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Redwood Canyon Ramblers collection, 1959-2013

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Series 2: Event recordings and related materials (continued)
Content list and production notes for MV01 (continued)
Extent: 1 manuscript : black and white, digital (.txt)
Annotated content list
Filename: RCR 970804.pdf
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/The_Redwood_Canyon_Ramblers/rcr1997-08-04/
Extent: 1 manuscript : black and white, digital (.pdf)
Event ID: AFC 2011/011: MV03 Second reunion jam, Mayne Smith's residence, Richmond, California - Redwood Canyon Ramblers, August 6, 1997
Video recording (full)
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Video_Files/
Extent: 1 video file : sound, color, digital (.mov)
The original recording was made on Hi8. The sound recordings are cut-level digital copies of the audio from the video.
Sound recording (cut-level) (audio only)
Filename: rcr1997-08-06t01.aif - rcr1997-08-06t20.aif
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/The_Redwood_Canyon_Ramblers/
Extent: 20 sound files : high-resolution files, digital (.aif)
Content Elapsed time
"How Mountain Girls Can Love" [begins in progress] 00:00:57
"Angel Band" [begins in progress] 00:01:10
Neil discusses an old family guitar/improved quality of Gibson instruments 00:04:32
"Down In The Willow Garden" 00:04:03
"East Virginia"/discussion of Walter Hensley 00:05:28
"Mansion On The Hill" 00:03:21
Mayne discusses how early days with RCR influenced his whole style/writing a book/Katie Hambly's history within the folk scene 00:05:22
Discussion of Chuck Berry/tuning and false starts of next tune 00:04:26
"I Want To Be Loved (But Only By You)"/discussion about banjo tone 00:04:48
Mayne's 1952 Martin D-18 modifications/Hideo's shop 00:09:01
Sandy Rothman and early RCR history/Sandy arrives 00:10:35
"Boston Burglar" 00:05:31
Discussion of Robert Cantwell 00:04:31
"I Want A Girl (Just Like The Girl)" 00:03:29
"Golden Slippers"/"ralphing" example 00:05:11
"Angel Band" 00:08:54
"Roving Gambler" [Mayne on dobro]/discussion of different versions 00:08:19
"Letters Have No Arms" [Mayne on dobro] 00:06:10
"Satisfied Mind"/Mayne demonstrates the version he recorded 00:06:19
Porter Wagoner discussion/Osborne Brothers/baldness in performing/"Reuben's Train" tease/returning Sandy's banjo 00:10:34
Content list and production notes for MV03, undated
Filename: rcr1997-08-06.txt
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/The_Redwood_Canyon_Ramblers/
Extent: 1 manuscript : black and white, digital (.txt)
Annotated song list, undated
Filename: RCR 970806.pdf
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/The_Redwood_Canyon_Ramblers/
Extent: 1 manuscript : black and white, digital (.pdf)
Event ID: AFC 2011/011: MV04 Celebration of the musical career of Mayne Smith at Freight and Salvage, Berkeley, California, June 20, 2008
Video recording (full)
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Video_Files/
Extent: 1 video file : sound, color, digital (.mov)
Sound recording (cut-level)
Filename: rcr2008-06-20t01.wav - rcr2008-06-20t17.wav, ms2008-06-20t01.wav - ms2008-06-20t15.wav
Extent: 32 sound files : high-resolution files, digital (.wav)
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/The_Redwood_Canyon_Ramblers/rcr2008-06-20/, RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/Mayne_Smith/ms2008-06-20/
Set 1 - Redwood Canyon Ramblers
Content Elapsed time
Introductions 00:03:46
"Jesse James" 00:03:49
"Back To The Old Highway" 00:03:18
"On My Way Back To The Old Home" 00:04:14
"It's Not Time To Go" 00:05:33
"Dateline Ramble" 00:04:45
"Sioux City Sue" 00:04:42
"I'm Still Hungry" [with Eric Thompson on guitar] 00:05:17
"House Carpenter" [with Eric Thompson on guitar] 00:05:17
Sound check 00:21:31
Talk/tuning 00:03:42
"Jesse James" 00:03:33
Talk/tuning 00:03:12
"House Carpenter" 00:02:12
Talk/tuning 00:01:14
"Dateline Ramble" 00:02:15
Talk/tuning 00:01:12
"I'm Still Hungry" 00:04:11
Set 2 - Mayne Smith
Content Elapsed time
"Let The Good Love Flow" 00:05:34
"They'll Know Who I Am" 00:04:28
"Saturday 6 A.M." 00:06:38
"Mojave Wind" 00:07:07
"Slave To A Six-String Guitar" 00:08:30
"My Dancing Days" 00:07:25
"Letting People Go" 00:08:48
"My Heart's Content" 00:03:20
Set 3 - Mayne Smith
Content Elapsed time
"Careless Love Again" 00:05:51
"I Like It" 00:04:20
"Saturday Matinee" 00:07:47
"Home Away From Home" 00:07:29
"Solitaire" 00:05:15
"To Each His Own" 00:07:33
"TransAtlantic Blues" 00:05:56
Content lists and production notes for MV04, June 24, 2008
Filename: rcr-2008-06-20.txt (set 1), ms2008-06-20.txt (sets 2 and 3)
