The Library of Congress >  Researchers >  Search Finding Aids  >  Joseph Sciorra collection, 1903-2018
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Series 1. Religious feasts and processions/Giglio Feast and other (primarily Italian American) religious feasts and processions, ca. 1903-2018 (continued)
Item ID: AFC 2018/065: SR055 Sam Iovino, P, JS. Tape 7, September 4, 1982
1 sound cassette : analog
Item ID: AFC 2018/065: SR057 Sam Iovino (tape 3); Phil Caccavalle, September 4-October 23, 1982
1 sound cassette : analog
Item ID: AFC 2018/065: SR056 Sam Iovino. Tape 2, September 4, 1982
1 sound cassette : analog
Item ID: AFC 2018/065: SR035 Sarge Merando. Tape 17, August 3, 1981
1 sound cassette : analog
Item ID: AFC 2018/065: SR034 Sarge Merando, part 2. Tape 17, August 3, 1981
1 sound cassette : analog
Item ID: AFC 2018/065: SR060 Sarge Mirando and Mike Camaro, tape 11, November 18, 1982
1 sound cassette : analog
Item ID: AFC 2018/065: SR102 Sarge Mirando and Mike Camaro, tape 11, 1982
1 sound cassette : analog
BOX-FOLDER 9/15 Sarge Mirando interview, 1981
1 folder of manuscripts
Item ID: AFC 2018/065: SR048 Sarge, Buster, Sam Iovino, Bosti, Sammy, Joe Peluso, Jimmie Smith at Sarge's; Sarge's house, preline of March, July 18, 1982
1 sound cassette : analog
Item ID: AFC 2018/065: SR046 Sarge's house, Sammy Iovino, Buster, Sarge, Sammy/Joe Peluso/Jimmie Smith (Tape 3), July 18, 1982
1 sound cassette : analog
BOX-FOLDER 9/16 Shelley (Posen)'s writing, Giglio, 1981
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 9/17 Shrine Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, 100th Anniversary (book), 1987
1 folder of manuscripts
Item ID: AFC 2018/065: SR024 Side A: Archibald "Iky" Peluso. Side B: July 16, 1981, July 12-16, 1981
1 sound cassette : analog
Item ID: AFC 2018/065: SR025 Side A: Day of the bag lift, 1. Game of moro, July 12; Our Lady: Mrs. Peluso shrines, July 16. Side B: Shrines, Mrs. Peluso, July 16, July 12-16, 1981
1 sound cassette : analog
Item ID: AFC 2018/065: MV007 Smithsonian Institution Human Studies FIlm Archives "Brooklyn Giglio, 1956," tape 4, March 25, 1985
1 videocassette
Item ID: AFC 2018/065: MV006 Smithsonian Institution Human Studies FIlm Archives "Brooklyn San Paola Festival, 1950," tape 3, March 25, 1985
1 videocassette
Item ID: AFC 2018/065: MV005 Smithsonian Institution Human Studies FIlm Archives "Brooklyn San Paulino Feast ca. 1939," tape 2, March 25, 1985
1 videocassette
BOX-FOLDER 9/18 St. Anthony Feast, Williamsburg, 1993-2006
1 folder of manuscripts with 6 photographic prints, color (4x6)
Item ID: AFC 2018/065: PH124 St. Anthony Feast, Williamsburg, 1993-2006
BOX 65 12 film negatives, color (35mm)
Item ID: AFC 2018/065: PH047 St. Cono procession, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, 1983-1986
BOX 54 25 slides, color (35mm)
BOX-FOLDER 9/19 St. Cono procession, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, 1/2, 1984-2008
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 9/20 St. Cono procession, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, 2/2, 1984-2008
1 folder of manuscripts with 13 photographic prints (8 are 4x6 color, 4 are 5x6 color, 1 is 5x7 black and white), 1 contact sheet
Item ID: AFC 2018/065: PH127 St. Cono procession, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, 2/2, 1984-2008
BOX 65 19 film negatives, color (35mm); 35 film negatives, black and white (35mm)
BOX-FOLDER 9/21 St. Nick's All Soul's Day Parade, 1994
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 9/22 St. Padre Pio (religious banner form)
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 9/23 St. Padre Pio Society, 2007
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 10/1 St. Paulinus of Nola Feast, dissertation attempt, 1988-1992
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 10/2 St. Paulinus of Nola Feast, dissertation proposal, 1988-1992
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 10/3 St. Sabino banner/procession, 1984-2013
1 folder of manuscripts
Item ID: AFC 2018/065: MV001 The Men Who Dance the Giglio, a film by Jeff Porter. 28 minutes, undated
1 videocassette
Item ID: AFC 2018/065: SR080 Tuddy Ferrara. Tape 4C, May 27, 1983
1 sound cassette : analog
Item ID: AFC 2018/065: SR081 Tuddy Ferrara. Tape 4C (inaudible), May 27, 1983
1 sound cassette : analog
Item ID: AFC 2018/065: SR107 Tuddy Ferrara; Roberto Murolo, 1981-1985
1 sound cassette : analog
BOX-FOLDER 10/4 Turk Night (Feast), 1994-2001
1 folder of manuscripts
Item ID: AFC 2018/065: SR070 Vivona, undated
1 sound cassette : analog
Item ID: AFC 2018/065: SR071 Vivona, undated
1 sound cassette : analog
Item ID: AFC 2018/065: SR114 Watching Giglio slides OLMC (Our Lady of Mount Carmel), 1981-1985
1 sound cassette : analog
Item ID: AFC 2018/065: SR094 WBAI - Greenpoint-Williamsburg, March 30, 1984
1 sound cassette : analog
BOX-FOLDER 10/5 "We Go Where the Italians Live" (article), 1992-1993
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 10/6 "We Go Where the Italians Live" (article), final paper, 1996
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 10/7 Yearbook I Gigli Di Nola, 1982
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 10/8 Yearbook I Gigli Di Nola, 1983
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 10/9 Yearbook I Gigli Di Nola, 1984
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 10/10 Yearbook I Gigli Di Nola, 1985
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 10/11 Yearbook I Gigli Di Nola, 1986
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 10/12 Yearbook I Gigli Di Nola, 2002
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 10/13 Our Lady of Mount Carmel (OLMC) Church - Brooklyn Eagle research, 2003-2005
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 11/1 Our Lady of Mount Carmel (OLMC) Church bulletin, 1983-2018
1 folder of manuscripts
BOX-FOLDER 11/2 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Fraternal Society, 1986-2003
1 folder of manuscripts with 2 photographic prints, color (4x6), 1 contact sheet
Item ID: AFC 2018/065: PH128 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Fraternal Society, 1986-2003
BOX 65 36 film negatives, black and white (35mm)
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