| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BOX-ITEM 1/1 |
Acuña, Australia. Los Bailes Coloniales. [Place of publication, publisher, and date of publication not identified]
Los Bailes Coloniales is divided in three parts. The first part describes the dance that is connected to three short poems. The second part presents the poems "El Aire", "La Resbalosa" o "Refalosa," and "Cuando." The last part contains the musical nototation for each poem. |
BOX-ITEM 1/2 |
Almeida, Aluísio de. 142 Histórias Brasileiras Colhidas em São Paulo. São Paulo: Departamento de Cultura, 1951 . [Inscribed.]
A collection of folkloric narratives from São Paulo that won an award from the National Institution of Folklore in Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 1/3 |
Almeida, Renato. A Influência da Música Negra no Brasil. Junta Distrital do Porto, no date. [Inscribed.]
A brief study on the influence of African music in Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 1/4 |
Almeida, Renato. Música e Dança Folclóricas. Rio de Janeiro: Campanha de Defesa do Folclore Brasileiro, 1968 . [Inscribed.]
This brief study describes some of the characteristics of folk music and dance in Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 1/5 |
Alvarenga, Oneyda. "Cateretês do Sul de Minas Gerais." Em Separata da Revista do Arquivo Municipal, vol 30. Book 1 part 1. São Paulo: Departamento de cultura, 1937 . [Inscribed.]
This study illustrates the various elements of the cateretê in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Cateretê is a dance characterized by dancing without touching based on an old tradition of fathers not allowing their daughters to dance arm in arm with their partners. |
BOX-ITEM 1/6 |
Amorim, José Pimentel de. Medicina Popular em Alagoas: Rezas e Benzeduras nas Doenças e Ensalmos Outros. São Paulo: Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo, Secretaria de Educação e Cultura, Divisão do Arquivo Histórico, 1959 .
Medicina Popular... identifies the curandeiros (healers) of the state of Alagoas, who act as shamans among the general population. In addition to a brief introduction to the curandeiro, the book describes the prayers and the natural medicines used to treat illnesses. |
BOX-ITEM 1/7 |
Andrade, Mário de. Popular Music and Song in Brazil. Rio de Janeiro: Ministry of State for Foreign Affairs of Brazil, Division of Intellectual Co-operation, 1936 .
A short study about the popular music and song of Brazil. It includes lists of institutions in Brazil and other countries that keep and preserve Brazilian music material. The study also includes a discography and bibliographies of the music of the indigenous communities of Brazil and of popular Brazilian music.
BOX-ITEM 1/8 |
Araújo, Alceu Maynard. A Congada Nasceu em Roncesvales: Especial para a Revista do Arquivo Municipal. São Paulo: Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo, Secretaria de Educacão e Cultura, Divisão do Arquivo Histórico, 1959 . [Inscribed.]
Using the celebration that happens in the city of Nazaré Paulista as an example, Araújo describes the meaning of the music, characters, and movements involved in the congada, a religious rite performed on the street. |
BOX-ITEM 1/9 |
Araújo, Alceu Maynard. Alguns Ritos Mágicos: "Abusões," Feitiçaria e Medicina Popular. São Paulo: Departamento de Cultura, 1958 . [Inscribed.]
Documentation of popular beliefs, rituals, and natural medicines collected in São Luís do Paraitinga, a rural community in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 1/10 |
Araújo, Alceu Maynard. "Carreira de Cavalos em Itapetininga há cincoenta anos." Sociologia: Separata de Revista XI no. 4 (1949): 1-10.
An overview of the horse racing tradition throughout history with a focus on the old practice of racing in São Paulo (Itapetininga). |
BOX-ITEM 1/11 |
Araújo, Alceu Maynard and Vicente Aricó Júnior. Cem melodias folclóricas: Documentário musical nordestino. São Paulo: Ricordi Brasileira,
1957 . [Inscribed.]
This book is the musical documentation portion of an extensive sociological study that took place in the rural community of Piaçaburu in the state of Alagoas, Brazil. It contains a collection of folkloric melodies sung by the locals "during their happy and sad moments, and religious ceremonies."
BOX-ITEM 1/12 |
Araújo, Alceu Maynard. Ciclo agrícola: Calendário Religioso e Magias Ligadas à Plantação. São Paulo: Departamento de Educação e Cultura, 1957 . [Inscribed.]
This book introduces the fictitious rural community of Freguesia do Falcão located in São Paulo, Brazil.The author uses this fictional example to describe the traditional agricultural cycle and religious calendar. |
BOX-ITEM 1/13 |
Araújo, Alceu Maynard. Folia de Reis de Cunha. São Paulo, 1949 . [Inscribed.]
Araújo describes the traditional custom of Folia de Reis in Cunha, São Paulo, Brazil, which starts on the night of December 24th, and is performed by a group of people who sing and play musical instruments to celebrate the birth of Jesus. |
BOX-ITEM 1/14 |
Aretz, Isabel. "Correlacion entre las flautas de pan venezolanas y las andinas de alta cultura." Sobretiro del Boletin Indigenista Venezolano 6 (1958): 111-118.
Comparison of the flautas de pan (flutes) used by indigenous groups living in Venezuela with those flutes used in Andean music. |
BOX-ITEM 1/15 |
Aretz de Ramón y Rivera, Isabel; Luis Felipe Ramón y Rivera. Resumen de un estudio sobre las expresiones negras en el folklore musical y coreográfico de Venezuela. Institutos de Antropologia e Historia y de Filologia "Andres Bello," Facultad de Humanidades y Educación: Universidad Central de Venezuela, no date .
A study of the African influence on the folkloric music and dance of Venezuela. |
BOX-ITEM 1/16 |
Avila, Floriano Maya d'. O meio ambiente na obra de Alcides Maya 18. Comissão Gaúcha de Folclore, 1958 .
An overview of the work of Alcides Maya, a writer from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 1/17 |
Azambuja, Darcy. Principais lendas folclóricas do Rio Grande do Sul. Rio de Janeiro: Edição da Comissão Gaúcha de Folclore, 1958 .
A lecture given at the Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul which starts with three definitions of folklore and then describes the main folk legends of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 1/18 |
Azevedo, Fernando Corrêa de. "Fandango do Paraná." Cadernos de Folclore 23 (1981): 3-50.
A description of the Brazilian tradition of Fandango do Paraná, a celebration in which the fishermen living along the coast of the state of Paraná, Brazil, perform various regional dances. Among the many dances performed during the Fandango, the article describes some examples such as Anu, Xará-Grande and Xarazinho. |
BOX-ITEM 1/19 |
Bahia (Brazil: State). Superintendência de Difusão Cultural da Secretaria de Educação. Caderno de Folclore Bahiano 1 (1953): 1-42.
A collection of songs from the state of Bahia, Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 1/20 |
Bastos, Rafael José de Menezes. O "Payemeramaraka" Kamayurá – Uma Contribuição à Etnografia do Xamanismo do Alto Xingu. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas Departamento de Ciências Sociais (Área de Antropologia), 1984/1985 . [Inscribed.]
Bastos describes the steps of the Payemeramaraka ritual among the indigenous residents of the Alto Xingu, in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, called Kamayurá. In this ethnographic work, the Payemeramaraka tradition, its meaning to the Kamayurá community, as well as the vocabulary and music involved in this ritual are documented. |
BOX-ITEM 1/21 |
Bécker, Zahara Zaffaroni. Poesía folklórica infantil del Uruguay: Contribución. Montevideo: Centro de Estudios Folklóricos del Uruguay, 1956 .
