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John and Ginny Dildine collection

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Sound Recordings (continued)
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0758 AFC 1975/001: SR082, Recorded: 1965-08-02
Running time: 30:52
This is a recording for a Dildine radio broadcast. His guests are Sandy Paton and Norman Kennedy. This is the second part of the broadcast. The first part is on SR083.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start Dildine introduces the broadcast. He says that the previous song (not recorded on SR082) was "Foggy Dew" from the singing of Harry Cox. Paton agrees. Dildine says that Norman Kennedy is from Scotland. Dildine says that this program was recorded in the Green Mountains of Vermont for later broadcast. Dildine does a station break.
3:20 Dildine talks with Norman Kennedy. Paton talks about a spinning wheel in his home that Kennedy used. Kennedy says that he is also a weaver. Dildine asks how Kennedy learned to speak Gaelic. Kennedy responds. They talk about "mouth music."
7:24 Several examples of mouth music Kennedy
9:21 Kennedy says the previous songs were in Gaelic. He discusses them. Dildine asks about "didling." Paton, Kennedy and Dildine discuss this.
11:33 Several examples of "didling" Kennedy
13:06 Kennedy discusses the previous songs and the tradition of "didling." Dildine and Kennedy talk about Kennedy's music. Dildine, Paton and Kennedy talk about unaccompanied singing.
18:28 Dildine asks Kennedy about how bagpipe tunes are transmitted from piper to piper. Kennedy responds.
20:15 [unidentified song and singing style] Kennedy
20:50 Kennedy says that the previous songs were pipe tunes. Dildine asks about singing styles influenced by the bagpipe and singing styles influenced by guitar and banjo. Kennedy responds. Paton adds to the conversation. They discuss what Kennedy should sing next.
26:02 ["My Son David'] Kennedy
30:03 Dildine concludes the broadcast.
30:52 End
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0759 AFC 1975/001: SR083, Recorded: 1965-08-02
Running time: 31:12
This is a recording for a Dildine radio broadcast. His guests are Sandy Paton and Norman Kennedy. It was recorded in the Green Mountains of Vermont for later broadcast. This is the first part of the broadcast. The second part is on SR082.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start Dildine introduces the broadcast. He says that Sandy Paton is involved with Folk Legacy Records and that Norman Kennedy has just done some recording for Folk Legacy.
0:40 Dildine asks Paton when he first met Kennedy. He responds. Dildine asks Kennedy how it feels to be in the United States. He responds. Dildine asks if he can hear something from Paton and from Kennedy.
2:39 "Busk, Busk Bonnie Lassie" Kennedy
4:34 Dildine asks where Kennedy learned the previous song. Kennedy and Dildine discuss this. Kennedy talks about where he learns his songs. He talks about how people respond to his songs. Kennedy talks about learning stories and lore from the old people.
8:40 The three of the talk about a plant called yarrow and how it is used in old traditional songs. Kennedy talks about how the area around his home in Aberdeen, Scotland is like the hills of Vermont.
10:20 Dildine asks Paton to do a song. They talk about singers singing to share their music. Paton talks about Folk Legacy Records. They talk about musicians competing rather than sharing their music. Paton discusses the song he is going to sing.
16:20 [unidentified song; the first line is "I made my way up to the door, a pretty fair maid came o'er the floor"] Paton
17:45 Kennedy talks about night visit songs.
19:52 "The Time has Come, I Can No Longer Tarry" Kennedy
23:16 The three of them discuss night visiting songs. Dildine asks about a song called "Foggy Dew." They discuss this song.
26:53 "the Foggy Dew" Dildine
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0760 AFC 1975/001: SR084, Recorded: 1966-02-26
Running time: 20:42
This is a recording for a Dildine radio broadcast. His guests are Chuck and Nan Perdue. The broadcast continues on SR085.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start Dildine introduces the program. He says that it was recorded in his living room. He introduces Chuck Perdue and says the he is the current President of the Folklore Society of Greater Washington (FSGW).
1:08 Chuck says that he is from Georgia. Nan says that she grew up in Los Angeles and spent her first twelve summers in Texas. They say that they are going to sing a song about radio.
