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Redwood Canyon Ramblers collection, 1959-2013

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Series 2: Event recordings and related materials (continued)
Sound recording (cut-level)
Filenames: arhoolie01.aif - arhoolie08.aif
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/Arhoolie_Records/arhoolie1963-1964/
Extent: 8 sound files : high-resolution files, digital (.aif)
Tracks 1-6 are from the LP (Arhoolie F4001). Tracks 7-8 are from the 45 rpm release (Arhoolie 505).
Content Elapsed time
"Lady Gay" - Janet Smith 00:03:14
"The Unicorn" - Janet Smith 00:07:09
"Buttermilk Hill" - Janet Smith 00:02:32
"Long Black Veil" - Pete Berg and Toni Brown 00:02:42
"Charles Guiteau" - The Crabgrassers 00:03:31
"Don't Forget Me Love" - Toni Brown 00:02:03
"How Could I Stand It" - Toni Brown 00:02:42
"You Turned Your Back" - Toni Brown 00:02:19
Song list and production notes for SR47, undated
Filename: Arhoolie Records-Out West Berkeley.txt
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/Arhoolie_Records/arhoolie1963-1964/
Extent: 1 manuscript : black and white, digital (.txt)
Out West Berkeley - front and back covers, 1965
Filename: OWB cover-front.jpg, OWB cover-back.jpg
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/Arhoolie_Records/arhoolie1963-1964/
Extent: 2 photographs : color, digital (.jpg)
Event ID: AFC 2011/011: SR10 Redwood Canyon Ramblers; Opry dubs; Charlie Poole 78 dubs, 1927-1928, February 22, 1964, February 20, 1965, March 6, 1965, undated
Sound recording (full)
Item ID: AFC 2011/011: SR10
Rack number: RXJ 0539
Extent: 1 sound tape reel (acetate; Side 1: 00:26:13, Side 2: 00:23:58) : analog, 7 1/2 ips, half track, mono ; 7 in.
Redwood Canyon Ramblers, February 22, 1964. Demo tape recorded at 420 E. 6th Street, Bloomington, Indiana. Personnel: Mayne Smith, guitar; Scott Hambly, mandolin; Ann Rosenberg, bass; Neil Rosenberg, banjo.
According to the documentation, this part of the tape is also on AFC 2002/009: SR280.
Original Rosenberg inventory number: tape 106.
Sound recording (cut-level)
Filenames: rcr1964-02-22t01.aif - rcr1964-02-22t10.aif, opry1965-02-22t01.aif - opry1965-02-22t03.aif, opry1965-03-06t01.aif
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/The_Redwood_Canyon_Ramblers/rcr1964-02-22/, preservation files from dvds/DVD3_1964 February 22_reel106/
Extent: 14 sound files : high-resolution files, digital (.aif)
Archivist's note: Elapsed times for the Charlie Poole dubs come from the AFC transfer of the tape recording.
Side 1
Content Elapsed time
"House Carpenter" - vocal by Mayne Smith 00:02:52
"Auld Lang Syne" 00:02:31
"Childish Love" - vocal by Scott Hambly 00:02:33
"Boston Burglar" - vocal by Mayne Smith 00:02:54
"I Got Stripes" - vocal by Mayne Smith 00:02:34
"Someday You'll Call My Name" - vocal by Mayne Smith; includes false start 00:02:49
"Midnight Train" - vocal by Mayne Smith and Neil Rosenberg 00:03:16
"Charles Guiteau" - written and sung by Mayne Smith; includes false start 00:02:39
"I'll Walk Out On You" - vocal by Mayne Smith 00:02:03
"I Ain't Broke But I'm Badly Bent" - lead by Mayne Smith, with Scott Hambly and Neil Rosenberg on trio 00:01:28
Grand Ole Opry (February 20, 1965)
Dubbed from a live performance broadcast on WSM radio.
Content Elapsed time
Intro/"Mary At The Home Place" - Bill Monroe & His Bluegrass Boys 00:02:42
Kirk McGee Interview by Roy Acuff/Bill Cheatham (McGee Brothers) 00:01:14
"Gotta Travel On" - Bill Monroe & His Bluegrass Boys 00:02:08
Grand Ole Opry (March 6, 1965)
Dubbed from the radio.