A collection of children’s folk verses in Uruguay, as recalled by the author. There are no informants or investigation dates identified. |
BOX-ITEM 1/22 |
Bettencourt, Gastão de. A Baía e o Seu Folclore: Relicário de Tradições Portuguesas. Coimbra: Coimbra Editora, 1951 . [Inscribed.]
A discussion of the folklore of the state of Bahia, Brazil, and the Portuguese and African heritage that influences the state's culture. |
BOX-ITEM 1/23 |
Bettencourt, Gastão de. A Inspiração folclórica na poesia brasileira. Coimbra Editora, 1954 . [Copy 1 has a photograph on cover and an inscription.]
On the influence of folklore on Brazilian poetry. |
BOX-ITEM 1/24 |
Bettencourt, Gastão de. A Inspiração folclórica na poesia brasileira. Coimbra Editora, 1954 . [Copy 2 has blue cover and an inscription.]
On the influence of folklore on Brazilian poetry. |
BOX-ITEM 1/25 |
Bezerra, Eduardo. Irmandade da cruz dos militares: Seus oragos, suas crises. Rio de Janeiro, 1927 .
Irmandade da Cruz dos Militares was a military league founded in the seventeenth century after a small church was built on the coast of Rio de Janeiro as a symbol of this brotherhood. This book describes the six oragos, or saints, of the Cruz church and documents the league’s involvement in the historical changes of Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 1/26 |
Biblioteca Nacional (Brazil). Catálogo de Livros sôbre Folclore Brasileiro. Rio de Janeiro: Ministério da Educação e Cultura, 1957 .
Catalog of books about Brazilian folklore that were exhibited during the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the National Folklorists Association. |
BOX-ITEM 1/27 |
Boglár, Lajos and István Halmos. "La Flûte Nasale Chez Les Indiens Nambicuara." Acta Ethnographica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 11 (1962): 437-446. [Inscribed.]
An essay about the construction, use, and music of the nasal flute used by the Nhambiquara or Nambicuara Indians from the Amazon Valley of Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 1/28 |
Brailoiu, Constantin. "Le Folklore Musical." Musica Aeterna II (no date): 277-332. [Inscribed.]
Brailoiu discusses the concept of "musical folklore" and provides an analysis of songs with variants in other languages and cultures. |
BOX-ITEM 2/29 |
Brandão, Geraldo. Mogi das Cruzes: Monografia Folclórica. São Paulo: Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo, Secretaria de Educação e Cultura, Divisão do Arquivo Histórico, 1959 .
Research study conducted in Mogi das Cruzes, São Paulo. The city experienced an intense transformation and growth during the 1950s, and many traditions were lost. The author focused his work on the description of what was left of the Alvorada do Divino celebration. |
BOX-ITEM 2/30 |
Brandão, Geraldo. Notas sôbre a dança de São Gonçalo do Amarante. [No other publication information found on this material.]
This publication is a collection of mostly oral traiditions related to the cult of Saint Gonçalo. According to the author, the lack of written material sent him to different places such as Portugal and the southern state of Paraná, Brazil; includes a biography of Saint Gonçalo. |
BOX-ITEM 2/31 |
Brandão, Théo. "Cavalhadas de Alagoas." Cadernos de Folclore 24 (no date): 3-43.
Cavalhadas de Alagoas is one of the oldest celebrations in the northeast of Brazil. Twelve horsemen perform the four parts of the celebration including a visit to the town's church, horse racing, equestrian demonstrations, and retreat. |
BOX-ITEM 2/32 |
Brasileiro, Francisco. Monografia folclórica sôbre o Rio das Garças. São Paulo: Departamento de Cultura, 1951. [Inscribed.]
A collection of the legends and myths of the garimpeiros, illegal gold miners living in the region of the River das Garças in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 2/33 |
Brazil. Secretaria de Cultura, Esportes e Turismo. Folclore de São Paulo, Brasil. São Paulo, Brasil: Secretaria de Cultura, Esportes e Turismo, 1969 .
A brief description of different folklore expressions in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, divided into popular celebrations, traditional and popular dances, and art. |
BOX-ITEM 2/34 |
Campanha de Defesa do Folclore Brasileiro. Defesa do folklore. Rio de Janeiro, 1961 .
Defesa do Folclore details the campaign of a national group of folklorists in Brazil to preserve the country’s folklore with the government's financial help. |
BOX-ITEM 2/35 |
Canta Brasil: Humberto Teixeira. Supp. 10 (no date): 3-47.
Humberto Teixeira was a famous composer who promoted the musical rhythms of northeastern Brazil, especially the Baião. This publication provides an overview of Teixeira's life and his music through pictures and lyrics. |
BOX-ITEM 2/36 |
Carvalho Neto, Paulo de. Cursos de extensión: Curso de folklore general y del Brasil. Copy 1. Brasileño: Instituto de cultura uruguayo, 1953 .
A short description of a course being taught on folklore of Brazil offered by the Cultural Institute Uruguay-Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 2/37 |
Carvalho Neto, Paulo de. Cursos de extensión: Curso de folklore general y del Brasil. Copy 2. Brasileño: Instituto de cultura uruguayo, 1953 .
A short description of a course being taught on folklore of Brazil offered by the Cultural Institute Uruguay-Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 2/38 |
Carvalho Neto, Paulo de. Cursos de extensión: Curso de folklore general y del Brasil. Copy 3. Brasileño: Instituto de cultura uruguayo, 1953 .
A short description of a course being taught on folklore of Brazil offered by the Cultural Institute Uruguay-Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 2/39 |
Carvalho Neto, Paulo de. Cursos de extensión: Curso de folklore general y del Brasil. Copy 4. Brasileño: Instituto de cultura uruguayo, 1953 .
A short description of a course being taught on folklore of Brazil offered by the Cultural Institute Uruguay-Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 2/40 |
Carvalho Neto, Paulo de. Diccionário del folklore ecuatoriano: Tratado del folklore ecuatoriano – I. Quito: Editoral casa de la cultura ecuatoriana, 1964 . [Inscribed.]
A dictionary of vocabulary of the folklore of Ecuador. |
BOX-ITEM 2/41 |
Carvalho Neto, Paulo de. "El Problema del Folklore del Indio." América Indígena XIII no.3 (1953): 175-186. [Inscribed.]
Discusses issues related to "Indian folklore." |
BOX-ITEM 2/42 |
Carvalho Neto, Paulo de. Folklore floridense: Contribucion. Lima, 1957 . [Inscribed.]
Documentation oral traditions such as tongue twisters and popular games from the city of Florida in Uruguay. It also describes the traditional party of San Cono, celebrated in the same region. |
BOX-ITEM 2/43 |
Carvalho Neto, Paulo de. Folklore minuano: Contribución. Florianópolis: Comissão Catarinense de Folclore, 1958 .
Folklore minuano relates to the traditions of the people of Minas in Uruguay. This publication illustrates the poetic, narrative, magic, and social traditions of the region. |
BOX-ITEM 2/44 |
Carvalho Neto, Paulo de. Técnica de Investigación Folklórica (Experiencias del Paraguay). Montevideo: El Siglo Ilustrado, 1956 . [Inscribed.]
Techniques used in fieldwork in Paraguay. |
BOX-ITEM 2/45 |
Carneiro, Edison. Folguedos tradicionais. Rio de Janeiro: Conquista, 1974 .