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/The_Redwood_Canyon_Ramblers/rcr2008-06-20/, RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/Mayne_Smith/ms2008-06-20/
Extent: 2 manuscripts : black and white, digital (.txt)
Event ID: AFC 2011/011: MV05 Redwood Canyon Ramblers family jam in Mayne Smith's living room, Richmond, California, November 29, 2009
Video recording (full)
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Video_Files/
Extent: 1 video file : sound, color, digital (.mov)
Sound recording (cut-level)
Filename: rcr2009-11-29t01.aif - rcr2009-11-29t08.aif
Extent: 8 sound files : high-resolution files, digital (.wav)
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/The_Redwood_Canyon_Ramblers/rcr2009-11-09/
Content Elapsed time
"Little Willy" 00:04:44
"Snow Dove" 00:03:33
"Good Woman's Love" 00:03:33
"Bonaparte's Retreat" 00:01:44
"Busted" 00:03:31
Dolly Parton joke 00:01:35
"Twilight Time" [fragment played by Neil Rosenberg] 00:01:25
"Never On Sunday" [Neil and Terri Thomson] 00:01:36
Content list and production notes for MV05, undated
Filename: rcr2009-11-29.txt
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/The_Redwood_Canyon_Ramblers/rcr2009-11-09/
Extent: 1 manuscript : black and white, digital (.txt)
Mayne Smith's recollections about the jam and the circumstances, undated
Filename: 2009-11-29-Maynes notes.txt
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/The_Redwood_Canyon_Ramblers/rcr2009-11-09/
Extent: 1 manuscript : black and white, digital (.txt)
Digital ID: afc2011011_dc001 Additional digital surrogates of selected recordings in Series 2
Medium resolution derivatives of digitized sound recordings
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_CD_Pre-Tagged_Files/
Extent: 825 sound files : digital (.aif)
Digitized by Brian Miksis from selected tapes and resized to medium-resolution CD pre-tagged (aif) versions.
Low resolution derivatives of digitized sound recordings
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_mp3_Pre-Tagged_Files/
Extent: 835 sound files : digital (.mp3)
Digitized by Brian Miksis from selected tapes and resized to low-resolution mp3 pre-tagged (mp3) versions.
Additional digitized sound recordings
Filepath: preservation files from dvds/
Extent: 268 sound files : digital (.aif, .wav)
DVD disk images of digitized video recordings
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Video_Files/
Extent: 4 video files : sound, color, digital (.img)
Digitized by Brian Miksis from selected tapes and reformatted as pre-authored DVDs with chapter marks.
Series 3: Photographic materials
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Photos/
Photographs of the band, both in concert and in casual settings, probably as publicity shots.
Arranged chronologically.
Redwood Canyon Ramblers, in Berkeley, California, August 1959
Photographer: Shelby Sampson
Filename: 1959-08-00 RCR by SS 1.jpg
Extent: 1 photograph : black and white, digital (.jpg)
Redwood Canyon Ramblers, in Berkeley, California, August 1959
Photographer: Shelby Sampson
Filename: 1959-08-00 RCR by SS 2.jpg
Extent: 1 photograph : black and white, digital (.jpg)
Redwood Canyon Ramblers, in Berkeley, California, August 1959
Photographer: Shelby Sampson
Filename: 1959-08-00 RCR by SS 3.jpg
Extent: 1 photograph : black and white, digital (.jpg)
Redwood Canyon Ramblers, outside Scott Hambly's house, August 1959
Filename: 1959-08-00 RCR at SHs 1.jpg
Extent: 1 photograph : black and white, digital (.jpg)
Redwood Canyon Ramblers, outside Scott Hambly's house, August 1959
Filename: 1959-08-00 RCR at SHs 2.jpg
Extent: 1 photograph : black and white, digital (.jpg)
Redwood Canyon Ramblers, August 5, 1959
Photographer: Phil Olivier
Filename: 1959-08-05 RCR by PO 1.jpg
Extent: 1 photograph : black and white, digital (.jpg)
Redwood Canyon Ramblers, August 5, 1959
Photographer: Phil Olivier
Filename: 1959-08-05 RCR by PO 2.jpg
Extent: 1 photograph : black and white, digital (.jpg)
Redwood Canyon Ramblers, August 5, 1959
Photographer: Phil Olivier
Filename: 1959-08-05 RCR by PO 3.jpg
Extent: 1 photograph : black and white, digital (.jpg)
Redwood Canyon Ramblers, August 5, 1959
Photographer: Phil Olivier
Filename: 1959-08-05 RCR by PO 4.jpg
Extent: 1 photograph : black and white, digital (.jpg)
Redwood Canyon Ramblers, August 5, 1959
Photographer: Phil Olivier
Filename: 1959-08-05 RCR by PO 5.jpg
Extent: 1 photograph : black and white, digital (.jpg)
Redwood Canyon Ramblers, August 5, 1959
Photographer: Phil Olivier
Filename: 1959-08-05 RCR by PO 6.jpg
Extent: 1 photograph : black and white, digital (.jpg)
Redwood Canyon Ramblers, August 5, 1959
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