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Duncan Emrich autograph album collection, 1843-1956

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ITEM 12 Album pages, 1843
One set of 9 unattached 6 x 7.5-in. album pages containing poetry and printed pictures. Anonymous donation. Two circular cutouts of illustrations are among the pages. These pages appear to be from the same album. One poem is addressed to "Sarah." The earliest inscription is marked "Norwich, Oct. 2nd, 1843." No other locations are given. Inscriptions in English.
ITEM 13 Deatherage, Dora, 1880
A 5.5 x 3-in. dark red album embossed with silver, belonging to Dora Deatherage. Inscription in the front dated October 9, 1880, reads, "Presented to Miss Dora Deatherage by Cecil L. Rogers, Waverly, Illinois." Some later entries are addressed to "Mrs. Rogers." The donor is unknown but may have been the owner or a relative. The postmarked envelope, with a return address in Springfield, Illinois, was included with the album, which Dr. Emrich marked "no name." Inscriptions in English.
ITEM 14 Theis, Ethel Anna, 1868
A 7 x 4-in. brown, cloth-bound "Scenery Album" with silver embossed cover donated by Ethel Anna Theis of Minier, Illinois. Inscription inside front cover reads, "This album belonged to my mother, Anna Aretta Lee Robertson (Theis). Aug. 8, 1868; April 30, 1942. Ethel Anna Theis, Minier, Illinois." Earliest inscription dated June 27, 1881. Inscriptions in English.
ITEM 15 Danforth, Nettie Browning, 1882
A 7 x 8.25-in. dark red album embossed with gold and silver, belonging to Nettie Browning Danforth of Charleston, Missouri. Dated August 29, 1882. Notations of births and deaths of Danforth relatives noted inside front cover. Notes by signatures indicate relationship to the owner, dates of death, and comments about the person: "Lived to over 100 years old. Brilliant to the end," and so on. Includes a few drawings, one photograph. Two pages pasted together conceal texts on both. Donated by Grace D. Danforth of Charleston, Missouri, in 1955. Inscriptions primarily in English, with one inscription in Greek.
ITEM 16 Harper, Samuel A., 1883
A 3.75 x 2.5-in. dark red album with a raised and embossed cover in gold and pink showing a vase of flowers, belonging to Samuel A. Harper of Merrit Island, Florida, inscribed "Sammie Harper, Bronson, Mich." Earliest inscription dated December 26, 1883. Donated by Mr. Harper in 1955. Inscriptions in English.
ITEM 17 Epstein, Clara, 1893
A 6.5 x 4.5-in. album originally belonging to Miss Clara Epstein from Aurora, Indiana, dated October 16, 1893, donated by H. Speier. Brown leather cover in poor condition. Inscriptions in English.
ITEM 18 Smith, Anne M. S., 1901
A 7.5 x 9-in. blue, cloth-bound album embossed with gold, with mauve and green flower design. Titled "Forget-Me-Not: A Floral Album." Several inscription locations indicate they were collected in Northern Germany. One page near the center of the album is glued over another. Examination on a light table shows a slightly risque verse beneath. Earliest inscription, July 13, 1901. Donated by the original owner, Anne M. S. Smith of New York, New York. Inscriptions in English and German.
ITEM 19 Brett, Marie Helen, 1909
A 6.5 x 4.25-in. album with brown velvet binding and plastic lithographed cover, dated February 22, 1909. "Marie Helen Brett" is written on the back page; perhaps the name of the owner. The inscriptions are also addressed to "May" or "Mae." Donated by James Reilly, dated 1909. Inscriptions in English.
ITEM 20 Dubois, Paula S. (Mrs. George W.), 1923
A 3.75 x 5.5-in. booklet-style greeting card from Paula S. (Mrs. George W.) Dubois of Highmount, New York. She notes it was given to her in 1923. Inscriptions in English.

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