, the Hardanger fiddle, wedding music, Hyland's occupation on arrival, musical activities later, purchase of fiddle, repertoire, revival of playing after retirement, stringing the fiddle, Norwegian musical repertoire and dances, tune Springdans, revival of interest in playing. Performances interspersed with conversation: Musavisan Schottische, unnamed Schottische, "Kalle Firmans Vals, discussion of musical preservation in Norway, Polska Vals, Sorensen's Rheinlander, about Bergen's folklore museum, playing with other fiddlers in Chicago, other Norwegian family traditions, information on other Hardanger fiddlers , Norwegian singing at private parties.
Tape ID: AFC 1981/004: AFS 20602 Recording of performance of Kurt Mathiasson, vocals and harmonium, guitar, and accordion, Evanston, Illinois, May 18, 1977
MBRS shelflist: RXA 1030
Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20602
1 audiotape reel, 7 in.
Recording of performance of Kurt Mathiasson, vocals, harmonium, guitar, accordion; selections include "Har De Som Dovan Ja Vingar" (dirge, hymn); "Salskinnarbjorg" (Sunshine), comments on the harmonium; "Tack for Alt" (thanksgiving song); "Nu Tankar Jag Pa Dej" (guitar and vocals, a children's dance), comments on the guitar's history in Sweden; "Mellum Himmels Host ock Vie" (guitar and voice); "Smal Andsvisan" (guitar and vocal); "Soldatorvisan"; "Soldatans Kona"; "Varmlandvisan"; "Elvira Madigan" (old Swedish melody, learned from grandmother); unnamed song (guitar and voice); "Se Pepito Dansar Tainborito" (guitar and voice), comments on the song's author; "I Corsica" (guitar and voice); "Sjomannsuals" (guitar and voice), Mathiasson describes as waltz, rhythm suggests rhumba; unnamed wa1tz (accordion solo); "Kuasarvalsan" (accordion solo, wa1tz); "Amerikabrevet" (guitar, voca1s), Swedish song with English phrases.
Tape ID: AFC 1981/004: AFS 20603A - AFS 20603B Interview with Elie Steffensen and Karin Tinghød Pedersen regarding Danish food and homemaking customs, and Danish needlecraft, Chicago, Illinois, part 1-2, May 19, 1977
MBRS shelflist: RYA 0653
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20603a
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20603b
2 audiocassette, C-90
Part 1 of 2-part interview with Mrs. Elie (Mrs. Poul V.) Steffensen and Mrs. Karin Tinghoj Pedersen, 2849 Logan Blvd., W., Chicago, IL. 60647; topics include Danish food and homemaking customs, and Danish needlecraft, especially knipling, i.e. lacemaking; Mrs. Steffensen is a leader in Danish cultural activities in Chicago and an accomplished knipler, and Mrs. Pedersen is her mother; discussion included immigration and origin, settlement in Chicago and the Great Depression, Mr. Steffensen's occupation, about language and dialect, Danish organizations in Chicago, Mrs. Pedersen's early organizational activities, the Danish Literary Society, the Danish neighborhood in Chicago, churches and Danish language church services, Grundlovsfest (Danish National Day Festival), the Old People's Home Summer Festival , decline in festival attendance, festival speakers, the Danish Old People's Home, Danish-American Athletic Club Christmas Party and children's Christmas party Tape Index, Lillejuleaften (Dec. 23) old people's party, Athletic Club's Fastelavn party, Danish Christmas Tree at Museum of Science and Industry, African American Lutheran churches that were formerly Danish, Lillejuleaften party and food, other holidays including Sankthans, New Year's Eve, Athletic Club's gymnastic exhibition, Ollerup Gymanstic School graduates, gymnastic exhibition, folkdancing, decline in event attendance due to television, Ladies Auxiliary. Part 2 of 2-part interview with Mrs. Elie (Mrs. Poul V.) Steffensen and Mrs. Karin Tinghoj Pedersen, 2849 Logan Blvd., W., Chicago, IL. 60647; topics include Ladies Auxiliary, activities during World War II, family activities, Danish food in the home in Chicago, the Danish butcher Knud Kastrup, lack of Danish bakeries, Athletic Club and Old People's Home bazaars, daily food traditions, eftermiddagskaffee and aftenskaffe (afternoon and evening coffee) , desserts, bread, ollebrod (bread and beer soup), Danish cookbooks, needlecrafts, cross-stitching, embroidery, pull-thread embroidery, needlepoint, Mrs. Steffensen's own needlework activities, description of knipling (lacemaking), how knipling is learned, patterns, step by step description of knipling, knipling as part of other objects, knipling pillow, how Karin Pedersen learned craft, starting a pattern, origins of knipling, Karin Pedersen's description of knipling, other Danish lacemakers in Illinois, step-by-step description by Elie Steffensen.