Content Elapsed time
"Father's Table Grace" - Flatt and Scruggs 00:02:42
Charlie Poole and the North Carolina Ramblers
Columbia recordings
Content Elapsed time
"Ramblin' Blues" (1928; Columbia 15286-D) 00:03:02
"Coon From Tennessee" (1927; Columbia 15215-D) 00:03:04
"Letter That Never Came" (1927; Columbia 15179-D) 00:02:25
"Fallen By The Wayside" [beginning of the song is cut off](1927, Columbia 15179-D) 00:02:46
"It's Moving Day" (undated; Columbia 15545-D) 00:03:19
Song list and production notes for SR10, December 14, 2010
Filename: Reel 106.txt
Filepath: preservation files from dvds/DVD3_1964 February 22_reel106/
Extent: 1 manuscript : black and white, digital (.txt)
Typed list of all songs on the source tape, undated
Filename: rcr1964-02-22 Reel 106 Notes.pdf
Filepath: preservation files from dvds/DVD3_1964 February 22_reel106/
Extent: 1 manuscript : black and white, digital (.pdf)
Images of a microphone and microphone stand, undated
Filenames: IMG_2205.jpg, IMG_2208.jpg, IMG_2209_2.jpg, IMG_2210.jpg
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/The_Redwood_Canyon_Ramblers/rcr1964-02-22/
Extent: 4 photographs : color, digital (.jpg)
Event ID: AFC 2011/011: SR48 Home recording, King Salmon, Alaska - Scott Hambly, March 13, 1965
Sound recording (cut-level)
Filenames: sh1965-03-13t01.aif - sh1965-03-13t04.aif
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/Scott_Hambly/sh1965-03-13/
Extent: 4 sound files : high-resolution files, digital (.aif)
Content Elapsed time
"Little Maggie" [fragment] 00:00:08
"Footprints In The Snow" 00:02:41
"Auld Lang Syne" 00:00:41
Unidentified fragment 00:00:03
Song list and production notes for SR48, April 6, 2011
Filename: sh1965-03-13.txt
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/Scott_Hambly/sh1965-03-13/
Extent: 1 manuscript : black and white, digital (.txt)
Event ID: AFC 2011/011: SR49 Indiana University Folksong Record Project, May 1965
Sound recording (cut-level)
Filenames: phr1965-05-00t01.aif - phr1965-05-00t30.aif
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/Pigeon_Hill_Ramblers/phr1965-05-00/
Extent: 30 sound files : high-resolution files, digital (.aif)
Recorded at Don Sheets Recording Studio, Nashville, Tennessee. See AFC 2002/009: SR197 for similar versions of these recordings.
Tom Forman
Content Elapsed time
"He Was A Friend Of Mine" 00:04:12
"Venezuela" [take 1] 00:02:38
"Venezuela" [take 2] 00:05:17
"Mirror, Mirror On The Wall" 00:03:36
"The Handsome Cabin Boy" 00:03:29
Susie Rider
Content Elapsed time
"How Long Blues" 00:01:52
Muddy Water Blues [with Pete Aceves on harmonica] 00:01:54
"Little Maggie" 00:02:41
Pigeon Hill Ramblers
Content Elapsed time
"Leavin' Tennessee" 00:02:43
"Arthritis Blues" 00:02:28
"Today Has Been A Lonesome Day" 00:03:24
"Little Birdie" 00:02:48
"Prisoner's Song" 00:02:19
"Bury Me Beneath The Willow" 00:02:21
Greg Hildebrand
Content Elapsed time
"Farm Song (Down On My Farm)" 00:02:17
"No More Reds In The Union" 00:01:52
"Cocaine" 00:03:14
"Song Of My Hands" 00:03:21
Hootchie Kootchie Jug Busters
Content Elapsed time
Instrumental 00:01:58
"You're Some Ugly Child" 00:01:54
"Rampart Street" [take 1; incomplete] 00:01:38
"Rampart Street" [take 2] 00:02:14
"Ace In The Hole" 00:03:07
"2:19" 00:02:50
"Brownsville" 00:02:27
Pete Aceves and Eric Levin
Content Elapsed time
"Baby Please Don't Go" 00:01:55
"Low Down and Dirty (That's Alright, Mama)" 00:02:19
"Skingame" 00:01:54
"Floating Bridge" 00:02:32
Unidentified musician
Content Elapsed time
Harmonica 00:00:42
Song list and production notes for SR49, February 4, 2912
Filename: phr1965-05-00.txt
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/Pigeon_Hill_Ramblers/phr1965-05-00/
Extent: 1 manuscript : black and white, digital (.txt)
List of songs and performers, undated
Filename: IUFC recording sessions.docx
