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John and Ginny Dildine collection

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Sound Recordings (continued)
AFC 1975/001: SR044 - PART 1 OF 2, Recorded: 1961-04-28 (continued)
Running time: 48:02
This is the first half of a tape which is a potpourri of several musicians all recorded by an unidentified HOST. Many of the recordings, but not all, were done at the Laughing Buddha club, which may have been located on the West Coast. This tape itself seems to have been recorded by John Dildine.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start Bagpipes George Armstrong
1:48 "The Back of Bennachie" Gerry Armstrong
5:20 The unidentified HOST talks about the guitar Gerry Armstrong played on the previous song.
7:05 "Ground Hog" George and Gerry Armstrong [guitar and lap dulcimer]
10:08 The HOST introduces the next song.
10:45 George Armstrong introduces Bob Beers and a "dancing puppet" [called a limber jack].
11:55 Fiddle tunes Bob Beers [fiddle] and one of the Armstrongs on the "limber jack"
12:55 George Armstrong shows and demonstrates a corn stalk fiddle. He introduces the next song as a corn stalk and dulcimer concerto.
13:45 "Corn Stalk Fiddle" George and Gerry Armstrong [corn stalk fiddle and dulcimer]
14:50 The HOST talks about the previous few songs and the show at the Laughing Buddha.
15:50 George Armstrong introduces the double or courting dulcimer. It was made by Howie Mitchell of Lexington, VA. The HOST called the instrument "twicimer."
16:40 "Little Moses" George and Gerry Armstrong [double dulcimer]
19:30 The HOST closes the Armstrong portion of this tape. He then introduces Judy Collins [recorded].
20:55 "John Riley" Judy Collins
24:45 The HOST talks about the similarity between Judy Collins and Don Crawford.
25:48 "Tim Evans" Judy Collins [Ms. Collins says this song was written by Ewan McColl]
29:15 The HOST talks about Christy, the man who actually murdered Tim Evens' wife and child.
31:12 "Black is the Color" Judy Collins
34:13 The Host talks about Judy Collins' guitar playing and a record she recently released, "A Maid of Constant Sorrow." He talks about a performer named Bob Grossman. He talks about the Laughing Buddha club. He talks about Pete Stanley. The HOST says he recorded Collins and the Armstrongs at the Laughing Buddha club. He says he recorded Pete Stanley in the front hall of his house. He talks about a 12 string guitar Stanley plays.
45:24 "San Francisco Bay Blues" Pete Stanley [12 string guitar and vocal]
48:02 End
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0734 AFC 1975/001: SR044 - PART 2 OF 2, Recorded: 1961-04-28
Running time: 48:02
This is the second half of a tape which is a potpourri of several musicians all recorded by an unidentified HOST. Many of the recordings, but not all, were done at the Laughing Buddha club, which may have been located on the West Coast. This tape itself seems to have been recorded by John Dildine.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start The host talks about several performers, where they are performing and a bit about their private lives.
5:10 "Number 9" [may also be known as "Dark Was the Night"] Pete Stanley
7:38 "He Was a Friend of Mine" Pete Stanley
11:22 The Host says he will finish up Pete Stanley by playing an instrumental medley.
11:48 "Flop Eared mule," "Old Joe Clark" and "Cripple Creek" Pete Stanley
13:30 The host talks bout the performers at the Laughing Buddha in July and August. He talks is detail about how he recorded and mixed some of Don Crawford's performances.
16:45 "Hootchie Kootchie Man" Don Crawford
19:51 The HOST talks about the previous song.
20:20 "Kilgary Mountain" Don Crawford
26:30 "The Ballad of the Springhill Mine Disaster" [Crawford says that this song was written by Ewan McColl and Peggy Seeger and that he learned it from them.] Don Crawford
31:36 Don Crawford tells a story about Leadbelly and plays bits of "Goodnight Irene" and "Ha-Ha This Away."
34:43 Medley of "Good Morning Captain, Good Morning Son" and "My Jerry Was and Arkansas Mule" Don Crawford
38:10 The Ballad of Tim Evans" Don Crawford
43:52 The host talks about Don Crawford.
