The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Joel Martin Halpern collection, 1870-2000
Series 3: Inuit materials, 1952-2000 (continued)
Subseries 1: Manuscript materials, 1952-2000 (continued)
Publications by other authors categorized by language, 1973-2000 (continued)
BOX-FOLDER 21/206 Owingaya, David K. Arctic Survival Book. (English / Inuit): 107 pages, 1986
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 21/207 "Espaces Inuit: exposition de dessins et sculptures inuit:" 36 pages, 1991
1 folder of manuscripts
Subseries 2: Sound recordings, 1988
Item ID: AFC 1998/001: SR033 Inuit Artists; Jimmy Ayola, April 10, 1998
1 audiocassette (90 minutes)
See also Box-Folder 21/186
Recorded at Perspectives on Inuit Culture: A Five College Symposium and Art Exhibit, April 4-14, 1988, at University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts.
Item ID: AFC 1998/001: SR034 Debbie Gordon (Inuit Broadcasting Corporation), April 11, 1998
1 audiocassette (90 minutes)
See also Box-Folder 21/186
Recorded at Perspectives on Inuit Culture: A Five College Symposium and Art Exhibit, April 4-14, 1988, at University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts.
Item ID: AFC 1998/001: SR035 Titus Alloulou; Ernie Coverford, April 12, 1998
1 audiocassette (90 minutes)
See also Box-Folder 21/186
Recorded at Perspectives on Inuit Culture: A Five College Symposium and Art Exhibit, April 4-14, 1988, at University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts.
Item ID: AFC 1998/001: SR036 David Owingayak (Inuit Cultural Institute, Arviat, Eskimo Point, Northwest Territories), April 14, 1998
1 audiocassette (90 minutes)
See also Box-Folders 21/186 and 21/206
Recorded at Perspectives on Inuit Culture: A Five College Symposium and Art Exhibit, April 4-14, 1988, at University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts.
Item ID: AFC 1998/001: SR037 David Owingayak (Inuit Cultural Institute, Arviat, Eskimo Point, Northwest Territories), April 16, 1998
1 audiocassette (90 minutes)
Recorded at Perspectives on Inuit Culture: A Five College Symposium and Art Exhibit, April 4-14, 1988, at University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts.
Item ID: AFC 1998/001: SR038 David Owingayak (Inuit Cultural Institute, Arviat, Eskimo Point, Northwest Territories), April 16, 1998
1 audiocassette (90 minutes)
Recorded at Perspectives on Inuit Culture: A Five College Symposium and Art Exhibit, April 4-14, 1988, at University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts.
Item ID: AFC 1998/001: SR039 Side A: Inuit artist; Side B: Ayola and Jimmy, April 10, 1998
1 audiocassette (90 minutes)
See also Box-Folder 21/186
Recorded at Perspectives on Inuit Culture: A Five College Symposium and Art Exhibit, April 4-14, 1988, at University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts.
Item ID: AFC 1998/001: SR040 Interview of Igloolik girls, October 24, 1988
1 audiocassette (90 minutes)
Recorded at Perspectives on Inuit Culture: A Five College Symposium and Art Exhibit, April 4-14, 1988, at University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts.
Subseries 3: Moving images, 1988
Item ID: AFC 1998/001: MV07 Discussion of Inuit culture, April 1988
Previous ID: AFC 1998/001: VT007
1 videocassette (120 minutes)
With David Owingayak (Inuit Cultural Institute, Arviat, Eskimo Point, Northwest Territories), Laird Christie (Professor of Anthropology, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario) and Joel Martin Halpern. Recorded at Perspectives on Inuit Culture: A Five College Symposium and Art Exhibit, April 4-14, 1988, at University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts.
Series 4: Miscellaneous materials, 1943-1996
Subseries 1: Manuscript materials, 1943-1996
Dates in this series usually refer to publication dates; the collection contains many photocopies of publications, with some originals.
