The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Joel Martin Halpern collection, 1870-2000
Series 1: Eastern European materials, 1870-1999 (continued)
Subseries 1: Manuscript materials, 1915-1998 (continued)
Joel Martin Halpern: Published texts, 1989-1996
BOX-FOLDER 3/28 Halpern, Joel Martin and Andrei Simic. "A Case Study from Rural Serbia (Yugoslavia)." International Area Studies Programs at Amherst 20: 18 pages, 1989
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 3/29 Halpern, Joel Martin. "Sociocultural Processes and Kinds of Time: A Perspective on Rural Change in Bulgaria." International Area Studies at Amherst 21: 1-9, 1989
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 3/30 Wagner, Richard A. (with an introduction by Joel Martin Halpern) "Children and Change in Orasac, 1870-1975: A Serbian Perspective on Fertility Decline." Program in Soviet and East European Studies: Occasional Paper Series No. 22, University of Massachusetts at Amherst: 52 pages, 1992
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 3/31 Kaser, Karl, and Joel Martin Halpern. "Contemporary Research on the Balkan Family: Anthropological and Historical Approaches." Rapports / 7me Congrès International D'Etudes du Sud-Est Européen, Comité National Grec des Etudes Sud-Est Européen, Athens: 103-32, 1994
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 3/32 Martin, Joel Martin, and Slavko Kremensek. "Etnoloko-Antropolosko Dopisovanje, Ethnological-Anthropological Correspondence." Glasnik Slovenkega Etnoloskega Drustva: Bulletin of Slovene Ethnological Society 35, no. 2-3 (October 1995): 45-55, 1995
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 3/33 "Observations on a War: The Conflict in Bosnia (Part 1 of 2)." Anthrowatch 4, no. 1, (May 1996): 7-8, 1996
1 folder of manuscripts
Barbara Kerewsky-Halpern: Unpublished texts, 1972-1979
BOX-FOLDER 3/34 "Thoughts on Communicative Competence in a Serbian Village" : 24 pages, 1972
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 3/35 "Ritual Roles of Women in a Patriarchal Society-The Serbian Case:" 9 pages, 1979
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 3/36 Kerewsky-Halpern, Barbara. "'Yonder Comes a Red Hen . . . ': Mothers and Mother Figures in Serbian Folk Curing" : 8 pages. Abstract and correspondence with Women and Folklore Conference coordinator included, 1979
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 3/37 Kerewsky-Halpern, Barbara, and John M. Foley, "Research on Oral Traditional Expression in Sumadija and its Relevance to the Study of Other Oral Traditions.:" 199-236, undated
1 folder of manuscripts
Barbara Kerewsky-Halpern: Published texts, 1978-1983
BOX-FOLDER 3/38 Book review: "The Wedding of Smailagic Meho." Balkan Studies 19: 215-17, 1978
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 3/39 "Metaphrasis in Contemporary Bulgarian Oral Tradition." Paper presented at the Section V, First Congress of Bulgarian Studies, Sofia, May 23-June 3, 1981 (includes Barbara-Kerewsky Halpern's notes). Published in Culture (Bulgarian publication): 333-45, 1983
1 folder of manuscripts
Joel Martin Halpern and Barbara Kerewsky-Halpern: Unpublished texts, 1956
BOX-FOLDER 3/40 "Songs and Chants from a Serbian Village:" 14 pages, 1956
1 folder of manuscripts
Joel Martin Halpern and Barbara Kerewsky-Halpern: Published texts, 1973-1987
BOX-FOLDER 3/41 Obrebski, Joseph. "Ritual and Social Structure in a Macedonian Village." Edited by Barbara Kerewsky Halpern, and Joel Martin Halpern. Research Report No. 16: Department of Anthropology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, May 1977: 21 pages, 1977
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 3/42 "Changing Perceptions of Roles as Husbands and Wives in Five Yugoslav Villages" Prepared for the 9th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Chicago, August-September: 21 pages, 1973
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 3/43 "Dugorocna istrajivanja u Orasac" ("Long-term Research in Orasac)." Pregled 237: Publication of the American Embassy, Belgrade: 84-94, 1987
1 folder of manuscripts
Monographs and serials by other authors on Balkan topics
Transferred to other LC divisions
Photocopies of cover pages of books transferred to other Library of Congress divisions.