Carneiro gives a general picture of various expressions of Brazilian folklore. He describes traditional celebrations, dances, such as Batuque in Africa, and Samba in Brazil, the evolution of dances and musical instruments, and the samba-schools and carnival in Rio de Janeiro and Bahia. |
BOX-ITEM 2/46 |
Cascudo, Luis da Câmara. Prelúdio da cachaça: Etnografia, História e Sociologia da aguardente no Brasil. Belo Horizonte: Editora Itatiaia, 1986 .
An ethnographic, historical, and sociological study about cachaça, Brazilian liquor made from sugarcane juice. |
BOX-ITEM 2/47 |
Cascudo, Luis da Câmara. Tradición de un cuento brasileño. Caracas, 1952 . [Inscribed on cover.]
A study of a traditional Brazilian tale called "Persuasion." It comments on the origin of the story and includes examples of other versions of "Persuasion." |
BOX-ITEM 2/48 |
Castro, Enio de Freitas e. As cavalhadas de Vacaria. Pôrto Alegre: Impr. Oficial, 1954 .
This monograph published during the National Convention of Folklore in 1954, describes a tradition called cavalhadas, which is a type of equestrian competition. This study shows the variation of cavalhadas in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná. |
BOX-ITEM 2/49 |
Castro, Zaíde Maciel de e Aracy do Prado Couto. Folias de Reis. São Paulo: Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo Secretaria de Educação e Cultura Divisão do Arquivo Histórico, 1959 .
This overview of Folia de Reis was collected in two different areas of Rio de Janeiro, Caxias and Nova Iguaçu. The publication connects the past cultural exchange of these areas with the Distrito Federal region in Brazil, and describes the people involved in the Folia de Reis, the tradition itself, and some literature that inspired this performance. |
BOX-ITEM 2/50 |
Castro, Zaíde Maciel de e Aracy do Prado Couto. "Folias de Reis." Cadernos de Folclore 16 (no date): 3-22.
This study focuses on twelve different Folia de Reis groups in Rio de Janeiro, who celebrate Christmas and the Epiphany between December 24 and January 6. |
BOX-ITEM 2/51 |
Castro, Zaíde Maciel de e Aracy do Prado Couto. "Folias de Reis." Cadernos de Folclore 16 (1961): 7-82.
A study of the tradition of Folia de Reis in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and the population's enactment of the trip made by the Three Kings to visit the infant Jesus in Bethlehem. |
BOX-ITEM 3/52 |
Centro de Pesquisas Folclóricas. A Escola Nacional de Música e as pesquisas de folklore musical no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Universidade do Brasil, 1943 .
A description of the plans of the School of Music in Rio de Janeiro to investigate Brazilian popular music. |
BOX-ITEM 3/53 |
Chiarini, João. Cururu. São Paulo: Departamento de Cultura, 1947 . [Inscribed.]
Cururu is the name given to the dispute, or poetry combat between the people, curueiros, engaged in this repetitive oral tradition. This publication offers the background of Cururu, discusses the vocabulary used in these disputes, presents pictures, and provides short biographies of some curueiros. |
BOX-ITEM 3/54 |
Círculo Folclórico Luso Brasileiro do Liceu Literário Português. Rio de Janeiro: Liceu Literário Português, 1951 . [Inscribed.]
This booklet celebrates the foundation of the association formed by Portuguese and Brazilian folklorists. It describes the purpose of the group, the plan to create a museum of folklore, as well as examples of folk tales and legends of both countries. |
BOX-ITEM 3/55 |
Colóquio Internacional de Estudos Luso-Brasileiros. Uma festa de Xangô no Opô Afonjá. Bahia: Universidade da Bahia, 1959 .
A publication that was distributed to the participants of the Fourth International Convention of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies. It includes a brief description of the African-based religious practices in Bahia, Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 3/56 |
Comissão Nacional de Folclore. II Semana Nacional de Folclore, 16 a 22 de agosto de 1949, São Paulo. Meeting: Semana Nacional de Folclóre, 2d, São Paulo, Brazil, 1949 .
A program of events from the "Second National Week" celebrating Brazilian folklore. Besides the list of activities, the program provides a brief summary of marujada and moçambique, two traditional dances of Portuguese and African origin, respectively. |
BOX-ITEM 3/57 |
Congresso Brasileiro de Folclore. Anais [do] 1o Congresso brasileiro de folclore, Rio de Janeiro, de 22 a 31 de Agôsto de 1951. Rio de Janeiro: Ministério das Relações Exteriores, Serviço de publicações, 1953 .
A program of the events, lectures, and participants of the First Brazilian Congress of Folklore. |
BOX-ITEM 3/58 |
Conservatório Brasileiro de Música. A Influência do Folclóre na Música Erudita. Rio de Janeiro, 1951 . [Inscribed.]
A study of the influence of folklore on the classical music of Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 3/59 |
Conservatório Dramático e Musical de São Paulo. Folclore Nacional: Referências sôbre fatos folclóricos de interêsse musical apresentadas em trabalhos realizados durante o ano de 1946. São Paulo, 1947 . [Inscribed.]
A collection of traditional music and dances from different areas of Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 3/60 |
Conservatório Dramático e Musical de S. Paulo. Folclore Nacional: Resultado de um inquérito sôbre mitos do Estado de São Paulo, realizado em setembro e outubro de 1947 – Duas congadas de S. Paulo e uma de Minas Gerais – "(Festa do Santo Rei," de Minas Gerais). São Paulo, 1948 . [Inscribed.]
A collection of legends, myths, and traditional dance festivities from the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais in Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 3/61 |
Correa, Roberto Nunes. Viola Caipira. Brasília: MusiMed, 1983 . [Inscribed.]
According to the author, the main objective of this publication is to register as much information as possible about the viola caipira, a bowed stringed instrument that is slightly larger than a violin. The book has information about the origin of the viola, its characteristics, and some sheet music. |
BOX-ITEM 3/62 |
Corrêa, Waldemar (Dino Desidério). A Volta de Antônio Chimango. Comissão Nacional de Folclore do I.B.E.C.C. Instituto Brasileiro de Educação, Ciência e Cultura – Comissão Brasileira da Organização Educacional, Científíca e Cultural das Nações Unidas (UNESCO) no. 21 (1958): 13-28.
A political parody of an earlier publication titled Antonio Chimango by Ramiro Barcelos. This parody is considered part of the "traditional gaúcho movement" from Rio Grande do Sul and it was published during the 100th anniversary of the Farroupilha War in Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 3/63 |
Côrtes, J.C. Paixão e Luís Carlos Barbosa Lessa. Manual de danças gaúchas. Pôrto Alegre, 1956 .
A collection of extensive research conducted in 62 counties of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The study is limited to the most typical and characteristic dances found in these areas. |
BOX-ITEM 3/64 |
Echenique, Sylvio da Cunha. Bruaca: Coletanea de provérbios regionalistas 17. Comissão Gaúcha de Folclore, 1958 .
A collection of regional proverbs from the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 3/65 |
Eduardo, Otávio da Costa. Aspectos do folclore de uma comunidade rural. São Paulo: Departamento de Cultura, 1951 .
Eduardo collected short stories with African roots from people living in the rural areas of Brazil. His book analyzes the tribal origins of these short stories, the reason they were preserved, and the modifications that happened after they arrived in Brazil. He compares this material with Afro-Brazilian folklore in other areas of the country.