48:12 End
MBRS Rack Number: RAA 54526 AFC 1975/001: SR045, Recorded: 1961-05-15
Running time: 27:23
This is one part of a concert with Howie Mitchell, Charlotte (Char) Daniels and Donal Leace. Other parts are on SR046 and SR047.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start "Passing Through" Daniels
3:07 Mitchell introduces the concert and says it is the 5th Annual.
6:07 The first line of this song is "I'll sing you a song, It's not very long," the title may be "The Lazy Farmer" Mitchell
8:10 Mitchell talks about the music to be performed in this concert. He introduces Donal Leace.
9:12 "Joshua Fit (sic) the Battle of Jericho" Leace
12:32 Leace talking. He's employed by the US Senate. He talks about Senators Eastland and Fong.
15:25 "All the Pretty little Horses" Leace
18:22 "John Henry" Leace
21:40 "Old Blue" Leace
27:23 End
MBRS Rack Number: RAA 54527 AFC 1975/001: SR046, Recorded: 1961-05-15
Running time: 26:22
This is one part of a concert with Howie Mitchell, Charlotte (Char) Daniels and Donal Leace. Other parts are on SR045 and SR047.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start Mitchell introduces the next song
1:56 "Two Sisters" Mitchell, mountain dulcimer
3:56 Mitchell talks about and demonstrates the autoharp. He introduces the next song.
7:07 [unidentified song about "Old Baggins?"] Mitchell, autoharp
9:56 [unidentified song] Mitchell, guitar
12:30 "Lady Day" Mitchell, banjo
17:42 Mitchell discusses and demonstrates the mountain dulcimer.
19:46 [unidentified song about pigs and true love] Mitchell, mountain dulcimer
22:25 "Speak to Me Only with thine Eyes" Mitchell, guitar
26:06 End
MBRS Rack Number: RAA 54528 AFC 1975/001: SR047, Recorded: 1961-05-15
Running time: 13:41
This is the final part of a concert with Howie Mitchell, Charlotte (Char) Daniels and Donal Leace. Other parts are on SR045 and SR046.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start Donal Leace is introduced.
0:30 "The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy" Leace and others
4:35 "Amen" Leace and others
6:47 [unidentified song] Leace and others
9:58 "This Old Town Too Long" Leace and others
13:41 End
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0735 AFC 1975/001: SR048, Recorded: 1961-05-05
Running time: 27:41
This is the first of four parts of the Columbia Heights Boys Club 5th Annual Concert. No details of the concert are given. The recording quality is ok, but with an echo or distortion of some sort.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start Noise
0:30 Passing Through" Char [Charlotte] Daniels
3:25 Daniels introduces Howie Mitchell. Mitchell introduces the concert and talks a bit about the songs. [He does not say specifically what the concert is, who sponsors it, etc.]
6:35 "Young Man Wouldn't Hoe Corn" Mitchell [a cappella]
8:27 Howie Mitchell talks about the songs. He introduces Donal Leace.
9:39 "Joshua" Leace
12:50 Leace talks about his job with the US Senate.
16:06 "All the Pretty Little horses" Leace
18:38 "John Henry" Leace
21:58 "Old Blue" Leace
27:41 End
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0736 AFC 1975/001: SR049, Recorded: 1961-05-05
Running time: 22:17
This is the second of four parts of the Columbia Heights Boys Club 5th Annual Concert. No details of the concert are given. The recording quality is ok, but with an echo or distortion of some sort.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start "Pastures of Plenty" Char [Charlotte] Daniels
3:12 Daniels talks about Woody Guthrie. She introduces the next song.
3:57 "Dry Bed" Daniels
5:20 "Old Maid's Lament" Daniels
9:15 Daniels introduces the next song. She says it is a recipe for moonshine.
9:58 "Copper kettle" Daniels
13:48 "Virgin Mary" Daniels
17:45 "Frankie and Johnny" Daniels
22:17 End
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0737 AFC 1975/001: SR050, Recorded: 1961-05-05
Running time: 15:10
This is the third of four parts of the Columbia Heights Boys Club 5th Annual Concert. No details of the concert are given. The recording quality is ok, but with an echo or distortion of some sort.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start Audience noise only
0:35 Howie Mitchell introduces the next song. It is a story about King Henry who ate string.
