| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Series 2:
Subseries 1: Santos Statues and Sculpture: Contemporary Woodcarving from New Mexico
Santos Statues and Sculpture: Contemporary Woodcarving in New
Mexico, catalogue and research materials, 1984-1988
(1/2), 1984-1988
Santos Statues and Sculpture: Contemporary Woodcarving in New Mexico, catalogue and research materials, 1984-1988 (2/2), 1988
Extent: 1 color transparency; 2
black and white (4x6) ; 1 black-and-white print (5x7); 10
black-and-white prints |
Includes correspondence and photographic prints. |
Santos, Statues and Sculpture Contemporary woodcarving from New
Mexico, CAFAM, LA, 1988, prints, 1988
Extent: 1 black-and-white
print |
Includes 7 black-and-white photocopied prints and 1 photo print of
various artist and their artwork. |
Correspondence with
Santeros community and Ortega, 1991, 1996
Subseries 2: Crafting Devotions: Tradition in Contemporary, New Mexico Santos, 1976-1995
Notes and
correspondence |
Crafting Devotions: Tradition in
Contemporary, New Mexico Santos, Eulogio Ortega,
Eulogio Ortega request documentation from the Craft Museum about
the loan of his santos. |
Crafting Devotions: Tradition in
Contemporary, New Mexico Santos, Gene Autry Museum
(1/4), 1990;
Extent: 2 color prints
(4x6) |
Includes object list, a layout of the exhibit and object labeling
and descriptions. |
Crafting Devotions: Tradition in
Contemporary New Mexico Santos, notes from
consultants meeting (2/4), January 27-28,
Handwritten notes taken at the January consultant meeting for
Santos show with Charles Briggs, Barbara
Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Laurie Beth Kalb, Kevin Mulroy and
Cynthia Hanisch. |
Crafting Devotions: Tradition in
Contemporary, New Mexico Santos, Gene Autry Museum
(3/4), 1994
Extent: 1 color print
(5x5) |
Correspondence from Mark Lewis pertaining to the layout of the
exhibit. |
Crafting Devotions: Tradition in
Contemporary New Mexico Santos, Autry Museum (4/4),
Extent: 2 black-and-white
prints; 2 color slides (35 mm) |
Contains correspondence with James H. Nottage, Joanne D. Hale,
video treatment and press release. Also includes the slide that
was used as the cover image for the exhibit. |
Crafting Devotions: Tradition in
Contemporary, New Mexico Santos, captions and prints
for illustrations, undated
Extent: 19 color prints (3 1/2
x 5) |
Captions for images displayed in the exhibit. |
Crafting Devotions: Tradition in Contemporary, New Mexico Santos, LA Times Review, December 9, 1994
Newspaper clippings about the exhibit. |
Research slides |
Notes from original housing: Submitted to editor Dana Asbury, University of New Mexico, for book
publication (Autry museum and University of New Mexico Press).
BOX 10 |
Santo artists and
artwork (1/2) |
Slide IDs: AFC 2022/001:PH04-01 — PH04-135 |
Extent: 135 color slides (35
mm) |
Notes from original housing:
01: unlabeled item; 02: Wood for drums made at Red Shirt Indian
Drum shop, Taso, New Mexico, 03-07: not labeled item; 08:
Carving by Felix Lopez 3 figure abstract carving by Felix Lopez.
Owned by the artist (1983); 09: unlabeled item; 10: Santos and Modern Sculpture by Feliz Lopez; 11: 1990 Spanish market display of Luis
Barela, Jr.; 12-17: unlabeled item; 18: Abstract sculpture by Luis Tapia; 19: unlabeled item; 20: Taos
Pueblo, Taos HH; 21: Frank Pinta, Santa Fe; 22: not labeled
item; 23: Lion by Billy Rodriguez cont. section Spanish market
(1989); 24-25: unlabeled; 26: Coyote, Chimayo, Robert Bal
(1988); 27: Luis Tapia, Bird of Russian Olive, Santa Fe.(1984);
28: Modern sculpture by Feliz Lopez; 29: 8 interior of Tapas's
studio; 30: Enrique Rendon, Velarde, New Mexico FF; 31-32:
unlabeled; 33: Acrylic reproduction of W. Prathern photo by
Edward Gonzales; 34: Stone Sculpture by Anglo modernist artist
Kit Agri; 35: Enrique Rendon, Velarde, July 29, 1986; 36 -39:
unlabeled; 40: Velarde, ER. 'P San Antonio's, 1976, 1986; 41:
Velarde ER, hand carved donkey in brought? Cart; 42: St.