2:06 "Keep Your Radio On" Chuck and Nan Perdue
4:02 They discuss the previous song. They discuss what Chuck listened to on the radio during his growing up years, the 1930s. They talk about how Chuck got started singing. Dildine asks how Chuck's mother learned her songs. Chuck replies. Dildine asks the Perdues to sing a song Chuck's mother sang.
7:38 "Three Little Babes" Nan Perdue
10:30 They discuss the previous song which Nan learned from Chuck's mother. They talk about the music in Nan's family. It was mostly church music. Chuck says that he got the next song from his mother.
19:46 "Beautiful Isle in the Sea" Chuck and Nan Perdue
22:10 They discuss the previous song. They talk about collecting songs from Chuck's family and other people. They talk about the education Chuck's parents had and their own college education. They talk about how Chuck and Nan met and their early musical experiences. They talk about "hillbilly" and the negative connotation it had for Nan.
27:15 Nan reads from a letter from an Aunt. The Aunt is happy and humble that Nan is singing.
28:45 Dildine asks Chuck why he sings. Chuck responds.
29:42 End
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0761 AFC 1975/001: SR085, Recorded: 1966-02-26
Running time: 30:15
This is the second part of a recording for a Dildine radio broadcast. His guests are Chuck and Nan Perdue. The first part of the broadcast is on SR084.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start Dildine is speaking with Chuck and Nan Perdue.
1:28 "Hop along Peter" Chuck and Nan Perdue
2:49 Dildine and the Perdues discuss the sources from which the Perdues learn their songs.
4:47 "Coal in the Stone" Chuck and Nan Perdue
9:50 Dildine and the Perdues discuss the previous song and the song writer. They discuss how Chuck Perdue selects and learns songs. They discuss "what is a folk song?" and "what is ethnic?." The next song is introduced.
17:14 "Sangaree" [or perhaps "Oh Babe Sangaree"] Chuck and Nan Perdue
19:12 Dildine and the Perdues discuss the previous song. They introduce the next song.
20:32 "Only a Miner" Chuck and Nan Perdue
22:55 Dildine and the Perdues discuss favorite songs. Chuck Perdue says he does not have a single "favorite song," rather he has "perhaps a hundred favorite songs." They discuss what the Perdues sing at home, in private. They introduce the next song.
26:10 "Song of the Deportees" [a Woody Guthrie song] Chuck and Nan Perdue
29:28 Dildine closes the broadcast.
30:15 End
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0762 AFC 1975/001: SR086, Recorded: 1966-02-26
Running time: 17:11
There is no spoken word in this recording, only 5 songs. Written on the original tape box is "WAMU-FM Folk Music Program October 20, 1966." Also written are: (recorded, October 21, 1966)" and "Michael Cooney." There is nothing in the content of the recording to clarify this. Also, there is no written record of the performers on this tape or the songs they sing.
Time Content
Start A man singing a song, a cappella, about a farmer's daughter and a sailor, the title could be "A Sailor Courted a Farmer's Daughter."
1:55 A man singing and playing guitar. The song may be "He Was a Traveling Man."
5:45 A man singing a cappella.
9:15 Man singing and playing banjo.
13:43 Man singing a cappella. The song may be "John Mitchell is My Name."
19:12 Dildine and the Perdues discuss the previous song. They introduce the next song.
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0763 AFC 1975/001: SR087 (1), Recorded: 1968-08-15 – 1968-08-18
Running time: 1:04:07
This is side 1 of 2 of a tape recorded at the 1968 Fox hollow Festival. The tape contains only performances. There is no introduction of the performers or songs. The notes which follow are based on a typed list in a folder in the Collection.
Time Content Performer(s) Notes
Start "Nonesuch" Faery Ring
1:25 "Russian Dance" Russell Thomas, flute his son is dancing
3:45 "The Green hills of Tyrol" George Armstrong, pipes
6:06 "Good Fish Chowder" Joe Hickerson "while the Dildine puppets dance"
9:55 "Whistle Daughter Whistle" Toelkins [sounds like a man and a girl singing - father and daughter?]
11:20 "I'm Gonna Tell" Toelkins [This song was "made up" by Rosalie Sorrels and verses were added by the Toelkins.]