1:54 "Henry King" Mitchell
3:58 Mitchell introduces the next song.
4:25 "The Cruel Mother" [also known as "Greenwood Sidey"] Mitchell
7:25 Mitchell talks about "experimenting around" with different instruments. He discusses the banjo and tunes it.
9:45 [unidentified song, may be "Laid in His Grave"] Mitchell
11:36 Mitchell retunes his banjo and introduces the next song.
13:00 "Lord Randall" Mitchell
15:10 End
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0738 AFC 1975/001: SR051, Recorded: 1961-05-05
Running time: 25:36
This is the fourth of four parts of the Columbia Heights Boys Club 5th Annual Concert. No details of the concert are given. The recording quality is ok, but with an echo or distortion of some sort.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start Howie Mitchell introduces the next song.
1:50 "Two Sisters" [also known as "Wind and Rain"] Mitchell, experimental mountain dulcimer
3:50 Mitchell talks about the autoharp and introduces the next song.
7:00 "Old Bangam" Mitchell
10:00 Mitchell introduces the next song.
10:40 [unidentified] Mitchell
12:30 Mitchell tunes his banjo and introduces the next song.
14:05 "Lady Gray" Mitchell, banjo
17:40 Mitchell discusses the traditional mountain dulcimer.
18:50 [unidentified instrumental] Mitchell, dulcimer
19:40 "Old Lady and the Pig" Mitchell, dulcimer
22:33 Mitchell introduces the last song of the set and tunes the dulcimer.
23:10 "Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes" Mitchell, dulcimer
25:36 End
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0739 AFC 1975/001: SR052 Part 1 of 2, Recorded: 1961-12-12
Running time: 52:31
This tape appears to be the first of two parts of a concert by Peggy Seeger. There is a folder in the collection for this SR. Notes in the folder state that the venue is Graham Chapel, Washington University, St, Louis, MO.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start "When First Unto This Country" Peggy Seeger [vocal and autoharp]
3:38 Seeger talks about the songs she sings. She introduces the next song.
4:37 [unidentified song, perhaps "Pretty Saro"] Seeger [vocal and banjo]
7:57 Seeger talks about people's reactions to concerts and people singing at concerts.
8:48 "Yes, Ma'am" Seeger [vocal and guitar]
10:27 Seeger talks about folk music and popular music.
11:40 "Freight Train" Seeger [vocal and guitar]
14:07 Seeger talks about a game she played when she was a young girl.
15:30 "I'll Not Marry a Man That's Rich" [also known as "I'll Not Marry At All"] Seeger [a cappella]
17:20 Seeger talks about women's independence of mind.
18:15 "Lady Margaret" Seeger [vocal and autoharp]
24:18 "Seeger talks about American and British folk songs. She introduces the next song.
26:35 [unidentified song, may be called "Charlie"] Seeger [vocal and banjo]
28:49 "Derby Ram" Seeger [vocal and banjo]
31:27 "It's a Lie" [sailor' version of "Derby Ram"] Seeger [vocal and banjo]
33:05 Seeger Talks about how folk songs change. She introduces the next song.
34:05 "John Riley" [version 1] Seeger [vocal and banjo]
37:40 Seeger talks about another version of the song.
38:01 "John Riley" [version 2] Seeger [vocal and autoharp]
41:35 Seeger talks about folks songs being used in teaching school in England. She introduces the next song.
43:20 "Five Times Five" Seeger [vocal and banjo]
47:00 "Gypsy Davey" Seeger [vocal and banjo]
49:35 "The Maid on the shore" Seeger [a cappella]
52:31 End
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0739 AFC 1975/001: SR052 Part 2 of 2, Recorded: 1961-12-12
Running time: 50:22
This tape appears to be the second part of a concert by Peggy Seeger. There is a folder in the collection for this SR. Notes in the folder state that the venue is Graham Chapel, Washington University, St, Louis, MO. Tacked on to the very end of the tape, starting at 48:45, is a recording of the Dillard Brothers.
Time Content Performer(s) Notes
Start Seeger talks about a song being complete.
