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Container | Contents | ||||||||||||
Series 1: National Folk Festival Association history | |||||||||||||
Background and early days of the association. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 1/1 | National Folk Festival story, 1942 | ||||||||||||
Typed draft documents, which include general plans for the 1942 festival, information about the national executive committee and the advisory council, program divisions, and related information. box-folders 1/1, 8/6, 10/12, and 11/9 were formerly housed in one folder, but possibly not received in that grouping. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: National Folk Festival story 1942. Handwritten on the folder front: Roberts and Knott - dates; Board of Directors | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 1/2 | The National Folk Festival story through articles (1/2), circa 1940-Feb. 5, 1979 | ||||||||||||
While the compilation of materials is dated February 5, 1979, the materials included are from earlier dates, not all identified. The compilation is separated into tabbed sections, and includes photocopies and original materials, and an original 1940 National Folk Festival program. The folder includes an envelope with a typed note from Knott and a pamphlet about folk recordings selected from the Archive of Folk Song, and published by the Music Division. The compilation was formerly in a three-ring binder. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: The National Folk Festival story through articles (1/2). | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 1/3 | The National Folk Festival story through articles (2/2), circa 1940-Feb. 5, 1979 | ||||||||||||
The folder includes an original 1969 National Folk Festival program. See description for box-folder 1/2. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: The National Folk Festival story through articles (2/2). | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 1/4 | Highlights of the National Folk Festival, Inc. (1/3), 1934-1974, undated | ||||||||||||
Photocopies and original documents. Received at AFC in a three-ring binder with the heading: Highlights of the National Folk Festival, Inc. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 1/5 | Highlights of the National Folk Festival, Inc. (2/3), 1934-1974, undated | ||||||||||||
See description for box-folder 1/4. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 1/6 | Highlights of the National Folk Festival, Inc. (3/3), 1934-1974, undated | ||||||||||||
See description for box-folder 1/4. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 1/7 | National Folk Festival Association charts - early drafts (1/2), 1934-1971 | ||||||||||||
The original, handwritten charts have been relocated to box-folder 12/1. They were received at AFC in a folder with the heading: Charts - national, regional, state, and community. This folder is in the current folder. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 12/1 | National Folk Festival Association charts - early drafts (2/2), 1934-1971 | ||||||||||||
Two original, handwritten charts with numerous accordion folds, and some photocopied parts. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: Charts - national, regional, state, and community. Relocated from box-folder 1/7. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 1/8 | National Folk Festival Association charts, 1934-1971, undated | ||||||||||||
Printed copy of the cities and states that have hosted the National Folk Festival, plus extensive handwritten notations. Originally in a hole-punched rigid black folder. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: National Folk Festival Association charts. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 1/9 | National Folk Festival - research, 1940s-1950s, 1970s | ||||||||||||
Correspondence regarding Knott's research inquiry about the National Folk Festival in Philadelphia, photocopied materials regarding Chris Sanderson, and related materials. According to the handwritten notes on the front of the folder, it seems Knott wanted these materials organized and used by Western Kentucky University as a resource for states developing folk festivals. The original program has been relocated to box-folder 12/9. The original folder is here. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: Recreation and Culture/Princeton Ky - Plan. This folder is in the current folder. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 1/10 | Disposition of Sarah Gertrude Knott's papers, 1976-1977 | ||||||||||||
Key documentation for the intention to place Knott papers (which included National Folk Festival Association papers) at either Western Kentucky University, Library of Congress, or both locations. Correspondence between Knott and Western Kentucky University representatives, and Joe Hickerson (Library of Congress), regarding which group of papers would be sent to the respective institutions, and the reasons why. Includes background on the papers and the condition of the documents. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: Information from Western Kentucky University and Library of Congress in connection with placement of SGK papers. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 1/11 | Letters from Lynwood Montell to Sarah Gertrude Knott, 1977 | ||||||||||||
Key documents relating to the July 20, 1977, meeting, where the future of folklore and folk activities in Kentucky would be discussed. These documents explain the nature of the Western Kentucky University and Library of Congress collections. Received at AFC with the heading: Letter of Lexington, July 20th meeting from Western Kentucky University to SGK. This folder is in the current folder. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 1/12 | Letters from Nancy Dolliver to Sarah Gertrude Knott, 1977-1978 | ||||||||||||
Two letters regarding the archival organization of National Folk Festival Association programs and related materials. Dolliver probably worked at Western Kentucky University. The folder also includes copies of a one-page list of programs, regional festivals, and "search for materials." The contents of this folder come from a folder of miscellaneous papers received as part of a later accrual to this collection. | |||||||||||||