15:15 "Beauty Song" [Lakota Song] Henry Crowdog, Leonard Crowdog and John Strike
18:50 "I'm Being Eaten by a Boa Constrictor" Bill Spence
19:58 Bagpipes, banjo and voices Joe Bossum, Roger and Mrs. Sprung
26:53 "Sing in the Spring" [a Bruce "Utah" Phillips song] Rosalie Sorrells
30:45 "I Never Found My Baby" Rosalie Sorrells
33:55 "My Dearest Dear" Rosalie Sorrells
38:00 "L'el Bon Vent" [?] [The Good Wind] Bonnie Dodson [in French]
40:15 "Tumbalalaika" The Aarons [Yiddish folk song]
44:05 "West Virginia Mine Disaster" Jean Ritchie [Ms. Ritchie wrote his song to give a woman's point of view of the Hominy Falls, West Virginia mine disaster which occurred on May 6, 1968.]
48:30 "Silicoe" [?] The Penny Whistlers
52:44 "Dil Mano del Vivero" [?] The Penny Whistlers with Bill Vanaver and Seth Feldman
55:25 "In the quiet of the Land of Erin" Bonnie Dobson
58:35 "Meadowlands" Michael Cooney [instrumental on 12 string guitar]
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0763 AFC 1975/001: SR087 (2), Recorded: 1968-08-15 – 1968-08-18
Running time: 1:02:34
This is side 2 of 2 of a tape recorded at the 1968 Fox hollow Festival. The tape contains only performances. There is no introduction of the performers or songs. The notes which follow are based on a typed list in a folder in the Collection.
Time Content Performer(s) Notes
Start "You Just as Well to Get Ready, You Got to Die" Chuck and Nan Perdue [Perdue said this is a Blind Willie McTell song.]
3:34 "Fiddle Thing" [Old King Cole type Rabbi] The Aarons, et al [Sung in Yiddish]
7:58 an unnamed reel Kevin Henry, penny whistle
9:30 2 unnamed polkas Kevin Henry, wooden flute
11:08 "Cod Liver Oil" Kevin Henry, a cappella
12:45 "House Carpenter" Jean Ritchie, vocal and lap dulcimer
17:00 "What a Goodly Thing" Jean Ritchie, a cappella
19:57 "Rock Road to Dublin" Owen McBride, a cappella
22:23 "Dimha Juda" [?] Penny Whistlers
25:50 unnamed Joe Bossum, bagpipes
28:55 "Three Ravens" George Britton
33:05 "Asar Mesuga" [?] Bill Schwarz and Zev Feldman ["Do you remember our childhood?" from North Africa]
38:15 "Fox Hollow Song" Wilkes and P and SG [?]
41:15 "Sammy's Bar" Joe Hickerson and Ginny Dildine [written by Cyril Tawney; takes place in Malta; also known as "The Ballad of Sammy's Bar" and "Last Boat A-Leaving"]
46:41 "Pea Soup Reel" Larry Older, fiddle
47:53 "A Great Big Sea Hove in Long Beach" Brian Morrison [This song is from Newfoundland]
50:50 "My Black Rose" Kevin Henry, flute
52:30 "Dinna Juda" [?] The Pennywhistlers with Bill Vanaver and Zev Feldman
55:38 "Bonnie James Campbell" George and Gerry Armstrong [this song is from the family of Frank Proffitt]
57:45 "Greenland Whale" The Toelkins
1:02:03 End
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0764 AFC 1975/001: SR088 (1), Recorded: 1968-08-15 – 1969-08-18, 1969-08-07 – 1969-08-10
Running time: 1:02:04
This is side 1 of 2 of a tape recorded at the 1968 and 1969 Fox Hollow Festivals. The 1969 Festival begins at time 36:38. The tape contains only performances. There is no introduction of the performers or songs. The notes which follow are based on a typed list in a folder in the Collection.