Tape ID: AFC 1981/004: AFS 20604A Recording of rehearsal of Harmonien, Danish Singing Society, Chicago, Illinois, May 20, 1977
MBRS shelflist: RYA 0654
Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20604a
1 audiocassette, C-90
Recording of the Danish Singing Society, Harmonien, rehearsal led by Wayne Spies at Normennernes Singing Society Hall; fieldworker's notes state that this recording was poorly made and is unintelligible; other recordings of Harmonien are at call numbers AFC 1981/004: AFS 20605, AFS 20611, and AFS 20612).
Tape ID: AFC 1981/004: AFS 20605A - AFS 20605B Recording of singing and toasting by Harmonien, Danish Singing Society, Chicago, Illinois, part 1-2, May 20, 1977
MBRS shelflist: RYA 0655
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20605a
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20605b
2 audiocassette, C-90
Part 1 of 2-part recording of spontaneous singing and toasting by the Danish Singing Society, Harmonien, at Normennernes Singing Society Hall.; smorrebrod (Danish sandwiches) served at dinner; song selections include Helen Gar, Salange Halven Star, Harmonien's Sang. Part 2 of 2-part recording of spontaneous singing and toasting by the Danish Singing Society, Harmonien, at Normennernes Singing Society Hall; smorrebrod (Danish sandwiches) served at dinner; song selections include I Danmark Er Jeg Fodt and Glade Himmel; additional material on the recording described by fieldworker as less relevant to the ethnic arts field project.
Tape ID: AFC 1981/004: AFS 20606A - AFS 20606B Interview with Selma Jacobson regarding Swedish halmslöjd and halmslöjd, Chicago, Illinois, part 1-2, May 20, 1977
MBRS shelflist: RYA 0656
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20606a
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20606b
2 audiocassette, C-90
Part 1 of 2-part interview with Miss Selma Jacobson, 5641 W. Warwick Ave., Chicago, IL. 60641, Swedish hemslojd (home craft movement) and halmslojd (straw craft); Jacobson is an accomplished halmslojd artist, as well as serving as librarian for the Swedish-American Pioneer Historical Society Archives; interview recorded at the SAPHS Archives, 03 Nyvall Bldg., North Park College, 5120 N. Spaulding, Chicago, IL. 60625; topics include Swedish organizations in Chicago, types of crafts demonstrated in city, traditional cooking and baking, weaving activities, the artist's experiences in Swedish hemslojd school, visits to Scandinavian schools; about the methods for halmslojd: discussion of many steps in the process, detailed, continues in part 2. Part 2 of 2-part interview with Miss Selma Jacobson, 5641 W. Warwick Ave., Chicago, IL. 60641; background noise begins at 29 minutes elapsed time; topics include Swedish hemslojd (home craft movement) and halmslojd (straw craft); Jacobson is an accomplished halmslojd artist, as well as serving as librarian for the Swedish-American Pioneer Historical Society Archives; interview recorded at the SAPHS Archives, 03 Nyvall Bldg., North Park College, 5120 N. Spaulding, Chicago, IL. 60625; about the methods for halmslojd (straw craft): discussion of many steps in the process, detailed, continues from part 1; other topics include making large items of straw, problems of working in straw, Julebok, traditional Swedish Christmas decorating, some specialized halmslojd techniques, making human figures, economic aspects of Hemslojd, standard and varied techniques, color added to halmslojd, clothing of figures, tools and non-straw materials, Holy Thursday and Fastlag (Lenten) decorations of straw, use of patterns in halmslojd.