Series 2: National Folk Festival Association business | |||||||||||||
Includes business correspondence, festival plans, publicity, and related materials. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 1/13 | Sarah Gertrude Knott's biography (fragment), 1937 | ||||||||||||
Page 14 of a draft document, on the verso of 4th National Folk Festival letterhead (1937). The document is part of Knott's first-person account of her history with folk festivals. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: Fourth National Folk Festival letterhead. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 1/14 | National Folk Festival Association business, 1939 | ||||||||||||
Original printed document with the general plans, list of the members of the national executive committee, and past participants. Formerly housed in a three-ring binder but not received in the binder. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: Sixth National Folk Festival/double letterhead/Washington, D.C. This folder is in the current folder. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 2/1 | National Folk Festival Association business, 1942, 1944, 1946, 1973 | ||||||||||||
Includes correspondence from Knott to Chris Sanderson, and a promotional flyer for Sanderson's published biography, and photocopies of photos from Lot 66, of the Farm Security Administration, held by the Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, accompanied by a handwritten note. Also includes a postcard addressed in type to Alan Lomax, with the dates of the 9th National Folk Festival. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: National Folk Festival, 1942. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 2/2 | National Folk Festival Association business, 1943 | ||||||||||||
National Folk Festival Association suggestions to leaders and sponsors (two copies, one with minor notations), correspondence, and photocopies. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 2/3 | National Folk Festival Association business, 1944 | ||||||||||||
Informational communication to National Folk Festival Association members, photocopied newspaper articles, and photocopied catalog cards from the Prints and Photographs Division (typed and with handwritten notations). | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 2/4 | National Folk Festival Association business, 1951 | ||||||||||||
Informational communication to National Folk Festival Association members, two photocopies of the festival program (in two sizes), and photocopies of newspaper clippings. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 2/5 | Support for the National Folk Festival's further development, 1954, 1956 | ||||||||||||
Typed copy of a flyer with the "North American Report" from the Journal of International Film Music Council, vol. VII (1954), and a letter from Maud Karpeles to Sarah Gertrude Knott (1956) | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 2/6 | National Folk Festival Association business, 1957 | ||||||||||||
Promotional/information letter from Knott to the members of the Oklahoma Club, with two accompanying pages of information about the festival; a document listing films with festival coverage, a photocopied newspaper article, and a two-page typed document with general information about the 22nd National Folk Festival. The contents of three untitled folders were merged into this folder. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 2/7 | National Folk Festival Association business, January 12, 1958 | ||||||||||||
Letter Sarah Gertrude Knott to National Folk Festival "friends" to promote the festival. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 2/8 | Letter from Bernard I. Burt to John D. Whisman, February 27, 1960 | ||||||||||||
Photocopied letter regarding business issues related to the National Folk Festival Association. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: NFFA 1960. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 2/9 | National Folk Festival Association business, 1961 | ||||||||||||
Newspaper clipping, informational communication, and dittoed copies of the conference program held during the festival. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 2/10 | National Folk Festival Association business, 1962 | ||||||||||||
Informational communication about the festival. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 2/11 | National Folk Festival Association business (1/2), 1963 | ||||||||||||
Announcement for the 26th National Folk Festival, a typescript excerpt from the Report of Survey of Folk Music written by Knott (with handwritten notations), a memo regarding festival plans, and other planning-stage documents, with handwritten notations. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: Festival reports and plans/Covington, Kentucky, 1963. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 2/12 | National Folk Festival Association business (2/2), 1963 | ||||||||||||
Festival announcement and correspondence. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: National Folk Festival, 1963. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 2/13 | Letters from Sarah Gertrude Knott regarding National Folk Festival Association leadership, 1963 | ||||||||||||
A copy of a letter from Knott to Dr. Leonard Derthick regarding new leadership for National Folk Festival Association, and a copy of a letter from Knott to James Nutter. Both letters refer to a turn of events which led to Knott's departure from National Folk Festival Association leadership. A second copy of the letter to Derthick came from the 1979 accrual. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: Der [sic]. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 2/14 | Concert series announcement, 1964 | ||||||||||||
Announcement of that fall's concert series (performers and dates), and a ticket order form (part of the same page). Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: NFFA, 1964. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 2/15 | National Folk Festival Association business, 1965 | ||||||||||||
Informational communications to National Folk Festival Association members, and a promotional leaflet. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 2/16 | National Folk Festival Association business, 1966 | ||||||||||||
