The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Vodou religious expression in Haiti collected by Odette Mennesson Rigaud, Milo Rigaud, and Shirley Keller, 1944-1985

Vodou religious expression in Haiti collected by Odette Mennesson Rigaud, Milo Rigaud, and Shirley Keller, 1944-1985

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Series 3: Various sound recordings
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR056 Sound recording, undated
Rack number: WIRE 01088
Extent: 1 sound wire reel : analog
Box panel: 3'/4 Flute chinoise / 5' Flute chinoise / 8/2 Méd[?] chinoise / 11[?] Inde / 16 Inde danse / 20 Java Surrend / 23 1/2 Harass / 27 habre ja / 30 Sonragbati / 33 1/2 Kenbang / 37 Kereos [other details, not transcribed]
Box lid: Oriental 40'
Written on the wire spool: abime' pas bousee courant attention reste 1/4 [?] [other details, not transcribed]
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR057 Sound recording, undated
Rack number: WIRE 01089
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, approx. 00:30:00) : analog
Box panel: Vierge [?] 17 + 5 + 8 / Titon (etudes)
Written on the wire spool: Vierge [?] 170 + 5 + 8
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR058 Sound recording, undated
Rack number: WIRE 01090
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, approx. 01:00:00) : analog
Box panel: passé / 44' / Bandes (1-) e[?] 5' / Bandes (2) tressé rubaus 12' / Bande roi diab' 10' / Bande mascaron (2) / Bande Roi diab' / Bande Silvestre danse Rois / Bande Cholo danse Rois / Bande vaccines / Bande Rori Tuba - inter calée / Bandes 44'
Written on the wire spool: Bande Petronelle / env. [?] 45'
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR059 Sound recording, undated
Rack number: WIRE 01091
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, approx. 01:00:00) : analog
Box panel: Ti Jazz avec Titon / 60' [??]
Written on the wire spool: Ti Jazz avec Titon
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR060 Sound recording, undated
Rack number: WIRE 01092
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, approx. 01:00:00) : analog, 7 1/2 ips
Box panel: Meringues - Julia / avec [?] / 1. Belle Congo 3 / 2. Tip' pa com [?] 2 / 3. Carle ca'que o similar 2 / Meringues / Julia / 7 1/2 [ips]
Written on the wire spool: Meringues / Julia / 7 1/2 [ips] / [?]
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR071 Sound recording, undated
Rack number: WIRE 01103
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, approx. 00:30:00) : analog
Archivist's note: Possibly a blank wire ("made erased")
Box panel: passé effacér
Written on the wire spool: passé
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR072 Sound recording, undated
Rack number: WIRE 01104
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, approx. 00:30:00) : analog
Box panel: a passer
Written on the wire spool: a passer 1#
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR073 Sound recording, undated
Rack number: WIRE 01105
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, approx. 00:15:00) : analog
Box panel: effacer 30' / Grade I / a S[?]der
Written on the wire spool: 30' effacé [?]
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR074 Sound recording, undated
Rack number: WIRE 01106
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, approx. 01:00:00) : analog
Box panel: rerecording - V / 3 Zaca Titon - Julia [further details on the box panel]
Box lid: Rerecording V / Tape 5
Written on the wire spool: passé / Rerecording V / x Titon 8'
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR075 Sound recording, undated
Rack number: WIRE 01107
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, approx. 01:00:00) : analog
Box panel: a effacer I
Written on the wire spool: passé vierge [?] mo[?]s 10'
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR076 Sound recording, undated
Rack number: WIRE 01108
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, approx. 00:30:00) : analog
Archivist's note: This wire was received without an original container.
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR077 Sound recording, undated
Rack number: WIRE 01109
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (unknown duration) : analog
Archivist's note: This wire was received without an original container; it was packed in a plastic bag. The wire is partially sprung.
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR078 Sound recording, undated
Rack number: WIRE 01110
Extent: 1 sound wire reel : analog
Archivist's note: This wire was received without an original container; it was packed in a plastic bag. The wire is partially sprung.
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR079 Sound recording, undated
Rack number: WIRE 01111
Extent: 1 sound wire reel : analog
Archivist's note: This wire was received without an original container; it was packed in a plastic bag. Wire wrapped around a paper roll of register or calculator tape. The recording is probably 30 minutes or less in length.
Spoken translation of a letter from French to English, June 30, 1983
Archivist's note: The file content of relevance is sound only. The video shows a desk, where the recording equipment sat during the recording.
The audio content begins about 00:00:06. Nina (otherwise unidentified) reads an English translation of a letter (originally written in French by Odette Rigaud) to Shirley Keller. In the letter Rigaud writes about her current health and domestic circumstances. Shirley Keller is the woman listening (and occasionally speaking in response). The original letter , translated after 2001, was dictated by Rigaud to Marie (otherwise unidentified).
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: DC001
DVD carrier for DC001
Extent: 1 DVD-R
See afc2019041_dc001_aip_01 for the digital file.
Digital ID: afc2019041_dc001_aip_01 Digital content on DC001
Extent: 1 VOB file (172 MB; 00:05:58): digital, sound, color
Digital copy of DVD extracted from original by AFC staff for preservation and access purposes.
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR080 Sound recording, circa 1972-1974
Rack number: RXK 4064
Extent: 1 sound reel (polyester, 00:32:05) : analog, 3 3/4 ips; half track, stereo ; 7 in.
LC engineer's note: The tape is an incomplete aircheck from an unspecified New York/New Jersey radio station (going by the included commercials) that has nothing to do with Haiti. It is an audio documentary about the early days of The Rolling Stones. The documentary is British in origin and features interviews with people not normally heard from in retrospectives.
Documentary on the Rolling Stones (musical group). While the content is out of scope for the collection, this recording has been retained.
Written on the tape reel flange: Stones Story 14, 45, 81, 101, 150, 170
Series 4: Dubbed commercial recordings
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR061 African discs, undated
Rack number: WIRE 01093
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, approx. 01:00:00) : analog
Box panel: Afrique - copie disques V. / 60'
Box lid: Afrique - copie disques V. / 60'
Written on the wire spool: Afrique disques V.
African disc copies
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR062 African discs, undated
Rack number: WIRE 01094
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, approx. 00:30:00) : analog
Box panel: Congo belge 30' / chants et danses / Afrique copie disques
Written on the wire spool: Congo belge 30' / chants et danses
Accompanying documentation: African disc copies
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR082 Classical music, undated
Rack number: WIRE 01112
Extent: 1 sound wire reel : analog
Archivist's note: It is assumed this spool contains disc copies; this is to be confirmed.
Box panel: Andano etude (Mendelssohn) / Rondo brillant (Weber)
Written on the wire spool: Tagliafero [further details on the spool]
Accompanying documentation: Classical music
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR063 Flamenco discs, undated
Rack number: WIRE 01095
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, approx. 00:30:00) : analog
Box panel: Flamenco - copie disques V. / Flamenco - copie disques Valentine [?]
Written on the wire spool: Flamenco (disques V.)
Accompanying documentation: Flamenco disc copies
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR064 Haitian discs, undated
Rack number: WIRE 01096
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (approx. 00:23:00) : analog
Box panel: [??] disques haitiens
Written on the wire spool: [?] 23'
Accompanying documentation: Haitian disc copies
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR065 Jazz discs, undated
Rack number: WIRE 01097
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, approx. 00:15:00) : analog
Box panel: Jazz copie disques V.
Box lid: Jazz copie disques V.
Written on the wire spool: pas bon Jazz copie disques V. / 1/2 minute free
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR066 Jazz discs, undated
Rack number: WIRE 01098
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