Bernadette, Section IV, Velarde (1986); 43: Enrique Rendon (wood
form Taos pueblo), Velarde, New Mexico; 44: Velarde, New Mexico,
ER, San Francisca de arts; 45: Velarde ER, St. Jude? 46: Muerto
IV by Enrique Rendon, Velarde; 47: Enrique Rendon, Velarde, New
Mexico; 48: Enrique in backyard, Velarde, New Mexico; 49:
Velarde, New Mexico, ER, San Martin de.; 50: By Enrique Rendon,
carved by S and George Wheeler, Kateri Tekakwither; 51: Velarde
E.R., Brown faced Guadalupe; 52: Velarde New Mexico, ER's brown
faced Guadalupe; 53: Velarde New Mexico, San Martin; 54: Enrique
Rendon retablo? San Francisco recent additions of , Velarde, New
Mexico 00147; 55: [wooden statue of Jesus?]; 56: Felipe
Archuleta, Tesuque, New Mexico; 57: Enrique Rendon's retablo,
Velarde; 58: [2 wooden statues]; 59: Felipe Archuleta, Tesuque,
New Mexico; 60: unlabeled; 61: Enrique Rendon, Velarde N.M.
1986, Guadalupe y Juan Diego, 1986; 62: Luis Tapia, Santa Fe,
New Mexico, 1883-1984, San Miguel, Our Lady of Sorrows, San
Pedro Apostol; 63: China section of Moa, New Mexico interior of
church, photo by LBK, 1984; 64: [Altar of religious statues];
65: Velarde, New Mexico, 1sr visit (1984), E.R. Cristo; 66:
Velarde, New Mexico, heads for Enrique's santos; 67: Velarde,
1976-1986, E.R. San Antonio's; 68: Velarde, 1976-1986, E.R. San
Antonio's; 69: Velarde, muerte, ER; 70: Velarde, muerto, ER; 71:
Velarde, muerto, ER; 72: Velarde, New Mexico, donkey made for
bought cart; 73: Velarde, New Mexico, donkey made for bought
cart; 74: Velarde, ER, 1976, San Antonio; 75: Taos, New Mexico,
wood for drums made at Red skirt /Indian drum shop; 76: Velarde,
ER, 1976, San Antonio; 77: Velarde, 1986, ER San Antonio; 78:
Velarde, E.R. Santa Bernadette; 79: Velarde, E.R., Bows of
Santos; 80: Velarde bows for Ers, santos; 81: Owned by Gere
Kavanaugh, lamb by Felipe Archuletta; 82: Velarde ER, St. Jude;
83: Orlinda Lopez, Cordova, New Mexico; 84: Eurgencio Lopez,
Cordova, New Mexico; 85: Charles Lopez, Cordova, New Mexico
Eurgencios, San Miguel; 86: Charles Lopez, Cordova, New Mexico,
1983, San Miguel and the Dragon; 87: Enrique Rendon, Velarde,
New Mexico; 88: Velarde, New Mexico, E.E. painting materials;
89: Elvid Levi Martinez, spanish market cont. section; 90:
contemporary section, vspanish market, 19i89, Elvid Martinez;
91: Velarde, 1986, E.R. San Antonio; 92: Velarde, New Mexico,
side view of Enrique's house including out? Buildings; 93:
Verlade, New Mexico, Enrique Rendon; 94: Velarde, New Mexico
E.R. Santa Teresa; 95: Velarde, New Mexico, prototype for E.R.'s
images; 96: Velarde, New Mexico,v E.r. Santa Teresa; 97:
Velarde, v1986, E.R. Santa Teresa; 98: Guadalupe and Juan Diego
Potero Trading Post by Enrique Rendon; 99: Santa Teresa,
Velarde, New Mexico, E.R.; 100: E.R., San Martin de Porres,
Velarde, New Mexico; 101: E.R., Sam Martin de Porres, Velarde,
New Mexico; 102: Enrique Rendon, Velarde, New Mexico, summer
1983; 103: Velarde, New Mexico, Backside of St. Francis table;
104: Taos Pueblo; 105: Velarde, New Mexico, E.R. Santa Teresa;
106: unlabeled item; 107: Velarde, New Mexico, Prototype for
E.R. image; 108: Prototype for E.R. image; 109: Velarde, New
Mexico, Enrique Rendon backyard; 110: Velarde, New Mexico, E.R's
painting materials; 111: Enrique Rendon, San Cajetan; 112-118:
unlabeled item; 119: Trastero by Luis Tapia pine, tempera; 120: Abstract woodcarvings by Patrocinio Barela ca 1930s WPA, Feliz
Lopez ca. 1982, Celso Gallegos, ca 1930s; 121 -135:
unlabeled. |
BOX 11 |
Santo artists and
artwork (2/2) |
Slide IDs: AFC 2022/001:PH04-136 — PH04-255 |
Extent: 109 color slides (35
mm) |
Notes from original housing:
136: Eulogio Ortega, Spanish market '84, San Isidro; 137:
unlabeled; 138: Ramon Lopez, Spanish market, 1990; 139 - 140:
unlabeled; 141: Feria Artesana, Albuquerque, 1983, Gloria Lopez
Cordova in her both; 142: Luis Lujan, 1988, San Pedro Apostol;
143: Santa Lucia, 1988, Nambe by Luisito Lujan; 144: unlabeled;
145: unlabeled; 146: Sculpture by Egri, Taos, New Mexico; 147:
Luis Tapia, ca. 1990, Holy Family; 148: Santa Lucia, 1988, Nambe
by Luisito Lujan; 149 -255: unlabeled. |
photographs |
Notes from original housing:Illustrations for Crafting Devotions in Contemporary New Mexico
Santos, Autry Museum, 1994. |
BOX 3 |
Images for book
(1/3) |
Slide IDs: AFC 2022/001: PH04-256 — PH04-346 |
Extent: 88 color transparency
film (4x5) |
Notes from original housing:
256: intro p. 3.; 257: intro p. 6; 258: intro p.7; 259: intro p.
