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Quilt Alliance, Quilters' S.O.S. -- Save Our Stories interviews collection, 1999-2016

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Series 2: Interviews (continued)
The Delaware QSOS (continued)
Marlene Kosnac oral history interview conducted by Lori Miller, 2003-10-19 (continued)
Sound Recordings (continued)
Cassette ID: AFC 2007/009: SR302
INTERVIEW-ID DE19963-010 Roberta Korona oral history interview conducted by Megan Dwyre, 2003-10-19
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Box/Folder: 10/348
Sound Recordings
1 audiocassette
Cassette ID: AFC 2007/009: SR303
INTERVIEW-ID DE20 Mimi Sparks oral history interview, 2002-04-20
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Box/Folder: 10/323
Sound Recordings
1 audiocassette
Cassette ID: AFC 2007/009: SR275
INTERVIEW-ID UDel-001 Amy Tetlow Smith oral history interview conducted by Julie Henderson, 2002-08-14
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Quick questions, draft and final transcript, sign for photograph
Box/Folder: 15/489
Sound Recordings
1 audiocassette
Cassette ID: AFC 2007/009: SR441
INTERVIEW-ID UDel-002 Nancy Smith oral history interview conducted by David Smith, 2002-08-20
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Draft and final transcript, Zip drive label, 5 b/w printouts (from digital images)
Box/Folder: 15/490
1 digital document, 5 digital images
Digital ID: afc2007009_Udel_002_01.doc
Digital ID: afc2007009_Udel_002_02-06.jpg
Sound Recordings
1 audiocassette
Cassette ID: AFC 2007/009: SR442
INTERVIEW-ID UDel-004 Peg Reagle oral history interview conducted by Amy Tetlow Smith, 2003-06-10
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Box/Folder: 15/491
Sound Recordings
1 audiocassette
Cassette ID: AFC 2007/009: SR443
INTERVIEW-ID UDel-005 Sandy Bryant oral history interview conducted by Amy Tetlow Smith, 2003-07-29
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Box/Folder: 15/492
Sound Recordings
1 audiocassette
Cassette ID: AFC 2007/009: SR444
INTERVIEW-ID UDel-006 Antha Jones oral history interview conducted by Amy Tetlow Smith, 2003-08-26
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Box/Folder: 15/493
Sound Recordings
1 audiocassette
Cassette ID: AFC 2007/009: SR445
INTERVIEW-ID UDel-007 Arlene Favreau-Pysher oral history interview conducted by Amy Tetlow Smith, 2004-01-09
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Box/Folder: 15/494
Sound Recordings
1 audiocassette
Cassette ID: AFC 2007/009: SR446
INTERVIEW-ID UDel-008 Dorothy Orr oral history interview conducted by Amy Tetlow Smith, 2004-02-10
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Box/Folder: 15/495
Sound Recordings
1 audiocassette
Cassette ID: AFC 2007/009: SR447
QSOS volunteers conducted interviews with quiltmakers in Denmark.
INTERVIEW-ID DNK-001 Sharon Benton oral history interview conducted by Karen Musgrave, April 26-May 4, 2007
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Transcript, 2 b/w printouts (from digital images)
Box/Folder: 18/584
1 digital document, 2 digital images
Digital ID: afc2007009_DNK_001_03.doc
Digital ID: afc2007009_DNK_001_01.jpg
Digital ID: afc2007009_DNK_001_02.jpg
PROJECT The Elkhorn City, Kentucky QSOS
Ronda Coleman, QSOS volunteer, conducted interviews with quiltmakers in her community. Many of these quiltmakers participate in a class given by the Elkhorn City Public Library.
INTERVIEW-ID KY41522-001 Sue Ramey oral history interview conducted by Ronda Coleman, 2008-01-17
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Draft and final Transcript, 3 b/w printouts (from digital images)
Box/Folder: 20/666
1 digital document, 3 digital images
Digital ID: afc2007009_KY41522_001_01.doc
Digital ID: afc2007009_KY41522_001_02.jpg
Digital ID: afc2007009_KY41522_001_03.jpg
Digital ID: afc2007009_KY41522_001_04.jpg
INTERVIEW-ID KY41522-002 Eloise Ratliff oral history interview conducted by Ronda Coleman, 2008-01-31
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Transcript, 4 b/w printouts (from digital images)
Box/Folder: 20/667
2 digital documents, 4 digital images
Digital ID: afc2007009_KY41522_002_01.doc
Digital ID: afc2007009_KY41522_002_07.doc
Digital ID: afc2007009_KY41522_002_03-06.jpg
Sound Recordings
1 digital recording
Digital ID: afc2007009_KY41522_002_02.wma
INTERVIEW-ID KY41522-003 Roberta Bartley oral history interview conducted by Ronda Coleman, 2008-02-07
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Draft and final transcript, 2 b/w printouts (from digital images)
Box/Folder: 20/668
1 digital document, 2 digital images
Digital ID: afc2007009_KY41522_003_04.doc
Digital ID: afc2007009_KY41522_003_02.jpg
Digital ID: afc2007009_KY41522_003_03.jpg
Sound Recordings
1 digital recording
Digital ID: afc2007009_KY41522_003_01.wma
INTERVIEW-ID KY41522-004 Marie Coleman oral history interview conducted by Ronda Coleman, 2008-02-21
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Transcript, 2 b/w printouts (from digital images)
Box/Folder: 20/669
2 digital documents, 2 digital images
Digital ID: afc2007009_KY41522_004_01.doc
Digital ID: afc2007009_KY41522_004_04.doc
Digital ID: afc2007009_KY41522_004_02.jpg
Digital ID: afc2007009_KY41522_004_03.jpg
INTERVIEW-ID KY41522-005 Sue Hackney oral history interview conducted by Ronda Coleman, 2008-02-21
Manuscripts/Mixed Materials
Transcript, 2 b/w printouts (from digital images)
Box/Folder: 20/670
1 digital document, 2 digital images
Digital ID: afc2007009_KY41522_005_03.doc
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