Joel Martin Halpern: Published texts, 1951-1996
BOX-FOLDER 23/208 "Frobisher's False El Dorado." Rocks and Minerals: 261-2, May-June 1951
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 23/209 "Thomas Jefferson and the Geological Sciences." Rocks and Minerals, 601-2, November-December 1951
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 23/210 Halpern, Carl with Joel Martin Halpern. "Origins and Early Jobs." Bronx County Historical Society Journal, vol. 23, no. 2: 51-69 (note: Carl Halpern was the father of Joel Martin Halpern), Fall 1986
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 23/211 Halpern, Carl with Joel Martin Halpern. "Beginning a Career." Bronx County Historical Society Journal, vol. 27, no. 1, Spring 1990:1-24, 1990
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 23/212 Halpern, Joel Martin, and T.L. Christie. "Time: a Tripartite Sociotemporal Model." Dimensions of Time and Life, edited by Fraser, J.T. and M.P. Soulsby. Madison, Connecticut: International Universities Press: 187-98, 1996
1 folder of manuscripts
Barbara Kerewsky-Halpern: Unpublished texts, 1971
BOX-FOLDER 23/213 "Where Has Modal Gone:" 5 pages, 1971
1 folder of manuscripts
Publications by other authors categorized by language, 1943-1995
BOX-FOLDER 23/214 Herzog, George "Foreword." (English) ix-xiv; Bartók, Béla "Preface." (English), xv-xvi; Bartók, Béla "Morphology:" 72-83, 1943
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 23/215 Hymes, Dell H. "The Ethnography of Speaking." Anthropology and Human Behavior: 13-53, 1962
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 23/216 Kiparsky, Paul and Carol Kiparsky. "Fact:" 26 pages, 1968
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 23/217 Russo, Joseph, and Bennett Simon. "Homeric Psychology and the Oral Epic Tradition." Journal of the History of Ideas 29: 483-98, 1968
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 23/218 Stankiewicz, Edward "Milestone of Yiddish Philology." (English): 368-71, 1969
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 23/219 Cresswell, Robert. "Lineage Endogamy Among Maronite Mountaineers." Nicosia: Mediterranean Social Anthropological and Sociological Conference, 7-12 September; "Timetable." Cyprus: University of Paris, Social Research Centre, 1960
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 24/220 Ahmajian, Adrian. "On Deriving Cleft Sentences from Pseudo-Cleft Sentences:" 149-68, 1970
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 24/221 Bauman, Richard. "An Ethnographic Framework for the Investigation of Communicative Behaviors:" 334-40, 1971
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 24/222 Yngve, Victor H. "Human Linguistics and Face-to Face Interaction:" 26 pages, 1973
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 24/223 "Kashubian Folklore in America." University of Virginia: American Contributions to the Seventh International Congress of Slavists: 419-37; Perkowski, Jan L. "The Awakening of an Epic Poet." Proceedings from Pacific Northwest Conference on Foreign Languages: 226-28; correspondence from Perkowski to Barbara Kerewsky-Halpern included, 1973, 1972
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 24/224 Newmeyer, Frederick J. "Linguistic Theory and Linguistic Practice: the Class Nature of Hypocrisy:" 15 pages, 1973
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 24/225 Herzfeld, Michael. "'The Siege of Rhodes' and the Ethnography of Greek Oral Tradition." Harvard University: 414-40, 1973
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 24/226 Andriolo, Karin R. "A Structural Analysis of Genealogy and Worldview in the Old Testament." American Anthropologist, Vol 75 No 5, October 1973: 1657-69, 1973
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 24/227 Andriolo, Alexander Eliot. "The Greek Island that Blew Apart." Travel & Leisure, (English) July 1974: 32-5, 54-7, 1974
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 24/228 "Oral Literature at Harvard Since 1856." Harvard University History of the Parry-Lord Yugoslav Oral History Collection: 35 pages, 1974
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 24/229 Foley, John Miles. Acknowledgments page from "The Ritual Nature of Traditional Oral Poetry: Metrics, Music, and Matter in the Anglo-Saxon, Homeric Greek, and Serbo-Croatian Poetries:" iv-vi, 1974
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 24/230 Lex, Barbara W. "Altered States of Consciousness in Northern Iroquoian Ritual:" 276-300, 1976
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 24/231 Ong, Walter J., S.J. "From Mimesis to Irony: The Distancing of Voice." The Bulletin of The Midwest Modern Language Association, Vol. 9, No 1-2, Spring/Fall 1976: 24 pages, 1976
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 24/232 Simon, Bennet. "Hysteria: the Greek Disease." Psychoanalytic Study of Society, vol. VIII: 80 pages, 1976
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 24/233 Ong, Walter J., S.J. "Milton' s Logical Epic and Evolving Consciousness:" 295-305, 1976
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 24/234 Lex, Barbara W. "Physiological Aspects of Ritual Trance:" 109-22, 1976
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 24/235 Anthropology & Education Quarterly, Vol VIII, No 3, 1977
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 24/236 Pop, Mihai. "Cultural Frames and Reflections: Ritual, Drama, and Spectacle." Romania: 25 pages, 1977
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 24/237 Pop, Mihai. "Dilemmas of Focus in Linguistics:" 12 pages, 1977
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 24/238 Frank, Roslyn M. "The Religious Role of the Woman in Basque Culture." Anglo-American Contributions to Basque Studies: Essays in Honor of Jon Bilbao: 53-60, 1977
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 24/239 Foley, John M. "Riddles 53, 54, and 55: An Archetypal Symphony in Three Movements:" 29-31, 1977
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 24/240 "Folklore Women' s Communication:" brochure, 1978
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 24/241 Lex, Barbara. "Neurological Bases of Revitalization Movements." Zygon, vol. 13, no. 4, December 1978: 276-312, 1978
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 24/242 Agar, Michael H., and George M. Beschner, editors. Angel Dust: An Ethnographic Study of PCP Users. Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath Lexington Books. Reviewed by Barbara W. Lex.: 4 pages, 1979
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