0:45 Seeger performs several short, "compete" songs including: "Old Kate She Baked a Cake," "Lula Gal," "Cross Eyed Gopher," "The Old Cow Dies," Hick, Hike, Hoke," and "The Spanish Cavalier" Seeger [vocal and guitar]
3:45 Seeger introduces the next song.
4:05 "When I was a Little Girl" Seeger [vocal and guitar]
4:47 Unidentified song. [The collection notes say it is "All alone and Lonely"] Seeger [vocal and banjo]
7:55 Seeger introduces the next song.
8:55 "Green Wood Sidey" Seeger [a cappella]
11:30 Seeger introduces the next song.
13:18 "The Three Welshman [sic]" Seeger [vocal and banjo]
18:15 Seeger introduces the next song.
19:08 "Four Marys" [also known as "Mary Hamilton"] Seeger [vocal and guitar]
22:33 Seeger discusses the previous song and introduces the next song.
24:13 "I Am a Girl of Constant Sorrow" Seeger [vocal and guitar]
27:30 Seeger says she will do three songs recently written in Britain.
28:42 Title not given. Seeger [vocal and guitar] [This is a lament for a school boy killed in an accident.]
32:30 Seeger says the next song is about an incident which was a protest response to dramatic raise of rents in London.
35:07 "The Landlord's Nine Questions" Seeger [vocal and banjo]
39:23 Seeger says this next song is about a protest to the amount of strontium 90 in the air in England.
41:15 No title given Seeger [vocal and guitar]
44:02 Seeger introduces the next song. She says it is a Christmas song.
44:50 "If anybody Asks You Who I Am" Seeger [vocal and guitar]
48:33 End of the Peggy Seeger concert.
48:45 "Banjo in the Hollow" The Dillard's [Doug and Rodney] [There is a folder in the collection for this SR. Notes in the folder state that this was recorded "in the Hollow, 7/1/62, St, Louis, MO.]
50:22 End
MBRS Rack Number: RAA 54529 AFC 1975/001: SR053, Recorded: 1961-12-17
Running time: 52:53
This is a recording for a John Dildine radio broadcast from (probably) December 17, 1961. He plays recordings of Judy Collins, Tommy Makem and the Clancy Brothers, and Ed McCurdy
Time Content Performer(s)
Start "Railroad Bill" the opening theme song. He introduces tonight's program.
2:24 "Pretty Saro" Collins
5:30 Dildine talks about the previous song and introduces the next song.
5:55 "John Riley" Collins
9:27 Dildine says that on "John Riley" the second guitar was played by Fred
Hellerman and the banjo was played by Eric Darling. Dildine does a commercial
for the Showboat Lounge. He introduces the next recording.
11:45 Tommy Makem introduces Peter Seeger and Bruce Langhorn.
12:00 ‘The whistling Gypsy" Makem, lead vocal
15:50 "Johnny Lad" Pat Clancy, lead vocal
17:34 Dildine talks about the next song.
18:04 "The Old Orange Flute" Makem, lead vocal
21:43 "Brennan on the Moor" vocal, all
23:42 Dildine discusses the record he's been playing. He does a station break. He introduces the recordings of Ed McCurdy.
25:15 "Gypsy Davie" McCurdy
27:20 Dildine talks about the previous song and introduces the next song.
27:48 "Hunters of Kentucky" McCurdy
30:43 Dildine talks about the previous song and introduces the next song.
31:55 "Rock About My Pretty Saro" McCurdy
34:04 Dildine introduces the next song.
34:50 "My Pretty Little Pink" McCurdy
36:01 Dildine introduces the next two hymns.
36:23 "Simple gifts" [A Shaker song from 1848] McCurdy, a cappella
37:20 "Wondrous Love" McCurdy, a cappella
40:50 No recording. Blank tape.
42:10 Dildine introduces the next song.
42:38 "Clinch Mountain" McCurdy
44:38 Dildine introduces the next song.
45:01 "Jug of Punch" Tommy Makem and the Clancy Brothers
48:13 "One Eyed Riley" Tommy Makem and the Clancy Brothers
49:58 "Railroad Bill," closing theme. Dildine concludes the broadcast.
