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Omaha Powwow Project collection, 1982-1986

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Series 1: Administrative papers and publicity
BOX-FOLDER 1/1 Correspondence, 1982-1985, 1991-1992
Includes correspondence with Alan Jabbour, Carl Fleischhauer, Dorothy Sara Lee, Erika Brady, Dennis Hastings, Roger Welsch, John Carter, Mark Merrick, Sr., Joseph E. Harlan, Sr., Marvin F. Kivett, Bob Kerry, Elmer Blackbird, and others.
BOX-FOLDER 1/2 U Mon Hon Hethu'shka Society, undated
BOX-FOLDER 2/1 Powwow publicity, 1983-1984
Posters from the 1983 Powwow were relocated from Box-Folder 1/3.
BOX-FOLDER 1/3 Pow-wow programs and publicity, 1983
Posters were relocated to Box-Folder 2/1
BOX-FOLDER 1/4 Miscellaneous notes, undated
Extent: 9 pages
Series 2: 1983 Omaha Tribal Powwow
Subseries 1: Carl Fleischhauer
Archivist's note: Fleischhauer's original documentation has been used to describe the photos, with minor edits for clarity.
BOX-FOLDER 1/10 Field notes, 1983
Extent: 18 pages
Sub-subseries 1: Black-and-white photographs
BOX-FOLDER 1/8 Black-and-white photo logs, 1983
Extent: 30 pages
BOX 2 Camera roll, August 12, 1983
Roll ID: AFC 1986/038: 214061-1
Extent: 38 photographs : film, negatives, black and white ; 35 mm
Archivist's note: the 38 images include frame 00.
Image(s) Content
1-6 Flag-lowering ceremony
7-9 Supper break; spraying down dust
10-17 Dorothy Lee and Dennis Hastings listen to the tape of Mr. Edward's "Indian Chipmunks"
18-19 campground and pow-wow from the west
21-22 "midway"
23 booth with video games
24-28 campground/pow-wow from road on the east
29 looking up road from pow-wow to north
30-34 spray dust in arena
35-37 folks eating supper along the south side of the little arena
BOX 2 Camera roll, August 12, 1983
Roll ID: AFC 1986/038: 214061-11
Extent: 37 photographs : film, negatives, black and white ; 35 mm
Image(s) Content
2-5 campground
6-9 the "CBS" TV crew (freelancers from Minneapolis; VTR: Gary Tassone; Cam: Ed Matney (18 N. 4th St., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401)
11-16 Robinson family gets ready for evening dance; Norman Robinson with son Seth Robinson (costume) and Norman Jr (sweatshirt) and sister Linda Robinson with Jamie (I am not clear, now, on whether Jamie is Norman's son, or Linda's)
17-19 in campground
19 David Blackbird, the "whipman"
20-21 teenagers
22 Arena Director, vest
23-24 Renee Brown and Rosa McCauley
25-26 gourd dance
27-32 signing up contest entrants
33-37 Friday night Grand Entry
BOX 2 Camera roll, August 12-13, 1983
Roll ID: AFC 1986/038: 214061-10
Extent: 37 photographs : film, negatives, black and white ; 35 mm
Additional note: Night
Image(s) Content
1-5 Arena at night from hill (looking east)
6-7 The "second" drums; Honey Creek Singers in foreground; Tia Piah in background, playing
8 Charlie Edwards (host drum)
9-10 looking across host drum; Head Singer Rufus White at extreme left
18 clown, BIA breechclout; moving counterclockwise
19-20 Dorothy Lee and M.C. Clifford Wolfe Sr.
21-22 Grand Entry; senior citizens and Maria LaVigna in foreground, equipment covered with plastic tablecloth- rain
24-28 Elmer Blackbird, tribal chairman, remarks
29-34 from east end of arena; looking across crowd (including baby in cradleboard) and dancers toward speaker's stand
BOX 2 Camera roll, August 13, 1983
Roll ID: AFC 1986/038: 214061-5
Extent: 38 photographs : film, negatives, black and white ; 35 mm
Archivist's note: the 38 images include frame 00.