BOX-ITEM 3/66 |
Escola Nacional de Música, Classe de Folclore Nacional, Textos musicais para exemplificação: Melodias de Indios do Brasil (extraidas da "Rondônia" de Roquette-Pinto), I-II. Prepared for Escola Nacional de Música.
A collection of musical scores of Brazilian songs that were used in a folk music class at the National Music School in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 3/67 |
Escola Nacional de Música, Classe de Folclore Nacional, Exemplos musicais: Fados Portugueses, II. Prepared for Escola Nacional de Música.
A collection of musical scores of Portuguese fados, such as Canção Joanina, Fado da Madrugada, and Fado Visconti, used in a folklore music class at the National Music School in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 3/68 |
Escola Nacional de Música, Classe de Folclore Nacional, Textos musicais para exemplificação: Melodias Africanas, III. Prepared for Escola Nacional de Música
Scores for a group of African melodies such as Canto de remadores (Costa dos Escravos), used in a folklore music class at the National Music School in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 3/69 |
Escola Nacional de Música, Classe de Folclore Nacional, Textos musicais para exemplificação: Melodias recolhidas por Mário de Andrade (Ensaio sobre a Música Brasileira), IV. Prepared for Escola Nacional de Música.
Musical scores of selections of regional melodies from various parts of Brazil collected by Mário de Andrade. |
BOX-ITEM 3/70 |
Ferreira, Ascenço. "O Maracatú." Arquivos 2 (1942): 1-22.
This publication describes the tradition of Maracatú in Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 3/71 |
Ferretti, Sérgio, Valdelino Cécio, Joila Moraes, e Roldão Lima. "Tambor de Crioula." Cadernos de Folclore 31 (1981): 3-59.
A study of the tradition of Tambor de Crioula in the state of Maranhão, Brazil, which is characterized by a dance with African roots that praises Saint Benedito, known as the "black saint." |
BOX-ITEM 3/72 |
Fondo Nacional de las Artes. (Argentina). Dia Mundial del Folklore, 1965 .
A program listing the main events of the Second Folklore World Day held in Corrientes, Argentina. |
BOX-ITEM 3/73 |
Freitas, Luiz G. Gomes de. "Antigos Jogos Desportivos da Campanha." Comissão Nacional de Folclore do I.B.E.C.C. Instituto Brasileiro de Educação, Ciência e Cultura – Comissão Brasileira da Organização Educacional, Científíca e Cultural das Nações Unidas (UNESCO) no. 10 (1957): 12-19.
This essay discusses the various traditional games played in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 3/74 |
Freitas, Luiz G. Gomes de. "Estâncias Antigas Veículos de Carga Cânhamo e Linho." Comissão Nacional de Folclore do I.B.E.C.C. Instituto Brasileiro de Educação, Ciência e Cultura – Comissão Brasileira da Organização Educacional, Científíca e Cultural das Nações Unidas (UNESCO) no. 3 (1954): 41-85. [Inscribed on cover.]
A study of the folkloric significance of the old farming estates in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The author focuses on the different means of transport and the history of the linen industry. |
BOX-ITEM 3/75 |
Geisel, Amália Lucy; Raul Giovanni da Motta; Maia Isa; Fundação Nacional de Arte (Brazil). Artesanato brasileiro. Rendas. Rio de Janeiro: Edição FUNARTE, 1981 .
A photographic study of the materials and techniques used by textile artisans. |
BOX-ITEM 3/76 |
Gonçalves, Martin. "Théâtre et Danses populaires du Brésil." La Danse: Revue Mensuelle Internationale 29 (1957): 19-26.
Description of the work of the Théâtre et Danses populaires du Brésil in preserving and documenting traditional Brazilian dances, with photographs of performances. |
BOX-ITEM 4/77 |
Halmos, I. Melody and form in the music of the Nambicuara Indians (Mato Grosso, Brazil). Budapest, 1964 .
A study of the Nambicuara Indians by I. Halmos, which is based on the collection of Lajos Boglár, a Brazilian anthropologist, who visited the Nambicuara Indians in 1959. |
BOX-ITEM 4/78 |
Harcourt, Marguerite Béclard d'; Harcourt, Raoul d'. La musique des Aymara sur les hauts plateaux boliviens. Paris: Musée de L'homme, 1959 .
On the music, instruments, dances, and musicians of the Aymara Indians from the high plains of Bolivia. |
BOX-ITEM 4/79 |
Herrera, Ataliva. Folklore y nativismo en la enseñanza primaria: Resolución del Consejo Nacional de Educación creando la Comision de Folklore y Nativismo. República Argentina: Consejo Nacional de Educación, 1945 .
In this essay, Herrera emphasizes the importance of expanding the population's knowledge about folklore in Argentina, especially during the early school grades. |
BOX-ITEM 4/80 |
Hessel, Lothar. Antenor Moraes: Escritor regionalista do Rio Grande do Sul. Comissão Gaúcha de Folclore, 1958 .
A brief introduction of the writer Antenor Moraes, poet and social leader from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, with a short memoir written by Moraes himself. |
BOX-ITEM 4/81 |
Hornbostel, Erich Moritz von. La musica de los Makuschí, Taulipáng y Yekuana. Venezuela: Universidad Central de Venezuela, Facultad de Humanidades y Educación, no date. [Inscribed on the cover.]
A short study about the music and musical instruments from northern Brazil and Venezuela that were influenced by these three indigenous groups living in the region of the River Ventuari. |
BOX-ITEM 4/82 |
Instituto Brasileiro de Educação Ciência e Cultura. Correio do IBECC: Boletim Trimestral do Instituto Brasileiro de Educação, Ciência e Cultura. 21 (1963): 1-31.
This publication summarizes the events of the fifth Brazilian Folklore Congress held in Fortaleza, Ceará in 1963. |
BOX-ITEM 4/83 |
Instituto Brasileiro de Educação Ciência e Cultura. Exposição de arte popular da semana folclórica, 1948 .
This pamphlet was distributed during the celebration of the Folkloric week in Rio de Janeiro in 1948. The publication contains an introduction emphasizing the importance of preserving the country's traditions, illustrations of folkloric expressions, and includes a brief article discussing the word "folklore." |
BOX-ITEM 4/84 |
Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, Departamento Estadual de Estatística. O Boi de Mamão no Folclore Catarinense. Série C (1949): 1-30.
Boi de Mamão is a folkloric tradition in Brazil characterized by the visit and dance of a wood framed ox covered with fabric. Boi de Mamão is the name given in the state of Santa Catarina to the northeast tradition of bumba-meu-boi, also knowm in Paraná as boi-bumbá. |
BOX-ITEM 4/85 |
Instituto de Folklore (Venezuela). "Danza de la Candelaria." Revista Educación 87 (Abril de 1958): 5-23.
Description of all aspects of this Venezuelan dance: the body movements, the music, the characters, and the ten movements in which the dance is divided. |
BOX-ITEM 4/86 |
Instituto de Folklore (Venezuela). "El Carite." Revista Educación 81 (Febrero de 1956): 3-20.
El Carite describes the ritual performance of fishing in Venezuela, including the lyrics, dances, and drawings of the costumes associated with this performance. |
BOX-ITEM 4/87 |
Instituto de Folklore (Venezuela). "El Mampulorio." Revista Educación 84 (Diciembre de 1956): 3-14.
