Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Series 2: Vodou-related recordings | |||||||||||||
Information transcribed from audio containers and carriers has been edited for clarity (e.g., some abbreviations have been expanded). Tape recordings seem to be primarily dubs of wire recordings, and as such the audio quality reflects the original recording, as well as any imperfections introduced in the dubbing process. | |||||||||||||
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR001 | Sound recording, undated | ||||||||||||
Rack number: WIRE 01063 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, approx. 00:10:00) : analog | |||||||||||||
Box panel: 1 / Passe / Concher Ciceron / Au Revoir / [?]onper debut [?] ajartes [?] 10' c[?] / de rondeau II a fin / milieu en fin excellents / Rerecording sur tape No 6-7 Box lid: 1 Tape 6-7 / 60' / Concher Ciceron Written on the wire spool: passé / Concher Ciceron / rerecorded tape 6-7 |
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR002 | Sound recording, undated | ||||||||||||
Rack number: WIRE 01064 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, approx. 00:08:00) : analog | |||||||||||||
Box panel 1: 21 / concher Ciceron / [?] - 8' / tape rerecording No 7 Box panel 2: 21 / Odette Rigaud / 21 Box lid: Concher Ciceron 8 / Tape 7 / 21 Written on the wire spool: passé / Concher Ciceron 4 / 8' 2 / rerecording son tape [?] |
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR003 | Sound recording, undated | ||||||||||||
Rack number: WIRE 01065 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, approx. 00:55:00) : analog | |||||||||||||
Box panel: I - Ciceron son des differentés danses / Rada / 55' Box lid: Ciceron son Rada / 55' approx. Written on the wire spool: 55' / I / Ciceron son des diverses danses Rada |
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR004 | Sound recording, undated | ||||||||||||
Rack number: WIRE 01066 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, approx. 00:30:00) : analog | |||||||||||||
Archivist's note: One of the spool flanges is chipped; the piece accompanies the spool. | |||||||||||||
Box panel: Ciceron 30' / son differentes danses / Congo - Petro / Pangole Box lid: Ciceron sons Congo - Petro 30' Written on the wire spool: II Ciceron sons differéntés danses / Congo - Petro / 30' |
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR005 | Sound recording, undated | ||||||||||||
Rack number: WIRE 01067 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (approx. 00:20:00) : analog | |||||||||||||
Box panel: passé 10' ca Ciceron à revoir chantes divers 10' / 10' vierge Box lid: Ciceron chantes divers Written on the wire spool: efforce 20' / [?] |
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR006 | Sound recording, undated | ||||||||||||
Rack number: WIRE 01068 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, approx. 00:04:00) : analog | |||||||||||||
Box panel: Ciceron 4' / bohoun / bohoun / appel [?]ondé [?] morts / Songs of the Dead Box lid: Ciceron - bohouns Written on the wire spool: Cicéron - bohouns |
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR007 | Sound recording, undated | ||||||||||||
Rack number: WIRE 01069 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Silvertone, approx. 00:13:00) : analog | |||||||||||||
Box panel: effacé / 13' 15' / Ciceron - histoires / [?] jais bien / -[?] chien jappé / -[?] mu[?] pas fait par[?] / -[?] couleure r[?] Box lid: Ciceron - histoires 2 Written on the wire spool (front): histoires Ciceron 13' Written on the wire spool (back): effacé 13' |
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR008 | Sound recording, undated | ||||||||||||
Rack number: RXK 3578 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 sound reel (acetate, 00:48:00) : analog, 7 1/2 ips; half track, mono ; 7 in. | |||||||||||||
The content fades in about 00:00:19. A male singer (probably Cicéron), with multiple voices singing at times. Conversations can be heard in the background. The recording includes the following instruments: drums, a rattle, a whistle, and perhaps other instruments. Some hand clapping can be heard. The audio crackles intermittently, probably from the source recording. The recording fades in and out at times, and ends abruptly. The tape was probably was dubbed from one or more wire recordings. |
Box panel: Rerecording 1 Concher Ciceron 50' [?] sur [?] 7 Information from the donor (written on the tape box): Tape 6 to cassette 6 / April 1982 by Shirley Keller / Odette was Voodoo [sic] Priestess from 1950's / Voodoo [sic] from wire recordings of Odette Rigaud of Port au Prince Haiti |
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR009 | Sound recording, undated | ||||||||||||