BOX-FOLDER 4/44 Books
241 photocopies of book covers and cataloging-in-publication pages
BOX-FOLDER 4/45 Books
220 photocopies of book covers and cataloging-in-publication pages
BOX-FOLDER 4/46 Albanian monographs and serials
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 4/47 Bosnian monographs and serials
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 4/48 Bulgarian monographs and serials
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 4/49 Croatian monographs and serials
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 4/50 English monographs and serials
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 4/51 French monographs and serials
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 4/52 German monographs and serials
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 4/53 Hungarian monographs and serials
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 4/54 Macedonian monographs and serials
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 4/55 Polish monographs and serials
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 4/56 Russian monographs and serials
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 4/57 Serbian monographs and serials
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 4/58 Slovenian monographs and serials
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 4/59 Other monographs and serials
1 folder of manuscripts
The copies are of books from Belgrade, Serbia and Ljubljana, Slovenia. Originally labeled "Syrian monographs and serials."
Publications by other authors categorized by language, 1915-1998
South Slavic languages
Selected titles translated into English
BOX-FOLDER 5/60 "Nikola Smodlaka" publication, 1955
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 5/61 Poems about Marko, with notes, 1975
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 5/62 Herald, Bulgarian and other Languages, 1977
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 5/63 Contrastive Linguistics, 1980
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 5/64 Bulgarian folk music, 1981, 1983
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 5/65 How to play folk music, 1984
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 5/66 Instruments in folklore and culture, 1987
1 folder of manuscripts
Selected titles translated into English
BOX-FOLDER 6/67 Bratanic, Branimir. Croatian Equipment for Plowing Throughout History. Zagreb: Publikacije Etnoloskoga Seminara, 1939
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 6/68 Gavazzi, Milovan. A Year of Croatian Heritage. (2 vols.) Zabreg: Izdanje Matice Hrvatske, 1939
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 6/69 Kirin, Vladimir. Narodne Plesovi Jugoslavije (Folk Dances in Yugoslavia) pt. IV Slovenia, Istra, Hrvatsko Primorje. Zagreb: Naklada Nasa Djeca, 1957
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 6/70 Huzjak, Visnja. Zeleni Jurai (spring custom). Zagreb: Publikacije Etnoloskoga Seminara, 1957
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 6/71 Kirin, Vladimir. Narodne Plesovi Jugoslavije. pt. V. Zagreb: Naklada Nasa Djeca, 1958
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 6/72 Stojanovic, Andrija. Handcrafts of Bruestra (Croatia). Zagreb: Publikacije Etnoloskoga Zavoda, 1962
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 6/73 Vjerni Drugovi (elementary school text). Zagreb: Skolska Kniga, 1963
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 6/74 Deset Godina: 1959-1969 Ogranka za sr Hrvatsku Etnološkog Društva Jugoslavija, 1969
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 7/75 "Folklor i Mi" (pamphlet), 1980
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 7/76 Boskovic-Stulli, Maja. "Bajka." Umjetnost Rijeci. Zagreb: Hrvatsko Filososko Drustvo, 1982
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 7/77 Stankiewicz, Edward. "Balkanski i Slovenski Elementi u Judeo-Spanskom Jeziku Jugoslavije" : 84-91, undated
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 7/78 Boskovi-Stulli, Maja. "Narodne Pjesme u Okviru Pjesnistva Nob-a:" 89-94, undated
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 7/79 Boskovic-Stulli, Maja. "Zene u Slavonskim Narodnim Pjesmama." Ethnographia pannonica, Zena u Seoskoj Kulturi Panonije. Zagreb: Etnoloska Tribina : 75-84, undated
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 7/80 Stevenson, Beatrice L. "The Gusle Singer and His Songs." American Anthropologist 17: 58-68, 1915
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 7/81 Vlahovic, Mitar S, and Bosiljka Radovc, National Costumes of Serbia, in the Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade. Belgrade: Jugosavija, 1954
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 7/82 Sobic, Jerina. Costumes and Ornaments, in the Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade. Beograd: Jugoslavija, 1956
1 folder of manuscripts
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