El Mampulorio describes a game with music and dance that was performed by the general population in Venezuela after the death of a child. As a result of its endearing music and dance, the "El Mampulorio" tradition was transferred to schools. The book describes the lyrics, choreography, and characters involved in this practice. |
BOX-ITEM 4/88 |
Instituto de Folklore (Venezuela). "El Maremare." Revista Educación 85 (Junio de 1957): 3-18.
Describes the choreography, music, and clothing related to the performance of el maremare in Venezuela. This practice originated from indigenous groups in Venezuela and was adopted by the general population. |
BOX-ITEM 4/89 |
Instituto de Folklore (Venezuela). "El Pájaro Guarandol." Revista Educación 77 (Junio de 1955): 3-24.
Describes the elements involved in this traditional Venezuelan dance. |
BOX-ITEM 4/90 |
Instituto de Folklore (Venezuela). "La Burriquita." Revista Educación 19 (Octubre de 1955): 5-23.
Describes the songs, body movements, and costumes used during this form of performance in Venezuela. La Burriquita has its origins in Europe, and it is performed mostly in carnivals and during Christmas. |
BOX-ITEM 4/91 |
Instituto de Folklore (Venezuela). "Los Chimichimitos." Revista Educación 82 (Abril de 1956): 5-19.
Describes the music, dance, and characters involved in this popular children's tradition of Venezuela. |
BOX-ITEM 4/92 |
Instituto de Folklore (Venezuela). "Semejanza de los Pastores." Revista Educación 91 (Noviembre de 1960): 3-34.
Describes Semejanza de los Pastores or Pastores de San Joaquín, a representation that happens in some areas in the state of Carabobo, Venezuela, to honor the birth of Jesus on the night of December 24. |
BOX-ITEM 4/93 |
Instituto Interamericano de Etnomusicología y Folklore. Biblioteca INIDEF. Caracas, Venezuela. 1-8.
This publication introduces the Inter-American Institute of Ethnomusicology and Folklore in Venezuela. It describes the archives of the institution as well as its educational activities and publications. |
BOX-ITEM 4/94 |
Instituto Mexicano de Musicologia y Folklore. Boletín Instituto Mexicano de Musicologia y Folklore 1 (1940): 1-72.
The Mexican Institute of Musicology and Folklore presents articles about Mexican traditions such as music, a calendar listing the national celebrations, and literature. |
BOX-ITEM 4/95 |
Junqueira, Oswaldo Gomes. "A Farinhada." Comissão Nacional de Folclore do I.B.E.C.C. Instituto Brasileiro de Educação, Ciência e Cultura – Comissão Brasileira da Organização Educacional, Científica e Cultural das Nações Unidas (UNESCO) no. 5 (1954): 271-273. [Inscribed on cover.]
A brief description of Farinhada, the production of manioc flour, which takes place in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 4/96 |
Lamas, Dulce Martins. A Influência Portuguesa na Música Popular Brasileira. Rio de Janeiro: Tese com que se apresenta Dulce Martins Lamas ao concurso de livre docência da cadeira de Folclore Musical, 1949. [Inscribed.]
Lamas examines the Portuguese influence on the popular music in Brazil with a focus on music from the rural regions of Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 4/97 |
Lamas, Dulce Martins. Contribuição de Portugal ao folclore musical brasileiro. Rio de Janeiro: Jornal do Commercio – Rodrigues & Cia, 1954. [Inscribed.]
Lamas writes about the Portuguese influence on the rhymes and lyrics found in Brazilian folklore. |
BOX-ITEM 4/98 |
Lane, Frederico. Armas e Técnicas de Briga nas Regiões Rurais de Sâo Paulo: (1. Prêmio no 6. Concurso de Mongrafias sôbre o Folclore Nacional, instituído em 1951 pela Discoteca Pública Municipal, do Departamento de Cultura, da Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo). São Paulo: Departamento de Cultura, 1958. [Inscribed.]
This monograph discusses the different weapons and techniques, including guns and knives, used by the rural population to protect themselves in fights. |
BOX-ITEM 4/99 |
Laytano, Dante de. "Lendas do Rio Grande do Sul" Comissão Nacional de Folclore do I.B.E.C.C. Instituto Brasileiro de Educação, Ciência e Cultura das Nações Unidas (UNESCO) no. 9 (1956)
Legends from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 4/100 |
Laytano, Dante de. O Folclore do Rio Grande do Sul. Pôrto Alegre, 1952. [Inscribed.]
A short overview of folklore in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 4/101 |
Laytano, Dante de. O Folclore do Rio Grande do Sul: Tradições Populares do Cíclo Agropastoril. Pôrto Alegre, no date. [Inscribed.]
Focuses on the tradition of Pixuru that is practiced in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and entails the owner of a farm offering food to twenty of his friends and neighbors who in return spend the day planting crops in his farm. |
BOX-ITEM 4/102 |
Laytano, Dante de. O Negro no Rio Grande do Sul: Separata de "Primeiro Seminário de Estudos Gaúchos." Pôrto Alegre: Comissão Nacional de Folclore, 1958 .
An in-depth study about the meaning of the Portuguese word negro used in Brazil to indicate the portion of the population with African roots. It also discusses whether this population existed in Rio Grande do Sul in the beginning of the exploration of the state. |
BOX-ITEM 4/103 |
León, Argeliers. "Elebwa: Una Divinidad de la Santería Cubana." Abhandlungen und Berichte des Staatlichen Museums für Völkerkunde Dresden 21 (1962): 57-60.
A discussion of the role of the divine spirit, Elebwa, in the practice of santería. It also explains that santería is a pejorative term used to refer to the Afro-Cuban syncretic belief system that combines the beliefs of the West African Yoruba people with elements of worship from Roman Catholicism. |
BOX-ITEM 4/104 |
León, Argeliers. El paso de elementos por nuestro folklore. La Habana, 1952 .
Elements of folklore that influenced the music in Cuba |
BOX-ITEM 4/105 |
León, Argeliers. El patrimonio folklórico musical cubano. La Habana, 1952 .
El patrimonio folklórico musical cubano complements the publication El paso de elementos por nuestro folklore. According to the author of these materials, the book examines the roots and characteristics of musical expression in Cuban folklore. |
BOX-ITEM 4/106 |
León, Maria Teresa Linares de. Ensayo sobre la influencia española en la musica cubana: Premio "Maria Teresa Garcia Montes de Giberga 1958." La Habana, 1958 .
This brief essay discusses the Spanish influence on Cuban music. |
BOX-ITEM 4/107 |
León, Maria Teresa Linares de. Ensayo sobre la influencia africana en la musica de Cuba: Premio "Maria Teresa Garcia Montes de Giberga 1959." La Habana, 1959 .
An essay on African influences on Cuban music since the colonization of the country. |
BOX-ITEM 4/108 |
Lessa, Barbosa. Índice do arquivo de danças brasileiras de Barbosa Lessa: 518 minutos de gravação em rotação 4.75 cm/seg. São Paulo: Francisco Alves, 1959 .
Index to sound recordings of Brazilian dance and music recorded by Barbosa Lessa. |
BOX-ITEM 4/109 |
Lima, Rossini Tavares de. Achegas ao estudo do romanceiro no Brasil. São Paulo: Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo, Secretaria de Educação e Cultura, Divisão do Arquivo Histórico, 1959. [Inscribed.]