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/Pigeon_Hill_Ramblers/phr1965-05-00/
Extent: 1 manuscript : black and white, digital (.doc)
IUFC (Indiana University Folksong Club) master recordings for projected record (handwritten original), undated
Filename: 1965 IU Folk Record Project-1.pdf
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/Pigeon_Hill_Ramblers/phr1965-05-00/
Extent: 2 manuscripts : black and white, digital (.pdf)
List of songs, handwritten by Neil Rosenberg
IUFC (Indiana University Folksong Club) master recordings for projected record (typed from the handwritten original), undated
Filename: 1965 IU Folk Record Project-2.pdf
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/Pigeon_Hill_Ramblers/phr1965-05-00/
Extent: 1 manuscript : black and white, digital (.pdf)
Typed list of songs, from Neil Rosenberg's handwritten original
Order form and educational agreement form, April 19, 2012
Filename: MiksisIUArchivesOrder.pdf
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/Pigeon_Hill_Ramblers/phr1965-05-00/
Extent: 1 manuscript : black and white, digital (.pdf)
Details of the download and use agreement between Indiana University and Brian Miksis
Event ID: AFC 2011/011: SR50 Demo session, Berkeley, California - Redwood Canyon Ramblers, January 3, 1968
Sound recording (cut-level)
Filenames: rcr1968-01-03t01.aif - rcr1968-01-03t03.aif
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/The_Redwood_Canyon_Ramblers/rcr1968-01-03/
Extent: 3 sound files : high-resolution files, digital (.aif)
Content Elapsed time
"We'll Meet Again Sweetheart" 00:02:47
"Teardrops In My Eyes" 00:02:28
"My Little Georgia Rose" 00:02:19
Song list and production notes for SR50, April 6, 2011
Filename: rcr1968-01-03.txt
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/The_Redwood_Canyon_Ramblers/rcr1968-01-03/
Extent: 1 manuscript : black and white, digital (.txt)
Event ID: AFC 2011/011: SR51 Holiday reunion jam in the Hambly residence basement, Berkeley, California - Redwood Canyon Ramblers, December 27, 1980
Sound recording (cut-level)
Filenames: rcr1980-12-27t01.aif - rcr1980-12-27t15.aif
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/The_Redwood_Canyon_Ramblers/rcr1980-12-27/
Extent: 15 sound files : high-resolution files, digital (.aif)
Content Elapsed time
"Pike County Breakdown" 00:02:29
"Fireball Mail" 00:02:43
"Paddy On The Turnpike" 00:02:37
"Leaning On The Everlasting Arms" 00:02:16
"Mocking Banjo" 00:01:58
"Foggy Mountain Breakdown" 00:02:18
"Darling Nelly Gray" 00:02:56
"Here Today And Gone Tomorrow" 00:02:26
"Teardrops In My Eyes" 00:02:22
"Salty Dog" 00:02:18
"We'll Meet Again Sweetheart" 00:02:36
"Wheel Hoss" 00:03:00
"Gray Eagle" [cassette side change] 00:01:03
"House Carpenter" 00:04:39
"They'll Know Who I Am" [Mayne Smith original] 00:02:31
Song list and production notes for SR51, April 6, 2011
Filename: rcr1980-12-27.txt
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/The_Redwood_Canyon_Ramblers/rcr1980-12-27/
Extent: 1 manuscript : black and white, digital (.txt)
J-card with handwritten song list, undated
Filename: rcr1980-12-27.jpg
Filepath: RCR_Archive_Audio_High_Resolution_Files/The_Redwood_Canyon_Ramblers/rcr1980-12-27/
Extent: 1 manuscript : color, digital (.jpg)
Event ID: AFC 2011/011: SR11 Redwood Canyon Ramblers reunion jam, June 6, 1987
Sound recording (full)
Item ID: AFC 2011/011: SR11
Rack number: RYP 7388
Extent: 1 sound cassette (Side 1: 00:47:29, Side 2: 00:47:28) : analog, 1 7/8 ips, Type II, stereo.
Recorded at the Rosenberg residence, 784 Grizzly Peak Blvd., Berkeley, California. Personnel: Scott Hambly, Neil Rosenberg, Mayne Smith, Sandy Rothman.
Original Rosenberg inventory number: tape 285.
Sound recording (cut-level)
Filenames: rcr1987-06-06t01.aif - rcr1987-06-06t35.aif
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