MBRS Rack Number: RAA 54530 AFC 1975/001: SR054, Recorded: unknown [may be 1962-01-04]
Running time: 29:02
[This seems to be a live recording session of Bill Roberts. He sings and plays guitar except where noted. The date and place of this recording is not known.]
This seems to be a live recording session of Bill Roberts. He sings and plays guitar except where noted. The date and place of this recording is not known.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start "Loose Your Money" (take 2) Roberts
2:55 "Ain't That Rockin'" (take 1) Roberts
5:51 "Hey Ho Mary" (take 1) Roberts
9:00 "Hey Ho Mary" (take 2) Roberts
11:50 "James Alley Blues" (Take 1) Roberts
12:42 "James Alley Blues" (Take 2) Roberts
12:50 "James Alley Blues" (Take 3) Roberts
17:00 "James Alley Blues" (Take 4) Roberts
17:38 "James Alley Blues" (Take 5) Roberts
22:07 "I looked down the road just as far as I could see," first line Roberts, vocal and harmonica
25:19 "Hey Joe, where you going with that money in your hand," (first line) Roberts
26:30 blank tape
27:03 "You gotta walk muddy waters" (first line) Roberts
29:01 End
MBRS Rack Number: RAA54531 AFC 1975/001: SR055, Recorded: unknown [may be 1962-01-04]
Running time: 26:42
This seems to be a continuation of the recording session recording session for Bill Roberts. See SR054. He sings and plays guitar except where noted.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start "Loose our Money" Roberts
2:44 "Telephone Blues" Roberts
4:44 "Ain't that Rockin'" Roberts, unidentified person playing harmonica
7:36 "Hey Ho Mary" Roberts, unidentified person playing harmonica
10:27 "Careless Love" Roberts, unidentified person playing harmonica
13:55 ["Get it Well"] or perhaps ["That's the Way It Goes"] Roberts
16:27 "James Alley Blues" Roberts
20:52 "De Kalb Blues" Roberts
23:32 "Hey Joe" Roberts
26:42 End
MBRS Rack Number: RAA 54532 AFC 1975/001: SR056, Recorded: 1962-01-04
Running time: 24:01
This seems to be a continuation of the recording session recording session for Bill Roberts. See SR054. He sings and plays guitar except where noted.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start "My Bonnie" Roberts
3:23 "Poor Man but a Good Man" Roberts
5:41 "Stackolee" Roberts
9:52 "Noted Rider" Roberts
12:30 unidentified Roberts, harmonica solo
16:04 "Frankie and albert" Roberts
20:29 "Fare Thee Well" Roberts
24:01 End
MBRS Rack Number: RAA 54533 AFC 1975/001: SR057, Recorded: 1962-01-04
Running time: 29:21
This seems to be a continuation of the recording session recording session for Bill Roberts. See SR054. He sings and plays guitar except where noted.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start blank
0:27 "Muddy Water" Roberts
3:27 "12 Gates to the City" Roberts
4:52 talking, brief on the harmonica Roberts
5:05 unidentified Roberts, guitar, vocal and harmonica
8:05 tuning the guitar
11:30 "Bottle Up and Go" Roberts, guitar, vocal and harmonica
14:08 blank
14:41 "My Mama Don't Allow Me" Roberts, guitar, vocal and harmonica
17:55 "Careless Love" Roberts, guitar, vocal and harmonica
23:13 unidentified Roberts
24:58 "Key to the Highway" Roberts
29:21 End
MBRS Rack Number: RAA 54534 AFC 1975/001: SR058, Recorded: 1962-01-04
Running time: 29:42
This seems to be a continuation of the recording session recording session for Bill Roberts. See SR054. He sings and plays guitar except where noted.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start noise
0:51 "Frankie and Albert" Roberts
1:45 talking
2:07 "Keep on Truckin' Mama" Roberts
6:22 talking
8:22 "Fare Thee Well" Roberts
11:54 talking and a short bit of music
12:47 "Motherless Child" (take 1) Roberts
13:44 "Motherless Child" (take 2) Roberts
17:50 blank
18:10 unidentified guitar solo Roberts
19:10 "Rabbit on the Ground" Roberts
25:01 talking and blank
25:22 "Keys to the Highway" Roberts
29:42 End
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0740 AFC 1975/001: SR059, Recorded: 1962-03-25
Running time: 15:11
This is a recording for part of a John Dildine radio broadcast. He plays selections from several phonograph records.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start Dildine says that the New Lost City Ramblers learned the next song from a recording by Uncle Dave Macon.