Analysis of ancient Iberian romances and Brazilian oral traditions collected by the author. |
BOX-ITEM 4/110 |
Lima, Rossini Tavares de. A malhação de Judas em São Paulo. São Paulo, Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo, Secretaria de Educação, 1959. [Inscribed.]
A description of the tradition of beating and burning an effigy of Judas Iscariot. The practice of malhação de Judas occurs on the Holy Saturday of Holy Week, prior to Easter Sunday, and today it occurs mostly in the inner cities of Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 4/111 |
Lima, Rossini Tavares de. Folguedos populares do Brasil: Maracatu, congada, moçambique, reisado, guerreiro, folia de reis, dança dos tapuios, cabocolinhos, caiapó, bumba-meu-boi e outros folguedos dos boi, chegança e fandango ou Marujada. São Paulo: Ricordi, 1962 .
Documents a vast number of popular and traditional dances and celebrations from different areas of Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 4/112 |
Machado, Propício da Silveira. Pereira Coruja: Vida e obra 16. Pôrto Alegre: Comissão Nacional Folclore do Instituto Brasileiro de Educação, Ciência e Cultura: Comissão Brasileira da Organização Educacional, Cientifica e Cultural das Nações Unidas, Unesco, 1958 .
Conference proceedings honoring the life and work of Antônio Álvares Pereira Coruja, a politician, educator, and the author of the first regional vocabulary of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 5/113 |
Magalhães, Basílio de, João da Silva Campos. O folclore no Brasil: Com uma coletânea de 81 contos populares. Rio de Janeiro: Imprensa Nacional, 1939 .
A collection of 81 popular short stories from the state of Bahia, with other aspects of the Brazilian folklore, such as the Native Indian and African contributions to the traditions of the country. |
BOX-ITEM 5/114 |
Martínez Furé, Rogelio. Conjunto folklórico nacional. La Habana: Consejo Nacional de Cultura, 1963. [Inscribed.]
A study of the musical and traditional manifestations of Cuban folklore. With a vast number of pictures, the book also includes short biographies of the people who were interviewed during the study. |
BOX-ITEM 5/115 |
Martins, Saul. Artes e ofícios caseiros. São Paulo: Prefeitura, 1959.
This publication presents the diverse artwork created by the general Brazilian population inside their homes. Some of the examples are pottery, baked goods, baskets, and sewing. There is a vocabulary list in the book related to these traditions as well. |
BOX-ITEM 5/116 |
Mélo, Veríssmo de. Acalantos. Edição da Revista, no date. [Inscribed.]
The word acalanto refers to the act of cuddling and singing for a child while he/she falls asleep. This publication is a short compilation of these traditional songs and lullabies from Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 5/117 |
Mélo, Veríssmo de. Superstições de São João. Natal: Bando, 1949. [Inscribed.]
One of a series of short studies on the folklore of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. This publication details the popular beliefs that are involved in the traditional celebration of São João, Saint John. |
BOX-ITEM 5/118 |
Mello, Moraes. Artistas do meu tempo: Seguidos de um estudo sobre Laurindo Rabello. Rio de Janeiro: H. Garnier, [Inscribed.] 1904 .
Features some of the distinguished artists of 1904. The publication also gives detailed information about Laurindo Rabello, a writer and poet from Rio de Janeiro. |
BOX-ITEM 5/119 |
Mendes, Eunice Evanira Pereira. Contribuição para o estudo da modinha. São Paulo: Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo, Divisão do Arquivo Histórico, 1959. [Inscribed.]
Origins and examples of modinha, popular songs in Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 5/120 |
Mendoza, Vicente T. El Folklore en Mexico: 1946-1949. México, 1950 .
A short overview of the various initiatives and publications that were created to preserve and collect Mexican folklore between 1946 and 1949. |
BOX-ITEM 5/121 |
Mendoza, Vicente T. La música tradicional española en México. Mexico, 1953 .
A short study about traditional Spanish music in Mexico. |
BOX-ITEM 5/122 |
Mendoza, Vicente T. 1894-1964. La música tradicional 4. Mexico: FCE, no date. [Inscribed.]
Research about the origins of traditional Mexican music prior to the arrival of the Spaniards with musical examples. |
BOX-ITEM 5/123 |
Ministério da Educação e Cultura, Departamento de Assuntos Culturais, Fundação Nacional de Arte, Campanha de Defesa do Folclore Brasileiro. Bibliografia Folclórica 4 (1979): 3-31.
Bibliography of publications related to different aspects of Brazilian folklore such as beliefs, language, arts, and music, among others. |
BOX-ITEM 5/124 |
Ministério da Educação e Cultura – Campanha de Defesa do Folclore Brasileiro. Congresso Nacional do Samba. Carta do Samba, aprovada pelo I Congresso Nacional do Samba, 28de novembro/2 de dezembro de 1962. 1962 .
Discussion of the problems of the evolving tradition of samba music in Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 5/125 |
Ministério da Educação e Cultura Secretaria da Cultura Fundação Nacional de Arte, Instituto Nacional do Folclore. Folclore Paranaense: Exposição – de 21 de Agosto a 29 de Novembro de 1981. 1981 .
This book describes a governmental initiative to give exposure to the different folklore manifestations of the state of Paraná in Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 5/126 |
Miranda, Nicanor. O Congresso Internacional de Folclore. São Paulo, 1940 .
A summary of the activities and goals of the International Congress of Folklore in 1940. The pamphlet includes some examples of folkloric expressions from other parts of the world written in languages other than Portuguese. |
BOX-ITEM 5/127 |
Mussolini, Gioconda. . Os "pasquins" do litoral norte de São Paulo e suas peculiaridades na Ilha de São Sebastião
1950 .
Pasquim is an old tradition in which a person would recite verses that he would create about different subjects and the audience would repeat. Considered mostly an oral tradition, pasquins represent the folkloric expression of the population living on the north coast of São Paulo. This study about the pasquins also includes the practice of the tradition on São Sebastião Island and along the coast of São Paulo. |
BOX-ITEM 5/128 |
Natal: Departamento de Imprensa. Estatutos da Sociedade Brasileira de Folk-lore.
1949 .
This short book lists the statutes of the Brazilian Society of Folklore. |
BOX-ITEM 5/129 |
Neves, Guilherme Santos. "Bandas de Congos." Cadernos de Folclore.30 (no date): 3-32.
This publication describes the origin, the musical instruments, and lyrics related to Bandas de Congos in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. The name Bandas de Congo refers to congo, an Afro-Brazilian name for the main musical instrument of this tradition, the drum. |
BOX-ITEM 5/130 |
Oliveira, Clovis de. André da Silva Gomes (1752-1844): "O Mestre de Capela da Sé de São Paulo" – Obra premiada no Concurso de História promovido pelo Departamento Municipal de Cultura, de São Paulo, em 1946. Cidade de São Paulo, 1954. [Inscribed.]
A biography of André da Silva Gomes, an important musician in the state of São Paulo who, among other things, founded the first choir of the Sé Cathedral. |
BOX-ITEM 5/131 |
O.N.D.A. Rosa de Ouro. Rio de Janerio, no date.
Rosa de Ouro was a musical program produced by Kleber Santos for a youth theatre in Rio de Janeiro featuring popular carioca (the city of Rio de Janeiro) music. This program from the performance contains short biographies of the performers. |
BOX-ITEM 5/132 |
Pacheco, Jacy. O cantor da vila: Documentos e episódios inéditos de vida de Nöel. Rio de Janeiro: Edições Minerva, 1958 .