10; 260: intro p. 15; 261: intro p. 15; 262: 2.18, 263: Tapia p.
29; 264: Tapia p. 7; 265: Tapia p. 7; 266: Tapia p. 15; 267:
Tapia p. 16; 268: Barela p. 1; 269: Barela p. 4; 270: Barela p.
7; 271: Barela p. 16; 272: Barela p. 25; 273: Barela p. 26; 274:
Barela p. 26; 275: Barela p. 30; 276: Marco p. 24; 277: Marco
p.26; 278: Marco p.27; 279: Marco p. 30; 280: Marco p. 30; 281:
Marco p.41; 282: Rendon p.2; 283: Rendon p.2; 284: Rendon p.8;
285: Rendon p.18; 286: Rendon p.30; 287: Rendon p.35; 288:
Rendon p.38; 289: Rendon p.39; 290: Rendon p.40; 291: Rendon
p.40; 292: Conclusion 293-301: unlabeled; 303 -337: unlabeled;
339 -344: unlabeled. |
BOX 3 |
Images for book
(2/3) |
Slide ID: AFC 2022/001: PH04-302 |
Extent: 1 black-and-white
transparency film (4x5) |
BOX 3 |
Images for book
(3/3) |
Slide ID: AFC 2022/001: PH04-338 |
Extent: 1 color transparency
film (2 1/2 x 2 1/2) |
BOX 11 |
Slide IDs: AFC 2022/001: PH04-345 — PH04-346 |
Extent: 2 color slides (35
mm) |
Victor Goler |
Series 3: Academic
Papers and
theses |
From market to home: The Domestic environment of a Contemporary Santero, Masters Thesis, 1985
Extent: 7 black-and-white and 2
color prints |
From market to home: The Domestic environment of a Contemporary Santero, AFS paper printouts, 1985
Cultural Conservation Project: From the Coffee shop to the canyon: women's personal experiences and the architectural history, Northeast New Folklife Survey, AFS paper, 1986
Santos, Statutes and Sculpture Contemporary Woodcarving from New Mexico: AFS Conference, October 26-30,
Conference held in Cambridge, MA. |
JAF Review of
Hispanic-American material culture, Laurie Beth Kalb, 1989
Kalb Review of Community and Continuity: The history, architecture and cultural landscape of La Tierra Amarilla, New Mexico, 1991
Crafting Tradition: Spanish colonial santo production by Marco and Patricia Oviedo, AFS Paper, 1992
Lecture to
Anthropology Faculty Harvard University: Crafting Tradition: Modernism, Primitivism and the Cultural Ownership of Woodcarvings by Taos Artist Patrocinio Barela,
Imaging the West Symposium 1995: Interpretive Strategies Among New Mexico Santeros: The "Other" as Image Maker, June 11,
Extent: 29 color slides
(35mm) and manuscript materials |
Symposium at the Autry Museum of Western Heritage, Los Angeles.
Includes paper that was presented, 29 color slides (35 mm),
registration form and a brochure. |
BOX 11 |
Various artists and
Spanish market, 1990
Slide IDs: AFC 2022/001: PH06-01 — PH06-28 |
Extent: 28 color slides (35 mm)
Notes from original housing:
01:Santa Fe, Spanish market, 1884. Photo by D. Flynn 1, Thomas Sena?;
02: Leo Salazar and display on his woodcarvings at 1990 Spanish
market; 03-04: unlabeled; 05: 5 "abstract;" 06-07: unlabeled; 08:
Oviedo; 09 -28: unlabeled |
Correspondence |
Thomas Merlan, 1984-1994
Cosmo seeking permission to use The Merlan's family
collection of Patrocinio Barela's materials for her
dissertation. |
Richard Ahlborn, 1988-1989
Correspondence between Richard Ahlborn and Cosmo pertaining to her
Smithsonian Fellowship. Also included is Cosmo's report of the
fellowship. |
Correspondence for
dissertation, 1991-1992
Review of dissertation by Roger Abrahams, Charles Briggs and Burt
Feintuch. |
Taos |
TAOS, 1986
Article pertaining to Cosmo and her new position at the museum
including congratulatory letters. |