Correspondence regarding business matters, a proposal for a Folk Activities Clearing House Center in Washington, D.C., and a typed summary/notes from a 1966 folklore conference, where a roundtable discussion focused on tradition bearers and folk traditions. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 2/17 | National Folk Festival Association business, 1967 | ||||||||||||
Correspondence regarding business matters, plus promotional materials, a photocopied clipping, a program for a projected conference, two copies of a Phi Beta Kappa Association announcement for a party to open the 1967-1968 concert season, a copy of a Washington Folk Festival program, and copies of various issues of Folk Fare (published by the National Folk Festival Association). | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 2/18 | National Folk Festival Association business, 1968 | ||||||||||||
Correspondence regarding business matters, plus copies of the announcement for the 31st National Folk Festival, a proposal for a grant to fund a folk activity pilot project, and related materials. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 2/19 | National Folk Festival Association business, 1969 | ||||||||||||
Correspondence regarding business matters, plus general correspondence, the National Folk Festival Association's organization plan, a fact sheet for the 32nd National Folk Festival, a program application blank, related materials involving plans and follow-up, a compilation of responses to Knott's questionnaire requesting information on state-level folk festivals, and the report of a special meeting of the National Folk Festival Association's board of directors. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 12/13 | National Folk Festival Association questionnaires, 1964-1968 | ||||||||||||
Photocopied questionnaire results, consolidated from responses sent by various institutions. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: Questionnaire 1964-1968. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 2/20 | Smithsonian Folklife Festival - National Folk Festival Association plans, 1969 | ||||||||||||
Two-page photocopy, with photocopied handwritten notations. This folder is in the current folder. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 2/21 | State Arts Councils, 1969-1970 | ||||||||||||
Two photocopies of Knott's response to feedback requesting the names of state-level entities organizing folk festivals and events, and a list of those organizations, with contact names. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: State Arts Councils and National Folk Festival Association. This folder is in the current folder. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 2/22 | Talent searches and related documents, circa 1960s-1970s | ||||||||||||
Two copies of a folk talent search announcement for Ohio and Kentucky, an announcement for the upcoming National Folk Festival plus a call for talent, a folk talent search announcement for Tennessee and the Appalachian region, a printed pamphlet by Knott ("On the Trail of Folklore - Search for Material"), two copies of an announcement of the National Folk Festival in the greater Washington area, a form letter from Knott to "Syracuse friends" about the National Folk Festival's work to meet the needs of educators in the Syracuse area, and a questionnaire (with a brief, handwritten notation) on Kentucky folk music, dances, and tales. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: National Folk Festival Association: miscellaneous talent "searchers." | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 2/23 | National Folk Festival Association business (1/4), 1970 | ||||||||||||
Knott's letter to National Folk Festival Association "friends" to get commitments for participation in the National Folk Festival in the Washington, D.C., area, with an attached list of potential participants. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: Park Service/Washington, D.C. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 2/24 | National Folk Festival Association business (2/4), 1970 | ||||||||||||
Quarterly activity report (two published copies, with slight differences between them). Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: National Folk Festival Association Programs of American folk culture and living history. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 2/25 | National Folk Festival Association business (3/4), 1970 | ||||||||||||
Correspondence regarding business matters, plans for the National Folk Festival, reports, minutes, memos, and National Folk Festival organization articles with attachments. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: National Folk Festival Association. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 2/26 | National Folk Festival Association business (4/4), 1970 | ||||||||||||
See the description for box-folder 2/25 . | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 3/1 | Essays, memos, and publicity, circa 1970s | ||||||||||||
Typed essays (possibly written by Knott), promotional materials, an announcement regarding National Folk Festival Association"s establishment of an office in Washington, D.C., background on the National Folk Festival, a document with names and addresses of advisory board members, and related materials. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: National Folk Festival Association: miscellaneous essays, undated memos, and clippings. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 3/2 | General correspondence and folk festival history, circa 1970s | ||||||||||||
Includes promotional and informational mailings from the National Folk Festival Association, correspondence, a typed copy of Knott's "The Folk Festival Movement in America," and a copy of a document charting cities and states sponsoring National Folk Festivals. See box-folder 1/2 for the calendars. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: National Folk Festival Association: calendar of folk festivals (2/2). | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 3/3 | Suggested program plans, 1971 or before | ||||||||||||
