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Laurie Beth Kalb Cosmo collection of New Mexico folklife documentation, 1976-1992

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Series 2: Exhibitions
Subseries 1: Santos Statues and Sculpture: Contemporary Woodcarving from New Mexico 1988
BOX-FOLDER 2/1 Santos Statues and Sculpture: Contemporary Woodcarving in New Mexico, catalogue and research materials, 1984-1988 (1/2), 1984-1988
BOX-FOLDER 2/2 Santos Statues and Sculpture: Contemporary Woodcarving in New Mexico, catalogue and research materials, 1984-1988 (2/2), 1988
Extent: 1 color transparency; 2 black and white (4x6) ; 1 black-and-white print (5x7); 10 black-and-white prints
Includes correspondence and photographic prints.
BOX-FOLDER 2/3 Santos, Statues and Sculpture Contemporary woodcarving from New Mexico, CAFAM, LA, 1988, prints, 1988
Extent: 1 black-and-white print
Includes 7 black-and-white photocopied prints and 1 photo print of various artist and their artwork.
BOX-FOLDER 2/4 Correspondence with Santeros community and Ortega, 1991, 1996
Subseries 2: Crafting Devotions: Tradition in Contemporary, New Mexico Santos, 1976-1995
Notes and correspondence
BOX-FOLDER 2/5 Crafting Devotions: Tradition in Contemporary, New Mexico Santos, Eulogio Ortega, 1988
Eulogio Ortega request documentation from the Craft Museum about the loan of his santos.
BOX-FOLDER 2/7 Crafting Devotions: Tradition in Contemporary, New Mexico Santos, Gene Autry Museum (1/4), 1990; 1994
Extent: 2 color prints (4x6)
Includes object list, a layout of the exhibit and object labeling and descriptions.
BOX-FOLDER 2/6 Crafting Devotions: Tradition in Contemporary New Mexico Santos, notes from consultants meeting (2/4), January 27-28, 1992
Handwritten notes taken at the January consultant meeting for Santos show with Charles Briggs, Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Laurie Beth Kalb, Kevin Mulroy and Cynthia Hanisch.
BOX-FOLDER 2/8 Crafting Devotions: Tradition in Contemporary, New Mexico Santos, Gene Autry Museum (3/4), 1994
Extent: 1 color print (5x5)
Correspondence from Mark Lewis pertaining to the layout of the exhibit.
BOX-FOLDER 2/9 Crafting Devotions: Tradition in Contemporary New Mexico Santos, Autry Museum (4/4), 1994-1995
Extent: 2 black-and-white prints; 2 color slides (35 mm)
Contains correspondence with James H. Nottage, Joanne D. Hale, video treatment and press release. Also includes the slide that was used as the cover image for the exhibit.
BOX-FOLDER 2/10 Crafting Devotions: Tradition in Contemporary, New Mexico Santos, captions and prints for illustrations, undated
Extent: 19 color prints (3 1/2 x 5)
Captions for images displayed in the exhibit.
BOX-FOLDER 2/11 Crafting Devotions: Tradition in Contemporary, New Mexico Santos, LA Times Review, December 9, 1994
Newspaper clippings about the exhibit.
Research slides
Notes from original housing: Submitted to editor Dana Asbury, University of New Mexico, for book publication (Autry museum and University of New Mexico Press).
BOX 10 Santo artists and artwork (1/2)
Slide IDs: AFC 2022/001:PH04-01 — PH04-135
Extent: 135 color slides (35 mm)
Notes from original housing: 01: unlabeled item; 02: Wood for drums made at Red Shirt Indian Drum shop, Taso, New Mexico, 03-07: not labeled item; 08: Carving by Felix Lopez 3 figure abstract carving by Felix Lopez. Owned by the artist (1983); 09: unlabeled item; 10: Santos and Modern Sculpture by Feliz Lopez; 11: 1990 Spanish market display of Luis Barela, Jr.; 12-17: unlabeled item; 18: Abstract sculpture by Luis Tapia; 19: unlabeled item; 20: Taos Pueblo, Taos HH; 21: Frank Pinta, Santa Fe; 22: not labeled item; 23: Lion by Billy Rodriguez cont. section Spanish market (1989); 24-25: unlabeled; 26: Coyote, Chimayo, Robert Bal (1988); 27: Luis Tapia, Bird of Russian Olive, Santa Fe.(1984); 28: Modern sculpture by Feliz Lopez; 29: 8 interior of Tapas's studio; 30: Enrique Rendon, Velarde, New Mexico FF; 31-32: unlabeled; 33: Acrylic reproduction of W. Prathern photo by Edward Gonzales; 34: Stone Sculpture by Anglo modernist artist Kit Agri; 35: Enrique Rendon, Velarde, July 29, 1986; 36 -39: unlabeled; 40: Velarde, ER. 