The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Pete Welding collection, 1958-1995
Some or all content stored offsite.
Series 4: Articles, reviews, and other writings (continued)
Subseries 1: Music genres
BOX-FOLDER 10/1 Blues and folk columns, 1966-1978; undated
Original and a few photocopied clippings from magazines (and one newspaper clipping) about blues artists and blues performances, including several copies of Welding's "Blues 'n' Folk" column that appeared in Down Beat.
BOX-FOLDER 10/2 Blues - articles (general), 1961-1977; undated
Original and a few photocopied clippings from magazines and newspapers, plus a complete copy of Anarchy, no. 51 (the blues, R & B, pop, and folk music issue). Also includes typed correspondence and a draft of liner notes sent to Welding.
BOX-FOLDER 10/3 Blues, change, and gospel music, undated
A section of a typed draft of a document, with handwritten edits.
BOX-FOLDER 10/4 Blues criticism, 1965-1971; undated
Original magazine clippings, plus a typed letter and two handwritten postcards to Welding from Rod Gruver.
BOX-FOLDER 10/5 Blues (general), 1968-1971; undated
Original newspaper and magazine clippings, plus a complete issue of Blues World, no. 24 (July 1969).
BOX-FOLDER 10/6 Blues information, 1993; undated
Typed draft of an essay (with corrections), two photocopied pages of a song list (with handwritten notes), a photocopied newspaper article, and a typed draft of credits for a John Lee Hooker release (with corrections).
BOX-FOLDER 10/7 Blues lyrics, 1961-1966; undated
Two original magazine clippings and a typed sheet of lyrics for "Blood Red River," with handwritten notes.
BOX-FOLDER 10/8 Blues (travel), 1963
Original magazine clipping.
BOX-FOLDER 10/9 Boogie woogie, 1937-1962; undated
Original magazine clipping, a promotional booklet for boogie woogie piano published by Brunswick, and typed copies of articles originally published in Down Beat.
BOX-FOLDER 10/10 Chicago blues, 1960-1969
Original magazine and newspaper clippings, a partial typed draft of liner notes (with handwritten edits) and a later, more complete typed draft of the same, and a typed draft of the song list for the Chicago Anthology.
BOX-FOLDER 10/11 Christmas songs (Negro), 1941 , 1950
Original song sheets for "The Savior's Here" and "The Savior is Born."
BOX-FOLDER 10/12 Folk music (articles), 1962-1976; undated
Original newspaper and magazine clippings, and a typed draft of an article.
BOX-FOLDER 10/13 Gospel music, 1958-1977
Original and photocopied newspaper and magazine clippings, original liner notes for the sound recording In the Spirit No. 1 and No. 2, and a complete copy of Hue magazine, vol. 5, no. 12 (October 1958).
BOX-FOLDER 10/14 Guitar - blues, 1965-1977
Typed sections of a draft of Welding's "Running Mates" in American Negro Folksong: the Blues and the Guitar, a photocopy of a typed text about banjo folklore, collected by James Madison Carpenter (the original text stored at the Archive of California and Western Folklore, UCLA), and related materials.
BOX-FOLDER 11/1 Jazz articles from trade publications, 1978-1987; undated
Photocopied and original clippings. See folder 20/5 for oversized material.
BOX-FOLDER 11/2 Jazz guitarists, 1974-1975
Clippings from various magazines.
BOX-FOLDER 11/3 Jazz movement, 1978-1979; undated
Photocopied and original clippings from different publications.
BOX-FOLDER 11/4 Jug bands, undated
Two photocopied articles from different publications.
BOX-FOLDER 11/5 Music information, 1960; undated
Photocopy of one set of liner notes, an original clipping from a magazine, discographies, and one sheet of album release data. Includes two offprints: "A Discography of American coal miners' songs," by Archie Green; reprinted from Labor History, vol. 2, no. 1 (Winter 1961), and "The Death of Mother Jones," reprinted from Labor History, vol. 1, no. 1 (Winter 1960).