Rack number: RXK 3579 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 sound reel (acetate, 00:48:00) : analog, 7 1/2 ips; half track, mono ; 7 in. | |||||||||||||
The content fades in about 00:00:07. Male singer (probably Cicéron), with multiple voices singing at times. The recording includes drums, metal percussion, a rattle, and perhaps other instruments. Some hand clapping can be heard. The recording fades in and out at times, and ends abruptly. The tape was probably was dubbed from one or more wire recordings. |
Box panel: Rerecording (1) Concher Ciceron (suite) 10' / Rerecording (2) Concher Ciceron 8' / Rerecording (3) Canzo Ciceron (début) / 7 - should be 5 Information from the donor (written on the tape box): Re-recorded on to Cassette #7 May 1982 by Shirley Keller Written on the tape reel flange: Rerecorded on to Cassette #7 May 1982 by Shirley Keller Accompanying documentation: Rerecording (1) Concher Ciceron (suite) 10' / Rerecording (2) Concher Ciceron 8' / Re-recording (3) / Canzo Ciceron (début) |
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR010 | Sound recording, undated | ||||||||||||
Rack number: RXK 3580 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 sound reel (acetate, 00:48:00) : analog, 7 1/2 ips; half track, mono ; 7 in. | |||||||||||||
The content starts at 00:00:05. Speech and a cappella singing, with some conversation and laughter, and possibly recitations. A baby can be heard crying occasionally. Some hand clapping can be heard. The recording includes drums can be heard; there may be other instruments played. The recording ends abruptly. The recording ends abruptly. Dubbed from one or more source recordings (probably wires). The note "Made on Ito's machine (Webster)" is probably a reference to Teiji Ito, composer and drummer, who met Maya Deren in 1955 and traveled with her to Haiti. He may have loaned the wire recorder to the Rigauds. |
Box panel [listed thus]: Rerecording (M) V - commencé sur 4 Zaca Titon et Julia chants arrivée de Ogon - Julia Ogon Zaca Titon - venue Ogon [erased word] Titon chants Wago paroles Issange [?] [duege Malo?] Venue de entretoutt Histoires Entre toutt - Chants Titon Martinique "Sina" Titon Martinique "Jouda [?]porte" "Amude" [?] Titon Martinique A l'assant Titon Martinique Erzulie Dantor O loa rele Loas o Dantor javné[?] Avanncé[?] o Z'arezs[?] non d'leau Recordist's note: Made on Ito's machine (Webster) [wire recorder] Tape leader: Head - Debut. Rerecording No 5. Vodou. 2e rerecording (M) V Accompanying documentation: 11 wire / 2 copies sur tape moins 1 (priere) no 8 manqour [?] - reste in Boston / Rerecording 3 [?] [?] de Canzo Ciceron / et 19 non mis sur tape |
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR011 | Sound recording, undated | ||||||||||||
Rack number: RXK 3581 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 sound reel (acetate, 00:25:30) : analog, 7 1/2 ips; full track, mono ; 7 in. | |||||||||||||
The content starts about 00:00:05. Two male voices; the first sings in a yodeling style. It is unclear which is Ciceron. Other male voices sing in the background. Later in the recording, mixed voices sing in the background. A man sings in a hiccuping style. The recording includes drums, rattles, and other percussion can be heard. There is some hand clapping. Dubbed from one or more source recordings. |
Box panel: 8 (note de 7) erreur Rerecording (3) Canzo Ciceron (suite) 15' de prieré battemént de me[?] a la fin priere catholique priere G[?] [?] mache [?] a la fin du wire du Canzo 3. Rerecording (4) canzo Ciceron début (priere) 20 minutes From the leader tape: fin Tape 8 Rerecording Canzo Ciceron 3 (suite) et no 4 (debut) |
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR012 | Sound recording, undated | ||||||||||||
Rack number: WIRE 01070 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, approx. 00:52:00) : analog | |||||||||||||
Box panel: 52 / Emmanuel / 3 Parreun Cain Hounfor / 4 Damballah Oueddo / 4 Viré Damballah Oueddo / 5 Wo je rele [further details on the box panel; Legba is one of the names] Box lid: Emmanuel Vodon - rois / 52' Written on the wire spool: Emmanuel chants 52' Chants Sortu de Bande |
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR013 | Sound recording, undated | ||||||||||||
Rack number: WIRE 01071 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, 00:15:00) : analog | |||||||||||||
Archivist's note: While the wire's duration is pre-printed on the spool as 15 minutes in duration, the accompanying documentation suggests the recording is 30 minutes long. | |||||||||||||
Box panel: Bande Emmanuel - 30' / mascaron / r'aras / Quinbe [?] jes Cagré [?] / 2 Written on the wire spool: Bande Emmanuel - 30' / mascaron / r'aras |