Time Content Performer(s) Notes
Start West Indian Dancers from Toronto
5:30 "Ya Vog Gala" (Turkish) Bill Vanever and Zev Feldman
9:30 "Whooping Bride's Song" Pennywhistlers
11:42 "Nish Cabana" Pennywhistlers, Bill Vanever and Zev Feldman
15:02 "Dumbarton Drums" Beers Family
18:55 "Fox hollow Song" P&SG [The performers are otherwise not identified. One of the performers says he was inspired and wrote the song at the festival. I found the lyrics to this song via Google. It is attributed to Richard Wilkie. Steve Gillette appeared at this Festival. Perhaps he is the SG shown in the collection notes.]
22:35 "Waiting Tonight" The Toelkins
26:46 "Golden Ring Around My Susan Girl" The Golden Ring
29:05 "Molly Hare" The Canterbury Orchestra
31:17 "Swallow's Tail Reel" Kevin Henry, flute plus fiddle and piano
32:34 "Will the Circle Be Unbroken" Chuck and Nan Perdue
35:25 pipes in the distance George Armstrong, bagpipes
36:38 Close of the 1968 Festival
36:45 Start of the 1969 Festival
36:45 "You Can't make a Turtle Come Out" Susan and Becky Boyer and Carol Baker
38:35 "Alice" Susan and Becky Boyer and Carol Baker, a cappella
39:18 "The Boys of Blue Hill" Don Lindsay and Bill Drennen, bagpipe duet
40:47 "Which Way to East Vasselboro" Marshall Dodge, spoken word
42:48 "Study in Counterpoint" Howard Mitchell, dulcimer
45:20 "The Thinnest Man" Joe Hickerson
46:51 "Woad" Joe Hickerson
49:18 "Gold Watch and Chain" Sweet Corn
50:52 "Wade in the Water" Joe Hickerson and the Wet Ones
56:12 "Lord Randall" [three melodies] Tom Kines
1:02:04 End
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0764 AFC 1975/001: SR088 (2), Recorded: 1968-08-15 – 1969-08-18, 1969-08-07 – 1969-08-10
Running time: 1:05:12
This is side 2 of 2 of a tape recorded at the 1968 and 1969 Fox Hollow Festivals. No documentation is available for this side of the tape. This side is probably of the 1969 Festival. It contains only performances. There is no introduction of the performers or the songs.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start "I'm Gonna Tell" [Joe Hickerson and children?]
2:02 "Darcy Farrow" Steve Gillette (written by Gillette and Tom Campbell)
6:03 "Black Waters" [Jean Ritchie?]
10:32 "MacCrimmon's Lament" [Jean Ritchie? with Kevin Henry? playing bagpipes]
18:27 "The Musicians" [in Yiddish] Bob Beers, Mimi Samuelson, Betty Needleman and others [the Aarons?]
23:03 Song and performers are not identified [sounds like a harp; played by a man]
26:22 Spoken word Man with a Scottish or Irish accent
26:59 "One Dew" woman singing and guitar
26:59 "Morning Dew" (first line is: "Take me for a walk in the morning dew") Bonnie Dobson
31:13 first line is: "You can plant a watermelon up above my grave and let the juice sing through" [Michael Cooney?]
31:45 song not identified performer not identified [sounds like a wooden flute]
34:55 "McPherson's Lament," "Putty Up the Nail Holes," "The 8th of January" (three fiddle tunes) [Sam Hinton] on the banjo
39:52 Lead Belly's version of a song he called "Red Cross Door" unidentified man singing with 12 string guitar
44:05 A Joseph Able Trivett song, recorded by Sandy Patton "Go Away from Me Young Man" [several versions of this song have been recorded as "The Cuckoo is a Pretty Bird"] Introduction by a man, sung a cappella by a woman
48:15 unidentified song [it seems to be a version of a traditional song called "Coulter's Candy"] sung by several unidentified women
50:10 unidentified song sung by several unidentified women
52:50 unidentified song [Canterbury Orchestra?]
54:32 "Swipesy Cakewalk," a Scott Joplin tune unidentified man playing 12 string guitar
57:35 "The Honest John Quadrille" [Canterbury Orchestra?]
1:01:55 "Old Joe Clark" and other tunes [Canterbury Orchestra?]