Image(s) Content
1-5 Bill Kerrey (governor's brother), remarks
6-8 Eagle dance by group from San Juan Pueblo
9-12, 15 Princess/stand, watching Eagle dance, note bags for giveaway
13-14 crowd, including dancers, watch
17-21 Maria, remarks, presenting the cylinders to tribe
22-26 Same time, note Wolfe with LaVigna; Wolfe invites whipman and traditional dancers to dance to cylinders
27-33 dancers dancing to cylinders (the prominent TV crew is NOT CBS; I think it's from Indian Ed. TV)
34-37 Dorothy Lee hands over tapes to tribal chairman Elmer Blackbird
BOX 2 Camera roll, August 13, 1983
Roll ID: AFC 1986/038: 214061-9
Extent: 37 photographs : film, negatives, black and white ; 35 mm
Image(s) Content
1-6 the dance (a special?) for the pow-wow princess the prominent TV crew is the CBS unit
6-9 at the end of the dance; collecting the money at the speaker's stand, preparing for giveaway
10-20 Princess giveaway; M.C. Clifford Wolfe Sr. made the remarks for the Princess's mother (grandmother?)
21-23 fancy dancers get ready in camp area
24-25 another giveaway; probably the only other one between the Princess's and supper; the attempt here was to get a photo of $ changing hands during the dance
28-29 two Nagras; D.L. and M.L. in background, mike on stand available for dancers audio, but used only once to try for San Juan singers box with blanket was recordist's chair
30-31 the two Nagras...
32-33 mike on stand (rarely used; taken down end Saturday)
33-34 Speaker's mike; our E-V D056 on left, taped to speaker's own mike
35-36 stereo pair as suspended above host drum
BOX 2 Camera roll, August 13, 1983
Roll ID: AFC 1986/038: 214061-7
Extent: 37 photographs : film, negatives, black and white ; 35 mm
Image(s) Content
1-3 stereo mike pair (Beyer M201N) for host drum
4 "extra" mike at center of arena, for second drum or women who sang
5-6 cables and mike stand used as telephone pole to run three cable sets to center of arena
7-8 singer's area; to show mike cable run and extra mike
9-13 speaker's stand; man is Charlie Edwards
15-17 campground to west of arena; boys play football
18-20 in the campground
21-22 on midway, place selling "crafts"
23 midway
24-27 stand that takes a Polaroid photo; makes button
29-37 food stand, with fried bread dogs and burgers
BOX 2 Camera roll, August 12-13, 1983
Roll ID: AFC 1986/038: 214061-8
Extent: 23 photographs : film, negatives, black and white ; 35 mm
Additional note: Photos from August 12 are described as "ruined." Frame 00 is included in the item count.
This roll is double exposed; the daylight stuff seems to have been made on the twelfth, and the night on the thirteenth. The day stuff (which is available from Kodachrome) includes Maria with her San Juan friend and the Robinson family getting ready by a car. The ruined night stuff includes Paul Brill giving out family tree charts, and Carl Fleischhauer carrying the Nagra to tape the San Juan folks. The only usable images are: 20-21, host drum at night, Tia Piah singers behind.
BOX 2 Camera roll, August 13-14, 1983
Roll ID: AFC 1986/038: 214061-13
Extent: 35 photographs : film, negatives, black and white ; 35 mm
Image(s) Content
1-4 host drum
5-7 Honey Creek Singers
8-10 host drum
11-13 member of host drum
14-15 blank
16-22 shucking corn; Delia Hallowell, Rosa Linda Wolfe, Ida Anderson
23-28 Maria LaVigna at her camper
29-37 Portrait of host drum; two men (or more) missing (see alternates on roll 214061-6, frames 35-37; with all singers)
BOX 2 Camera roll, August 13, 1983
Roll ID: AFC 1986/038: 214061-4
Extent: 37 photographs : film, negatives, black and white ; 35 mm
Image(s) Content
1-6 one of the host drum's drums
7-12 Grand Entry, note that flag is not carried by whipman this time; the whole pow-wow committee joined
9-12 women dancers, including fancy
13-18 gate to pow-wow
19 area to south of small arena; people camped there appear to be black (married to Omaha?)
20-22 media position; Carl Fleischhauer with AFC equipment in center, John Millar and University of Nebraska at Omaha TV at right (pix by Maria LaVigna)
23-34 Dance honoring John Turner; "special" and giveaway led by Elmer Blackbird
36-37 close up of costume of whipman (David Blackbird)
BOX 2 Camera roll, August 14, 1983
Roll ID: AFC 1986/038: 214061-3
Extent: 38 photographs : film, negatives, black and white ; 35 mm
Archivist's note: the 38 images include frame 00.
