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Robert S. Gottlieb recordings of North Indian tabla, 1956-1972

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Series 2: Interviews
Item ID: AFC 2000/014: SR13 Miscellaneous interviews, Calcutta
Extent: 1 sound cassette: analog
Side A: Masit Khan playing tabla and reminiscing about his musical background, March 2, 1971
Interview in Hindi.
Side B: Interview with Jnan Ghosh, Keramatullah, and Masit Khan about rhythmic manipulations, February 9, 1971
Interview in Hindi.
FOLDER 1 [Interview synopsis - Jnan Ghosh], February 9, 1971
Extent: 1 folder
FOLDER 2 [Interview transcript - Masit Khan and Keramatullah], March 2, 1971
Extent: 1 folder
Item ID: AFC 2000/014: SR17 Interview with Kishan Maharaj, Benares, April 21, 1971
Five classes of lay, discussion with bols, bols for Tabla Lahara, five lay illustration (tukras), gharana style and terms, five lay repeated.
Extent: 1 sound cassette: analog
FOLDER 3 [Translation of interview - Kishan Maharaj], April 21, 1971
Extent: 1 folder
Item ID: AFC 2000/014: SR14 Interview with Wazid Hussain, Lucknow, April 21, 1971
Gharana genealogy, gat (Abid Hussain), gat features, mixed parhan (tabla), pure tabla, chakradar (Wazid Hus), comp/(Farukhabad model), tukra, peshkar, miscellaneous elaborations.
Extent: 1 sound cassette: analog
FOLDER 4 [Interview transcript - Wazid Hussain], April 21, 1971
Extent: 1 folder
Item ID: AFC 2000/014: SR18 Interview with Habibuddin, Meerut, July 24, 1971
Interviewing Habibuddin who was paralyzed at the time. He could no longer perform and was barely able to speak. When asked about the compositions he performed for the 1956 and 1957 recordings, he responded by fingering the bols on the arm of his disciple Hashmat Ali who was then able to recite them.
Extent: 1 sound cassette: analog
Item ID: AFC 2000/014: SR11 Interview with Inam Ali, Bombay, September 1971
Interview in Hindi.
Extent: 1 sound cassette: analog
Item ID: AFC 2000/014: SR12 Interview with Inam Ali and his disciple Latif Ahmed, Bombay, September 1971
Interview in Hindi. Subjects include: bols of tabla and distinction pertaining to palta and bal.
Extent: 1 sound cassette: analog
FOLDER 5 [Manuscript materials accompanying sound recordings]
Extent: 1 folder

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