'P San Antonio's, 1976, 1986; 41: Velarde ER, hand carved donkey in brought? Cart; 42: St. Bernadette, Section IV, Velarde (1986); 43: Enrique Rendon (wood form Taos pueblo), Velarde, New Mexico; 44: Velarde, New Mexico, ER, San Francisca de arts; 45: Velarde ER, St. Jude? 46: Muerto IV by Enrique Rendon, Velarde; 47: Enrique Rendon, Velarde, New Mexico; 48: Enrique in backyard, Velarde, New Mexico; 49: Velarde, New Mexico, ER, San Martin de.; 50: By Enrique Rendon, carved by S and George Wheeler, Kateri Tekakwither; 51: Velarde E.R., Brown faced Guadalupe; 52: Velarde New Mexico, ER's brown faced Guadalupe; 53: Velarde New Mexico, San Martin; 54: Enrique Rendon retablo? San Francisco recent additions of , Velarde, New Mexico 00147; 55: [wooden statue of Jesus?]; 56: Felipe Archuleta, Tesuque, New Mexico; 57: Enrique Rendon's retablo, Velarde; 58: [2 wooden statues]; 59: Felipe Archuleta, Tesuque, New Mexico; 60: unlabeled; 61: Enrique Rendon, Velarde N.M. 1986, Guadalupe y Juan Diego, 1986; 62: Luis Tapia, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1883-1984, San Miguel, Our Lady of Sorrows, San Pedro Apostol; 63: China section of Moa, New Mexico interior of church, photo by LBK, 1984; 64: [Altar of religious statues]; 65: Velarde, New Mexico, 1sr visit (1984), E.R. Cristo; 66: Velarde, New Mexico, heads for Enrique's santos; 67: Velarde, 1976-1986, E.R. San Antonio's; 68: Velarde, 1976-1986, E.R. San Antonio's; 69: Velarde, muerte, ER; 70: Velarde, muerto, ER; 71: Velarde, muerto, ER; 72: Velarde, New Mexico, donkey made for bought cart; 73: Velarde, New Mexico, donkey made for bought cart; 74: Velarde, ER, 1976, San Antonio; 75: Taos, New Mexico, wood for drums made at Red skirt /Indian drum shop; 76: Velarde, ER, 1976, San Antonio; 77: Velarde, 1986, ER San Antonio; 78: Velarde, E.R. Santa Bernadette; 79: Velarde, E.R., Bows of Santos; 80: Velarde bows for Ers, santos; 81: Owned by Gere Kavanaugh, lamb by Felipe Archuletta; 82: Velarde ER, St. Jude; 83: Orlinda Lopez, Cordova, New Mexico; 84: Eurgencio Lopez, Cordova, New Mexico; 85: Charles Lopez, Cordova, New Mexico Eurgencios, San Miguel; 86: Charles Lopez, Cordova, New Mexico, 1983, San Miguel and the Dragon; 87: Enrique Rendon, Velarde, New Mexico; 88: Velarde, New Mexico, E.E. painting materials; 89: Elvid Levi Martinez, spanish market cont. section; 90: contemporary section, vspanish market, 19i89, Elvid Martinez; 91: Velarde, 1986, E.R. San Antonio; 92: Velarde, New Mexico, side view of Enrique's house including out? Buildings; 93: Verlade, New Mexico, Enrique Rendon; 94: Velarde, New Mexico E.R. Santa Teresa; 95: Velarde, New Mexico, prototype for E.R.'s images; 96: Velarde, New Mexico,v E.r. Santa Teresa; 97: Velarde, v1986, E.R. Santa Teresa; 98: Guadalupe and Juan Diego Potero Trading Post by Enrique Rendon; 99: Santa Teresa, Velarde, New Mexico, E.R.; 100: E.R., San Martin de Porres, Velarde, New Mexico; 101: E.R., Sam Martin de Porres, Velarde, New Mexico; 102: Enrique Rendon, Velarde, New Mexico, summer 1983; 103: Velarde, New Mexico, Backside of St. Francis table; 104: Taos Pueblo; 105: Velarde, New Mexico, E.R. Santa Teresa; 106: unlabeled item; 107: Velarde, New Mexico, Prototype for E.R. image; 108: Prototype for E.R. image; 109: Velarde, New Mexico, Enrique Rendon backyard; 110: Velarde, New Mexico, E.R's painting materials; 111: Enrique Rendon, San Cajetan; 112-118: unlabeled item; 119: Trastero by Luis Tapia pine, tempera; 120: Abstract woodcarvings by Patrocinio Barela ca 1930s WPA, Feliz Lopez ca. 1982, Celso Gallegos, ca 1930s; 121 -135: unlabeled.
BOX 11 Santo artists and artwork (2/2)
Slide IDs: AFC 2022/001:PH04-136 — PH04-255
Extent: 109 color slides (35 mm)
Notes from original housing: 136: Eulogio Ortega, Spanish market '84, San Isidro; 137: unlabeled; 138: Ramon Lopez, Spanish market, 1990; 139 - 140: unlabeled; 141: Feria Artesana, Albuquerque, 1983, Gloria Lopez Cordova in her both; 142: Luis Lujan, 1988, San Pedro Apostol; 143: Santa Lucia, 1988, Nambe by Luisito Lujan; 144: unlabeled; 145: unlabeled; 146: Sculpture by Egri, Taos, New Mexico; 147: Luis Tapia, ca. 1990, Holy Family; 148: Santa Lucia, 1988, Nambe by Luisito Lujan; 149 -255: unlabeled.
