The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Nevada Folklife Archive, 1980-2017
Some or all content stored offsite.
Series 3: Photographs (continued)
Subseries 1: Slides (continued)
Item ID: AFC 2017/002: S-1994-050 Owyhee Labor Day Indian Rodeo, September 4, 1994
BOX 65
Fieldworker: Andrea Graham
Extent: 20 color slides (35mm)
Item ID: AFC 2017/002: S-1994-051 Owyhee Labor Day Indian Rodeo (1-9); Reno Greek Festival (10-20), September 1994
BOX 65
Fieldworker: Andrea Graham
Extent: 20 color slides (35mm)
Item ID: AFC 2017/002: S-1994-052 FAA 1995, Las Vegas Japanese American Citizens League Kaminari Taiko Drummers practice. Clark High School. Doug Muraoka (master) William Fujii and Norma Wagoner (apprentices), September 21, 1994
BOX 66
Fieldworker: Andrea Graham
Extent: 15 color slides (35mm)
Item ID: AFC 2017/002: S-1994-053 FAA 1995 Saddlemaking. Eddie Brooks (master) and Alan McDonald (apprentice), September 28, 1994
BOX 66
Fieldworker: Andrea Graham
Extent: 9 color slides (35mm)
Item ID: AFC 2017/002: S-1994-054 FAA 1995 buckskin tanning. Edward McDade (master) with Lyle Sam (apprentice), September 29, 1994
BOX 66
Fieldworker: Andrea Graham
Extent: 13 color slides (35mm)
Item ID: AFC 2017/002: S-1994-055 Snow Dance Festival, Lake Tahoe, October 1, 1994
BOX 66
Fieldworker: Andrea Graham
Extent: 20 color slides (35mm)
Item ID: AFC 2017/002: S-1994-056 FAA 1995 apprenticeship in African drumming, Mohammed Barrie (master) and Eric Jackson (apprentice), October 26, 1994
BOX 66
Fieldworker: Andrea Graham
Extent: 20 color slides (35mm)
Item ID: AFC 2017/002: S-1994-057 FAA 1995 apprenticeship in African drumming, Mohammed Barrie (master) and Eric Jackson (apprentice) (1-4); Reno Celtic Festival (4-20), October 1994
BOX 66
Fieldworker: Andrea Graham
Extent: 20 color slides (35mm)
Item ID: AFC 2017/002: S-1994-058 - S-1994-060 FAA 1995 African drumming and Taiko drumming, cultural exchange between African and Japanese drumming apprenticeships, performance by Taiko group, November 16, 1994
BOX 66
Fieldworker: Andrea Graham
Extent: 54 color slides (35mm)
Item ID: AFC 2017/002: S-1994-061 - S-1994-062 Reno Japanese American Citizens League annual mochi making party, November 20, 1994
BOX 66
Fieldworker: Andrea Graham
Extent: 38 color slides (35mm)
Item ID: AFC 2017/002: S-1995-001 1994-1995 Apprenticeship in Shoshone willow basketry. At Lilly's house in Fallon, Lilly Sanchez (master), Virginia Sanchez (apprentice), January 14, 1995
BOX 66
Fieldworker: Andrea Graham
Extent: 9 color slides (35mm)
Item ID: AFC 2017/002: S-1995-002 FAA 1994-1995 Apprenticeship in buckskin tanning. Edward McDade (master), Lyle Sam (apprentice). Ed and Lyle smoking a hide, and scraping hides at Ed's place in Lee, January 22, 1995
BOX 66
Fieldworker: Andrea Graham
Extent: 20 color slides (35mm)
Item ID: AFC 2017/002: S-1995-003 FAA 1994-1995 Apprenticeship in buckskin tanning. Edward McDade (master), Lyle Sam (apprentice). Ed and Lyle smoking a hide, and scraping hides at Ed's place in Lee, January 22, 1995
BOX 67
Fieldworker: Andrea Graham
Extent: 14 color slides (35mm)
Item ID: AFC 2017/002: S-1995-004 Cooking demonstration (Shoshone) at Cowboy Poetry Gathering, January 1995
BOX 67
Fieldworker: Andrea Graham
Extent: 9 color slides (35mm)
Item ID: AFC 2017/002: S-1995-005 - S-1995-009 Las Vegas Folklife Festival, school program, April 21, 1995
BOX 67
Fieldworker: Andrea Graham
Extent: 98 color slides (35mm)
Item ID: AFC 2017/002: S-1995-010 - S-1995-015 Las Vegas Folklife Festival, April 22, 1995
BOX 67
Fieldworker: Andrea Graham
Extent: 105 color slides (35mm)
Item ID: AFC 2017/002: S-1995-016 Las Vegas Folklife Festival, April 22, 1995
BOX 68
Fieldworker: Andrea Graham
Extent: 19 color slides (35mm)
Item ID: AFC 2017/002: S-1995-017 Reno Cinco de Mayo Festival (1-15); Rebecca Eagle Lambert's beaded basket, May 1995
BOX 68
Fieldworker: Andrea Graham
Extent: 17 color slides (35mm)
Item ID: AFC 2017/002: S-1995-018 - S -1995-026 Sierra Folklife Festival, Wingfield Park, Reno, July 30, 1995
BOX 68
Fieldworker: Andrea Graham
Extent: 171 color slides (35mm)
Item ID: AFC 2017/002: S-1995-027 - S-1995-038 Sierra Folklife Festival, Wingfield Park, Reno, July 30, 1995
BOX 69
Fieldworker: Andrea Graham
Extent: 218 color slides (35mm)
Item ID: AFC 2017/002: S-1995-039 - S-1995-041 Sierra Folklife Festival, Wingfield Park, Reno, July 30, 1995
BOX 70
Fieldworker: Andrea Graham
Extent: 51 color slides (35mm)
Item ID: AFC 2017/002: S-1995-042 FAA 1995-1996 Mexican Dance apprenticeship, Icela Gutierrez (master), Gabriela Tshudy and Reyna Ezquivel (apprentices), September 20, 1995
BOX 70
Fieldworker: Andrea Graham
Extent: 20 color slides (35mm)
Item ID: AFC 2017/002: S-1995-043 FAA 1995-1996 Amy Rovere (master), Kim Arche, Yorick Jurani (apprentices);, September 21, 1995
BOX 70
Fieldworker: Andrea Graham
Extent: 16 color slides (35mm)
Item ID: AFC 2017/002: S-1995-044 FAA 1995-1996 Wanthanee Natechoei (master), Pannee Connolly (apprentice), October 24, 1995
BOX 70
Fieldworker: Andrea Graham
Extent: 20 color slides (35mm)
Item ID: AFC 2017/002: S-1995-045 FAA 1995-1996 Thai dance master Wanthanee Natechoei with two apprentices at Thai Cultural Arts Association presentation of a dance group from Thailand, October 25, 1995
BOX 70
Fieldworker: Andrea Graham
Extent: 20 color slides (35mm)
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