A biography of Noel Rosa, a significant name in the Brazilian popular music of Rio de Janeiro during the 1950s. The book, written by Rosa's cousin, includes lyrics, pictures, and curiosities about the composer and singer. |
BOX-ITEM 6/133 |
Pardo Tovar, Andrés. Los cantares tradicionales del Baudo. Bogotá, 1960. [Inscribed.]
Documentation of traditional music of the region of Baudo in Colombia. |
BOX-ITEM 6/134 |
Pardo Tovar, Andrés y Jesús Pinzón Urrea. Rítmica y melódica del folclor chocoano. Bogotá, 1961.
Documentation of the rhythm and melodies of the folklore of the province of Choco in Colombia. |
BOX-ITEM 6/135 |
Parreira, Roberto; Vicente Salles; Fundação Nacional de Arte. Artesanto brasileiro. Rio de Janeiro: Edição FUNARTE, 1978 .
An overview of the techniques and materials used in Brazilian handicrafts. |
BOX-ITEM 6/136 |
Pereira Salas, Eugenio. La música de la Isla de Pascua. Santiago de Chile: Instituto de Investigaciones Musicales, [Inscribed.] 1947 .
Salas offers a synthesis of the meaning of music in the spiritual life of the people who live on Easter Island off the coast of Chile (Isla de Pascua). |
BOX-ITEM 6/137 |
Piazza, Walter F. O Quicumbí.Florianópolis: Comissão Catarinense de Folklore, 1954 .
This publication details the movements, musical instruments, and lyrics related to the Quicumbí, a folkloric dance with African roots. The material was collected in Cachoeira, a small community in Florianópolis, Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 6/138 |
Pimentel, Altimar de Alencar. "Barca da Paraíba." Cadernos de Folclore 25 (no date): 3-71.
This publication describes the dramatic dance, of maritime origin, performed in the state of Paraíba, Brazil. The participants of this tradition push a barge from their headquarters to the front of the city's main church, and there, they sing songs and pray. |
BOX-ITEM 6/139 |
Pinto, Alexina de Magalhães. Cantigas das creanças e do povo e dansas populares.Rio de Janeiro: F. Alves, 1916 .
A selection of mostly anonymous popular songs divided by categories, such as general songs, songs of the black people, songs and dances, etc. |
BOX-ITEM 6/140 |
Piza, Flávio de Toledo. Estudo sobre o romance do soldado jogador.São Paulo: Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo, Secretaria de Educação e Cultura, Divisão do Arquivo Histórico, 1959 .
Using the version from the state of Minas Gerais of the poem "O Jogador na Igreja," Flávio Piza examines different aspects of this oral tradition. He also adds to his study the version of the same poem from other states in Brazil and from other countries, such as Argentina. |
BOX-ITEM 6/141 |
Plath, Oreste. Alimentación y lenguaje popular.Santiago de Chile, 1949. [Inscribed.]
A collection of popular vocabulary related to food in Chile. |
BOX-ITEM 6/142 |
Plath, Oreste. Folklore Chileno: Aspectos populares infantiles.Santiago de Chile: La Universidad de Chile, 1946 .
A study of children's folklore in Chile with analysees of songs, last names, and short stories that never end. |
BOX-ITEM 6/143 |
Prado, José Nascimento de Almeida. Baile Pastoril no Sertão da Bahia.São Paulo: Departamento de Cultura, [Inscribed.] 1951 .
Monograph on the pastoral dances of the backlands in the state of Bahia, Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 6/144 |
Prado, José Nascimento de Almeida. Trabalhos fúnebres na roça.São Paulo: Departamento de cultura, 1947. [Inscribed.]
A collection of songs, prayers, and rituals involving the death and funerals of people in the southern area of São Paulo, Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 6/145 |
Querino, Manoel. Artistas bahianos: Indicações biographicas.Bahia: Officinas da Empreza "A Bahia," 1911.
Short biographies of artists, painters, sculptors, and musicians from the state of Bahia, Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 6/146 |
Ramon Paradela, Emilio. "Un vinten p'al Judas:" Contribución al folklore de Montevideo.Montevideo: Centre de Estudios Folklóricis del Uruguay, 1965 .
The author of Un vinten p'al Judas explores the origin of the tradition of burning an effigy of Judas Iscariot in Latin America. |
BOX-ITEM 6/147 |
Ramón y Rivera, Luis Felipe. Problemas de la grabación y transcripción musical de los tambores.Separata del II Tomo de Actas del XXXIII Congreso Internacional de Americanistas Celebrado en San José de Costa Rica del 20 al 27 de Julio de 1958 Impreso por la editorial Lehmann, no date. [Inscribed on cover.]
A discussion of the problems involved in the recording and transcription of drum music. |
BOX-ITEM 6/148 |
Ramón y Rivera, Luis Felipe. Supervivencia de la Polifonia Popular en Venezuela. Separata del II Tomo de Actas del XXXIII Congresso Internacional de Americanistas Celebrado en San José de Costa Rica del 20 al 27 de Julio de 1958 Impresso por la editorial Lehmann, no date.
A discussion of the support for the preservation of the cantos polifónicos from Venezuela. |
BOX-ITEM 6/149 |
Ramón y Rivera, Luis Felipe. Una interpretación psicológica del coplero popular.Caracas, 1953. [Inscribed on cover.]
A psychological interpretation of the copla, a poetic composition that, in general, is formed by four verses, and is the root of popular songs. |
BOX-ITEM 6/150 |
Ramon y Rivera, Luis Felipe. "Aspectos del culto de Maria Lionza en el Distrito Bruzual, Estado Yaracuy." Boletín indigenista venezolano.6 (1958): 127-130.
In this study, Luis Felipe Rivera reveals some of the elements associated with the myth of Maria Lionza in the Bruzual District of the state of Yaracuy in Venezuela. According to this myth, Maria Lionza appears to people and then performs favors in exchange for their souls. |
BOX-ITEM 6/151 |
Rangel, Welmann Galvão de França. Algumas contribuições espanholas ao folclore paulista.São Paulo: Departamento de Cultura, 1951. [Inscribed.]
In this book, Rangel observes the Spanish influence on the folklore of the Catanduva area in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 6/152 |
Revista Sertaneja no. 19 (1959): 3-70. [Note pages 31 and 48.]
Sertaneja is a magazine that circulated between 1958-1959 in São Paulo and promoted the sertaneja (rural) music, singers, and stories of the provincial life in Brazil. There are notes on the cover of the magazine that point to two articles within the magazine. The first article, Conferido a Alceu Maynard Araújo o prêmio "Brasiliana," is an interview with the Brazilian folklorist Alceu Maynard whose work was chosen to receive the Brasiliana award. The second article, Sebastião das Dores O Fandangueiro, was written by Alceu Maynard Araújo and describes the life of Sebastião Manuel dos Santos, a viola player known for his performances of the fandango in Itanhaém, São Paulo. The article also describes some of the typical dances and traditions of Itanhaém, such as Volta-Senhora and Pica-Pau. |
BOX-ITEM 6/153 |
Ribeiro, Darcy. Notícia dos ofaié-chavante.São Paulo, 1951. [Inscribed.]