Tape ID: AFC 1981/004: AFS 20607A - AFS 20607B Interview with Reidar Rosenvinge regarding Rosemåling and Norwegian art in Chicago, Illinois, part 1-2, May 21, 1977
MBRS shelflist: RYA 0657
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20607a
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20607b
2 audiocassette, C-90
Part 1 of 2-part interview with Reidar Rosenvinge, 5820 W. Henderson, Chicago 60634, regarding Rosemalinq (flower-painting) and Norwegian art in Chicago; initial segment of recordings is poor quality, improves as recording proceeds; Reidar Rosenvinge is an active painter and teacher of painting specializing in Rosemaling; interview recorded at the Norway Center, 2350 N. Kedzie Blvd., Chicago 60647; topics include Rosenvinge's immigration and origins, early training as an artist, childhood artistic activities, father's influence, training at Technical Institute in Oslo, occupation in Chicago (working for W.P. Nelson), places painted in Chicago, working for Marshall Field, more occupational history, the teaching, resumption, and history of Rosemaling, revival of Rosemaling in US and its return to Norway, survival as a folk art in rural Norway, Rosenvinge's reasons for taking up the craft, influence on other Chicago Rosemalere (artists), methods of teaching Rosemaling, steps in process, use of pigments and their availability, templates and designs, competitive shows , resurgence of Rosemaling among youth, definition of talent, mixing of paints, children Rosemaling, artistic traditions in family, famous Norwegian painters in Chicago, Norwegian love of nature's influence on art, Norwegians in building trades, housepainters also artists, other trade-related talents, importance of perfection, cabinetmaking activities, restoration work, some for W.P. Nelson, stencilling and stencil-cutting. Part 2 of 2-part interview with Reidar Rosenvinge, 5820 W. Henderson, Chicago 60634, regarding Rosemalinq (flower-painting) and Norwegian art in Chicago; duration about 8 minutes; Reidar Rosenvinge is an active painter and teacher of painting specializing in Rosemaling; interview recorded at the Norway Center, 2350 N. Kedzie Blvd., Chicago 60647; topics include sign-painting, mural-painting, how Rosenvinge learned a trade in Scandinavia, steps in Rosemaling an object, kinds of objects sold, Scandinavians and Germans as talented painters.
Tape ID: AFC 1981/004: AFS 20608A Interview with Ivar Antonsson regarding woodcarving, Chicago, Illinois, May 22, 1977
MBRS shelflist: RYA 0658
Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20608a
1 audiocassette, C-90
Interview with Mr. Ivar Antonsson, 4848 N. Hoyne Ave., Chicago, IL. 60625, regarding woodcarving; Ivar Antonsson was formerly an active Swedish woodcarver; topics include immigration, origins, beginning carving, about the wood used in Sweden and items carved in Sweden, tools, obtaining wood in Sweden; kinds of items carved and wood preferred, more on immigration and work done at time of arrival, carving done in Chicago, kinds of wood available in US, grandfather as farmer and carver, cessation of carving in Chicago, pieces at Swedish Museum, extant pieces of his work, preparation of raw materials and drawings for carving, description of carving techniques, tools, and staining, grandfather as cabinetmaker, future carving plans.