1:00 "Hold the Woodpile Down" New Lost City Ramblers [Mike Seeger, John Cohen and Tom Paley]
3:45 Dildine says the next song is from a John Lomax recording [Lubbock, Texas, 1937] of J.C. Fowler, Elrick Buckner, and Alva Ruffner [spelling of names is ‘best guess'].
4:20 "Devil's Dream" Fowler, Buckner and Ruffner
6:13 Dildine discusses John and Alan Lomax. The next song is from an Alan Lomax album titled "Folksong Saturday Night."
6:57 "Inchin' Along" Alan Lomax, Peggy Seeger, Guy Carawan, John Cole and Sammy Stokes
10:12 Dildine introduces the next song.
10:44 "Soldier's Joy" Nashville Washboard Band
12:21 Dildine closes the radio broadcast.
12:37 Closing theme "Railroad Bill"
15:10 End
MBRS Rack Number: RAA54535 AFC 1975/001: SR060, Recorded: unknown
Running time: 49:33
This is a recording for a John Dildine radio broadcast. He plays recordings of traditional folk songs of Great Britain from a set of recordings put together by Alan Lomax and Peter Kennedy.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start "Railroad Bill," the opening theme. Dildine introduces the program. He will next play two versions of "The Elfin Night."
3:21 version 1, "An Acre of Land" Bob and Ron Cooper
5:07 version 2, Strawberry Land" Thomas Moran
6:07 Dildine introduces the next song.
7:03 "The False Knight on the Road" Frank Quinn
8:57 "The Outlandish Knight" or "Six Pretty Maids" Fred Jordan
12:04 Dildine talks about the recordings he is playing. He does a station break for The Showboat Lounge. He introduces the next song.
14:18 "The Twa Sisters" [This version is probably called "Minorie"] John Strichen
16:06 Several versions of "Lord Randall" several performers
19:36 Dildine discusses the previous version of "Lord Randall" and identifies the performers. He introduces the next set of songs and the performers.
22:05 Various versions of a song called "Edward" several performers
26:06 Dildine introduces the next songs.
27:11 "The Cruel Mother" Thomas Moran
29:00 "The Broomfield Wager" Cyril Poacher
32:33 Dildine discusses the albums in the series of recordings he is playing. He introduces the next song.
33:31 "The Jovial Tradesman" Ron and Bob Cooper
35:12 Dildine does a station break for The Shadows. He introduces the next song.
37:00 "The Roaming Journeyman" Paddy Duran
37:53 "The Candlelight Fisherman" Phil Hammond
39:35 The Canny Shepard Laddie" Jimmie White
40:23 Dildine discusses the previous songs and introduces the next song.
41:20 "The Dairy Maid" John McGuire, tin whistle
42:27 "Green Brooms" Shawn [or perhaps Shaun] McDonaugh
44:51 Dildine discusses the albums from which he played the songs for the night's program. He closes the broadcast with "Railroad Bill," the theme song.
49:33 End
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0741 AFC 1975/001: SR061, Recorded: 1962-07
Running time: 40:10
This was recorded in Chicago for future broadcast of a John Dildine radio show. His guests are George and Gerry Armstrong and Howie Mitchell. The venue for the recording seems to be the Armstrongs home.
Time Content Performer(s) Notes
Start "Shady Grove" George, Gerry and Howie
2:09 Dildine introduces the performers. He asks George why he is interested in the [folk music] material. George answers and Gerry joins in.
5:28 "Who Killed Cock Robin" Gerry [vocal]
7:56 Gerry says that she learned the previous song from Richard Chase. Gerry, George and John discuss learning folk songs. They prefer to learn directly from people or else from recordings, rather than from books. They discuss how the Armstrongs became interested in folk music. George says that this evening they've been playing dulcimers made by Howie Mitchell.
