| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Series 3:
(continued) |
Subseries 25: Photos from
AFC 2012/008: SR112
(continued) |
Fur drummers (one
partially out of view) (continued) |
1 photograph : black-and-white print ; 4
in. x 5 in. |
Item ID: AFC 2012/008: PH1807 |
Series 4: Moving image
The moving image items that have been digitized have not been processed, and
the ID numbers differ from their analog sources. |
ITEM_ID AFC 2012/008: MV01 |
CBC and Radio Canada
(Montreal): interview on Femme aujord'hui by Aline Desjardin,
November 2, 1977
1 videocassette (U-Matic; 60 min.) :
analog. |
Subject: Roxane Carlisle - CIDA (Canadian International Development
Agency) duties - personal. |
ITEM_ID AFC 2012/008: MV02 |
Roxane Carlisle: interview
with Ahmed Diraige, April 1974
1 videocassette (VHS; 60 min.) :
analog. |
Made at CIDA. |
ITEM_ID AFC 2012/008: MV03 |
The Sudan I know: interview
with Roxane Carlisle, 1984
1 videocassette (VHS; 33 min.) :
analog. |
The label on the videocassette suggests this was made at the Center de
préparation des cooperants, in the briefing centre. |
ITEM_ID AFC 2012/008: MV04 |
film |
1 safety film : analog. |
Series 5: Artifacts
BOX 5 |
1 guinea fowl
feather |
Item ID: AFC 2012/008: AR01 |
Formerly mounted to a page in the photo album. The feather measures
approximately 8 inches long. |
Appendix A: Ethnic
Anuak |
Baggara--Beni Helba
(sub-tribe) |
Baggara--Hawazma |
(sub-tribe) |
Baggara--Ta'isha |
Baggara--Zaghawi |
Bederiya |
(sub-division) |
Dinka |
Fellata (Fula) |
Fur of Girri |
Hamar |
Nuba |
Nuer |
Pari Lokoro of Lafon
Hill |
Shilluk |
Appendix B: Musical
Aerophone--ambaya |
Aerophone--bursa or bukhsa
(hollow groud) |
Aerophone--jekeh or
karou |
Aerophone--keita |
Aerophone--kwi |
(gourd) |
Aerophone--sorrow |
Drum--age |
Drum--bidi |
Drum--bul |
Drum--clay pot |
Drum--congo |
Drum--copper |
Drum--daluka |
Drum--dluka (earthenware
drum) |
Drum--meki |
Drum--nahass |
Drum--nugarra |
Drum--rebab |
Drum--tomoroleh |
Drum--tumba |
Drum--tumblè |
Bagpipes |
(one-stringed chordophone) |
Elbow bells |
Idiophone--dinger (water and
gourd idiophone) |
Kudu horn
(antelope) |
Kuri horn
(cattle) |
Lyre (not an
oud) |
Lyre--pirimbiri |
Murnèh flute |
Oud (UF ud) |
Tiutiu (small antelope
horn) |