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR014 | Sound recording, undated | ||||||||||||
Rack number: WIRE 01072 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, approx. 00:52:00) : analog | |||||||||||||
Archivist's note: While the wire's duration is pre-printed on the spool as 30 minutes in duration, the accompanying documentation suggests the recording is 52 minutes long. | |||||||||||||
Box panel: Box panel 1: No. I / Manger Ste Terre / 52' / à garder rec[?] priere -- Box panel 2: Odette Rigaud Box lid: Manger Ste Terre / 52' / no I / à revoir Written on the wire spool: Manger St Terre I / 52' |
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR015 | Sound recording, undated | ||||||||||||
Rack number: WIRE 01073 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, approx. 01:00:00) : analog | |||||||||||||
Box panel 1: passé rerecording I [further details on the box panel] / tape rerecording no 1 et 2 Box panel 2: rerecording Box lid: 3 / Tape 1-2 / Rerecording I / Rada Written on the wire spool: passé re recording I |
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR016 | Sound recording, undated | ||||||||||||
Rack number: WIRE 01074 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, approx. 00:15:00) : analog | |||||||||||||
Box panel: Tape recording no 4 / Rerecording IV I / 5' o madia ové / 3 1/2 Jambé Calfon / 4 Miro Miba / 4 1/2 Panama'm Tombé Congo / Rerecording IV 1 Tape 4 Box lid: Tape 4 / Rerecording IV - 1 Written on the wire spool: Rerecording IV / I chants et tambours Petro? |
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR017 | Sound recording, undated | ||||||||||||
Rack number: WIRE 01075 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (unknown duration) : analog | |||||||||||||
Box panel: rerecording IV 2 / 4 Nago drawd / 4 1/2 Guede Crabigne [?] / 4 1/2 Wago / 3 1/2 Congo / 4 Aux chases [?] / Rerecording sur tape no 4 Box lid: Tape 4 / Rerecording IV - 2 / 8 Written on the wire spool: rerecording IV 2 tambourines |
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR018 | Sound recording, undated | ||||||||||||
Rack number: WIRE 01076 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, approx. 01:00:00) : analog | |||||||||||||
Box panel: Canzo III / a [?] [?] prier[?] jusque 55' / jusque 28' Rerecording sur tape no 8 et 28 ags [?] / tape rerecording no 8 Box lid: 3 / Tape 7 8 / Canzo III Written on the wire spool: 3 / Canzo III rerecording sur tape 7-8 |
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR019 | Sound recording, undated | ||||||||||||
Rack number: WIRE 01077 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, approx. 00:30:00) : analog | |||||||||||||
Box panel: 4' / 2 chants de travailleurs Box lid: 10 / 2 Written on the wire spool: 4' / 2 chants travailleurs |
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR020 | Sound recording, undated | ||||||||||||
Rack number: WIRE 01078 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago; approx. 00:30:00) : analog | |||||||||||||
Box panel: 1 / 5 / Chants de Travailleurs each 10' / Prie non jo [?] / [further details on the box panel] Box lid: 1 / 10 / 9 / 5 / chants de travailleurs Written on the wire spool: Chants des travailleurs / each 10' |
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR021 | Sound recording, November 2, 1949 | ||||||||||||
Rack number: WIRE 01079 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, approx. 01:00:00) : analog | |||||||||||||
Box panel: Guedés (Lorgina) / sur assez long apres mon Antoine Box lid: 5 / Guédés - 2 Novembre 1949 Written on the wire spool: Guédés - Lorgina / 2 Novèmbre |
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR022 | Sound recording, undated | ||||||||||||
Rack number: WIRE 01080 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, approx. 00:30:00) : analog | |||||||||||||
Box panel: Box panel 1: 1/ Odette Ligilia Andoclés 4' / histoire Man Bellande 11' / Milo A[?] 1950 5' / [?]issa etc 8' -- Box panel 2: Lizila Andoclés / Man Bellande / 15' Box lid: 1 / Lizila Andoclés / Man Bellande / Milo / 28' |
Item_ID: AFC 2019/041: SR023 | Sound recording, undated | ||||||||||||
Rack number: WIRE 01081 | |||||||||||||
Extent: 1 sound wire reel (Webster-Chicago, approx. 00:15:00) : analog | |||||||||||||
Archivist's note: "Bobine" is a reel; probably a reference to the wire spool. | |||||||||||||
Box panel: a garder / Bobine II / Debut manger Hounter / 31' + 10' de 4 (B) / Manger Hountor / Bobine II / 31 10' 3 / Odette Rigaud Written on the wire spool: III 31' Hounter (A) a garder / + 10' des grande 4 - (B) |
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