Tape ID: AFC 1981/004: AFS 20609A - AFS 20609B Interview with Aina Momquist regarding Scandinavian needlecrafts in Chicago area, Homewood, Illinois, part 1-2, May 23, 1977
MBRS shelflist: RYA 0659
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20609a
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20609b
2 audiocassette, C-90
Part 1 of 2-part interview with Mrs. Aina Momquist; recorded at the Scandinavian Boutique, 18135 Harwood, Homewood IL 60430; Aina Momquist is proprietor of a Scandinavian craft shop, an accomplished Swedish seamstress, and a teacher of Swedish needlecrafts; topics include immigration and settlement, origin of the Boutique, beginnings of needlework, stages of learning, list of skills, teaching, popularity of needlework, description of Hardangersom, cutwork, pulled or drawn, threadwork, eyelet embroidery, drawn threadwork, twist-stitch, Flemish weave, weaving in Sweden, Swedish cooking, Christmas in Chicago, activities in Roseland and Homewood, Churches on the South Side, language teaching in Chicago, revival of language in Chicago, other practitioners of Scandinavian crafts in area, Swedish organizations south of Chicago, Scandinavian businesses. Part 2 of 2-part interview with Mrs. Aina Momquist; recorded at the Scandinavian Boutique, 18135 Harwood, Homewood IL 60430; duration of this part: 10 minutes; Aina Momquist is proprietor of a Scandinavian craft shop, an accomplished Swedish seamstress, and a teacher of Swedish needlecrafts; topics include saleability of various needlecrafts, small talk about the dog, saleability of various needlecrafts, intentions in doing of needlecrafts, about other items sold in shop.
Tape ID: AFC 1981/004: AFS 20610 Recording of performances by Jørgen Hyland on Hardangar fiddle, Chicago, Illinois, June 06, 1977
MBRS shelflist: RXA 1031
Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20610
1 audiotape reel, 7 in.
Recording of performances by Jorgen Hyland on Hardangar fiddle; discussion of tunings of the fiddle; "Spring Dance" or "Springar," followed by story of the dance accompaniment to the song, a girl and boy dance together and then separately, then a pantomime takes place; "Springar" (same title for a different tune); "Reylander," a schottisch, discussion of the nature of the drone [strings] and the invention of the Hargangar violin; discussion of wedding music, with comments on the different emotions involved; discussion of working implements, the work ethic; description of a party dance, involving acrobatics; unnamed tune; "Springar" (again); duration of recording 15:30 minutes.
Tape ID: AFC 1981/004: AFS 20611 - AFS 20612 Recording of rehearsal by Harmonien, Danish Singing Society, Chicago, Illinois, part 1-2, June 09, 1977
MBRS shelflist: RXA 1032 - RXA 1033
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20611
      Digital content available: afc1981004_afs20612
2 audiotape reel, 7 in.
Part 1 of a 2-part recording of rehearsal by Harmonien, Danish Singing Society, at Normennenes Singing Society Hall, 2414 N. Kedzie Blvd, Logan Square, led by Wayne Spies; the singers include Paul Jorgensen, Peder Larsen, Roger Stavnen, Helger Morch (soloist), Torben Jensen, Arthur Larsen, Jerry Andersen, Eivind Torske, Wayne Spies (leader); selections include "Sangerhilsen" (repeated to rehearse); "Mit Fagre Hjem"; "Nyhaven"; some conversation within group; repeat tune; unnamed song; "Modersmaalet" (piano accompaniment); repeated; "Harmonien Ins Chor" (rehearsed in sections, continued in part 2). Part 2 of a 2-part recording of rehearsal by Harmonien, Danish Singing Society, at Normennenes Singing Society Hall, 2414 N. Kedzie Blvd, Logan Square, led by Wayne Spies; the singers include Paul Jorgensen, Peder Larsen, Roger Stavnen, Helger Morch (soloist), Torben Jensen, Arthur Larsen, Jerry Andersen, Eivind Torske, Wayne Spies (leader); selections include "Harmonien Ins Chor" (continued from part 1); "Rise Up, Oh Men of God"; "Hurlange Skall Pa Bordet"; Danish National Anthem (may be 'Der er et yndigt land'); repeats to rehearse; "Serenad."
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