Image(s) Content
1-6 Host drum, dancers in background
7-14 Tia Piah Singers
15-19 Rufus White, Head Singer, host drum
20-37 playing with blur, fancy dancers
BOX 2 Camera roll, August 14, 1983
Roll ID: AFC 1986/038: 214061-6
Extent: 37 photographs : film, negatives, black and white ; 35 mm
Image(s) Content
2-9 competitors during traditional men's dance contest; I believe #2 is a man named Thomas
10 singer, throat lozenge, sore throat
11-13 one of the singers missing in the group photo on roll 214061-13
14-16 McCauley, other singer missing in the previous group photo
17-18 money changing hands, in a "special"
19-20 chair of member of Tia Piah Singers
21 looking toward Macy from pow-wow (looking east)
22-24 at main gate, fancy dancer in 22 is Todd Ike
25-31 taking down the flag at the end of the afternoon
32-33 dancers leave arena, supper break
35-37 more complete group picture of singers; names to be obtained from Dennis Hastings (see roll 214061-13 , frames 29-37, for alternate versions)
BOX 2 Camera roll, August 14, 1983
Roll ID: AFC 1986/038: 214061-12
Extent: 37 photographs : film, negatives, black and white ; 35 mm
Image(s) Content
1-2 Apartment block in Macy
3-5 (?) Community college
6-8 Macy main street
9-21 baseball game
22-26 crowd at main gate just before evening Grand Entry
27-28 bumper sticker in midway (on crafts van)
30-33 a "couples" dance
34-35 judging fancy dancers
36-37 judging traditional dancers
BOX 2 Camera roll, August 14, 1983
Roll ID: AFC 1986/038: 214061-2
Extent: 5 photographs : film, negatives, black and white ; 35 mm
Image(s) Content
1-2 judging clowns; an arena director calls for applause, no judges per se
3 one clown
4-5 water from water bucket
BOX 2 Camera roll, August 15, 1983
Roll ID: AFC 1986/038: 214061-14
Extent: 19 photographs : film, negatives, black and white ; 35 mm
Image(s) Content
7-10 Missouri River valley and bluffs from sacred spot
11-13 tree that looked like a buffalo or cow skull at the same place
14-16 the clearing at that place (tree in background)
17-20 river, bluffs, and Iowa land from another place
21-25 farm on Nebraska state route 94, Thurston County
BOX-FOLDER 1/5 Black-and-white contact sheets, August 12-15, 1983
Extent: 14 photographs : contact sheets, black and white ; approx. 8 1/2 in. x 11 in.
BOX-FOLDER 1/6 Black-and-white photo prints, 1983
Extent: 19 photographs : prints, black and white ; various sizes
Sub-subseries 2: Color photographs
When two boxes are listed, the first box has the preferred version of images, and the second box has similar versions of those images.
BOX-FOLDER 1/9 Color photo logs, 1983
Extent: 17 pages
BOXES 3, 6 Camera roll, August 12, 1983
Roll ID: AFC 1986/038: FCP/O-CF-1
Extent: 25 photographs : color transparencies ; 35 mm (slide format)
Image(s) Content
1 Whipman David Blackbird brings in flag during Friday afternoon Grand Entry
2-3 Supper break; spraying down dust
4-7 Dorothy Lee and Dennis Hastings listen to the tape of Mr Edward's "Indian Chipmunks"
8-11 campground and pow-wow from the west; 12-13, "midway"
14-15 booth with videogames
16-18 campground/pow-wow from road on the east
19-20 looking up road from pow-wow to north
BOXES 3, 6 Camera roll, August 12, 1983
Roll ID: AFC 1986/038: FCP/O-CF-2
Extent: 28 photographs : color transparencies ; 35 mm (slide format)
Additional note: Pencil notes in frame/description area that are difficult to read, not transcribed.
Image(s) Content
1-2 folks eating supper along the south side of the little arena
3 campground
4-5 the "CBS" TV crew (freelancers from Minneapolis; VTR: Gary Tassone; Cam: Ed Matney (18 N. 4th St, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401)
7-8 Robinson family gets ready for evening dance; Norman Robinson with son Seth Robinson (costume) and Norman Jr (sweatshirt) and sister Linda Robinson with Jamie (I am not clear, now, on whether Jamie is Norman's son, or Linda's)
9-10 9-10, in campground
11-12 David Blackbird, the "whipman"
13-15 teenagers
16-17 Arena Director, vest
18-20 Renee Brown, Adele Grant, and Rosa McCauley
BOXES 3, 6 Camera roll, August 12, 1983
Roll ID: AFC 1986/038: FCP/O-CF-3
Extent: 51 photographs : color transparencies ; 35 mm (slide format)
Image(s) Content
1-2 gourd dance
3-7 singing up contest entrants
8-10 Friday nite Grand Entry starts
11-14 Arena at nite from west
15 Honey Creek Singers in foreground, Tia Piah singers in background
16-19 host drum, looking toward west
BOX 3 Camera roll, August 12,-13 1983
Roll ID: AFC 1986/038: FCP/O-CF-3A
Extent: 19 photographs : color transparencies ; 35 mm (slide format)
Additional note: August 12 (night) and August 13
Image(s) Content
1-4 "Intertribal" dance (LaVigna's term) from northeast
5-6 Dorothy Lee & M.C. Clifford Wolfe Sr.
