The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Quilt Alliance, Quilters' S.O.S. -- Save Our Stories interviews collection, 1999-2016
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Series 2: Interviews (continued)
The Trinity Valley Quilters' Guild QSOS (continued)
Del Jeanne Mathews oral history interview conducted by Edie Jones, 2002-05-17 (continued)
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials (continued)
Transcript, quilt information
Box/Folder: 7/234
INTERVIEW-ID TX76121-055 Dottie Kerlee oral history interview, 2002-05-17
Sound Recordings
1 audiocassette
Cassette ID: AFC 2007/009: SR191
INTERVIEW-ID TX76121-056 Dolores Lyles oral history interview conducted by Kay Jones, 2002-05-17
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Box/Folder: 7/236
Sound Recordings
1 audiocassette
Cassette ID: AFC 2007/009: SR192
INTERVIEW-ID TX76121-057 Phyllis Jean Wooten oral history interview conducted by Jane Kucko, 2002-05-18
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Box/Folder: 7/237
Sound Recordings
2 audiocassettes
Cassette ID: AFC 2007/009: SR193
Cassette ID: AFC 2007/009: SR194
INTERVIEW-ID TX76121-058 Rosemary Zaugg oral history interview conducted by Edie Jones, 2002-05-18
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Box/Folder: 7/238
Sound Recordings
2 audiocassettes
Cassette ID: AFC 2007/009: SR195
Cassette ID: AFC 2007/009: SR196
INTERVIEW-ID TX76121-059 Pam Upward oral history interview conducted by Jennifer Priddy, 2002-05-18
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Box/Folder: 7/239
Sound Recordings
1 audiocassette
Cassette ID: AFC 2007/009: SR197
INTERVIEW-ID TX76121-060 Jeanne Childs oral history interview conducted by Cary Shields, 2002-05-18
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Box/Folder: 7/240
Sound Recordings
1 audiocassette
Cassette ID: AFC 2007/009: SR198
INTERVIEW-ID TX76121-061 Rosemary Switzer oral history interview conducted by Jane Kucko, 2002-05-18
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Box/Folder: 7/241
Sound Recordings
2 audiocassettes
Cassette ID: AFC 2007/009: SR199
Cassette ID: AFC 2007/009: SR200
INTERVIEW-ID TX76121-062 Sarah Luther oral history interview conducted by Judy Linn, 2002-05-18
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Box/Folder: 7/242
Sound Recordings
1 audiocassette
Cassette ID: AFC 2007/009: SR201
INTERVIEW-ID TX76121-063 Elizabeth Garber oral history interview conducted by Judy Roybal, 2002-05-18
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Box/Folder: 7/243
INTERVIEW-ID TX76121-064 Robin Bowling oral history interview conducted by Jane Kucko, 2002-05-18
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Box/Folder: 7/244
INTERVIEW-ID TX76121-065 Lela Alcorn oral history interview conducted by Kay Jones, 2002-05-18
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Box/Folder: 7/245
Sound Recordings
1 audiocassette
Cassette ID: AFC 2007/009: SR202
INTERVIEW-ID TX76121-066 Mary Green oral history interview conducted by Judy Linn, 2002-05-19
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Box/Folder: 7/246
INTERVIEW-ID TX76121-067 Dee Rose oral history interview conducted by Judy Roybal, 2002-05-19
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Box/Folder: 7/247
INTERVIEW-ID TX76121-069 Nadj Pankey oral history interview conducted by Judy Koybal, 2002-05-19
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Box/Folder: 7/249
Sound Recordings
1 audiocassette
Cassette ID: AFC 2007/009: SR203
INTERVIEW-ID TX76121-070 Elaine Garrison oral history interview conducted by Kay Jones, 2002-05-19
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Interview notes, draft and final transcript
Box/Folder: 7/250
Sound Recordings
1 audiocassette
Cassette ID: AFC 2007/009: SR204
INTERVIEW-ID TX76121-071 Mary Weathers oral history interview conducted by Jane Kucko, 2002-05-19
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Box/Folder: 7/251
PROJECT The Uncommon Threads QSOS
Gayle Pritchard conducted these interviews for her book Uncommon Threads (Ohio University Press, 2006). These interviews were not conducted as Quilters' S.O.S. - Save Our Stories interviews. However, we felt that the spirit of the interviews and the valuable information shared warranted inclusion in the project.
INTERVIEW-ID OH44140-01 Nancy Crow oral history interview conducted by Gayle Pritchard, 2004-08-08
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Participant/quilt form, release, transcript, 2 b/w printouts (from digital images)
Box/Folder: 18/595
1 digital document, 2 digital images
Digital ID: afc2007009_OH44140_01_03.doc
Digital ID: afc2007009_OH44140_01_01.jpg
Digital ID: afc2007009_OH44140_01_02.jpg
Sound Recordings
1 audiocassette
Cassette ID: AFC 2007/009: SR540
INTERVIEW-ID OH44140-02 Linda Fowler oral history interview conducted by Gayle Pritchard, 2004-08-04
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Transcript, 1 b/w printout (from digital image)
Box/Folder: 20/687
1 digital document, 1 digital image
Digital ID: afc2007009_OH44140_02_02.doc
Digital ID: afc2007009_OH44140_02_01.jpg
Sound Recordings
2 audiocassettes
Cassette ID: AFC 2007/009: SR578
Cassette ID: AFC 2007/009: SR579
INTERVIEW-ID OH44140-03 David Walker oral history interview conducted by Gayle Pritchard, 2004-08-05
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
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