A short description of the time Darcy Ribeiro spent with the last two families of the indigenous group of Ofaié, who lived in the south of the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 7/154 |
Ribeiro, Luis da Silva. "Influência Portuguesa no Adagiário Gaúcho." Comissão Nacional de Folclore do I.B.E.C.C. Instituto Brasileiro de Educação, Ciência e Cultura – Comissão Brasileira da Organização Educacional, Científíca e Cultural das Nações Unidas (UNESCO) no. 11 (1957): 32-52.
Discusses the Portuguese influence on the Adagiário Gaúcho from Rio Grande do Sul. Adagiário is a type of popular sentence, saying, or a proverb. |
BOX-ITEM 7/155 |
Ribeiro, Maria de Lourdes Borges. Um grupo de moçambique de Aparecida do Norte.São Paulo: Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo, Secretaria de Educação e Cultura, Divisão do Arquivo Histórico, 1959 .
This study describes the tradition of Moçambique within a particular group living in the district of São Roque in Aparecida do Norte, São Paulo. Besides detailing the dance, its movements and songs, the book includes many illustrations of the moçambique tradition. |
BOX-ITEM 7/156 |
São Paulo, Brazil (State). Departamento Estadual de Informações. Cadernos de folklore 1, 1947 .
A collection of popular poems from the city of São Paulo, Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 7/157 |
Schmidt, Carlos Borges. O pão da terra.São Paulo: Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo, Secretaria de Educação e Cultura, Divisão do Arquivo Histórico, 1959 .
The history and usage of the manioc, a starchy root vegetable that is commonly used in Brazilian cooking. |
BOX-ITEM 7/158 |
Shaffer, Kay. O berimbau-de-barriga e seus Toques.Rio de Janeiro: Ministério da Educação e Cultura, Secretaria de Assuntos Culturais, Fundação Nacional de Arte, and Instituto Nacional do Folclore, 1976 .
The berimbau is a stringed musical instrument associated with the Afro-Brazilian martial art of capoeira. In this book, Shaffer explains the origin, the history, and the present use of this instrument in Bahia, Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 7/159 |
Silva, Alcionilio Brüzzi Alves da. Discoteca etno-linguístico-musical das tribos dos rios Uaupés, Içana e Cauáburi.[Inscribed.]São Paulo: Centro de Pesquisas de Iauareté, 1961.
A description of the traditional celebrations, music, musical instruments and general habits of the Indian tribes of the river Uaupés. |
BOX-ITEM 7/160 |
Silva, José Calasans Brandão da. O sebastianismo no folclore de Canudos.Bahia: Artes Gráficas, 1959 .
A brief study about the influence of Sebastianismo in the folkore of the Canudos community in the state of Bahia, Brazil. Sebastianismo is a mystic movement that started in Portugal after the death of King Sebastião, and was used by a popular religious leader, Antonio Conselheiro, to convince the population of Canudos in Brazil to follow him. The Canudos movement exploded in war on November 1896, after the proclamation of Brazil as a republic in 1889. The conflict between Antonio Conselheiro's followers and the government led to the complete destruction of the Canudos community. |
BOX-ITEM 7/161 |
Simon, Michel. "A Propos Des "Danses Dramatiques" Brésiliennes." Théâtre D'aujord'hui, special issue (January – February 1959): 10-14. [Inscribed, p. 10.]
This publication contains an essay about the elements of dance within the Brazilian folk traditions of pastoris, chenganças, and reisados. |
BOX-ITEM 7/162 |
Siqueira, Baptista. Folclore humorístico.Rio de Janeiro, 1946 .
A collection of many short stories that have the same main character, Aleixo. In the northeast of Brazil, Aleixo became the name for any hero who never gives up, like Don Quijote de la Mancha. |
BOX-ITEM 7/163 |
Soares, Luci de Lourdes. "Notas a Lapis sôbre a Arqueologia Norte-Rio-Grandense." Coleção Mossoroense XV ser. B. no. 381 (1982): 3-32
Observations about the archeology of the indigenous groups of Amerabas in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The book contains a map of distribution of these groups and photographs of artifacts and archeological findings. |
BOX-ITEM 7/164 |
Sociedad Folklórica de México. Anuario de la Sociedad Folklorica de Mexico 3 (1942): 7-204.
Scholarly journal with articles on the definition of folklore, traditional games from Puerto Rico, and legends of the Zapotecas, an indigenous group from Mexico. |
BOX-ITEM 7/165 |
Sociedad Folklórica de México. Anuario de la Sociedad Folklorica de Mexico 6 (1945): 213-408.
Scholarly journal with articles on poems, popular beliefs, and dances of Mexico. |
BOX-ITEM 7/166 |
Sociedad Folklórica de México. Anuario de la Sociedad Folklorica de Mexico 6 (1950): 415-557.
Scholarly journal with articles on traditional food, customs, and celebrations of Mexico. |
BOX-ITEM 7/167 |
Sociedad Folklórica de México. Anuario de la Sociedad Folklorica de Mexico 7 (1951): 7-142.
Scholarly journal with articles on songs, poems, and beliefs of Mexico. |
BOX-ITEM 7/168 |
Society of Ethnomusicology. Ethnomusicology 11 no. 3 (1967): 267-292.
This publication focuses on the music of the Tepehua tribe that is played during a ceremony called Halakiltúnti. These textless songs, during the Halakiltunti ritual, are believed to cure psychosomatic illness, secure rain, and restore harmony to daily life in the tribe. |
BOX-ITEM 7/169 |
Souza, Yvonildo de. Influência negra na música brasileira.Recife: Editora Nordeste, 1953. [Inscribed.]
A short study of the African influence on the music of Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 7/170 |
Spalding, Walter. "A Historia e o Povo: Costumes, Poesia e Lendas." Comissão Nacional de Folclore do I.B.E.C.C. Instituto Brasileiro de Educação, Ciência e Cultura – Comissão Brasileira da Organização Educacional, Científíca e Cultural das Nações Unidas (UNESCO) no. 8 (1956): 67-101.
Walter Spalding describes some of the popular poems, customs, and legends of the state of Rio Grande do Sul that were influenced by the history of Brazil. |
BOX-ITEM 7/171 |
Spalding, Walter. "Bibliografia do Folclore Rio Grandense do Sul." Comissão Nacional de Folclore do I.B.E.C.C. Instituto Brasileiro de Educação, Ciência e Cultura – Comissão Brasileira da Organização Educacional, Científica e Cultural das Nações Unidas (UNESCO) no. 4 (1954): 245-263. [Inscribed.]
A bibliography of publications about folklore in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
BOX-ITEM 7/172 |
Spalding, Walter. Tradições gaúchas.Pôrto Alegre: Edição da Comissão Sul-Riograndense de Folclore, 1957 .
A description of the origin, traditions, and poems from the state of Rio Grande do Sul related to three elements, the house, the salt, and the rain. |
BOX-ITEM 7/173 |
Thieblot, Marcel Jules. Fumo e Fumeiros no Brasil: Prequisa sôbre os plantadores de tabaco e os artesões do fumo nas regiões de São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Bahia (Recôncavo) Amazônia (Rondônia e Pará).São Paulo: Brasileira de Folclore, 1988 .
Research on the culture of the tobacco plantation in the Brazilian states of São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Bahia, Rondônia, and Pará. |
BOX-ITEM 7/174 |
Thompson, Stith. "Folklore in South America." Reprinted from Journal of American Folklore,
1948 .
A report of Thompson's trip to South America in 1948. He describes the folklorists he met and their field of work in the South American countries he visited, Bolivia, Argentina, and Brazil. |