BOX-FOLDER 11/6 Piano blues, 1967; undated
Photocopied articles from magazines.
BOX-FOLDER 11/7 Piano masters, after 1977
Typed essay, with corrections.
BOX-FOLDER 11/8 Policy blues, March 1963
Original clipping from a magazine.
BOX-FOLDER 11/9 Ragtime band, November 1964
Original clipping from a magazine.
BOX-FOLDER 11/10 R & B jazz guitar/"The best of blues and roots: guide to blues, gospel, R & B, and ragtime records," undated
Typed documents, with corrections, and an original magazine clipping.
BOX-FOLDER 11/11 Rock and roll, 1960-1966; undated
Typed draft of a document, with handwritten corrections, clippings from magazines, a promotional flyer, a copy of Rhythm and Blues Jazz Scrapbook, and an accompanying letter from Thurston Moore
BOX-FOLDER 11/12 Soul music, November 1965
An original copy of the advertising supplement to the Chicago Sun-Times. Includes a feature story on the singing group The Supremes.
BOX-FOLDER 11/13 Topical blues, 1965-1966
A typed copy of "Time brings about a change: Topical reference as an index of change in blues and gospel songs," a paper Welding submitted while at college (with handwritten notes and the grade from the teacher), plus two typed drafts, handwritten notes, and an offprint of an article by D. K. Wilgus, published in the Journal of American Folklore, LXXVIII (April-June 1965).
BOX-FOLDER 11/14 White blues, 1965-1970
Original newspaper and magazine clippings.
Subseries 2: Reference and research
BOX-FOLDER 11/15 Ames, Russell. "Implications of Negro Folk Song." Science and Society XV, no. 2 ( Spring 1951 ): 163-173.
BOX-FOLDER 11/16 Ames, Russell. "Protest and Irony in Negro Folksong." Science and Society, vol. 14, no. 3 ( 1950 ): 193-213.
BOX-FOLDER 11/17 Blackman, Bob. "Discover the Archive of Folk Song." Sing Out, 15-16. Reprinted from Folk Scene, vol. 1 (January 1975) .
BOX-FOLDER 11/18 Bloomfield, Mike. "Me and Big Joe." High Times (December 1980) : 46-50, 77.
BOX-FOLDER 11/19 Borneman, Ernest. "Creole Echoes, Part II." Jazz Review, vol. 2, no. 10 (November 1959) : 26-27.
Original clipping from the magazine.
BOX-FOLDER 11/20 Davis, Henry C. "Negro Folk-Lore in South Carolina." Journal of American Folk-Lore XXVII ( 1914 ): 241-254.
Photocopied essay.
BOX-FOLDER 12/1 Evans, David. "Afro-American One Stringed Instruments." Reprinted from Western Folklore, vol. 29, no. 4 (1971) : 229-246.
Original offprint, signed by the author.
BOX-FOLDER 12/2 Hearn, Lafcadio. "Levee Life: Haunts and Pastimes of the Roustabouts, Their Original Songs and Peculiar Dances." Cincinnati Commercial, March 17, 1876 ; reprinted in Children of the Levee, ed. by O.W. Frost, Univ. of Kentucky Press, 1957 : 61-83.
Photocopied essay.
BOX-FOLDER 12/3 Mooney, H.F. "Popular Music Since the 1920s: the Significance of Shifting Taste." American Quarterly, vol. 20 ( 1968 ): 67-85.
Photocopied essay.
BOX-FOLDER 12/4 Odum, Anna Kranz. "Some Negro Folk-Songs from Tennessee." The Journal of American Folklore, vol. 27 ( 1914 ): 255-265.
Photocopied essay.
BOX-FOLDER 12/5 Odum, Howard W. "Folk-Song and Folk-Poetry as Found in the Secular Songs of the Southern Negroes" Journal of American Folk-Lore XXIV ( July-September 1911) and (October-December 1911) .
Photocopied essay.