13:25 "My Home's Across the Blue Ridge Mountains" Gerry, George and Howie
16:20 George says he learned the previous song from Frank Profit. John asks Howie about a recording he recently made for Folk Legacy Records. Howie and John talk about the mouth-bow and about Jimmy Driftwood.
20:25 "Skip to My Lou" Howie [mouth-bow], George and Gerry [the recording quality from here to about 22:45 is very poor]
22:45 An unidentified Morris Dance George [bag pipes?], Ginny Dildine [drum], Gerry [guitar], Howie [dulcimer]
24:50 The group discusses the previous song. George says that he and Gerry are also involved with folk games, folk dance, etc. in addition to the music. They discuss folk music and traditions beyond the United States.
34:25 [A shape-note hymn] ‘"This Old World Is Full of Sorrow" Gerry, George and Howie [Their version is very similar to "This Old World," a Unitarian hymn]
35:42 Howie says that he learned to play the next song from Jean Ritchie.
36:30 "What a Are You Gonna Do with the Baby-o" Howie [mouth-bow], George [dulcimer]
38:36 John asks George to play the bagpipes. George declines because of the late hour and because children are asleep in the house. Instead he says he'll play a tune call "Nonesuch" on the practice [bagpipe] chanter. [The tape ends before this song is played.]
40:10 End
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0742 AFC 1975/001: SR062, Recorded: 1962-08-05
Running time: 35:02
This a recording for a John Dildine radio broadcast. Most of the program is of Ellen and Robin Christenson which was recorded in St. Louis at the home of Peter and Judy Weston. The last part of the program is two songs from a Folk Legacy recording of Frank Profitt. It is continued on SR063.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start "Railroad Bill" opening theme, recorded
0:39 John Dildine talks about a trip that he, his wife [Ginny Dildine] and Howie Mitchell recently took to the mid-west. They recorded several performers in Chicago and St. Louis. Tonight he is going to play a session with Ellen and Robin Christenson.
1:13 "Little Birdie" Ellen and Robin [banjo and guitar]
5:23 John and Ellen talk about Ellen and her sister and a record they made. John and Robin talk about two records that he made. They talk about how they developed their interest in folk music. They talk about "kitchen songs" and other types of folk songs.
10:15 "Woody" Robin [vocal]
13:05 Robin says that he learned this song from a girl at Swarthmore College. Her name is Ruth [Kellen] and she lives in Washington D.C. He's also heard other versions of the song, as has Dildine.
14:20 Dildine does a station break.
15:37 Dildine asks the Christenson's to perform a song for children. The discuss children's songs.
17:58 Unidentified song. The first line is "Ducks in the millpond, geese in the clover" Robin and Ellen
19:30 Dildine does a station break.
20:00 Dildine asks Ellen how she got interested in folk music. She replies.
21:00 "One Morning, One Morning, One Morning in May" Ellen [vocal and guitar]
23:48 Dildine asks for one more song.
24:45 Unidentified song. The title may be ["Sangree" or "Singree"] Robin and Ellen
27:10 Dildine thanks the Christensons. He then talks about other tapes he plans to play on future broadcasts. He talks about Frank Profitt.
30:19 "Trifling Woman" Frank Profitt [vocal and banjo, recorded]
32:37 "Cluck Old hen" Frank Profitt [vocal and banjo, recorded]
35:02 End
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0743 AFC 1975/001: SR063, Recorded: 1962-08-05
Running time: 15:25
This is a continuation of SR062, a John Dildine radio broadcast. This part of the program is recorded songs of Frank Profitt, vocal and fretless banjo.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start Dildine discusses Profitt's recording of "Cluck Old Hen." Dildine says that Profitt is playing a home made, fretless banjo.
1:13 Dildine does a station break.
2:14 Dildine talks about Profitt's recordings.
3:36 "Morning Fair" [Dildine says that this is a version of "The Butcher Boy"] Profitt
6:26 "Booted and Spurred" Profitt
7:53 Dildine says that the previous song is a Child Ballad, "Bonnie James Campbell" and it has the most complete text of all the versions Childe collected.
8:50 "Lord Randall" [a Child Ballad] Profitt
12:15 Dildine closes his radio program.