1:05:13 End
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0765 AFC 1975/001: SR089 (1), Recorded: 1969-08-07 – 1969-08-10
Running time: 1:03:34
This is side 1 of 2 of a tape recorded at the 1969 Fox Hollow Festival. It contains only performances; there is no introduction of the performers or the songs. The notes which follow are based on a typed list in a folder in the Collection.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start "Eileen Aroon" Jean Redpath
4:53 "Oh Brethren, Ain't She Happy" Lynn Burnstine, and Jane Munson, with dulcimer
6:38 "Come Life, Shaker Life" Lynn Burnstine, and Jane Munson, with dulcimer
8:04 "Cotton Needs a Pickin So Bad" Dan Smith, with Bessie Jones, Mike Rivers (guitar) and Andy Wallace (banjo)
11:43 "Pleasant and Delightful" Louis Killen
15:23 "It's Hard to Love another Woman's Man" Barbara Carns, with Dennis Coggs, Don Odette and Bill Schwarz
18:52 Don Burnstine introduces the Fox Hollow Electric Rock (and Roll) Band Michael Cooney, Bill Spence, Billy Schwarz and [Eldrin Fenig?]
21:17 "I'm a Rover" Owen McBride
27:10 "Old dun Cow" Owen McBride
31:32 "Boil that Cabbage Down" Grant Rader, with piano, guitar and bass
33:02 "The Old Granite State" Tony and Irene Saletan
36:02 "Bright Morning Stars" Tony and Irene Saletan, a cappella
38:53 "Oh Mary, Don't You Weep" Jim McGowen
43:53 "I Wish They'd Do It Now" Michael Cooney
48:17 Bulgarian gate knocking song The Pennywhistlers
50:33 "How Can I Keep From Singing" The Pennywhistlers
56:18 "What You Gonna Do When Death Come Creepin in the Room?" Tom Winslow
59:30 "Rake and Rambling Boy" Tony and Irene Saletan
1:03:34 End
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0765 AFC 1975/001: SR089 (2), Recorded: 1969-08-07 – 1969-08-10
Running time: 57:03
This is side 2 of 2 of a tape recorded at the 1969 Fox Hollow Festival. It contains only performances; there is no introduction of the performers or the songs. The notes which follow are based on a typed list in a folder in the Collection.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start "Glory Hallelujah, Praise His Name" Tony and Irene Saletan
5:24 "Shto E Milo" The Pennywhistlers and Louis Killen
8:50 "Rocky Road to Dublin" Kevin Henry, bag pipes
10:35 "Shady Grove" Mike Seeger, banjo
13:00 "Greenland Bound" [a whaling song] Louis Killen, concertina
16:25 "The Wind That Shook the Barley" Jean Redpath, a cappella
20:29 "If I Were Free to Speak My Mind" Ed Trickett with Penny and Henry Tufts
24:42 "Buck Dancer's Choice" Howie Mitchell, Appalachian dulcimer
26:48 ["Kuafu"] [mid Vietnamese widows lament] Steve Addiss, played on a 16 string Vietnamese instrument call a [tran]
29:45 "I Know You Belong to Everybody But You Can't Deny That I'm You" Steve and Mary Addiss
34:41 "You Can't Get There From Here," etc. Marshall Dodge, spoken word
50:01 ["Go to Sleep"] or perhaps ["My Precious One'] Guy MacKenzie
53:55 "God's Not Dead" Bessie Jones
57:02 End
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0761 AFC 1975/001: SR090, Recorded: 1969-08
Running time: 31:11
The notes on the tape box in the collection file say this was recorded Sunday afternoon at the 1969 Fox Hollow Festival. The first four songs are by the Armstrong Family, George, Gerry and their two daughters Rebecca and Jennifer. The second part of the tape is by Louis Killen. It is continued on SR091.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start "Hard Time Cotton Mill Girls" The Armstrong Family
2:05 "A Man of Words" The Armstrong Family
5:27 "The Mist Covered Mountain" The Armstrong Family, instrumental: George, bag pipe chanter; Gerry, guitar; Children, fiddles
7:37 "At the Foot of Yonder Mountain" The Armstrong Family
10:39 Louis Killen is introduced
10:55 "The Flying Cloud" Louis Killen, a cappella
18:44 "Greenland Bound" Louis Killen, vocal and concertina
21:56 Louis Killen tells a story of "the fox changing"
30:15 unidentified song about Mr. Fox Louis Killen, a cappella
32:11 End
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0761 AFC 1975/001: SR091, Recorded: 1969-08
Running time: 32:46
This is a continuation of SR090.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start Lou Killen discusses the next song.
