The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Jean Ritchie and George Pickow collection, 1923-2015
Series 1: Manuscripts (continued)
Subseries 1: Correspondence (continued)
Sub-subseries 5: Programs and program correspondence (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 27/12 Miscellaneous programs and program correspondence, 1950-1955
Correspondence regarding events in which Jean participated, thank-you letters, programs, and ephemera.
BOX-FOLDER 27/13 Miscellaneous programs and program correspondence, 1956-1958, undated
See the description for box-folder 27/12.
BOX-FOLDER 27/14 4th Annual Folk Music Festival (University of California-Berkeley), 1961
Correspondence, promotional materials, schedules, programs, and handwritten notes.
BOX-FOLDER 27/15 Gerard W. Purcell Associates, 1951-1964
Correspondence from and about Jerry Campbell, who was Jean's agent for a brief time. Includes song lists, lyrics, and notes.
BOX-FOLDER 27/16 Newport Folk Festival, 1963-1965, 1968
BOX-FOLDER 28/1 46th Annual National 4-H Club Congress, 1967
Publications and news releases associated with the annual Congress.
BOX-FOLDER 28/2 Concerts, 1967-1968
Correspondence, programs, and travel plans related to concerts Jean gave in Kentucky and Tennessee.
BOX-FOLDER 28/3 Miscellaneous programs and program correspondence, 1960-1963
See the description for box-folder 27/12.
BOX-FOLDER 28/4 Miscellaneous programs and program correspondence, 1964-1965
See the description for box-folder 27/12.
BOX-FOLDER 28/5 Miscellaneous programs and program correspondence, 1966-1967
See the description for box-folder 27/12.
BOX-FOLDER 28/6 Miscellaneous programs and program correspondence, 1968-1969, undated
See the description for box-folder 27/12.
BOX-FOLDER 28/7 Set lists, 1960-1979
Set lists in Jean's handwriting, for various performances.
BOX-FOLDER 28/8 Completed concerts (1/2), 1971-1973
Correspondence to and from Jean regarding concerts she gave in 1972. Includes agreements and contracts, itineraries, and handwritten notes.
BOX-FOLDER 29/1 Completed concerts (2/2), 1971-1973
See the description for box-folder 28/8.
BOX-FOLDER 29/2 Completed concerts (1/3), 1972-1973
Correspondence to and from Jean regarding various programs, festivals, and events; includes handwritten notes and planning documentation.
BOX-FOLDER 29/3 Completed concerts (2/3), 1972-1973
See the description for box-folder 29/2.
BOX-FOLDER 29/4 Completed concerts (3/3), 1972-1973
See the description for box-folder 29/2.
BOX-FOLDER 29/5 California State University, Fresno, 1978-1979
Correspondence and other documentation (as well as fan letters) from Jean's time as a Folk Artist in Residence at California State University, Fresno.
BOX-FOLDER 29/6 Miscellaneous programs and program correspondence, 1970-1972
Correspondence to and from Jean regarding various programs, festivals, and events; includes flyers and promotional documents.
BOX-FOLDER 30/1 Miscellaneous programs and program correspondence, 1973
See the description for box-folder 29/6.
BOX-FOLDER 30/2 Miscellaneous programs and program correspondence (1/2), 1974-1976
See the description for box-folder 29/6.
BOX-FOLDER 30/3 Miscellaneous programs and program correspondence (2/2), 1974-1976
See the description for box-folder 29/6.
BOX-FOLDER 30/4 Miscellaneous programs and program correspondence, 1977-1979, undated
See the description for box-folder 29/6.
BOX-FOLDER 30/5 Class visits and workshops, 1973-1974, 1979
Handwritten notes and set lists.
BOX-FOLDER 30/6 Set lists from performances in North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Florida, 1970-1980
See the description for box-folder 28/7.
BOX-FOLDER 30/7 England/Scotland concert tour (1/2), 1980
Also includes receipts, envelopes, notes, correspondence, and brochures.
BOX-FOLDER 30/8 England/Scotland concert tour (2/2), 1980
See the description for box-folder 30/6.
BOX-FOLDER 30/9 Christmas Revels, 1980
Correspondence, lyrics, Christmas play script, and sheet music.
BOX-FOLDER 30/10 Programs, schedules, correspondence, and notes, 1980
Documentation includes handwritten notes.
BOX-FOLDER 31/1 Concerts completed (1/2), 1980-1981
Documentation includes correspondence with Jean both in 1980 (the year prior to the concerts) and in 1981 (the year of the concerts).
BOX-FOLDER 31/2 Concerts completed (2/2), 1980-1981
See the description for box-folder 31/1.