13:20 "Railroad Bill" [closing theme, recorded]
15:25 End
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0744 AFC 1975/001: SR064 (1), Recorded: 1962-10-12
Running time: 26:16
This two part recording is a concert performance by Carol Hedin and Donal Leace at the University of Virginia. Carol Hedin is on this portion of the tape.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start Carol Hedin talks about Paul Clayton.
0:48 "Bonnie Love" Hedin (vocal and autoharp)
3:35 Hedin introduces the next song.
4:48 "Tranquil" Hedin (vocal and autoharp)
8:42 Hedin introduces the next song.
9:05 "Hold the Wind" Hedin (a cappella)
11:17 Hedin introduces the next song.
12:10 "Eggs and Marrow Bones" Hedin (vocal and guitar)
15:30 Hedin talks about her trip to Seattle during the World's Fair. She introduces the next song.
17:55 "Sun, Dry My Tears" Hedin (vocal and guitar)
21:22 Hedin introduces the next song. It is a Jimmy Driftwood song.
22:30 "The Mixed up Family" Hedin (vocal and guitar)
26:16 End
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0744 AFC 1975/001: SR064 (2), Recorded: 1962-10-12
Running time: 27:03
This two part recording is a concert performance by Carol Hedin and Donal Leace at the University of Virginia. Donal Leace is on this portion of the tape. The recording quality is not very good, so some of the spoken words and sung words are difficult to understand.
Time Content Performer(s)
Start [The song began prior to recording being started.] "Run mountain, Chug aLittle Hill" [probably Hedin and Leace]
1:22 "Children Go Where I Send Thee" Leace (vocal and guitar)
4:38 "Leace tells the story of a mother and son. He introduces the next song.
8:09 This song is a version of the "Silkie of Sule Skerry." Leace called it something like "the Silkie Sister" Leace (vocal and guitar)
12:55 Leace talks about wanting to attend the University of Mississippi. He introduces the next song as "Daddy Old Daddy." He says heard Miriam Makeba and a man perform it. The first line is "Darling Go Home, Your Husband is I'll." It was written by Ms. Makeba.
15:30 "One More Dance" Leace (vocal and guitar)
18:05 Leace talks about being in New York City. He and a (girl) friend talk with Marlene Dietrich about her beauty secrets. He introduces the next song. He says he heard it performed by Dave Van Ronk and Carolyn Hester. His version is informed by both.
20:28 "The House of the Rising Sun" Leace (vocal and guitar)
25:25 Leace talks about the "Baptist cult."
27:03 End
MBRS Rack Number: RXG 0744 AFC 1975/001: SR065 (1), Recorded: 1962-10-12
Running time: 37:47
This is the first part of a concert performance at the University of Virginia by Allen Damron. The second part is on SR065 (2).
Time Content Performer(s)
Start Damron introduces the next song.
1:03 "Hi Jolly - Ho Jolly" Damron (banjo)
3:21 Damron introduces himself and the next song.
4:10 Unidentified song Damron (banjo)
6:32 Damron talks as he tunes his banjo. He says a bit about himself.
9:09 "Alberta" ["let your hair hang low"] Damron (banjo)
9:59 "Damron introduces the next song. He says it is sung by Mariachi bands in south Texas where he is from.
12:05 Unidentified song, in Spanish Damon (guitar)
15:19 Damon talks.
15:45 Unidentified song Damon (guitar)
18:12 Damon says he attends (or attended) the University of Texas. He talks about some people he met there.
19:22 "Tip Toe through the Tulips" Damon (guitar)
21:14 Damon introduces the next song.
22:03 "Come Little Donkey, Come" Damon (banjo)
24:20 Damon tunes his banjo and talks.
25:22 "Michael Row Your Boat Ashore" Damon (banjo)
27:49 Damon says the next song is a request. He tunes his guitar.
28:58 "Nancy whiskey" [also known as "Carlton Weaver"] Damon (guitar)
32:47 Damon is joined by Carol Hedin
33:25 "Jack of Diamonds" Damron and Hedin (guitar)
35:26 "Copper kettle" Damron and Hedin (guitar)
37:47 End
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