"Suggested Program Plans to National Folk Festival Association Board," by Sarah Gertrude Knott (very low-contrast/dark photocopy of a typed document). Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: NFFA 1971 Prog. [Suggested Program Plans to National Folk Festival Association Board]. This folder is in the current folder. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 3/4 | Resolution on National Folk Festival Association leadership, May 28, 1971 | ||||||||||||
A two-page photocopy, with handwritten annotations, of the resolution which replaced Knott as the National Folk Festival Association's Director of Programs (due to health issues), and reassigned her to the new position of Founder and Program Consultant. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: NFFA resolution. This folder is in the current folder. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 3/5 | National Folk Festivals - summaries, 1971 | ||||||||||||
A copy of the "NFF Chart of the Cities and States sponsoring the National Folk Festivals (1934-1971)." Typed pages with handwritten notations, describing participants and summaries for each festival. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 3/6 | National Folk Festival Association - presidents, 1971 | ||||||||||||
A typed, one-page list of National Folk Festival Association presidents (1934-1971), with handwritten notations. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 3/7 | National Folk Festival Association business, 1971 | ||||||||||||
Correspondence regarding business matters, plans for the National Folk Festival, a document with suggested program plans, attachments from an official report, news releases, schedules, agendas, a program for the "Greater Washington Symposium on Applied Folklore," and related materials. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: National Folk Festival Association. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 3/8 | National Folk Festival Association business, 1972 | ||||||||||||
Correspondence regarding business matters, plus memos, minutes of meetings, and a proposal for a documentary film to be made at the 1972 National Folk Festival; a 1972 calendar of folk events (original and revised versions), and related materials. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: National Folk Festival Association. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 3/9 | National Folk Festival Association business, 1973 | ||||||||||||
Correspondence, meeting notes, and related materials. Also includes a typed copy of "The People Tell Their Own Story: The Role of the National Folk Festival Association" (21 pages). Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: National Folk Festival Association. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 3/10 | National Folk Festival Association bylaws, 1972-1973 | ||||||||||||
A copy of the report of the president's committee, National Folk Festival Association bylaws (1972 and 1973 versions). Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: National Folk Festival Association Organizational structure/bylaws. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 3/11 | Letters from Sarah Gertrude Knott to Alan Jabbour, 1974 | ||||||||||||
Correspondence from Knott to Alan Jabbour, plus a photocopy of a newspaper clipping. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: Alan Jabbour/Washington D.C. This folder is in the current folder. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 3/12 | National Folk Festival Association business, 1974 | ||||||||||||
Correspondence, minutes, and a 1974 calendar of folk festivals and related events. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: National Folk Festival Association. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 4/1 | National Folk Festival Association business (1/2), 1976 | ||||||||||||
News releases and a mailing to National Folk Festival Association members about nominations to the board of directors. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: NFFA 1976. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 4/2 | National Folk Festival Association business (2/2), 1976 | ||||||||||||
Copies of a National Folk Festival Association news release, and copies of a photocopied National Folk Festival Association mailing to "member." One copy of the news release has a brief, handwritten notation by Knott. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: N.B. Joe [nota bene Joe?]. This folder is in the current folder. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 4/3 | NCTA business (folder 1/2), 1976-1978 | ||||||||||||
Correspondence with Knott, meeting minutes, and a memo and ballot regarding the NCTA board of directors. The correspondence includes information about the change in the organization's name, and the reasons behind it. A photocopy of Tradition (Winter 1977) has been moved to box-folder 12/16. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: NCTA letters and news. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 12/16 | NCTA business (folder 2/2), 1976-1978 | ||||||||||||
Photocopy of Tradition (Winter 1977), an NCTA publication/newsletter. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: NCTA letters and news. Relocated from box-folder 4/3. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 4/4 | First National Folk Festival held at Wolf Trap, 1978 | ||||||||||||
Photocopies of a typed page with handwritten notes (as part of the photocopy). Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: Preparations for 1st Wolf Trap Farm Festival - work book. This folder is in the current folder. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 4/5 | National Folk Festival Association business and publicity, 1963-1978, undated | ||||||||||||
Typed correspondence (some with handwritten notations), newspaper clippings (photocopies and originals), promotional materials for folk events, and other materials. The folder includes a letter from Knott to Pauline Berkey (May 9, 1978) in which Knott says she is packing her papers to Western Kentucky University and the Library of Congress, and another letter to Vyts Beliajus (with the same date), with effectively the same information. Received at AFC in a folder with the heading: 3 Book. | |||||||||||||
BOX-FOLDER 4/6 | May Gadd interview transcript, and various National Folk Festival Association materials, 1960s-1970s | ||||||||||||
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