BOX-FOLDER 31/3 California, 1981
Itinerary, correspondence, contact information list, and flyers.
BOX-FOLDER 31/4 Programs, schedules, correspondence, and notes, 1981
Documentation includes handwritten notes.
BOX-FOLDER 31/5 California, February 1982
Correspondence, contracts, and flyers. Documentation includes correspondence with Jean in the year prior to the performances.
BOX-FOLDER 31/6 Engagements completed (1/2), 1981-1982
Itinerary, correspondence, contracts, and brochures for engagements in 1982. Documentation includes correspondence with Jean in the year prior to the performances.
BOX-FOLDER 31/7 Engagements completed (2/2), 1981-1982
See the description for box-folder 31/6.
BOX-FOLDER 32/1 Programs (1/2), 1982
Documentation includes handwritten notes.
BOX-FOLDER 32/2 Programs (2/2), 1982
See the description for box-folder 32/1.
BOX-FOLDER 32/3 Concerts (1/2), 1982-1983
Correspondence, contracts, purchase orders, programs, and handwritten notes pertaining to concerts Jean gave in 1983.
BOX-FOLDER 32/4 Concerts (2/2), 1982-1983
See the description for box-folder 32/3.
BOX-FOLDER 32/5 Tours (Florida) (1/2), 1983-1985
Correspondence, programs, handwritten notes, and related materials from tours in 1983. Two photos from this folder have been relocated to Series 3.
BOX-FOLDER 32/6 Tours (Florida) (2/2), 1983-1985
See the description for box-folder 32/5.
BOX-FOLDER 32/7 Programs, 1983
Correspondence, programs, and related materials.
BOX-FOLDER 33/1 Engagements (1/2), 1983-1984
Correspondence, contracts, programs, related materials, and handwritten notes for engagements in 1984.
BOX-FOLDER 33/2 Engagements (2/2), 1983-1984
See the description for box-folder 33/1.
BOX-FOLDER 33/3 Programs, 1984
Also includes handwritten notes.
BOX-FOLDER 33/4 Set lists, 1984-2004, undated
Small pieces of paper with handwritten lists of songs and notes.
BOX-FOLDER 33/5 Engagements (1/2), 1984-1986
Correspondence, contracts, programs, related materials, and handwritten notes pertaining to engagements in 1985.
BOX-FOLDER 33/6 Engagements (2/2), 1984-1986
See the description for box-folder 33/5.
BOX-FOLDER 33/7 Programs, schedules, correspondence, and notes, 1985
Also includes handwritten notes.
BOX-FOLDER 34/1 Programs, schedules, correspondence, and notes, 1986
Also includes handwritten notes.
BOX-FOLDER 34/2 Programs, schedules, correspondence, and notes, 1987
BOX-FOLDER 34/3 Programs, schedules, correspondence, and notes, 1988
BOX-FOLDER 34/4 Programs, schedules, correspondence, and notes, 1989
BOX-FOLDER 34/5 Lexington School: letters from students, 1980-1989
Illustrated thank-you letters from elementary school students at Lexington School (Kentucky), thanking Jean for the recording of "Old Bangum."
BOX-FOLDER 34/6 Programs, schedules, correspondence, and notes (1/3), 1980-1989
Also includes handwritten notes.
BOX-FOLDER 34/7 Programs, schedules, correspondence, and notes (2/3), 1980-1989
Also includes handwritten notes.
BOX-FOLDER 34/8 Programs, schedules, correspondence, and notes (3/3), 1980-1989
Also includes handwritten notes. Photo and newspaper clipping affixed to magnetic page need conservation treatment.
BOX-FOLDER 34/9 Correspondence and ephemera, 1990
One item of correspondence and three programs (one copy of "A Special Evening to Benefit the Boys Choir of Harlem" and two copies of The Lithopolis Performing Arts Series."
BOX-FOLDER 35/1 Correspondence and ephemera, 1991
Correspondence, a ticket stub, a photocopied newspaper clipping, and a program from the 1991 Berea College commencement.
BOX-FOLDER 35/2 Correspondence and ephemera, 1992
One item of correspondence, two copies of an announcement for Jean's appearance at the 44th annual Virginia Highlands Festival, and one copy of a program for "The Christmas Revels."
BOX-FOLDER 35/3 Correspondence and ephemera, 1993
Correspondence, student comments, a schedule, and other items.
BOX-FOLDER 35/4 Philadelphia Revels, 1994
Correspondence, programs, set lists, birthday cards signed by several people, Jean's information folder, and a script.
BOX-FOLDER 35/5 Correspondence and ephemera, 1994
Correspondence and promotional literature.
BOX-FOLDER 35/6 Engagements (1/2), 1994-1995
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