0:55 "The Little Red Fox" and other tunes instrumental, Killen, concertina
5:26 "The Kielder Hunt" Killen, a cappella
12:00 Lost item announcement
12:14 Discussion of "Lady Chatterly's Lover" unidentified woman with British or Scottish accent; may be Jean Redpath
14:10 "Our Old Cat Died Last Night" [Redpath]
17:53 "The Wind that Shakes the Barley" [Redpath]
22:25 Medley of children's game songs [Redpath]
23:45 "Ye Cannae Shove Ye Granny Aff the Bus" [Redpath]
24:54 "The Store" [Redpath]
26:42 An unidentified Robert Burns love song [Redpath]
29:20 "Wild Mountain Thyme" [Redpath]
32:46 End
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0813 AFC 1975/001: SR092, Recorded: 1969-05-03
[no tape log is available for this item]
Jerry Sharp, Topic Records
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0814 AFC 1975/001: SR093, Recorded: 1969-05-03
[no tape log is available for this item]
[Jerry] Sharp interview, #2.
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0768 AFC 1975/001: SR094, Recorded: unknown
Running time: 12:51
This SR contains three copies of the same field recording. According to Todd Harvey of the American Folklife Center, this is "Bright Morning Stars Are Rising," by G.D. Vowell, collected in 1937 by Alan and Elizabeth Lomax.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start "Bright Morning Stars are Arising" G.D. Vowell
2:20 "Bright Morning Stars are Arising" G.D. Vowell and others
4:30 First repeat of above.
8:40 Second repeat of above.
12:51 End
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0769 AFC 1975/001: SR095, Recorded: unknown
Running time: 31:32
See SR094. This SR contains several copies of the same field recording. According to Todd Harvey of the American Folklife Center, this is "Bright Morning Stars Are Rising," by G.D. Vowell, collected in 1937 by Alan and Elizabeth Lomax.
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0770 AFC 1975/001: SR096, Recorded: unknown
Running time: 36:04
See SR094. This SR contains several copies of the same field recording. According to Todd Harvey of the American Folklife Center, this is "Bright Morning Stars Are Rising," by G.D. Vowell, collected in 1937 by Alan and Elizabeth Lomax.
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0771 AFC 1975/001: SR097, Recorded: unknown
Running time: 26:38
See SR094. This SR contains several copies of the same field recording. According to Todd Harvey of the American Folklife Center, this is "Bright Morning Stars Are Rising," by G.D. Vowell, collected in 1937 by Alan and Elizabeth Lomax.
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0772 AFC 1975/001: SR098, Recorded: unknown
Running time: 26:38
See SR094. This SR contains several copies of the same field recording. According to Todd Harvey of the American Folklife Center, this is "Bright Morning Stars Are Rising," by G.D. Vowell, collected in 1937 by Alan and Elizabeth Lomax.
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0815 AFC 1975/001: SR099, Recorded: undated
[no tape log is available for this item]
[Tape Box is labeled "LWO 16797 / R52 B1"]
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0816 AFC 1975/001: SR0100, Recorded: undated
[no tape log is available for this item]
[Tape Box is labeled "LWO 16797 / R52 B2"]
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0773 AFC 1975/001: SR101 (1), Recorded: probably 1969 or 1970
Running time: 01:01:11
This seems be a recording of a concert by John and Ginny Dildine and guests. One of the guests is Joe Hickerson.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start "Working on the New Railroad" Joe Hickerson and others, guitar
7:33 John Dildine speaking. An unidentified woman introduces a song written by Rosalie Sorrells. The Tolkien, family from Oregon, has added two verses.
8:49 "I'm Gonna Tell" unidentified woman and others, banjo
11:21 John Dildine speaking. An unidentified man introduces a railroad song.