7-8 Grand Entry; senior citizens and Maria LaVigna in foreground, equipment covered with plastic tablecloth - rain
9 Elmer Blackbird, tribal chairman, remarks
10-11 arena from east, "intertribal" dance
12 Princess
13 Arena Director escorts child from arena
14-15 from east end of arena; looking across crowd (including baby in cradleboard) and dancers toward speaker's stand
16-19 center of arena at a moment when the Tia Piah singers are the only "second" drum
BOXES 3, 6 Camera roll, August 13, 1983
Roll ID: AFC 1986/038: FCP/O-CF-4
Extent: 24 photographs : color transparencies ; 35 mm (slide format)
Image(s) Content
1 Bill Kerrey (governor's brother), remarks
2-4 Eagle dance by group from San Juan Pueblo
5-6 Princess & speakers' stand watching above; note bags for giveaway
7-8 crowd, including dancers, watch
9-10 Maria, remarks, presenting the cylinders to tribe
11-12 Same time, note Wolfe with LaVigna; Wolfe invites whipman and traditional dancers to dance to cylinders
13-15 dancers dancing to cylinders (the prominent TV crew is not CBS; I think it's from Indian Ed. TV)
BOXES 3, 6 Camera roll, August 13, 1983
Roll ID: AFC 1986/038: FCP/O-CF-5
Extent: 26 photographs : color transparencies ; 35 mm (slide format)
Image(s) Content
1-2 giveaway after the dance (a special?) for the pow-wow princess at the end of the dance; collecting the money
3-4 Princess giveaway; M.C. Clifford Wolfe Sr. made the remarks for the Princess's mother (grandmother?)
5-6 fancy dancers get ready in camp area
7-8 two Nagras; D.L. and M.L. in background, mike on stand available for dancer's audio, but used only once to try for San Juan singers box with blanket was recordist's chair
9-10 the 2 Nagras...
11 Speaker's mike; our E-V D056 on left, taped to speaker's own mike
12-13 stereo pair as suspended above host drum
14-15 "extra" mike at center; used for second drum or women singers (also visible in 18)
16-18 mike cables strung out to center from Nagras
BOXES 3, 6 Camera roll, August 13, 1983
Roll ID: AFC 1986/038: FCP/O-CF-6
Extent: 24 photographs : color transparencies ; 35 mm (slide format)
Image(s) Content
1-4 speaker's stand; man is Charlie Edwards
5-6 campground to west of arena; boys play football
7 on midway, place selling "crafts"
8-9 stand that takes a Polaroid photo; makes button
10-13 food stand, with fried bread dogs and burgers
14-16 craft stand (again)
17-18 waiting for the john
19-20 preparing for contest: fancy dancer DeWayne Wabasha, with parents Rick and Brenda and sister Terri: 617 W. 8th, Sioux City, Iowa 51103
BOXES 3, 6 Camera roll, August 13, 1983
Roll ID: AFC 1986/038: FCP/O-CF-7
Extent: 27 photographs : color transparencies ; 35 mm (slide format)
Additional note: Pencil notes in frame/description area that are difficult to read, not transcribed.
Image(s) Content
1-4 Honey Creek Singers
5 Tia Piah singers
6 host drum
7-9 individuals at Tia Piah singers
10 host drum individual
11-13 a "couples" dance
14 clown with hula hoops
15 clowns
16 judging fancy dancers' regalia
17-19 Paul Brill gives out family tree charts; man in frame 18 is tribal chm Elmer Blackbird; Men's fancy dance wasn't judged until Saturday night, Paul handed out genealogies both nights, Saturday with little fanfare
BOXES 3, 6 Camera roll, August 13, 1983
Roll ID: AFC 1986/038: FCP/O-CF-8
Extent: 27 photographs : color transparencies ; 35 mm (slide format)
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