BOX-FOLDER 12/6 Peabody, Charles. "Notes on Negro Music." Journal of American Folk-Lore 16 ( 1903 ): 148-152.
Photocopied essay.
BOX-FOLDER 12/7 Perrow, E. C. "Songs and Rhymes from the South." Journal of American Folk-Lore, XXVI ( 1913 ): 137-155.
Photocopied essay.
BOX-FOLDER 12/8 Puckett, Newbell N. "Religious Folk-Beliefs of Whites and Negroes." The Journal of Negro History, vol. 16, no. 1 ( January 1931 ): 9-35.
Original offprint.
BOX-FOLDER 12/9 Roberts, John Storm. "Africa: The Guitar's Role." Guitar Player, vol. 9, no. 11, ( November 1975 ): 22-24, 57.
Original clipping from the magazine.
BOX-FOLDER 12/10 Rozek, Michael. "Harmonic Variations." American Way ( October 1982 ): 72-76.
Photocopied article from the magazine.
BOX-FOLDER 12/11 "Virginia Illustrated." Harper's Monthly, vol. XII, no. LXVIII ( January 1856 ): 174-176.
Photocopied article from the magazine.
BOX-FOLDER 12/12 Welding, Pete. "Jazz: the Moldy Fig Lives On." Typed draft, undated .
Photocopy of a typed draft, with handwritten edits.
BOX-FOLDERS 12/16-17 Articles (1-2 of 2), 1968-1971; undated
Original clippings from newspapers and magazines, plus a brochure for Folkways recordings ( Fall 1968) .
BOX-FOLDER 12/18 Articles by Pete Welding, 1966-1969; undated
Typed original and photocopied drafts (with handwritten edits) and published clippings from magazines and a newspaper.
BOX-FOLDER 12/19 Auctions, April and August 1967; undated .
One issue each of Record Research, issue 83 ( April 1967 ) and issue 85 ( August 1967 ), and a ditto copy of a song/artist index (with handwritten edits).
BOX-FOLDER 12/20 Big Joe Turner, undated
Typed draft of an essay, a photocopied list from an unidentified publication, and a typed one-page list of CD sets.
BOX-FOLDER 12/21 Blues festivals, 1969; undated
Two original clippings from magazines.
BOX-FOLDER 12/22 Blues recordings, 1937-1971
Photocopied clippings from magazines and one original newspaper clipping.
Subseries 3: Various writings
BOX-FOLDER 12/23 Blues records (reviews), 1970-1976
Typed drafts, magazine clippings, a ditto of an item of correspondence from David Evans, and related documentation.
BOX-FOLDER 12/24 Blues Unlimited? [sic], undated
Typed sections of a draft.
BOX-FOLDER 13/1 Book reviews, 1971; undated
Original magazine and newspaper clippings, plus a photocopy of a typed draft of a book review.
BOX-FOLDER 13/2 Brochure and liner notes, undated
Handwritten and typed drafts (with handwritten edits) of brochures for Testament Records, a discography, and other writings.
BOX-FOLDERS 13/3-4 Broken-up files or missing pages, 1962-1977; undated
Typed draft liner notes, held notes, and various writings about Howlin' Wolf, Rex Stewart, Erroll Garner, and others, and related documentation.
BOX-FOLDER 13/5 Capitol Records: 1945 catalog, 1945
BOX-FOLDER 13/6 "Caught in the Act" - reviews, etc., 1966-1967; undated
Original clipping from a magazine, with reviews of live music performances.
BOX-FOLDER 13/7 Down Beat - reviews, 1961-1967; undated
Original clippings from magazines, plus two typed draft documents (one on gospel music, the other about Aretha Franklin; both with handwritten edits).
BOX-FOLDER 13/8 Harry Oster: Folk-Lyric Records, 1959-1963; undated
Handwritten and typed correspondence to Welding from Oster, plus copies of a promotional brochure for Folk-Lyric Records (one with handwritten notations), typed drafts of writings, and magazine clippings. A photo has been relocated to box-folder 22/8.
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