12:12 "The Dummy Line" unidentified man, guitar
16:37 Unidentified woman introduces the next song which she learned in summer camp.
17:15 "My Father Killed a Kangaroo" unidentified woman and others, a cappella, also done as a round
25:01 Getting ready for the next song
25:41 The Cow Puncher" [The singer says this song was written by Jenny Haley] [Joe Hickerson?], guitar
29:35 Getting ready for the next song. An unidentified woman introduces the next song.
30:21 "Those Good Peanuts" unidentified man and woman, guitar
33:55 Introduction to the next song
35:04 "Garbage" [Joe Hickerson] and other, guitar
38:50 An unidentified woman introduces the next song.
39:20 "Don't Throw Your Junk in My Back Yard" unidentified woman and other, a cappella, sung as a round
44:00 John Dildine introduces the next song. It is a McPeak family song which he learned from Francis McPeak.
45:06 "Monaghan Fair" John Dildine, a capella
47:43 Introduction to the next song.
48:27 "Three Jolly Rogues of Lynn" Joe Hickerson, guitar
50:10 Getting ready for the next song
51:45 "À La Volette" [The first line is "Once there was a swallow and her birdies three"] two unidentified woman, guitar
54:54 Introduction to the next song [Ginny Dildine?]
56:36 "Old Babbum and the Boar" [Ginny Dildine?], guitar
1:01:11 End
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0773 AFC 1975/001: SR101 (2), Recorded: probably 1969 or 1970
Running time: 34:32
This seems be a recording of a concert by John and Ginny Dildine and guests. One of the guests is Joe Hickerson.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start "Fiddler's Green" Joe Hickerson and others, guitar
4:15 John Dildine talks about working with marionettes.
6:10 "Who Killed Cock Robin" Ginny Dildine, guitar
12:07 Preparation for the next song
12:58 "Charlie" Joe Hickerson and others, guitar
17:38 John Dildine makes and announcement. He introduces next week's program. He asks for volunteers to "dance a puppet."
22:25 ["It's Nearly Sundown"] Joe Hickerson, guitar
27:22 Preparation for and introduction of the next song.
28:45 "Going Down the Valley" unidentified man and others, guitar
34:01 End of song
34:32 End of recording
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0817 AFC 1975/001: SR0102, Recorded: undated
[no tape log is available for this item]
[Tape box is labeled "Bulgarian Folk Instruments. Narrator tells about various instruments."]
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0774 AFC 1975/001: SR103, Recorded: unknown
Running time: 24:42
This is a recording of a John Dildine radio broadcast with Ellen and Robin Christenson. It was recorded in the home of Peter and Judy Weston. See also SR062 and SR068
Time Content Performer(s)
Start "Little Birdie" Ellen and Robin Christenson, banjo and guitar
4:19 Dildine speaks with Ellen and Robin Christenson.
9:09 "I'm a Poor Country Boy" Robin Christenson, banjo
12:00 Dildine speaks with Ellen and Robin Christenson.
15:27 Ellen and Robin Christenson, banjo and guitar
16:58 Dildine does a station break. He speaks with Ellen Christenson.
18:20 "One Morning in May" Ellen Christenson, guitar
21:16 Dildine asks for another song.
22:14 ["Sangarie?"] Ellen and Robin Christenson, banjo and guitar.
24:41 End
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0775 AFC 1975/001: SR104, Recorded: unknown
Running time: 13:02
This recording contains a number of "takes" of different songs by an unidentified man and woman. They may be Chris and Pixie Christy. There is guitar accompaniment. See SR003.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start "First He Made the Sun" (take 1) unidentified man and woman, guitar
1:44 "Katie Dear" (take 1) unidentified man and woman, guitar
3:50 "Katie Dear" (more) unidentified man and woman, guitar
4:35 [nothing useful]
5:17 "Ain't Got No Place to Lay My Head" (take 1) unidentified man and woman, guitar
7:10 "Ain't Got No Place to Lay My Head" (take 2) unidentified man and woman, guitar
9:06 [nothing useful]
9:40 "When Are You Comin' to See Me" (take 1) unidentified man and woman,
11:15 "When Are You Comin' to See Me" (take 2) unidentified man and woman,
13:02 End
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