Undated photographs
Notes from original housing:Illustrations for Crafting Devotions in Contemporary New Mexico Santos, Autry Museum, 1994.
BOX 3 Images for book (1/3)
Slide IDs: AFC 2022/001: PH04-256 — PH04-346
Extent: 88 color transparency film (4x5)
Notes from original housing: 256: intro p. 3.; 257: intro p. 6; 258: intro p.7; 259: intro p. 10; 260: intro p. 15; 261: intro p. 15; 262: 2.18, 263: Tapia p. 29; 264: Tapia p. 7; 265: Tapia p. 7; 266: Tapia p. 15; 267: Tapia p. 16; 268: Barela p. 1; 269: Barela p. 4; 270: Barela p. 7; 271: Barela p. 16; 272: Barela p. 25; 273: Barela p. 26; 274: Barela p. 26; 275: Barela p. 30; 276: Marco p. 24; 277: Marco p.26; 278: Marco p.27; 279: Marco p. 30; 280: Marco p. 30; 281: Marco p.41; 282: Rendon p.2; 283: Rendon p.2; 284: Rendon p.8; 285: Rendon p.18; 286: Rendon p.30; 287: Rendon p.35; 288: Rendon p.38; 289: Rendon p.39; 290: Rendon p.40; 291: Rendon p.40; 292: Conclusion 293-301: unlabeled; 303 -337: unlabeled; 339 -344: unlabeled.
BOX 3 Images for book (2/3)
Slide ID: AFC 2022/001: PH04-302
Extent: 1 black-and-white transparency film (4x5)
BOX 3 Images for book (3/3)
Slide ID: AFC 2022/001: PH04-338
Extent: 1 color transparency film (2 1/2 x 2 1/2)
BOX 11 Artist, undated
Slide IDs: AFC 2022/001: PH04-345 — PH04-346
Extent: 2 color slides (35 mm)
Victor Goler
Series 3: Academic Works
Papers and theses
BOX-FOLDER 2/12 From market to home: The Domestic environment of a Contemporary Santero, Masters Thesis, 1985
Extent: 7 black-and-white and 2 color prints
BOX-FOLDER 2/13 From market to home: The Domestic environment of a Contemporary Santero, AFS paper printouts, 1985
BOX-FOLDER 2/14 Cultural Conservation Project: From the Coffee shop to the canyon: women's personal experiences and the architectural history, Northeast New Folklife Survey, AFS paper, 1986
BOX-FOLDER 2/15 Santos, Statutes and Sculpture Contemporary Woodcarving from New Mexico: AFS Conference, October 26-30, 1988
Conference held in Cambridge, MA.
BOX-FOLDER 2/16 JAF Review of Hispanic-American material culture, Laurie Beth Kalb, 1989
BOX-FOLDER 2/17 Kalb Review of Community and Continuity: The history, architecture and cultural landscape of La Tierra Amarilla, New Mexico, 1991
BOX-FOLDER 2/18 Crafting Tradition: Spanish colonial santo production by Marco and Patricia Oviedo, AFS Paper, 1992
BOX-FOLDER 2/19 Lecture to Anthropology Faculty Harvard University: Crafting Tradition: Modernism, Primitivism and the Cultural Ownership of Woodcarvings by Taos Artist Patrocinio Barela, 1994
BOX-FOLDER 2/20 Imaging the West Symposium 1995: Interpretive Strategies Among New Mexico Santeros: The "Other" as Image Maker, June 11, 1995
Extent: 29 color slides (35mm) and manuscript materials
Symposium at the Autry Museum of Western Heritage, Los Angeles. Includes paper that was presented, 29 color slides (35 mm), registration form and a brochure.
BOX 11 Various artists and Spanish market, 1990
Slide IDs: AFC 2022/001: PH06-01 — PH06-28
Extent: 28 color slides (35 mm)
Notes from original housing: 01:Santa Fe, Spanish market, 1884. Photo by D. Flynn 1, Thomas Sena?; 02: Leo Salazar and display on his woodcarvings at 1990 Spanish market; 03-04: unlabeled; 05: 5 "abstract;" 06-07: unlabeled; 08: Oviedo; 09 -28: unlabeled
BOX-FOLDER 2/21 Correspondence, Thomas Merlan, 1984-1994
Cosmo seeking permission to use The Merlan's family collection of Patrocinio Barela's materials for her dissertation.
BOX-FOLDER 2/22 Correspondence, Richard Ahlborn, 1988-1989
Correspondence between Richard Ahlborn and Cosmo pertaining to her Smithsonian Fellowship. Also included is Cosmo's report of the fellowship.
BOX-FOLDER 2/23 Correspondence for dissertation, 1991-1992
Review of dissertation by Roger Abrahams, Charles Briggs and Burt Feintuch.
BOX-FOLDER 2/24 TAOS, 1986
Article pertaining to Cosmo and her new position at the museum including congratulatory letters.

Contents List